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Chapter 1330 The Green Rose of Brasilia

 Chapter 1331 Hill who is confused about the situation

Earl Steer sat on a chair, looking with a serious expression on the butler and his subordinates who he regarded as brothers, looking at each other. He couldn't help but frown... as if he was an unkind and strict father!

But...what can he do?

Can the leader of a family only know how to giggle and pamper like them?

His earl tried to speak in the gentlest tone he could: "Ellie.

You don't need to think about so many issues now, just show your best side.

After all, our Steer family can't help you at all in this regard.

Even if that earth traveler is really willing to teach you something, you have to be outstanding enough for him to really appreciate it.

Otherwise... Yes, such a strong man will not care about those dirty politics, but he also will not care about the eldest daughter of an earl family.

Whether we can open this mouth depends on whether the other party gives us a chance.

Today's high-level mages will not take action easily, but it does not mean that they cannot do it... Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of them, and it does not mean that you can disrespect them.

What we can strive for now is just an opportunity, an opportunity for you to show yourself in front of him, and the rest... we can only leave it to fate."

"I know." Elitelman said softly, "Of course I know, mage... is a profession that the more you understand, the more terrifying the people above you will be.

So, father, I understand very well why you, who came down from the battlefield, are so insistent on letting me have my own way.

How lucky I am to have this opportunity to embark on the path of a mage... Linde, are you really that much worse than me?

Although I have a little bit of luck, it doesn't mean that it will really rain gold on my head."

She glanced at her uncles who looked at her with concern, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I will consider it carefully before making a decision.

And before that, I will definitely try my best to show my best."

Then she suddenly laughed: "At least, the appearance of this person saves me from having to smile brightly and have a gentle attitude when facing those guys who can't even understand apprentice-level rune questions, right?


Count Steer stood up: "Then it's settled.

I have to talk to Helena. Although I don't agree with her idea, if Ellie chooses her path in the end, I have nothing to say.

Ellie, I want you to understand... As a warrior, I choose you to be the guardian of the Stel family, not just for family considerations.

Whether it is a man or a woman, love is of course important... but only a couple who can support each other and support each other can reach the end... and to be able to do this, it depends on whether both parties have conscience.

It is easy to fall in love but difficult to stay together... How many loving couples were inseparable when they were young, but before their children grow up, they are tired of even looking at each other.

Although the status of women in the Damboro Kingdom is pretty good, everyone has to admit that by that time, men will always have more choices than women.

More men than women forget the past.

Therefore, only those who are strong and can withstand whatever consequences they face can always stand at the top.

My daughter, your personality has been very similar to mine since you were a child, so I don’t think you can endure the pain of...being abandoned by your lover."

Ellie held up the hem of her skirt and made a gentle lady's bow: "Yes, my father, I really can't do it.

Unless the family needs me to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, I will only choose... to let him die."

Her bright red lips revealed the gentlest smile: "Even if my husband eventually becomes the king of Damboro Kingdom, it will be the same.

Maybe, I will become Queen Elitelman!"

The men smiled helplessly.

If it weren't for that prince, he would definitely not have a chance to compete for the king. Who would give him the little rose in his hand?

Without a prince with real power, the Steer family can still compete with it. Only then will the future of Miss Ellie and Ellie's children be guaranteed... Although the earl is a good man, he doesn't think that it's just that.

It is easy to find a noble man for your daughter who is willing to be faithful in marriage.

Men are the creatures that least trust men.

Otherwise, the Earl would not have wanted his daughter to become the master of the magic tower... He also thought that Ellie would be able to live freely like those powerful female mages in the future. If he really wanted a man... how many men could he have?

Just for fun!

In fact, no woman with much experience would believe it, otherwise Helena, who has royal blood, would not specifically find Alexei who has little hope of becoming a leader.

If she really wanted to... the eldest daughter of the Stel family, who still had a large number of subordinates staying there even after leaving the border, wanted to marry an ambitious prince and work hard for the position of queen, it would be a piece of cake.

This is the most difficult part for the Ster family... they need to maintain a certain degree of contact with the royal capital, but do not want to get involved in the princes' struggle for the throne. Of course, every step must be taken with extreme caution.

If Earl Ster hadn't angered the petty king five years ago by going home, the current Miss Ellie would have become the most eye-catching girl in Damboro... being pursued by all the princes.

Even if there are countless scheming plans hidden behind it, it is still glorious enough.

Fortunately, no one in the Stur family liked that kind of scenery.

Ellie is a smart little girl. At this time, she also understands why her parents have differences... However, the count's little secret thoughts... such as letting his daughter raise a few pretty boys, etc., she also


Now, Ellie just thinks that her father wants to find a son-in-law for her.

But there are not many men who are willing to do this, especially those who have some talent as a mage, even fewer.

Helena, who has always been smart and courageous, definitely doesn't want her daughter to have to choose a taller person.

But in short, compared to the gloomy mood some time ago, Ali is in a much happier mood now.

This is really thanks to the unexpected arrival of the traveler from the earth!

If it hadn't been for his arrival, Ellie felt that she might make the wrong choice because of her random thoughts... In that case, her future might have gone astray!

When the time comes, what if she becomes a queen?

The fastest changing thing in Danboro is the position of queen!

It’s all so frustrating!

Life in the palace is either good or not.

Ellie blinked and decided that even if Mr. Belveland looked down on her talent, she would still be respectful and treat him like her grandfather!

I only heard about Mr. Belfran's strength and extraordinary ability, and the fact that Ellie, who was over a hundred years old as her father said, laughed out loud... The afternoon sun shone through the bright glass windows on her lovely face.

Her bright smile was so bright that the elders who looked at her laughed happily together.

Hill, who didn't care at all about things in Stel Castle and felt that he could almost join the ranks of high-level mages in this world, was looking at the piles of auction items that the Puppet Shop brought for him from the hut with great interest.


There are not many admission tickets to the fair, but they are all extremely beautiful auction items... some of them are specially marked as unique items.

The implication is obvious.

It is telling Hill that the Ster family only sells popular goods. Really good things can only be found from other families.

Hill couldn't help but reveal a smile... He could be sure that when he was talking to Joshua, no outsider could hear the content of their conversation.

In other words, the Stehr family can't even keep this little secret.

This gave Hill a deeper understanding of the family's situation... If even the home is not safe, what else can we expect?

But... Judging from Joshua's performance, Count Steer should be a shrewd man, right?

Maybe there was some trouble that caused the family affairs to go wrong?

Hill shook his head, this...has nothing to do with him.

Then he couldn't help but curl his lips... Compared to those fools showing off with a bunch of low-grade alloy materials, he might as well go to the Stehr family auction, which sells more natural materials.

Have these people never seen a high-level alchemist?

What alchemist would use ordinary low-grade alloys made by others!

It’s just a mixture of several metals, and there hasn’t even been any acidic or alkaline reaction!

Shouldn't you know how to do it just by touching it?

Adrian will never have this problem!

Really... if the alchemists of this world don't even understand the properties of alloys, how can they make finished products?

Hill thought that only undead alchemists could be so...ignorant and fearless!

A true master of alchemy must have a clear understanding of the properties of all materials... in the worst case, at least the basic materials...

Hill threw the booklets aside unhappily... Could it be the reason why the world began to industrialize?

Industry is a good thing for the public.

But for some professions that require enduring loneliness and adhering to tradition, it is indeed a huge test.

It’s not that no one is doing it, it’s that the foundation of the newcomers is no longer solid.

Hill's hand in turning the book suddenly stopped... He remembered the dissatisfaction of the former president of the Mage Association, De La Cruz, with William's alchemy workshop... The old man has always been very concerned about the inheritance of the mage. Did he think of things like now?

This situation?

That's why William pays so much attention to Toril... A world that doesn't even need to memorize spell models is the most representative in this regard.

As for Flan... Flan always believes that people have to work hard on their own. If you don't want to learn, just let them go. There is no need to force you to learn.

Therefore, he doesn't think much about whether his alchemy school can continue... If it is gone, it means that it is outdated, otherwise how could no one learn it?

This chapter has been completed!
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