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Chapter 912 Half-demon, why?

 "Pop times..."

Underneath the noisy fire waves, there were continuous crackling sounds like firecrackers.

It was not the sound of burning firewood or the sound of exploding rocks.

Under the raging sea of ​​fire, countless flesh-and-blood worms were scorching, curling up, and exploding under the licks of the flames...

It may have been the foundation of a dark overlord, and it was the karma that once haunted countless living beings.

Now, it is only wrapped in the dry bones and fur that it devoured in the past, and will eventually be turned into the red that engulfs everything.

Yi Xia stood under the monstrous firelight, staring at everything calmly with eyes filled with endless firelight.

This is why even if the centipede spirit is willing to provide information about many demons, Yi Xia is never willing to let him go.

It’s just a monster, it’s still a monster that cannibalize countless people.

As far as Yi Xia is concerned, there is no room for maneuver.

Leaving aside the identity of the shaman for the moment, it is based on the three views of Yi Xia who was born in the modernization level of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

Nor would Yi Xia allow such an evil and dangerous character to exist.

Especially, when Yi Xia can easily kill the opponent.

Of course, Centipede Jing finally conveyed some of the information he needed to Yi Xia through obscure means.

Yi Xia also gave the other party the purest destruction as promised.

This is another way of saying - even if the other party is used for refining Gu, it must be of sufficient value.

Although Yi Xia has always used Wu Banner as a handy weapon, using it to display violent and pure weapon skills.

But in a certain sense, it's like the staff in the hand of a certain white-robed mage.

Using it as a weapon is just an additional way to open it.

There will not be any reduction or impact on the business scope involved in his duties.

For Yi Xia, such magical attainments as absorbing souls and transforming them into spirits, absorbing souls and refining them into gu are even more trivial operations.

Even excluding the related bonuses of Wu Banner, Yi Xia itself also has sufficient related abilities.

But for Yi Xia, Xinnuo also has its weight.

Since he gave the other party a promise, the other party finally paid the price.

Then, Yi Xia would naturally not disobey his promise.

At this moment, Yi Xia spent some time chasing the centipede spirit.

At this time, the witch fire has completely engulfed this land called the Demonic Abyss.

Probably some demons who saw something bad happened took the opportunity to escape.

When Yi Xia traveled through space and returned here, he could feel scattered weak attention.

And among those gazes, there were some auras that caught the great witch's attention.

It's not because its aura is extremely vicious or extremely powerful, but... it's too weak.

And there were quite a lot of them, scattered like ant colonies in the border area where the fire was raging.

In this land where demons are rampant, is there still such a weak group?

Yi Xia looked over with more or perhaps a bit of curiosity.

Through the billowing smoke formed by the stretching sea of ​​fire, Yi Xia saw the weak auras he sensed.

This is?

Yi Xia looked at the groups that had some human characteristics but also had animal structures.

Some of them lay motionless on the ground, while others stood there stunned, staring at him with horrified eyes.

If in another realm where orcs exist, such groups may be roughly classified into the large collection of half-orcs.

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But obviously, Yi Xia, who has more in-depth contact with their parents, naturally knows that these are not half-orcs.

Half-demon or human-demon hybrid?

Yi Xia then stared at these rather special existences with a somewhat scrutinizing gaze.

Yi Xia naturally has no way of pursuing the tragic or violent story of their birth, and really has no interest in it.

After roughly judging that the elements of these half-demon were not purely evil, Yi Xia withdrew his gaze.

For some civilized worlds, these half-demon can probably be regarded as a group with unstable factors, and there is a certain integration cost.

But it's not enough to make the great witch easily start a fire.

Of course, it is not difficult to speculate that those with strong enough demon blood or related external manifestations may have stayed in the land engulfed by fire.

And these marginalized groups naturally have some "defects" in the demon's vision.

Now, the "flaws" in the eyes of these monsters have become the guarantee for their continuation.

In this way, the great witch averted his eyes from these weak half-demon bodies.

The raging fire surged into the sky, but at most it could barely reach Yi Xia's waist.

Under the sky that was illuminated red by the sea of ​​fire, the entire Demon Cave seemed to be blooming with countless magnificent fire lotuses.

And the giant that blocked out the sky stepped on the lotus and walked away, and the fire lotus behind it chased away like a tired bird returning to its nest.

Only a piece of whitened land was left, and the ferocious appearance of the past could no longer be seen.

"That's...a big...big witch..."

In the ravine beneath the billowing dust and smoke, the knowledgeable half-demon finally tremblingly told the truth.

Finally, he obtained the bloodline of the demon, making his Qi and blood more powerful than those of ordinary people.

Otherwise, countless people would have died suddenly in such horror.

The half-demon Yinta Macha and his companions huddled in the ravine, covered in dust and mud, but did not dare to make a sound.

After a long while, until the hot wind blowing from the west seemed to have cooled down a bit, the half-demon poked his head out anxiously.

After seeing the majestic elephant, I felt like I had been reborn and cried with joy.

When Yin Tamacha saw this, he felt relaxed all over, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off him.

The half-demon always says that he is just hanging on for his last breath.

Before life and death, who can face it calmly?

If I could be blessed like this, how could I suffer such humiliation?

When he was about to die, Yin Tamacha had this thought in his mind.

Going forward, I can only feel the demon king's willfulness and his minions running rampant.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

Farther away, there was an older half-demon, who seemed to have figured out what Yin Tamacha was thinking, so he came over and said directly:

"You want to become a witch? Do you know how heavy your burden is and how strong your thoughts are?"

"What's more, we are half-demon among demons and half-human among humans."

"Is there any ethnic group that would like to have a mixed-race person as its gateway?"

After seeing Yin Tamacha sinking into deep thought after hearing this, he paused and continued:

"If you are ambitious, why not seek advice from others."

"I heard that there is a great religion among people, because there is no distinction between teachings..."

After Yin Tama checked, he nodded thoughtfully.

Then, I noticed:

"You have great insight and are a wise man."

"It's just...it seems that you are a bit unfamiliar?"

The half-demon smiled when he heard this:

"I came from the east, and you are waiting to live in the south, so naturally you can't cover your face."

Yin Tamacha nodded thoughtfully after hearing this...

At the same time, the gods on the other side of Tel Dimension were discussing something intensively...

This chapter has been completed!
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