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Chapter 516: The Functional Spell of the Great Witch

 "Dingling bell..."

After Yi Xia finished casting the spell, he heard a hurried phone call.

Doubing took out the cell phone that was placed in the attic.

Yi Xia took a look and saw that it was indeed Cang Zhong.

He should be unable to hear.

However, such changes are extremely obvious on the material level.

Moreover, now the official should also have access to the extraordinary power of the new generation.

There must be relevant plans for this.

Sure enough, as soon as Yi Xia got through, Cang Zhong talked about the experimental individual mutation discovered by the laboratory.

After listening to the rather obscure experimental terminology and data for a while, Yi Xia pondered briefly, and then gave the answer:

"If you practice a little diligently, it will only help your farming in a small way."

Yi Xia said.

After hearing the answer, Cang Zhong seemed to be slightly silent for a while on the other end of the phone.

Probably thinking about how often certain parts of this answer appear on the phone.

Are you improving again?

Is this the time interval for great witches to improve their cultivation?

Or rather, recovery?

Cang Zhong obviously had doubts.

However, he didn't ask too much on the phone.

Just mentioning it, there is an agricultural research laboratory that is preparing to develop crop varieties that can fully utilize this characteristic.

After all, the current variety cultivation itself needs to take into account many factors in addition to its edible value and economic value.

Cang Zhong asked Yi Xia on the phone if there was any success with such crops.

Yi Xia didn't hesitate and said yes directly.

"In the future, this effect will last longer."

"When I go out to visit friends, there will be no increase or decrease."

Then, Yi Xia said again.

As soon as Yi Xia finished speaking, on the other end of the phone, Yi Xia could hear Cang Zhong's breathing that suddenly became somewhat heavy.

As the being who has the most exposure to this, Kuranaka certainly understands the importance of this feature to this land.

If it can last longer, its relevant significance to this land can be said to be of an era.

After thinking for a while, Cang Zhong suppressed his intense emotions and continued to ask:

"...Approximately...how much more can it be than before?"

"Stay here..."



Yi Xia hung up the phone.

He did somewhat understand the other party's emotional changes.

As Yi Xia, who has personal experience with the feeling of hunger, is naturally able to understand its meaning and value more deeply than other beings at the same level.

This is probably why Dangkang was attracted to his consciousness.

Afterwards, Yi Xia focused his consciousness on the spell.

Yi Xia didn't pay much attention to the subsequent non-magical effects that Dangkang's star spirit might have.

To him, that was something of little significance.

The great witch's gaze does not stop at the chaos of the mortal world.

As Yi Xia's consciousness became immersed, an infinite glow of magic suddenly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Now, Yi Xia can choose 6th level spells.

Based on his version characteristics and professional abilities, he now has three opportunities to choose spells.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia settled on the first 6-level spell without spending much time.

That is the Monster Summoning Technique.

As a spell that is not used frequently at present, Monster Summoning has the potential to continue to be invested.

Judging from the effect of the Void Bait transformed by the Sixth Ring Monster Summoning Technique, it is more than enough to summon some "hot pot" materials.

It only costs some mana.

It's not about cost savings, but about ease of use.

And in a sense, there is an additional bonus experience of drawing a blind box of ingredients.

After finalizing the first 6-level spell, Yi Xia fell into deep thought about the next two spell choices.

As before, Yi Xia prefers auxiliary and functional spells.

In fact, judging from the situation he currently perceives.

Purely damaging 6-level spells only account for a small proportion of Yi Xia's choice of spells.

Yi Xia reviewed his recent combat experience.

Finally, another advanced teleportation prediction was determined.

Although there is no room for alienation.

But after it is sacrificed through witchcraft, it can also be used as a supplementary ability to resist space movement.

Nowadays, an increasing proportion of the opponents that Yi Xia encounters are able to master spatial movement.

The usual "slow" battle rhythm is gone forever.

With his extraordinary perception, Yi Xia can roughly capture the opponent's position.

But there will inevitably be delays.

Blocking the space directly is of course the best option.

However, in the previous encounters, mastering the ability to lock on the opponent is also a good supplement.

In this regard, the person from Changyang Mountain has already shown Yi Xia well in this direction and the final corresponding situation.

When facing enemies of the same level who are proficient in melee combat, there is not such a generous casting time.

Of course, this is also the reason why Yi Xia has not invested too many resources in this area.

And about the last remaining spell selection opportunities.

Yi Xia searched in the list of general spells to choose from, but did not find one that he liked very much.

For ordinary mages, the value of these spells is beyond doubt.

But in the current battle that Yi Xia is facing, it seems a little stretched.

Most of the spells are not very applicable to Yi Xia.

In other words, there is no corresponding usage scenario.

In the form of the witch body, those obstacles and troubles for mortals and even extraordinary beings are no longer worth mentioning.

Therefore, regarding the remaining spell choices, Yi Xia was ready to look for them in the professional spell library.

The professional spells corresponding to the sixth-level spells have begun to show sufficient strength.

Many of them already belong to some backbone spell sequences of extraordinary inheritance.

Since there was no relevant urgent need at the moment, Yi Xia took a general look.

Finally found a functional class spell:


Witchcraft:Move Mountains

Type: Profession-limited spell

Limited to: Witches and related advanced professions

Spell level: 6th level

Spell consumption: 10 points or more (based on the size of the selected mountain and other related extraordinary elements)

Spell effect:

After a standard casting action, the sorcerer can connect to the earth's veins and move the selected mountain or mountain range within a certain range (based on the caster's casting level and mana).

During the casting process, the target receives a leyline bonus, and its comprehensive resistance is greatly improved.

Please note: After Wu Jin's mana cannot maintain the movement of the target, the target will be separated from the mountain-moving state, and it will fall or automatically attach to the surrounding earth veins. "

For Yi Xia, the value of this spell no longer needs elaboration.

Of course, it won't be about combat...

With the selection of the three spells completed, Yi Xia focused his consciousness on the comprehensive network panel.

The next moment, a new message flashed on his retina:

"Tips from the Internet: The selection is successful, and new spells have been added to your spell book: Witchcraft: Moving Mountains, Six Rings of Void Bait (Monster Summoning), Advanced Teleportation Prediction..."

Due to some delays, the update is a bit late.

I was originally preparing for the third update~

I'll code some later. If I can't finish coding, I'll update it tomorrow...

ps: Please give me some monthly tickets by the way.

——from Bald Little Voice bb

This chapter has been completed!
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