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Chapter 410 Your and my names should be on the holy book

 Chapter 1331 Your and my names should be written on the holy book (two updates!)

The fertile land of the chaotic void welcomes its only ruler...

The fall of the dark world seems to have become the unique scenery of this chaotic realm at this moment.

Of course, compared to before, there are no longer so many eyes here.

And all the dark existences that have been trapped here by the crazy falling world.

No matter how powerful or prominent it was.

In the corresponding dark realm, they are all labeled with the same gray and white labels corresponding to destruction.

In other words, this label is more dangerous than pure destruction.

Because if any of them can really come back from somewhere, then it will definitely not be good news...

And when Yi Xia returned to the land of fertility, he found that the abnormal information received at the epidemic level had undoubtedly slowed down a lot compared to before.

This may be the reason why he has unquestionably set the red line of rules for many dark worlds.

Or maybe:

Those related dark worlds that are really smart and have sufficient information channels have already completed "basic epidemic prevention" among the earliest batches.

In other aspects, Yi Xia may not be able to fully utilize the relevant values ​​​​corresponding to intelligence in his panel attributes.

But Yi Xia knew nothing about these existences in the dark realm.

He does not necessarily need to find an absolute solution to the problem.

And with the infinite number of dark worlds, engage in a protracted war of preparedness, offense and defense between the pandemic and the "dark vaccine"?

In Yi Xia's opinion, that was not a very wise approach.

Solve the problem itself?

No, just deal with people who can solve the problem...

In this way, even a small part of the dark world has found a way to deal with the pandemic more appropriately.

In this way, they will also be frightened by Yi Xia's terror and regard it as a secret related to life and death.

Because Yi Xia never makes verbal actions such as protests or warnings.

Rather, it was the most complete destruction without any warning or announcement.

The charm of having great power within oneself is that his will can be put into practice from strength without any stagnation...

Perhaps, there will indeed be a very small number, which retain the unruly dark world corresponding to the endless possibilities of the original chaos.

For these, Yixia will liquidate them depending on the situation.

Now, the success of the Fertile Land Project has made Yi Xia's materials less indispensable to a certain extent.

Correspondingly, it also allows Yi Xia to spare more time than before to solve problems at other levels.

Is this a forced change from a "hunting civilization" to a "nomadic civilization" in a sense?

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, staring at the dark world that seemed to him to be falling like a meteor shower.

After experiencing the witch soup brewed by these twisted creations of the dark world.

Yi Xia began to like this scenery to a certain extent.

Perhaps an inappropriate example:

Just like seeing the old farmer whose wheat waves fluctuate with the breeze?

Yi Xia stretched her waist comfortably.

Then, he decided to get some other ingredients and make a good pot of soup.

Yi Xia was planning to come to the house to ask the Druid of the Humidity about the practical details of the epidemic.

Naturally, the Great Druid of Humidity may not necessarily have mastered the power of disease as powerful as Fei.

But as someone with a correspondingly long and extraordinary heritage and context.

In terms of application practice in some related fields, the other party undoubtedly has a deeper foundation.

Yi Xia is not prepared to engage in an arms race with those dark worlds.

But at present, as an important channel to connect him with the current Wu Tang materials, the expansion of the epidemic spores and the further improvement of the rules are also very necessary things in Yi Xia's view.

Yi Xia thought about this for a while.

Subsequently, he opened the Zongwang Player Multiverse Trading Center.

Yi Xia was not ready to go hunting directly.

For him now, only the wild level was worth his own trip.

But if you go to those realms, you usually can't come back for a while.

Therefore, Yi Xia plans to purchase it directly from the Multiverse Trading Center of Zongwang Players.

The Druid of Humidity treated him to a delicious colorful mushroom soup before and gave him a lot of mushroom spores.

Although Yi Xia was very regretful that she could not share her greatest soup masterpiece - Wu Tang with him.

But boiling a pot of relatively ordinary soup as a return gift was also very necessary in Yi Xia's opinion.

In this way, Yi Xia purchased a batch of rare flesh and blood materials directly from a merchant who had traded large quantities of flesh and blood materials before.

These are the specifications used to entertain many seniors before.

It's not like Yi Xia was fooling the Druid of Humidity with soup made from ordinary ingredients.

After ordering this batch of flesh and blood materials, Yi Xia did not directly close the player multiverse transaction on the comprehensive network.

In addition to purchasing the flesh and blood materials used to brew the humic Arch Druid soup, Yi Xia is also planning to get some help in this regard.

In the extraordinary civilizations of the Eastern lineage, there has always been a saying of "specialization in the arts."

It is different from those other civilized gods who claim to be "all-knowing and all-powerful".

The extraordinary and powerful beings of the Eastern lineage still have their own emphasis at the same level.

Yi Xia had no intention of completely perfecting the relevant rule settings for Plague Spores just through his own thinking.

This is not his main development direction.

Moreover, considering the many complex changes in the multiverse.

To truly perfect such a rule system, it will inevitably take enough energy and time.

Therefore, after roughly setting the basic framework, Yi Xia made plans for it.

Zongwang Player Multiverse Trading Center is not just used for trading physical resources.

Information, planning, etc. are also included.

Of course, relative, they all need to reach a certain threshold.

After all, the Multiverse Trading Center for Multiverse Players is not a "Multiverse Miscellaneous Affairs Processor".

Those transactions that are too basic are generally conducted in corresponding offline trading centers in various time and space.

Of course, considering the immensity of the multiverse, some plane systems will also have large-scale offline trading venues.

Yi Xia had come into contact with some before.

However, he naturally does not intend to obtain resources in this area through offline channels.

As Yi Xia thought, the next moment, countless corresponding merchants were refreshed in his retina.

Yi Xia looked at it briefly.

Then, he found a related merchant that was outstanding enough in terms of transaction volume and average task level.

Yi Xia directly sent her needs to the other party.

In this regard, the comprehensive network has corresponding and sufficiently strict protection measures.

Yi Xia is not worried about the leakage of specific implementation rules for the pandemic.

What's more, even if it's leaked.

Just like what Yi Xia did before, he never needed to capture the entire dark world so absolutely...

And with Yi Xia's operations, somewhere in the distant time and space of the multiverse

Some people sensed the confidential information passed through their minds and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Is there a big order?"

"It's quite big, but it depends on the boss whether you dare to take it..."

"...How risky is it?"

"It's hard to say, but it has been leaked anyway. We should be able to pass through all the good gods and kingdoms unconditionally in the future..."

"Hiss...it can't be that guy...don't say anything, I know the confidentiality rules."

a long time:

"It's done! Maybe in the future, there will be a section belonging to me at the beginning of my hometown's holy book..."


This chapter has been completed!
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