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Chapter 42 Killer Ranking [Strong Summoning]

"Can you let me have a look?" Zhang Yang was overjoyed.


The old man took a look outside the door and stood up from his chair. He put the spring in his hand on the desk and started walking towards the bookshelf...

Watching the old man's rickety body moving slowly by the bookshelf, Zhang Yang's eyes grew wider and wider. As he walked, the old man took out a book from the top of the bookshelf, from between the gaps in the books, and from the tattered books on the ground.

The parts began to be assembled one by one, and the movements were so skillful that it made Zhang Yang dizzy, and the old man's eyes were full of concentration.

After walking around the bookshelf, the old man already had the prototype of a gun in his hand. He sat down slowly, took out a few parts from the pen holder and drawer of the desk, and installed the spring on the desk. Soon,

A brand-new pistol with a dark light appeared in front of Zhang Yang...

Finally, the old man took off a necklace from his neck. He was sweating profusely when he saw that there was a bullet shining with metallic luster hanging from the necklace.

"Click!" There was a sound, and the pistol made a loading sound.

"how long?"

"One minute and forty seconds." Zhang Yang blurted out.

"Hey... I'm really old." The old man sighed, took out the bullet, hung it on his neck, and threw the gun to Zhang Yang.

Feeling the cold and heavy weight in his hand, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel excited. This is a real gun!

"Uncle Li, get some bullets and let me have fun." Zhang Yang looked at Old Li with a flattering smile and gestured left and right in the air with the gun in his hand.

"Why do you need bullets? To fight mosquitoes? You don't like guns, so I won't give them to you!" Old Lipi said with a smile.

"Forget it if I don't give it..."

Zhang Yang stood up dejectedly and walked around the bookshelf. When he returned to Lao Li, there were only a few parts left in the gun. After putting a few parts into the pen holder and drawer, Zhang Yang proudly held the gun.

The spring was stuffed into the old man's hand and said: "Here you go!"


The old man looked at the spring in his hand with a blank look on his face and stammered: "You...how did you do it..."

"Didn't you do this just now? I'll be as cool as you want to pretend to be."

"Ahem... that... that... one minute and fifteen seconds..."

The old man still didn't react, and looked at the spring in his hand with a look of disbelief. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it was true. A young boy who was still studying could actually produce it immediately after just watching him assemble it once.

It is simply unbelievable to dismantle a complete pistol in the same manner...

Suddenly, the old man burst into ecstasy.

"Want to learn how to use a gun?" The old man's voice was trembling. The young man in front of him was definitely a firearms wizard. A person who had just come into contact with guns for the first time could actually play with guns to such a proficient level that he could no longer use ordinary vocabulary.

To describe him, I can only say he is a genius.

"I don't want to." Zhang Yang replied decisively.

"Why?" The old man's eyes froze.

"It's too unskilled. Without a gun, a killer who doesn't know martial arts is basically a waste." Zhang Yang shook his head. He had an inexplicable repulsion towards firearms. Although guns also have a certain allure, compared to

When it comes to martial arts, that's simply negligible.

"Hey... That's right, the real killers in the world all practice firearms and martial arts at the same time. Even if they use guns to the point of perfection, they can't achieve much without a foundation in martial arts. In this world, the geniuses with firearms are getting better and better.

More and more, as long as you have a certain amount of talent and foundation, it is easy to train to become an outstanding killer, but martial arts is not so easy."

"Is there really a killer ranking list?" Zhang Yang's eyes widened.

"Haha, there must be one. Generally, when people reach a certain level, they only care about a little bit of vanity. In today's society, what is there without rankings? There are rankings for writing books, there are rankings for companies, and naturally there are also rankings for killers.

The ranking list is just something that ordinary people don’t know about... The killer’s ranking list is similar to other ranking lists, with little difference, just like the ranking list of the world’s richest people. Although everyone says they don’t care, it will be very difficult if one end is not on the list.

I'm not happy anymore, just like me, my lifelong wish is to be ranked in the top fifty of the killer rankings..."

"No ambition..." Zhang Yang muttered quietly and then asked: "Then who are the people at the top of the rankings?"

"Mythical character." The old man smiled and lay down on the chair again, as if he was remembering the past years.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything. After getting along for a while, Zhang Yang had a general understanding of the old man. Now, the old man must be brewing emotions.


"When it comes to the killer list, we have to mention a killer organization. This killer organization was established more than 20 years ago. At that time, I was still in my prime. At that time, the name of the killer organization was 'Internet Murder Era'. It didn't take long.

, for some unknown reason, the name of the killer organization was changed to 'Mythical Age'. However, no matter how it is changed, this killer organization can be called the best killer organization in the world. It was shocked as soon as it stepped into the circle of killers.

He has conquered the world, and has almost collected more than 70% of the world's outstanding killers. What is even more incredible is that eight of the top ten killers on the killer list are members of the "Mythical Age" killer organization. At that time, Mythology

The killer organization of Era is unstoppable in its popularity. In fact, at that time, the killer organization of Era of Mythology even boasted that as long as they had money, they could hunt down the president of any country, including the United States..."

The old man's ravaged face was full of excitement when he mentioned the killer organization in the mythical era, as if it was his glorious years.

"Why do you say then? What about this organization now?"

The old man seemed to have not heard Zhang Yang's words and still spoke in that very ethereal tone.

"It was a turbulent era of killers. Countless outstanding killers emerged. Moreover, at that time, there were several heavyweight killer organizations fighting each other for their own interests. They were all vulnerable to the age of myth. Unfortunately, less than three

Years ago, this killer organization disappeared mysteriously just as it appeared. In the past twenty years, the Age of Mythology has never appeared again. The Age of Mythology has become the myth of the killer world, the swan song, a helpless one.

The existence of transcendence, hey..." The old man sighed deeply, with a look of regret on his face.

"Then...where are those killers?" Zhang Yang asked stammeringly. He could not have imagined that an organization with such influence would disappear just by saying it was gone.

"Haha, except for the disappearance of a few people at the top, in fact, most of the killers from the Myth Age are still active around the world. The only difference is that they do not appear as killers from the Myth Age, but as private individuals.

Execute the mission.”

"So is there any new killer organization that has replaced the organization from the Mythical Age?"

"No, although countless new killer organizations have emerged in the past twenty years, some of which are powerful, but what is strange is that in the ranking of killer organizations, the Mythical Age has always been ranked first. Some killer organizations

The competing positions are all limited to second place. No one can explain this phenomenon. Perhaps it is because those killer organizations respect the myth of the killer world!"

【Let’s hit the rankings...Brothers, hit it like crazy, hit it up!】

This chapter has been completed!
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