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Chapter 627: The End of the Faceless Limited Treasure Chest


"Tips from the Internet: Your income from Planes of War: Endless Whispers - Faceless Men's natural disaster killings and other profits are summarized as follows:

(1) General experience: 9,594,000 points (due to the large level gap, invalid kills account for 65.1%, and the plane increases by an additional 300%)

(2) Comprehensive Network Disaster Coins: 312,200 (limited epic achievement base reward of 100,000 Comprehensive Network Disaster Coins + kills + other related outputs)

(3) Limited treasure chest of your choice - Faceless Man's Finale limited treasure chest (the only epic achievement limited reward)"

Yi Xia looked at the prompt information refreshing on her retina.

Generous general experience gains are not too unexpected.

Strictly speaking, the quality of an undead individual is not very high.

They are more suitable for extraordinary professions with huge rewards related to professional behavior in this regard.

Such as good alignment priests, paladins and monks.

The same immortal person can generate additional value in the hands of these extraordinary professions.

Of course, Yi Xia never cared about these small gains and losses.

The changes brought about by the magnificent body are not just in terms of vision and strength.

To a certain extent, it also had a subtle influence on Yi Xia's related way of thinking.

At some point, it can reduce the impact of certain temptations on Yi Xia.

For example, many times, even knowing that the overall value of the piles of treasures may not be that outrageous still makes many people lose their rationality.

It was a direct visual and psychological impact.

And a treasure that is enough to seduce a great witch?

Yi Xia thought for a while, maybe a strong but dying Kun would have a certain degree of attraction to him?

Shaking her head, Yi Xia looked at other prompts on her retina.

After skipping the income item of the comprehensive network disaster currency, Yi Xia went straight to see the last part of the income.

War plane treasure chest?

Although he has not yet come into contact with the contents of the treasure box, a strong premonition tells Yi Xia:

In this treasure box, there is the limited spell of "Cross-dimensional Faceless Man Food Delivery Service".

The faceless man's war plane treasure chest is a twisted iron box with a protruding humanoid statue.

If it were other beings, they might feel that the faceless man statue on the iron box was looking at them.

Naturally, Yi Xia didn't feel this way, so he opened the box directly.

The next moment, a new message flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Tips from the Internet: It has been detected that the character is opening the limited treasure chest of The Faceless Man, and the relevant camp check is in progress..."

"Tips from the Internet: If the test is successful, based on the character's reputation in the Faceless Men's camp, the character can unlock all the contents of the treasure chest and hidden limited rewards..."

The next moment, with an indescribable halo, many boxes with a subtle sense of déjà vu appeared on Yi Xia's retina.

In each box, there are related pictures and text descriptions:


1. The Sorrow of the Faceless Man:

Type: Cursed Object

Item Limitation:Evil Alignment

item description:

This item can subtly affect surrounding intelligent life, and constantly tries to twist it into a faceless man.

The faceless man twisted by the magical object will obey the fate of the holder of the magical object and receive related summoning bonuses.

2. Forbidden spell: Faceless-Destiny

Type: Forbidden Spell/Spell-like Rule Ability

Learning restrictions: Evil camp, possessing advanced spell casting related abilities or permissions

Spell Description:

After a standard casting time, the caster can permanently sacrifice an area of ​​his face to gain persistence (the duration is based on the caster level and the area of ​​the sacrificed area) and avoid everything (below weak divine power) including fate.

Related spell-like abilities include detection, prophecy and other spell effects.

3. Faceless Horror:

Type: Epic limited decoration

Equipment requirements: Possess ‘faceless man’ characteristics, disguise or related abilities

Equipment effect:

After equipping it, the character will be immune to all face-related detection, strike and curse-related spell effects, and gain enhanced 'Faceless Man' spellcasting characteristics.



11. Long words of praise - the supreme ritual of the faceless man

Type: Forbidden Spell/12th Ring Potential/Hidden Limited Reward

Learning restrictions: None (Scarlet warning: Units of non-relevant restricted camps will receive forced camp deflection after learning)

Spell description:

Verbal Praise - The complete and final version of the first chapter of Blasphemy.

Based on the related characteristics of conceptual spells, players can check it themselves after selecting."



Yi Xia looked at the dense reward information and options in front of her.

Not surprisingly, he didn't see any rewards in it that could meet his actual needs.

This is normal.

For witches, it is difficult to find suitable exotic magic items.

For now, Yi Xia thinks that the one with relatively high personal value may be the healing accessory of the milk rider?

Judging from past adventure experiences, the bonus is indeed good.

It takes Yi Xia's half-baked healing ability to a new level.

Of course, Yi Xia has not received treatment so far.

Many times, the units that need him to heal are more likely to require spells to revive the dead...

Yi Xia glanced at the limited rewards one after another.

There is no doubt about it, purely in terms of value.

Among the many rewards, the spell called the Supreme Ritual of the Faceless Man undoubtedly occupies the unshakable top of the list.

To be honest, if it weren't for the forced alignment of learning this thing, Yi Xia felt that she might actually be able to give it a try.

It’s rare to see such a convenient extraordinary sequence of automatic feeding spells...

You must know that even the monster summoning spell in the spell sequence is difficult to show such potential.

After all, no matter how expanded the monster summoning technique is, it cannot cover the monsters in the entire plane.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia did not make a decision directly.

He planned to use the Nuo method: Asking Heaven first to ask whether there was any danger of contamination in sacrificing a certain forbidden spell.

When prepared, plane consciousness, although not omniscient and omnipotent, can still answer most of the doubts.

You must know that many powers after the decomposition of plane consciousness are the origins of gods.

Under normal circumstances, these powers are condensed into one body by plane consciousness...

Of course there are gains and losses, and this magnificent convergence has also led to deviations on some levels.

In this regard, the emergence of the concept of "sage" in the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage is also a complement to natural evolution.

As Yi Xia cast spells, his consciousness gradually became linked to the magnificent earth consciousness.

In ancient rituals, certain mysteries are revealed...

At the same time, somewhere in the earth

Yan Mo encountered some troubles. She found that the foreign spirit seemed to be "stuck".

It neither accepted her application for relevant rituals, nor did it reject it...

You don’t want your gold anymore.jpg?

Yan Mo's face was full of doubts.

This chapter has been completed!
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