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Chapter 965 Miao Sheng and Dan Furnace

 Why team building always involves climbing a mountain!

Can't you take a vacation?

Even half a day is fine!

Miao Sheng thought rather resentfully.

He didn't like sports very much, and he was more interested in staying at home, playing games, and looking through his collection of ancient books.

It’s so delicious, do you still need to go to this mountain to torment yourself?

The mountain road is steep.

At this time, another layer of mist appeared.

The figures of the colleagues also became a little blurry.

Miao Sheng looked around and suddenly saw a path ahead with the words "XX Pavilion" written on it.

Although I don’t know what kind of scenery it is.

But since there is a word "pavilion", at least there is a place to sit.

Miao Sheng was shocked when he saw this. After his breathing became easier, he cheered up and climbed up to where the sign was.

Following the direction of the arrow on the sign, Miao Sheng could see a winding path covered with cobblestones, looming among the mist-shrouded mountains.

As for the pavilion, Miao Sheng didn't see it at first.

But at this time, he didn't care much.

Miao Sheng has decided to fish here and wait until his colleagues gather on the mountain to check in.

He roughly calculated the time and blended into the group going down the mountain.

Well, at least he climbed...

As for the top of the mountain?

As long as there is a mountain in your heart, where is the top of the mountain?

Therefore, Miao Sheng embarked on this path leading to the unknown pavilion with peace of mind.

But he didn't expect that the road would go farther and farther, which made Miao Sheng couldn't help but mutter.

He couldn't have gone wrong, he thought and didn't see a fork in the road halfway.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it again. 96% of the cell phone battery and full signal gave him temporary courage.

He decided that if he still couldn't find it after walking for a while, he would just find a drier place to sit down.

Because the mountains are foggy, the roads are always a little wet.

If you sit down in this weather, you will still feel a little uncomfortable.

Miao Sheng has been working for several years.

He first studied computer science, which was still a hot and popular major when he was in school.

It's just that after graduation, the confusing and complicated employment directions make people feel a little lost.

Some returned to their hometowns and became teachers, while others continued to work hard and used their remaining energy in the field of calculators.

Some also go overseas to start a business, tinkering with software development and the like.

Miao Sheng, on the other hand, didn't have so many ideas and settled down as a laborer.

After fluctuating for several years, the income is still considerable.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Miao Sheng himself does not have very strong desires in all aspects.

After all, for those who live with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan and live with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, and those who live with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan and a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, it is always difficult to achieve satisfactory income.

Miao Sheng is planning to save some more money and try to follow the current trend and make short videos.

Even if you can only earn half of your current money, it will be enough.

In this way, he has more time at his own disposal to immerse himself in the world he is passionate about.

For this noisy world, Miao Sheng always felt that he was somewhat alienated from it.

He wanted to imitate his all-round boss and become a person who is both good at dancing and capable.

Only such people can probably gain transparency and ease in such a world.

For someone like him who can only engage in technology, but is not very irreplaceable, it is inevitable that he will be a little shady.

Miao Sheng did not feel disappointed.

As mentioned in the introduction, he has his own colorful and splendid world.

In Miao Sheng's opinion, if the world needs him to play an "ordinary person", then he will play it well, but he will not just stick to playing here...

Just like a long-standing joke among programmers:

What to do if there is no object?

Just create a new one...

And just when Miao Sheng was thinking about these messy things, he suddenly stopped.

Because he probably finally saw the pavilion mentioned on the sign!

I saw a huge raised water chestnut stretching out from the fog that was getting thicker in the distance.

It seems to be quite large in scale. No wonder it has to go so far. It seems that a lot of effort was spent on selecting the site...

Miao Sheng thought so.

Then, Miao Sheng walked forward briskly.

Maybe there were some rockfalls, and the already undulating cobblestones seemed more shaky.

Miao Sheng looked at his feet and could see many traces of mud.

Maybe it was washed down by cloud water?

Miao Sheng thought so.

And as he gradually approached the body of the huge water chestnut, Miao Sheng quickly realized that something was wrong.

What kind of pavilion is this? It is clearly a huge... alchemy furnace?

Miao Sheng, who had the relevant foundation, quickly discovered some clues from the shape and details of the behemoth in front of him.

What surprised him was:

The details of this huge alchemy furnace are unexpected - correct?

Before this, he had seen too many commercial products that were made out of nothing and had so-called traditional names.

Miao Sheng did not see any disharmony in the huge alchemy furnace in front of him.

Even those obscure and inexplicable lines look natural and even... silky smooth, without anything abrupt or eye-catching.

Is there such a big construction happening here?

Why haven't you heard of it...

Miao Sheng couldn't help but feel intense curiosity.

He couldn't help but get closer, wanting to see more up-close details of this huge alchemy furnace.

At this moment, an inexplicable throbbing made Miao Sheng's feet stand still.

It was a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

If we really want to force it to be expressed using relevant images that already exist.

So, just after watching the horror movie, the cold imprisonment from the deep darkness outside the warm quilt was one ten thousandth of what Miao Sheng could feel at this moment.

Invisibly, he felt as if there was a gaping hole in the top of his head.

Just like the huge head suddenly protruding from the crack in the sky in those epic mythological disaster movies.

Miao Sheng could feel such hot and majestic attention...

That kind of gaze even penetrated his body and saw the depths of his soul that were intertwined with mortal things, profoundness and desire...

Miao Sheng stood where he was, not daring to move.

In his mind at the moment, he didn't even have the extra energy to think about what this was, or whether he was possessed by wind evil.

And just as this inexplicable throbbing came suddenly, the next moment, without any warning, this mountain-like attention disappeared.

What's wrong with me?

Miao Sheng reacted as if waking up from a dream.

He felt something sticky on his back and touched it with his hand.

I was already wet with sweat without realizing it...

Miao Sheng then slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

At this moment, Miao Sheng looked at the alchemy furnace over there again.

But somehow I had some kind of hallucination:

It seemed that the alchemy furnace breathed a deep sigh of relief like him...

This chapter has been completed!
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