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Chapter 104: Tangled Dragon Heart, Tangled Battlefield

 Alvia was distraught.

She has been carefully choosing a suitable mage master for herself for thousands of years, but it seems that she chose a little too well.

No wonder she always felt that Edna would definitely lead her to become stronger... Her intuition was absolutely right, but it was a bit too strong.

As for the magic tower...is there any more powerful magic tower than Joseph Garden?

How great! You can let her fly with the body of a dragon!

Alvia used a wing to cover her head. It happened that the ice, snow, wind, frost, snow and rain outside could help calm her head that was about to boil.

She and Edna signed a soul contract, and only death can separate them in this life.

Alvia had gotten along very happily with Edna in the past few years, so even if she thought that this girl would become as strong as Elminster in the future, she recognized it.

After all, the old man obviously has tens of thousands of years left to live.

As long as Edna was half as capable as that guy, she would probably be able to live into a future she couldn't even imagine.

So there is a long-lived owner, and she is actually somewhat mentally prepared. At worst, she will go back to her old life, just like the undead say, commuting... go to work when there is something wrong, and go back to see her partner and raise a baby when nothing happens.


Anyway, the little white dragon can be thrown up to the White Dragon Mountain in Aglaia... When passing by Aglaia to see those little dragon cubs, Alvia was so jealous that she didn't even want to go out to see them!

A mountain range full of small animals such as pheasants and rabbits, allowing those white dragons to hunt freely... When Alvia thought of her life before being picked up by the old mage, she wanted to rush down and take those white dragon cubs as their own.

Kick the ball!

Moreover, Alausato has been working with the undead for so long, and his life is so happy that he even forgets to go back to his lair to sleep!

You must know that as an ancient white dragon that loves to sleep, Alausato could only stay awake for two years out of 500 years.

If it weren't for the spell plague that kept him from sleeping, Alausato would have happily slept for 100 years to celebrate after snatching Luskan.

It's obviously such a bright future...why did it suddenly turn into a horror story?

And as a white dragon raised by a mage, Alvia is most worried about another thing... Mystra is more of a profession than a name. If something happens to Edna one day, she will

Will it not be inherited by the new Mystra?

Alvia only recognized Edna... She was really glad that Edna was not of Midnight's temperament... But thinking about it on the other hand, if Midnight was standing there, she wouldn't have sent it to her door herself!

But she...can't just ask Edna what to do if she dies again before she returns to the Magic Network, right?

But what if the restored Mystra changes her personality again?

Just look at Edna and you will know.

Why do the mages who have been together for so long never suspect that this girl is the midnight reincarnation... Tsk tsk, if anyone sees a cunning, cunning, calm and self-possessed conspirator, they will not suspect that she is Amberli, right?

Bailong tossed and turned and decided to face Edna with his butt for the time being.

"What are you and Alvia doing?" The 'senior Sanda King' narrowed his eyes and admired the beautiful nails on his left hand. His other right hand, which had been arranged, was pressing the glove on his thigh.

"Ah...a little secret." Edna said without blinking. "You will know it after a while. Alvia and Alausato need some time to think about it, so I can't say more."

The 'Old Sanda King' turned his head and looked at her: "Alvia has signed a contract with you, but don't interfere with the affairs between them as husband and wife!

It would be offensive if a husband and wife fought with dogs, but...whoever intervenes would be disgusted."

Alvia didn't even think about turning back... Just this thing, you said she was midnight?

Edna looked at the giant screen with a smile. In fact, she had not been in a good mood these past two days... Why would anyone dare to attack the seven sisters of the North?

Isn't it because everyone thinks she has been updated again?

I feel that when the new Mystra takes office in a few years, he will never have any feelings for the voters of his predecessor.

If there are too many forces involved, they might not even be bothered to take revenge... just express a few words of denunciation and make it look acceptable.

Who are you looking down on?

The little girl's mouth twitched slightly, and she seemed to be smiling at Xinbu, who gave Garagos a hard and heavy lightning whip... If Garagos has the ability to make Talos change, he must have the ability to feel why she

Called Storm Queen.

In fact, many people think that Xinbu is a gender-flipped version of the Storm Goddess. If this girl hadn't been pulled by her sisters from the good camp, and later fell in love with Elminster, even though she has been fighting with her evil neighbor Sel all year round, she would probably

Chaotic neutrality cannot be maintained for long.

Seeing as Midnight prefers the bard Storm, you can tell that she definitely doesn't like this Storm Queen who has the same sexual nature as Talos.

There was a smile on her face, and although her eyes were focused on the battlefield, her mind had already flown away.

As the awakening time gets longer and longer, Edna also becomes more clear about her future path. In the future, she should be Edna Mystra, the little girl who raises white dragons from the hidden town of Aglaia.


But... although she prefers to be Edna, it doesn't mean that she denies the existence of that midnight.

It's just...even Midnight would rather be Edna.

In fact, the reason why Midnight hates black pupils is very simple.

In the heart of Midnight, who couldn't break away from the past at all...if she hadn't met the magical goddess waiting to be rescued in the castle, maybe she, Kelanvor, and even that Cyric were just an ordinary adventure team, earning a few dollars.

After offering the bounty for a year, find a place to live and work in peace and contentment.

Even if Cyric was tempted by money and power and betrayed them in the end... at least he wouldn't choose to kill Kelanvor.

They may not become gods like they are now, but they can have a normal life.

She didn't want to see the seven northern sisters who had a closer relationship with Black Eyes, and even more hated Azuth, who always regarded her as a descendant of herself and Black Eyes.

Although Edna had nothing to say about her self-deception...it was they who chose to accept that great task.

Become the warriors who save the gods... They are the ones who want to live in heroic hymns.

And what Midnight never wants to admit is...she possesses a fragment of the soul of the goddess of magic, which is the reason why the expedition team was selected by Black Eye.

It was because of her that Cyric was targeted by those evil gods. Otherwise, he would just be a cunning, insidious and greedy thief.

But Edna knew that she was so rational when she looked at those past memories from the perspective of a bystander, and of course the people in them would only choose to beautify themselves.

Midnight is a person who lives in the past and refuses to wake up.

On the contrary, Kelanwo, who has a hot temper and is straight-forward in doing things, understands their situation and differences better. Maybe it has something to do with their teachers, one only knows how to coax, but the other knows how to stop?

Azuth really lost to Yerge in terms of educating students... However, considering that Yerge also taught the three gods of death and Cyric, it is not surprising. After all, he has learned from experience.


Kelemvor has always hoped that Midnight would give up her insistence on the good camp and her hostility towards Azuth. However, Midnight, who felt that she was fully prepared, only felt that Kelemvor thought too much, so why couldn't she just support her?

But that quarrel and falling out made Midnight lose her mind... Kelanwo's dissuasion made her feel betrayed by the whole world.

Otherwise, Cyric wouldn't have taken the opportunity to kill Midnight in Joseph's Garden.

This guy is worthy of being an old teammate. He knows the sentimental mystic very well. He will bask in sadness when he gets some news.

Edna curled her lips. She could actually understand why AO wanted Midnight to return to the path of sainthood. When that guy was impulsive, his IQ would really drop to Embry's level.

Managing the magic network at midnight is really a bit troublesome.

Although it is unfair to the Toril people, this spell plague is obviously just a graduation exam for Mystra.

But Edna would not be grateful to that dead old man, although without his madness, she would not exist.

But... when she thinks about her future and has to be careful not to step on the old thing's warning line at all times, Edna really doesn't want to officially become a god... In fact, the path of destiny is the same as these guys,

It would be nice to wait eight years before leaving, right?

Her eyes switched back and forth, and finally stopped at Nasrei, who was holding the Warlock King's scepter on the tablet that was placed on the stand of the 'Old Sanda King', and was creating the Death Demon Zone.

Edna smiled nonchalantly: Laila is a very creative arcanist. In the past few years, she has absorbed a lot of the undead's whimsical ideas and made many interesting wonders.

In the past... Laila's experimental products that could only be used once or twice ended up in the warehouse. She wasted a lot of materials and money, and often couldn't make ends meet for a long time before she could start experiments again.

But... there are undead in Luskan right now!

Although the relationship between Lyra and the undead is not as harmonious as that between Hidden Town and the mayor of Aglaia, the transaction will not be affected.

All the rich undead want is fun, and they don't care how expensive the goods are, let alone the things they spent tens of thousands of gold coins to buy, only to end up with fireworks after using them twice.

Edna estimated that Lila had done more in the past year than she had done in the past hundred years.

In the Dead Demon Zone...it's just that the Magic Network magic cannot be used, and the original power becomes more chaotic and violent.

Rare items can still be used, as long as you have enough money, you can use them however you want.

Laila...are you afraid of burning money?

Edna estimates that her current net worth is at least double that of Kelburn, who has been running Waterdeep for thousands of years.

Alustriel was not mentally prepared for this. When she received a few wands thrown to her by Laila, her usually calm face showed a rare look of shock... Didn't Laila covet that Aglaia?

The lord's money, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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