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Chapter 53: Withdrawing Money

The old man could only sneer at Zhang Yang's search for clues in some ancient books that had nothing to do with martial arts. Of course, he was too lazy to talk to this somewhat wretched guy. From his recent observations, the old man had no interest in Zhang Yang's surname.

I have a basic understanding of Ge. This seemingly cowardly and insignificant child can be surprisingly stubborn at times.

As the time drew near, Zhang Yang began to feel anxious. He even went to the hospital to see Liu Biao less and became more silent. In the past few days, he had repeatedly refused Xiao Yiran's advice on math problems.

All his thoughts were focused on how to mobilize the martial arts clues in his head.

Zhang Yang can be sure that there is a very powerful thought in his head, and there seems to be a kind of induction in it. One end of this thought allows him to use it as he wants, and he opens a brand new door. At least, Zhang Yang has a feeling that he

Looking for clues about martial arts in ancient books is influenced by this kind of thinking.

What makes Zhang Yang depressed is that he can use the knowledge in his head very quickly. Whether it is mathematics, Chinese, or physics, as long as he wants to know, he can use these thoughts with a little study. The only thing that prevents him from using it is martial arts.

This is a truth that Zhang Yang has never been able to understand. Since it is all memory thinking, why can't he access the knowledge about martial arts?

At first, Zhang Yang thought that his body restrained the martial arts in his memory, but he immediately rejected it, because if it was really a physical restraint, then the thoughts in his memory should not control him to read ancient books crazily, but should

Let him exercise...

So far, Zhang Yang has no desire to deliberately exercise to make his body stronger!

The reason must be found, otherwise, not to mention there are only three days left, even if it is thirty days, there is nothing we can do in thirty years.

"Uncle Li, check it out for me. I'm going back to school to get some money." Zhang Yang glanced at the bright sunshine outside. It was noon now, and usually not many people came in and out of the casino at this time.

"Well, go ahead. Remember, many things cannot be forced. What's yours will always be yours..." The old man lying on the chair and touching the bullet in his chest sighed. He saw the child's recent anxiety.

In his eyes, however, he was helpless.

"I understand." Zhang Yang nodded.

It was already late September, and there was a big difference in temperature between City C and the coast. Although the sun was dazzling, it was no longer so hot. The streets were crowded with tourists. Looking at the tall buildings in the commercial street, Zhang Yang felt his heart go out.

There was an inexplicable depression.

How small a person's ability is. Although Li Bo is a third-rate killer, he should be very powerful in City C. He still cannot stop the development of society. Perhaps, this high-rise building was more than ten years ago and the small alley was.

The same, but now there is no trace of the past.

If Uncle Li's wife was still alive, and if this land had not been developed, would they have lived a happy life?

In the vicissitudes of life, the wheel of history naturally has its own development rules. There are not so many if, in this prosperous city, no one will notice that the demolition of a building will create one tragedy after another.


Zhang Yang sighed and walked into a bank. He had already run out of ammunition and food after inviting Xiao Yiran to dinner. If he hadn't followed the old man to eat, he would have starved to death. Although he had food,

It always feels bad to have no money.

"Trouble, take five hundred yuan." Finally, Zhang Yang waited in line for at least 20 minutes before it was his turn. The bank opened a lot of windows, but there were always only a few working.

Zhang Yang has a habit of resolutely not using a bank card when withdrawing money with a passbook. This is because a few decades ago, a man was imprisoned for withdrawing money with a bank card. It is said that teller machines suddenly and inexplicably allowed unlimited withdrawals of money.

, As a result, the man could not resist the temptation and withdrew hundreds of thousands more, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Zhang Yang did not think that he had such strong willpower to resist that huge temptation, so Zhang Yang tried his best to avoid using the card to withdraw money.

Of course, there is another most important reason. He once took out a counterfeit 100 yuan bill when withdrawing money from an ATM. Because he did not find it at the time, he could only admit that he was unlucky. Therefore, he vowed to boycott the ATM.

, resolutely line up to use the passbook.

"Do you have a card?" The woman frowned and glanced at the long queue behind her.


"There is an ATM outside. Use your card to get it." The woman threw out her bankbook.

"I like to use passbooks, why?" Zhang Yang was immediately furious. After queuing for more than 20 minutes, he still had the option of using a teller machine. Of course, the most important thing was that the woman's attitude made Zhang Yang very unhappy.

The woman was stunned for a moment, seemingly in no mood to argue with Zhang Yang, and motioned to Zhang Yang to hand in her bankbook.

The bankbook was passed through the window. Maybe this woman in her thirties had been dealing with customers at the grassroots level for a long time. Her face was as dull as a zombie, and she started to work in front of the computer.

Zhang Yang enters the password into the password input machine...

Suddenly, the blank-faced woman suddenly raised her head and stood up, with a surprised look on her face, full of disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, please wait a moment." The woman was a little nervous. She glanced at Zhang Yang cautiously. After Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, she immediately picked up the phone next to her and dialed. Zhang Yang was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on.

, of course, Zhang Yang is not afraid, as the saying goes, people are not afraid of distorted shadows. Besides, his bankbook only contains one thousand yuan that his mother puts in the account every month. He has been buying books like crazy recently, and there is not much left.

After the woman made the call, she immediately called another woman to help him handle business, but she walked out of the window.

"Mr. Zhang, our president asks you to wait in the VIP room for a while, he will be there soon!"

"What's the matter? I'll wait here!" Zhang Yang was a little impatient. Why go to the bank manager to withdraw five hundred yuan?

"Okay, let's sit here first." The woman poured a glass of water for Zhang Yang with an attentive look.

Soon, a potbellied man in his fifties ran down the stairs next to him, with sweat on his face, a very nervous and excited expression... [Sigh, I can't get any recommendation tickets]

This chapter has been completed!
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