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Chapter 335 The Legendary Way of the Witch!

 Liucheng, basement

Accompanied by some rather subtle thoughts, Yi Xia returned to the basement.

He suddenly realized that he appeared or left.

It has already begun to have some intuitive impact on this world.

And this is all due to a certain star spirit wandering leisurely behind many vicious shadows in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless fire.

It further deepened Yi Xia's bond with the world and allowed him to invisibly complete his influence on the world.

For now, it's still quite immature and green.

For researchers in the laboratory, data that is enough to make them jaw-dropping will not have an immediate impact on this vast land.

When the first harvest comes, Yi Xia will truly feel the joy.

He was not chosen for those who were wealthy.

What it covers are the people in this land who are still struggling in a difficult situation.

In a sense, it can be regarded as Yi Xia's return to this land.

Yi Xia clearly knows that his current achievements are not entirely due to his own efforts.

Witch flags, bloodline awakening and the great witchcraft image that was just activated...

Many of these factors come from the love of this world.

The elimination of witchcraft by the times is an inevitable fate following this stage of civilization development.

The eldest son of heaven, the protection of man, under the cold laws, this land has always been full of silent warmth.

Yi Xia sat in the basement, with a faint glimmer of light shining in her heart.

The aura that once began with plague and then continued with disaster seems to be gradually improving.

What kind of scenery will the legendary way of witches look like?

Is it the unyielding will to fight against ghosts and gods, or the destructive force that prompts natural disasters?

Is it the majestic body that towers over the sky, or the boundless magical power?

Is it strength?

Or will?

Is it a skill?

Or faith?

In a daze, Yi Xia could feel her consciousness gradually stretching.

He seemed to have touched something subtle.

Invisibly, Yi Xia seems to have crossed the boundaries of the material world.

He was able to gaze at this huge piece of land that raised him.

He was born here, grew up here, and achieved success here.

I have also been annoyed by the darkness of people's hearts, and I have been angry at the imperfection of the system.

Now when I look at it again, it is all a myriad of phenomena, and the world is billowing with dust.

The wind, rain or warmth given by the world are all the condensation of ordinary nature.

Whether you are happy or angry, it is all natural.

Under the dust, there is the silent land and river.

It was a square collar with a straight step, a sonorous and powerful echo.

It is the beauty of the music of poems and songs that I recited with a sad face when I was a child.

He belongs to this land and this civilization.

Under the witness of heaven and earth, he made a sacred oath.

He wants to protect this world like the light and brightness it bestows.

If he can become a legend.

Then his legendary way should be here...

The next moment, a new message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:

"Important reminder from the comprehensive website: The character obtains the employment information of the legendary limited occupation: the legendary wizard, and the basic requirements related to the character level increasing to level 20 have been added (this requirement can be changed after the character obtains the employment information of other legendary occupations)"

"Important reminder from Zongwang: You have unlocked the only-Mortal Promotion Quest: The Legendary Way-Great Witch!"


Legendary Way-Great Witch:

Valley type: Mortal promotion task/unique

Mission reward: The legendary wizard takes office, and the character’s basic career level can exceed level 20

Task requirements:

1. The character level is level 19 and has accumulated general experience to break through to level 20.

2. The character's strength, perception, and constitution reach 23 points, and the mana reaches 100 points.

3. The character completes one of the following achievement tasks: [Universal Glory] (requires more than 5 aura-like, auspicious element stars, and the cumulative effective time is at least one year), [Guardian of the Stars] (completed 5 times

Epic-level oath plane guardianship event, which needs to be automatically released for the oath plane), [Earth War God] (through war/battle, diplomacy, etc., the comprehensive reputation in the multiverse or surrounding planes reaches 20 points)."

"Please note: The Legendary Path task is a personal promotion task, which will change with the change of the character's related cognition and consciousness (need to reach the intensity that triggers the relevant will test)."

"Warning: When a character attempts to engage in behavior that has a huge deviation in will from the current Legendary Way, or even acts that are rebellious, it may cause the current Legendary Way mission to disappear directly!"

Densely packed reminder messages refreshed Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

He traced the throbbing in his heart, as if he had touched some grand, invisible door.

What exactly is a legend?

At this moment, Yi Xia suddenly realized something.

It is so complex and obscure that it cannot be fully described in a single word.

But it can also be defined in simple and crude sentences:

Conquer surrounding planes and benefit local creatures.

In this way, it can be called a legend of witches!

Yi Xia didn't know what the requirements were for other extraordinary professions to advance to legend.

Because there is no unified standard.

Legendary professions, although they look similar to extraordinary professions.

The elements it presents have shifted from the profession itself to the individual.

So strictly speaking, there is no such thing as "a standard level 10 warrior" like a transcendent profession.

Especially, for legendary casters whose upper and lower limits are particularly outrageous after reaching legend.

The road to legend is not fixed, and repetition and imitation cannot produce miracles.

But Yi Xia could still vaguely feel that Wu's legendary requirements should be of a relatively high level.

Among the stories he could collect about legendary professionals.

I have never seen them do anything as outrageous as this.

Perhaps it lies more in their adventure journey after becoming legendary...

Yi Xia thought about it carefully, and it wasn't bad.

The existences in ancient myths that are active in his memory are also painted in this way.

Even if there are some, there are no written records, but they have related deeds.

But if you place it in the other party's deeds, it won't be surprising or strange that that is what they can do...

Yi Xia carefully studied the prompt information given by the comprehensive network.

These prompt messages are said to be prompts, but more like a summary of his inner will.

He chose this path himself.

Thus presents such a task.

Yi Xia is probably well aware of the first two achievements in the third item of the inaugural legend.

That was the expression of his will to protect this plane deep in his heart.

But this last one...

Earth War God?

Yi Xia fell into deep thought.

He didn't realize that he had such wild thoughts.

As we all know, he has always been friendly to people.

In this regard, the comprehensive network may have some deviations in summary.

However, left and right are also irrelevant matters.

He will carry out his oath, and he will protect the beauty and hope of this world...

This chapter has been completed!
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