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Chapter 625: Brewing witch medicine and Herisio’s thoughts (first update!

With Yi Xia's promise, the half-dragon named Lakshadson built his own greenhouse in the ruins of the dark world somewhere in the Land of Plenty.

Yes, this half-dragon hybrid is also a druid.

The difference is:

The revelation it has gained from the way of nature is undoubtedly different from that of most druids in the multiverse...

There is no doubt that the other party has some ambitions in trying to join Yi Xia's team.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't actually pay too much attention to this.

Just like what he and this half-dragon said.

It is not a subordinate relationship with Yi Xia, but an employment relationship.

Loyalty or not is a completely irrelevant factor in Yi Xia's opinion.

In essence, there is no difference from those high-level mages recruited by Yi Xia to conduct research on Wu Tang's void matter.

Yi Xia is somewhat interested in the natural way of this half-dragon druid.

He felt that if the other party could cultivate a creation that could survive in such an extreme environment as the Chaotic Void and even be able to continuously iterate naturally, it would be a valuable thing.

Although, it is not necessarily the economic value...

In this way, Yi Xia's mind moved.

The next moment, in this chaotic realm, the magnificent Wuding came out in response.

Afterwards, the materials that were piled up after being simply processed through ten different types of plants with different shapes were poured directly into the Wuding Cauldron by Yi Xia.

By drawing on the power of the ancient gods, these were able to flourish and reach materials that transcended the boundaries of their original lives.

It can also be regarded as a panacea in a broad sense, and can be used to brew witch soup for specific characteristics.

Their medicinal properties were actually quite different before this.

Therefore, from this point of view, they originally had to carry out screening in this regard.

Just like when Yi Xia was in the wilderness, he collected elixirs from various mountains to make witch soup, and he also simply classified the elixirs based on their properties.

But the medicinal properties of these exotic plants are not like this.

It is precisely because they have absorbed a huge amount of ancient god power.

As a result, their medicinal properties have also been permanently altered.

In Yi Xia's view, these alien plants at this moment no matter what category they belonged to before.

When the power of the ancient gods soaked into their cores, they already tended to fall into the same category.

It can be regarded as a creation derived from the same limited environment.

Based on the strength and characteristics of the ancient god, Yi Xia felt that it should have miraculous effects in replenishing blood and nourishing Qi.

Of course, ordinary beings may not be able to withstand the overpowering medicinal properties.

Thinking about it this way, being boiled into witch soup can be regarded as their proper destiny...

So, Yi Xia rummaged through her backpack.

Because of the successive camp changes in the wilderness, he now has a lot of elixirs in stock.

Now is the time to come in handy...

The next moment, as Yi Xia's will fluctuated, a mountain of various elixirs were poured into it.

Because of his previous experience, Yi Xia carried out basic classification and screening of these elixirs when conducting transactions in the camp store.

Although this will slightly increase the comprehensive network's service expenditure in this area, it can significantly reduce Yi Xia's time for processing elixirs.

Just like now, he only needs to take out the elixir that matches this type of medicine and use it alone.

As for its specific material feedback level, is it necessarily so consistent?

As in the preface:

The matter of witch medicine has little to do with this.

If Xia Wu approves it...



Chaos Void/Land of Fertility

When the void surging with endless chaos is rendered with a layer of charming brilliance by the blazing brilliance.

The high-level mages knew that their Chaos Lord was going to carry out the forbidden refining again.

By now, these high-level mages, who have no shortage of information channels, already know enough about the relevant deeds and characteristics of their own Chaos Lord.

Those who are too dull will not be recommended to the academy, even if they have outstanding talents in magic research.

Therefore, everyone naturally knows what happens every time such a scene occurs.

When some high-level mages saw the fiery reaction outside the research institute, they immediately and vigilantly suspended the relevant limited experiments and kept the relevant experimental data.

They had paid tuition before - even if the Chaos Curtain could isolate most of the influence of the Chaos Void from the outside world.

However, accompanied by the strong high-energy chaotic reaction, there will still be a certain probability of ignoring the chaotic curtain and contaminating or destroying data with demanding accuracy requirements.

At this moment, Herisio was preparing to go to the storage warehouse on the other side to collect some samples.

In this situation, it is still inconvenient for him to use his spatial skills.

Due to the rare surplus of research funds currently.

Some high-level mages have even suggested establishing direct point-to-point transmission channels between various laboratories and warehouses.

As the person in charge currently appointed by Yi Xia, Herisio did not make a decision directly.

Although this can indeed speed up the non-subject time loss of research to a certain extent, even many magic academies do not choose to do this due to such expenses.

Herisio thought that this was somewhat extravagant...

And just as Herisio was passing through the rapid passage established by the institute, he caught a glimpse of a certain high-level mage who was returning from another timeline.

Herisio stopped when he saw this, saluted the other party, and then said:

"Master Robonnier, you have violated the time management regulations again."

As Herisio said, many mages in the institute now gradually let go of their hands after discovering that there are no other restrictions here.

After all, some things that once had to be worried about in the magic academy can be completely protected in the true sense here.

This seemingly extremely dangerous chaotic void, in a sense, gave them the possibility to practice some crazy attempts.

The other party was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled after seeing Herisio clearly:

"Herisio, don't stand there and talk nonsense. Come over here and help me take a look. The data I have here always feels a little wrong."

Seeing this, Herisio came over to take a look at the other party's experimental data, and then shook his head:

"My research on void is not as good as your apprentice."

"If it's about energy replacement, I can also help you with reference."

Although Master Robiniel and he did not study in the same magic academy.

But before that, they got to know each other because of exchange activities between many magic academies.

"It is said that some results have been achieved over there. They have even tried to extract living bodies from demons, devils and other lower plane beings."

Herisio was stunned when he heard this, and then he shook his head:

"I heard about it - but I personally think that in the field of idealistic construction of mechanical activation, it may be a bigger threshold..."

It was at this time that the fiery reaction outside the Chaos Curtain finally reached a certain threshold...


This chapter has been completed!
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