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Chapter 33 Deep Sea Demigods, Interesting Deals

 Hill carefully decorated the space inside her necklace pendant.

He only placed a small house made of growing vines inside.

There are only a few simple pieces of furniture inside, all grown directly from vines.

Hill knew that this was the refuge he had prepared for himself, so when he had to, he threw the pendant into the sea and hid quietly inside.

The biggest advantage of magic vines is that they have strong defense, and even if they deform and grow, their vitality is strong enough to survive well.

Hill hopes to have a stable ecological cycle in this space, so he does not plan to take up too much space to build a residence.

Hill didn't know what could happen that would force him to this point, but being prepared was better than nothing.

Inside the pendant, Hill's wind element Kes was flying up and down happily. He felt Hill's mental power measuring the space inch by inch, bouncing around happily.

At the upper and lower arcs of the pendant, Hill used deep-sea amber to create a small crescent-shaped lake in the lower part.

Hill threw most of the pearls in, and the shallow bottom of the lake was colorful.

So many pearls are enough to keep the lake water in the cleanest state.

Hill used a large amount of space crystals to build the upper part into a large warehouse of 2,000 square meters.

In the vacuum warehouse, Hill accumulated a large amount of crystals and daily necessities.

Hill also placed some alchemy materials needed at any time here.

On the contrary, there are not many precious materials. Those need to be stored in a specific environment, and Hill is reluctant to waste any of them.

A large number of vines are growing wildly in the middle, and Hill has begun to slowly transplant some delicious fruits and vegetables into it.

He also buried a large number of earth element crystals in the thick soil under his feet. He hoped that the nutrients transformed by the soil would become more and more abundant.

Hill slowly modified the pendant and was in a good mood.

Just now, when I was using space crystals to strengthen the pendant, I finally got lucky. The space was connected to the elemental world. Although it may only be the size of a pinhole, the power of the elements has begun to gradually penetrate.

The wind elemental Kes inside flew for a while, and suddenly connected to Hill, wanting a place to live in the sky.

Hill readily agreed.

But he didn't want to just make a boat for Case. The floating array could not only be carved on ship-shaped buildings.

Hill took out some amber and found many kinds of silk materials, hoping to make a cloud house for Case.

While he was studying, Liszt knocked on the door.

Hill walked out strangely. Besides Liszt, there was also Adrian standing outside.

"Uncle Adrian." Hill smiled helplessly, "Why did you come here so suddenly?"

"I've always wanted to tell you something." Adrian smiled cordially, "When I saw Liszt sending the kid away, I knew you were free, so I came over."

"I won't accuse you of going to eat seafood secretly." Hill said sharply, "Don't smile so lovingly, I'm a little scared."

"I heard from Liszt that he learned a lot of undead cooking methods." Adrian changed the subject nonchalantly, "I really want to try it. I also brought you some delicious seafood."

Hill looked at Lister.

"It's already done, in the restaurant." Liszt said with a smile.

"Then let's go eat together." Hill looked at the interested Adrian and said with a smile.

What Adrian brought should be seafood from the deep sea. It tastes different and better than what Lister collected from the players.

"Who has gone to the deep sea?" Hill, who was full of satisfaction, walked to the living room, holding his belly and pacing slowly.

"Legendary Mage Miller." Adrian followed Hill with a wry smile and found a sofa to sit down on. "Do you like eating sea food that much?"

"I like it very much," Hill said without hesitation, "but it's more to satisfy my regret that I didn't get something better."

"But what about Miller Legend?" Hill changed the subject and said, "I thought Carl Legend would be more diligent."

"Miller is legendary, he flies fast." Adrian said, "And his desire to achieve great achievements is also stronger."

"Go and negotiate with the demigods?" Hill said, "What's the result?"

"At present, we have just reached an agreement to maintain peace before exorcising the devil." Adrian said with a smile, "But I don't think we can fight anymore."


"Hill, you haven't seen Spencer's carnival with your own eyes." Adrian said solemnly, "Maybe you haven't felt the horror. There are really many undead!"

"Didn't you already know that it's tens of millions, maybe even hundreds of millions?"

"Your Majesty the King, disperse these undead people across the territories of three countries. Our feelings are not that clear." Adrian smiled bitterly, "This time, many of them came to participate in the carnival.

Hill, standing there, I realized for the first time what a crowd is.

There are tens of thousands of stalls in the food court.

I couldn't even finish it from beginning to end, so the feast was over.

Then I flew in the air and looked at the brightly lit city below. From the city center to the beach, it was full of people!

Such a long coastline is actually filled with dense crowds of people.

I thought they would eat such large legendary monsters for a few days, but in less than 2 hours, they were all eaten.

And this is less than half of the number."

Adrian exhaled, "The demigod sea monsters must have seen it too. No matter how powerful they are, they are still afraid of so many immortal people!

Even if they are not afraid, they still have descendants!"

Hill smiled and nodded: "That's good too. Otherwise I won't be able to buy good things."

"I heard some time ago that you got something good from a legendary sea monster?"

"Deep sea ice lily." Hill said with satisfaction, "There are also many shells of space sea monsters."

"That's good. Make more alchemy houses and make them more gorgeous." Adrian said, "The undead must want to buy it. His Majesty the King has just opened up the territory south of Cortez."

"Do you want them to guard against demons?" Hill asked strangely, "Is this confirmation that Noah can't handle it?"

Noah south of Cortez shouldn't be that weak, right?

"No, I doubt that Noah will leave anyone to defend their northern border." Adrian sighed, "After all, our king is lawful, neutral and kind, and it is impossible to take the initiative to attack a country that has not offended him."

"That's right, Noah probably no longer has any nobles connected by blood to the Cortez royal family." Hill mocked.

The first king of Cortez was really the one who defeated Noah, and it was also the result of offending a certain great noble.

Hill remembered some related stories. The legend of Cortez is that the knight turned into a beauty out of anger, and was attracted by the nobles as his fiancée. He led his relatives and subordinates to create a world.

What Noah said was that the Sky Knight abducted the mistress of a certain Duke and ran away from the country.

However, the books of the Mages Association somewhat hint that Cortez's story is true.

Although Noah said it nicely, as King Cortez became a legend, the Duke gradually disappeared from the upper class society, and his inheritance has now been cut off.

But these things have nothing to do with William.

As long as the throne of the God of Time and Space still shines in the middle of the sky, Noah will not be afraid.

A new god can choose an alignment that lasts for thousands of years. Adrian is too lazy to continue talking about this country. Since Noah can do it, he doesn't care about other people's ridicule.

"I won't ask you how you preserved the ice lily." Adrian changed the subject, "After all, in this regard, our magic tower may not be as good as your Liszt."

Hill, who could only use the magic tower in various strange places because no one lived there, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I came here. Legend Miller helped a legendary turtle to transfer a gift to you." Adrian said, "I have already put it on your desk. Does he want to continue trading with you?"

"How is that possible? Bex and I have a pair of sound-transmitting conches." Hill said strangely, "I'm going to have a look. I don't know what he wants to do."

Adrian followed Hill into the study, "In this territory of yours, if you don't live there all the time, you can stay there for a few days now and then. It's quite nurturing."

Did Adrian feel the strong natural aura? Hill thought helplessly, there is no way, although there is no leakage, but in this valley, it can be regarded as a trace of feedback from the world consciousness.

Hill's farm has to buy new livestock. Not to mention the plants, the magic plant lily of the valley that moved here has all grown seeds, and with the gentle breeze blowing, her seeds have spread far away.

Hill once thought that the beech tree, which had been growing for a long time, had turned into a small tree.

Hill originally thought that the growth of water talent was all the feedback given by the world consciousness, but it gave Hill two fair portions.

For wind, it is the growth of water talent.

And it helped the growth of natural consciousness, which was a significant improvement in the strength of Hill's entire territory.

Liszt's core has become stronger.

Many newly born wood elemental elves have also fallen asleep in the giant trees that accompany them. When they wake up again, not only will their own strength advance, but the giant trees they have been living with all year round will also directly become powerful trees.


Hill felt that soon, he would have as many tree people as there were in an elf town.

In the kingdom of elves, trees may awaken into treants when they reach 5,000 years old. After all, there are many wood elemental elves, and trees grow healthier.

The giant trees in Hill's territory all struggled to grow on their own, and the age at which they turned into tree people was basically over ten thousand years.

Hill could only nod to Adrian: "The wood elemental elf is growing very well."

Adrian walked to the balcony with envy and watched: "This is really good. Your magic plants here must be growing very well."

"If you need anything, you can ask Liszt. I don't mind if you give me something in exchange." Hill flipped through the shell box in his hand carelessly. This was not at the level of Bex. It had to be a demigod's seal, right?

"You can pick magic plants?" Adrian asked in surprise.

"They are willing to exchange some of their branches and leaves for things." Hill looked up and said, "Anyway, new ones will grow every once in a while."

"Okay, I will ask Liszt." Adrian said, "Does he know all the magic plants in the entire territory now?"

"Yes." Hill knocked on the box to confirm that there was no problem. "They like to live at the nodes of the magic circle line. Lister often communicates with them."

Adrian recalled the huge magic circle in Hill Valley and nodded in acquiescence.

He watched Hill open the box directly and couldn't help but put his head out to take a look.

As Hill poured out a box full of pearl conches and opened the small shell boxes one by one, Adrian was surprised: "The turtle is so rich?"

"Even if you kill Bex, there won't be so many good things." Hill murmured.

He resisted the impulse and found a small conch. This is a conch with a voice. Generally, it can only be remembered for 1 minute, and then it will dissipate after being released once. Advanced ones can be used multiple times, but they cannot be played repeatedly.

Have to re-record.

The one in Hill's hand is rare to grow to the level of a magician. This should be the shell she shed. It is very mature and has no aura of death.

Hill opened it gently, and a deep and powerful voice sounded.

"I am the elder of Bex, Quirinus.

Not the unlucky guy who almost died at the hands of the undead.

He got a good box from Bex, which is very suitable for old guys like us who live in the sea.

I heard Bex tell you the price of your transaction, but he also said that the box was originally what you wanted to use to store the trading items.

He pretended to be stupid and exchanged it with you for something worthless.

I'm so old, of course I can't bully a kid like you.

These are the deposit, and I will give you more reward when the box is delivered.

This conch contains my breath. If the people you send to deliver the goods carry this, no sea monsters will dare to attack you."

Hill blinked and looked down at the box full of treasures. Thinking that this was a deposit, it was no surprise that his heart moved.

Adrian suddenly said: "I'll send it off, okay?"

Hill looked at Adrian, who couldn't hide his envy, and said helplessly, "Ask your grandfather. I can't do much. Just make more and ask someone to exchange it with him."


"Your box is different from ours. It has that natural smell that only the things you make can have." Adrian shook his head, "The price you gave me is definitely different from yours. It would be nice if I could borrow the light and trade with them."


Adrian raised his head and said to Hill sincerely: "I should have traveled around. It is very rare to be able to go to the deep sea to see the world. If we can successfully establish a trading line with the deep sea demigods, it will be a godsend opportunity."

Hill, the value of trade routes is immeasurable.

The teacher will compensate you."

Adrian walked to the balcony, turned around and said, "I have to discuss it with the teacher. I must give you enough reward."

Just as Hill was about to reach out, Adrian flew away resolutely.

"But even if I have trade routes, no one will use them." Hill murmured, "I understand that trade routes are important, but I can't use them!"

If Adrian didn't say anything, Hill would definitely still look for the undead.

The main thing is that you don't have to worry about anyone dying because of helping Hill deliver goods.

But if it concerns the trade route Adrian wants, Hill won't dare to mess around.

Hill slowly picked up a few small shells and looked at the contents that were almost 30 times what Bex sent last time.

This is a deposit!

I know that there are rich people in the deep sea, but this is the first time I have seen what generosity means!

Bex's last move was something Hill could understand.

Hill raised his head and thought about it. Even before he ascended to the throne, the God of Time and Space was very creative.

He has no pursuit of becoming a god, but if demigods are so rich, he can still consider it!

Hill quietly threw a deep-sea coral into the Crescent Lake inside the pendant. He could use one, but lost the other one!


The hand asking for votes is always raised.

Nasiriya looking forward to it

This chapter has been completed!
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