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Chapter 1444 Existence in the Silver Mine

Of course, Hill knew that Ellie's talent was not very good, but as long as she had enough resources and was promoted to level ten, she would still be fine.

Although this may take decades... If you want to advance to level 10 in Oasis, even the more talented Lusimar will have to wait until he is in his 40s.

However, only the mage who steps up like that is truly powerful!

Could it be that she still thought that there would be no enemies in her future?

If it's just a pure wind mage... what's the difference between it and a pure wind warlock?

How to kill a wind warlock? Even in Trasil where there is a shortage of magicians, there are countless tactics to choose from.

Knights and swordsmen with some equipment can kill her!

Not to mention those who specialize in assassination.

Hill can crush such a single-type enemy to death without even using his brain.

Real warlocks are all frantically forcing themselves to become mages, but in the end, she turned herself into a warlock?

It's so ridiculous.

Hill used to think that there was a big difference between the two siblings, but now it seems that bloodline still has its own magic.

If we say that within 30 years, she might be able to suppress her younger brother who is not as talented as her, but when Linde has a deeper understanding of magic, he can easily suppress his single-level mage as long as he becomes an intermediate mage.



Hill walked lightly into the earth, and the hard rocks slowly parted in front of him...Lind probably didn't know that from this moment on, his envious sister had already embarked on a path with no way forward.

Not to mention, as a wind god, it is easy for Wendy to control a human who has assimilated with a low-level wind fairy!

It's impossible for Ellie not to know how dangerous this matter is, so she probably believes that her luck can allow her to seize the one in 10,000 chance?

After all, the wind fairy's mind has been completely wiped out by Oaises.

How can you think that just because you are lucky enough, you will have a path to success when things come to a head?

How can luck and life be weighed on the scales!

Hill didn't understand this strange thinking at all, but he had no interest in understanding the girl's mental journey.

There are many people in every world who are greedy for immediate gain and seek their own death.

He's just a passerby I know.

Ha~ That woman had better not come forward and say that she took this path because of him... Hill felt that he would be so disgusted that he would just slap her to death!

He slowly walked into the mine, his eyes moving slightly: Although it looked like a relatively pure silver mine, there was actually a tiny vein of energy crystals at the bottom of the mine.

It's very thin, the kind that Hill wouldn't even look down at when passing by.

But it's enough energy to support a portal.

Moreover, the ores submerged in seawater have already undergone some changes in their properties... What surprised Hill the most was that the black-green seaweed floating in that section of seawater had obviously undergone some divine transformation.

It seems that Iosca has known about the sea goddess that Oasis and Triton did not notice, and has even used it as a separation wall.

No wonder neither of them noticed the door here.

Really, Oasis and Triton were playing house?

The shadow behind these happy enemies is really big!

That door doesn't lead to the desert.

Hill squatted down and pondered for a long time, and then visualized the world map of Oaises in mid-air, and finally found the direction of the portal... the Elf Forest that had been completely sealed by Oaises.

The periphery of the Elf Forest has been turned into ruins, but inside, a large number of creatures left by the elves still exist.

It is impossible for Oasis to kill all living creatures just to destroy one kind of creature.

Especially for some creatures that feed on insects, mutated silk spiders cannot parasitize them.

If Oaises had been ruthless, he would not have been forced into this state by Triton.

Only truly evil people are scary...like AO.

Hill silently stretched out his finger... A delicate and feminine female voice sounded behind him: "There are more than one similar portal.

So, why bother to be my enemy? Hill."

Hill turned around gently: "I don't mean to be your enemy, Ms. Rose.

But, I don’t like danger around me.”

"Wouldn't it be better to let that stupid woman betray all her relatives?" The shadow of the extremely beautiful female Drow floated in front of Hill's eyes, "Ha~ she has good vision, but it's a pity that she overestimates her abilities.

How can such an excellent kid like you look down on that kind of trash!"

Hill looked at the ground in front of him expressionlessly, feeling confused... Rose, why were you so nice to him all of a sudden?

What is there about him that makes him worthy of being a spider queen?

Can it be revealed?

He is easy to change.

Hill actually felt that kind of prying eyes after he came in, so he walked slowly step by step.

With every step he took, he was awakening the power of the earth. The twelve long swords on the crystal fan were also ready and could be activated at any time. Hill even took out the Talisman of Perfection.

I didn't expect it to be Rose.

It's not like the Spider Queen didn't want to attack him, but it was obvious that this incarnation wasn't strong enough, at least it couldn't make a single attack effective.

As for Hill, as a famous strongman, even if Rose could seal the fluctuations of the spell, she could not stop him from breaking through the rocks above his head.

Not to mention, Rose didn't even find any chance to cut off the connection between Hill and the earth... He had countless ways to alarm Oasis.

Hill thought for a while before saying: "I don't like to change the way I do things for people who don't matter.

Her presence has no effect on me."

"But, don't you hate having such endless suitors?" Rose put a hand in front of her mouth, her enchanting eyes sparkling, "Don't you understand why she assimilated with the wind fairy?"

"Wendy did something?" Hill smiled gently, "The wind goddess's methods are very vicious, which is a bit different from my impression of elemental creatures."

"The side element is like this, just like the smoke element prince, isn't it also very insidious?" Rose waved her hand gently, "Wendy is different from your Case, she is originally a wind with special attributes.

Just because of Iosca's methods, no creature knows her true attributes!

Including elemental creatures."

She twisted her waist and pointed at Hill with her slender fingers: "Although I know that you don't want me to use your name to deal with those humans, but... I do feel a little competitive.


Compared to that arrogant guy like Iosca, Wendy's ability related to desire is more suitable for me.

Hmm... the olive branch thrown by Ms. Pain, I think I can consider it."

"Then... there shouldn't be any need to keep this transmission channel, right?" Hill asked softly.

"Do you hate spiders? Or all bugs?" Rose suddenly stopped smiling.

"The wine I buy the most in Trasil is called Crystal Mystery." Hill seemed to have no answer for the question, "I like to eat crystal fruit very much, and I often grow it myself."

Rose's eyes rolled slightly, and she pursed her lips and smiled: "Human beings are so strange, why are they so afraid of bugs in their bodies?"

"I don't know," Hill said honestly, "but it makes me sick just thinking about it."

"Okay... Since you didn't lie to me, I won't care about things here anymore." Rose smiled softly and disappeared into the mine tunnel.

Hill stood there and frowned... He did hear the sound of the small creature leaving quickly, but Rose was not on top of it.

This is an illusion she created to blind Hill's perception.

Although she was very considerate, the pile of seaweed-like creatures on which she relied for existence still had the vitality of natural plants. As long as Hill concentrated, it was impossible to ignore it.

Of course, if it were another natural mage, he would probably ignore the pile of muddy seaweed... Ah, no, it should be said that it is mud mixed with seaweed.

The plants inside feel a bit dying.

The creature Rose entrusted with her incarnation this time was not a spider?

Is she planning to use the world of Oaises to cultivate the incarnation of the sludge monster?

That’s right, the Lord of the World is of the earth’s nature!

Hmm... How can Oasis be so evil... What a sin he has done!

Then what does she want to do by pretending to have left?

Want to take action against Hill?

It's not like he's there, it's like he's observing him... The hostility isn't that severe, but it's still there.

Hill really felt a little guilty!

He didn't want to be targeted by Rose, no matter what.

Hill gently bit the meat in his cheek, bent his knees and squatted down, pressing his right hand on the ground, erasing all the rune marks on the ground, and then slowly grabbed the seaweed with the characteristics of the goddess of the sea with a solemn expression.

came out, then frowned and sealed it firmly with the isolation crystal.

He also checked all the things in the sea water very carefully. After confirming that there was no residue of the Ocean Goddess, he pushed all the things out of the underground passage...including the dirty mess hidden by Rose.

Seagrass then completely converted the area into rock.

Finally, the silver mine was completely sealed...including an abandoned open mithril box deep in the silver mine.

That should be the assimilation circle used by Ellie.

This chapter has been completed!
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