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Chapter 382 The Humid Monarch’s Colorful Spore Soup

 The bright red mycelium floats over the mountain forest like a charming mist. [.\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\nCOM official website]

In the center of the colorful tall mushroom forest, a simple wooden house stands.

A wisp of smoke rises slowly, bringing with it the restless smell of burning vegetation.

The hot soup in the pot is gurgling with colorful colors...

"I haven't made soup for a long time. I hope my skills have not alienated me."

"When there are no guests, I often just bake some dry food for chewing."

With some indescribable strange rhythm, Salvaldo slowly stirred the soup in the large pot with a kitchen utensil that seemed to be made of a type of fungus stalk.

Yi Xia nodded after hearing this.

At this moment, he was sitting on a natural sofa farther away in a normal human form.

Not so much a "sofa" or a seat.

Yi Xia prefers to call this guy: a fungus life that is not very lucky because of its shape and texture...

It trembled and maintained stability under Yi Xia's butt, but did not dare to exude too much fear.

So much so that Yi Xia felt that it was somewhat embarrassing for the other party.

But compared to those beings in the pot, this situation seems to be nothing.

Druids are considered by many to be strictly vegetarians.

This is actually quite biased.

As far as Yi Xia knows, not all druids only eat vegetarian food.

Based on Yi Xia's superficial understanding of nature, he felt that the cycle of nature includes the interaction between hunting and being hunted.

Hunting for food is not contrary to nature itself.

Of course, Yi Xia never bothered too much about this.

The Druids have spawned many factions for this purpose, and there has never been any absolute "natural truth" until now.

This seems normal to Yi Xia.

If there really is such a macroscopic realm, there is a single and unbranched path. That is a rare situation in the multiverse.

Yi Xia was thinking while looking at the furnishings in the room curiously.

Originally, according to his original idea, he would directly go to Salvaldo to make some purchases and then leave.

However, after he and Salvaldo chatted briefly for a while, Salvaldo's attitude suddenly changed from the original vigilance and scrutiny to enthusiasm.

He kindly invited Yi Xia to taste the mushroom soup he made.

Yi Xia thought for a while, then sniffed some of the remaining scent on the other person's body, and then agreed.

Judging from the first sensory aspect, Salvaldo does not seem to have a unique or even bad taste.

Yi Xia could smell a lot of delicious smells from his body.

And Yi Xia is indeed quite curious about the Arch Druid's humus garden.

Therefore, Yi Xia did not refuse too much.

Yi Xia doesn't always refuse invitations to dinner...



Salvaldo's hut has obviously been expanded in space. Its interior is spacious enough and can even be said to be empty.

Although Salvaldo said that he lived alone.

But how could a great druid be alone in his own garden?

In Salvaldo's hut, there are also many fungi and other gadgets active.

Of course, now, due to Yi Xia's arrival, they have all hid on the other side of the wooden house.

Although Yi Xia has many natural blessings such as Friends of the World Tree.

But compared to his own violent aura of destruction and killing, it undoubtedly seemed too small.

Yi Xia's current state has been improved through relevant skills.

Otherwise, the area around the Salvador cabin should be completely transformed into a realm of deathly silence.

Yi Xia's eyes flickered with blazing flames, passing over the strange-shaped furniture in the wooden house.

These furniture are often made of fungi and other natural creations.

Compared with those small things that can move flexibly, they can only face Yi Xia's gaze less calmly.

Fortunately, soon, a strange fragrance that gradually became stronger made them temporarily escape Yi Xia's attention.

Salvaldo's soup seems to be a little overcooked.

Those colorful mushrooms appear in another form in the hot soup.

Unlike many fungi in the material world, their original bright colors will gradually fade after being cooked at high temperatures.

In this simple cauldron made of unknown materials, they still retain their original form.

It is different from the turbidity that Yi Xia's witch soup usually has in the end.

Under Savardo's stirring, the soup in the cauldron gradually became better.

In the end, it shows a colorful and blurred color in a clear-cut form.

Every colorful bubble, every charming sinking...

This is the ultimate delicacy for a corrupt world...

"It's a pity that it still lacks a unique flavor..."

Savardo sniffed it lightly, and then said with regret.


Yi Xia took a look and realized that in the material world, this might be regarded as a highly toxic soup, but she thought it was pretty good.

In other fields, it is difficult for Yi Xia to make an authoritative assessment.

But when it comes to food, Yi Xia feels that she still has some experience.

Of course, these experiences of his cannot be applied to such a wide range of groups...

Facing Yi Xia's doubts, Salvaldo continued:

"A long time ago, I found a strange spore from the depths of an exotic underground forest."

"Later, I made some slight modifications to it."

"It's the most delicious fungus I've ever eaten."

"It's a pity that its wild nature is...a little strong - in order to prevent it from spilling out and causing some unnecessary trouble."

"Under the advice of the Archdruids, I had no choice but to get rid of them all."

Salvaldo said with regret.

"Caution about uncontrollable factors is necessary."

Xia Wu, who had mastered several world-destroying skills during his extraordinary period, said this quite pertinently.

Then, the two began to enjoy the delicious mushroom soup.

Countless spores exuding danger and beauty moisten the throat along with the colorful soup.

An indescribable taste filled the mouth.

That is the praise of countless spores, that is the chorus of hundreds of millions of spores!

Yi Xia narrowed her eyes in contentment.

It’s quite a good exotic delicacy…

Of course, it’s not very suitable to take it back and share it.

If you drink too much, you may have some symptoms of "acclimatization".

Just like Yi Xia would show enough kindness to the being who drank the witch soup.

After witnessing Yi Xia drinking almost half the pot of mushroom soup in one go, Savardo's eyes became gentler.

Speaking of which, he doesn't have many hobbies, and drinking mushroom soup is one of them.

And those who are willing and able to share his masterpieces in this area can certainly gain his deepest friendship.

If you like to drink mushroom soup, what bad intentions can you have?

Sure enough, World Tree's vision is always far-sighted...

It was at this time that Salvaldo asked Yi Xia why he thought of getting space-time spores.

"You can't make soup with those little things, the taste will be a bit bad..."

Salvaldo said quite seriously.

"No, I use it to make fish cages."

Yi Xia shook his head and said.

"Fish cage?"

After hearing this, Salvador looked at Yi Xia thoughtfully...

This chapter has been completed!
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