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Chapter 502 The endless torrent of spells and the endless mountains and seas of Xia Wu! (Two

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and she looked at the relevant prompt information refreshed on her retina.

Then, with a thought, he took out another artifact component.

In this way, under Yi Xia's will, these two artifact components were combined.

That is naturally not a fit at the material level, but a cohesion at the conceptual level.

They were born from the same concept.

The circumstances of the shattering of multiverse artifacts vary.

For example, the artifact component that Yi Xia obtained before was completely broken from the material level.

Strictly speaking, besides gathering all the components, there are actually other ways to operate.

For example, through some powerful limiting rituals, the power of the artifact is forcibly gathered into a certain component.

Of course, that's not that easy.

Perhaps in comparison, it is slightly less difficult to get all the components together.

The multiverse artifact that Yi Xia obtained at this time was separated from the conceptual level.

Judging from the relevant information transmitted by the comprehensive network, it is not difficult for Yi Xia to know what happened to it.

It’s nothing more than having a young boy with outstanding achievements...

While Yi Xia was thinking like this, the integration of the two artifact components had come to an end.

During the fusion of concepts, the powerful magic aura released subsequently undoubtedly attracted some attention outside of the physical universe.

In comparison, the sudden withdrawal of attention this time was much less.

After all, Yi Xia had not yet assembled the multiverse components before.

Now, it has been completely put together and integrated.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a kind of empty ceremony...

The next moment, relevant prompt information flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Network reminder: Based on your cruel reputation in the multiverse, your combination of multiverse artifacts has not caused any relevant challenges."

"Tips from the Comprehensive Network: Information related to Endless Mana Torrent and its components have been included in the recommended sequence of high-risk taboo challenges on the Comprehensive Network..."

"Important reminder from Zongwang: The combination is successful! You have obtained the multiverse artifact: Endless Mana Torrent!"

"Reminder from the Internet: Through your own strength and wisdom, you have obtained the complete recognition of the multiverse artifact: the endless mana torrent, and the artifact adaptively transformed into: the endless spell torrent - Xia Wu's endless mountains and seas..."


The only one - Endless Spell Torrent - Xia Wu's Endless Mountains and Seas:

Item Type: Accessories/Wonderful Items

Item Quality: Multiverse Concept Artifact

Item level: Level 25 (Network warning: non-legendary units have a high probability of being contaminated and assimilated by related concepts after coming into contact with multiverse concept artifacts!)

Item durability: concept eternity/concept binding (you must defeat and destroy the current binder of the artifact before you can access the related concepts of the artifact)

Current owner: Yi Xia

Artifact binding unit: Yi Xia

The only way to obtain it: You must completely destroy the current binder of the artifact to obtain the multiverse artifact.

Current reserve energy: 0

Item properties:

Unique - Endless Mana Torrent:

The endless torrent feature is retained, while the component effects are activated, and a new description is added:

All spells, spell-likes, bloodlines, star spirits, divine spells and other abilities related to spell concepts of the person bound to the artifact can trigger the endless torrent feature, and at the same time, the spell casting cost will be greatly reduced.

When the person bound to the artifact casts a spell that needs to be affected by the surrounding environment sequence, the spell casting cost will be reduced by the current maximum cost based on the energy cycle of the surrounding environment.

When the person bound to the artifact casts a spell that can only be released with its own unique energy, the casting cost will be 60% (limited to legendary forbidden abilities, special protoss abilities, limited to legendary combat skills, etc.)/80% (legendary spells, legendary combat skills, etc.)

etc.)/99% (non-legendary spells, combat skills, etc.) reduction.

At the same time, whenever the person bound to the artifact consumes 1% of the maximum related energy value through a single casting or a cumulative consumption, the character will receive an immediate recovery of 10% of the maximum related energy value.

The recovery that exceeds the maximum energy value of the person bound to the artifact will be permanently stored in the artifact.

The only one - dazzling all things:

The supreme magical characteristics are retained, and the component effects are activated at the same time. New description:

All spells, spell-like, blood, star spirits, divine spells and other abilities related to spell concepts of the person bound to the artifact can trigger the supreme super-magical characteristics.

At the same time, whenever the person bound to the artifact releases an enhanced spell, a cost-free, non-enhanced version of a random spell will be automatically released at the same time (need to be added to the character-limited spell book).

The non-enhanced version of the random spell that is triggered also has a certain probability (based on the accumulated points of the enhanced spell released by the character in this battle, the more accumulated points, the higher the probability) to trigger another random spell release.

The person who binds the artifact can consume 50% of the current maximum relevant energy value to direct all random spells triggered next (the maximum number of spells that can be specified is the caster level of the artifact binder * 1).

This pointing effect will end until the battle ends, or the person who binds the artifact chooses to end it.

Please note: For continuous casting, the number of castings will be calculated every fixed time (based on the relevant casting interval of the artifact binder).

3. The only one - the supreme roar of magic:

The person who binds the artifact can consume all the current limited energy, store energy, strengthen points, and strengthen the multiverse artifact concept for the spells released next!

Enhanced non-legendary spells will automatically be replaced with the relevant legendary versions.

Legendary spells or corresponding spell abilities will receive pure enhancement based on consumption factors, while related damage and spell effects will be changed to conceptual impact.

ps: The pearl has been condensed again, thank you, stranger... I hope you will not repeat Heinxili's mistakes... - Heinxili's civilized tombkeeper - Heinxili's legacy - Hilde

ps: I can’t even imagine how cool it would be to shoot the ultimate version of fireball with this thing!——Billions of Fireball Ultimate Cult Members-Advanced Legendary Evocation Spell-Legendary Flame Master-Adruther

ps: When I see the update of this artifact, I will announce: the arrival of another powerful spellcaster from the multiverse! Wait... hmm? Summer Witch?! - Legendary Spellcaster-Advanced Ancient Qi Practitioner-Yu


ps: I always thought that artifacts were angel investments. Now that I have read more of the artifact section of Zongwang, I finally understand: this thing has always been a combination of powerful forces... - Zongwang hot review 9999+




Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire as she looked at the multiverse artifact condensed in front of her.

Under Yi Xia's will, it finally condensed into a bright and beautiful crown.

Finally, on the knuckle next to the crown of the Chaos Lord that exuded endless distortion and chaos, it obtained its promised position...

This chapter has been completed!
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