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Chapter 396 Interesting World

Russell glanced at Carpenter: "You haven't been very friendly to me lately, sister."

"The fact that I can still communicate with you calmly is a sign of my broad-mindedness." Carpenter sneered, "I'm used to differences in talent and the like, and I don't think anything is wrong.

But why can you write faster than me? And why can you write so well?"

Russell hesitated for a few seconds, but still answered seriously: "Maybe it's because I have good talent?"

The irritated Carpenter suddenly looked up at his brother, with an expression on his face that said, "What are you talking about?"

Then he slowly calmed down in Russell's serious eyes... In the early days of the apprenticeship, the meditation time was limited.

Because he was talented and could not squeeze his mental energy too much, Russell did have plenty of time during that period.

Carpenter looked at his brother with a crazy look: "You actually practice writing? At 8 years old?

Don’t you have any time for entertainment?”

"Writing is very good!" Russell replied seriously, "It can make me feel calm, and it is very suitable for relieving fatigue after meditation.

Moreover, don’t you have to practice basic physical skills every day?

You are already so tired, why do you have to go out?"

Carpenter rolled his eyes viciously: "Maybe it's because I'm naive and just want to play?"

Russell still didn’t understand: “If you have so much energy, why not practice more physical skills?

It’s very helpful for stabilizing the spiritual sea!”

Carpenter lowered her head and continued to copy, giving her brother a look full of contempt from her long hair: "Brother who has no childhood, don't talk to me."

Russell blinked. Although he still didn't understand what Carpenter was getting angry about, he was always wise and chose to shut up.


Hilbert once again welcomed a new guest.

Of course he knew that there would be people who knew about Russell's talent, and someone would soon be interested in him.

But Root's somewhat ambiguous attitude made most of the unconfident mages choose to wait and see for the time being.

Anyone who dares to dance in front of Gilbert must be a direct descendant of a certain tower owner.

Hill always thought it would be one of Nicholson's children, or a biological son. Their style of doing things has always been a bit flamboyant, and they basically don't suppress their desires.

Among the silly boys looking around in the tower on the opposite side, there are a few who want to call Grandpa Nicholson, and they have all been promoted to official mages.

According to the style of the Nicholson family, they would definitely not feel that speaking like this was an insult to Gilbert... Then even if they would be rejected, they would come and mention it.

Anyway, even if he is rejected, it can be considered that Gilbert wants to consider the relationship between Root and Nicholson, which only proves that Gilbert does care about the family as rumored.

Then the children can interact freely... Anyway, they have already said hello in advance.

The Nicholson family is indeed a bit overbearing, but not to the point of being unscrupulous. Of course, the premise is that the other party's status can be compared with theirs.

This is actually nothing in the world of mages, and Toril's mage tower cannot avoid this phenomenon.

So Hill kept changing his perception of the owner of Nicholson Tower, like a puzzle piece, slowly carving out an original picture in his mind.

He has seen something a little clearer in the past few days: the relationship between Root and Nicholson is definitely not the awkward collaboration they appear to be.

The two of them have actually been shouting for an alliance, so Nicholson's family members who are messing around in the town generally don't show any hostility towards the Lute faction mage family members... secretly

Of course, there is no shortage of confrontation, and there are almost no direct attacks with open guns and swords.

But the hands that do things secretly have never stopped.

Many of Root's and Nicholson's students sneered at them in front of everyone, and secretly plotted against them... so you could guess who did it.

The disharmony in cooperation always makes the two factions feel at odds with each other.

Therefore, some students from Camanteta have basically filled a lot of work areas that require contact with people.

It seems that this person is responsible for serving as the middle hub and lubricant among the three factions, and is truly indispensable.

However, what is really important to a mage?

A tedious but rewarding job, or sufficient study time?

As for those who want to compete with the students of Carment Tower, the two tower owners never interfere, but they rarely take the initiative to help.

Root didn't care about it at all. The few times Nicholson took charge were all in competition with Root's people... and he was ridiculed by Root to his face because of this.

Gee, these two are having a great time!

After Hill slowly developed a basic impression of the two archmages, he began to doubt some of Gilbert's ideas... Root attaches so much importance to him who has the heritage of the defensive tower, it is very likely not just because he went to school.

Handed in some special defense tower spells.

The Tower of Black Mystery is so complicated, but what about the Tower of Despair?

What about those large magic towers that are similar to the Tower of Despair, and even the Tower of Thea is not particularly powerful?

So the Heinalson family was able to travel a long distance from their own territory to the Tower of Despair and then to the Tower of Black Mystery without any major incident. Perhaps, it was not just their luck.

Those magic towers don't need to show their affection for this family. They only need to show their fear of the Tower of Theia to directly order the less-than-clean wizards in the tower not to have anything to do with the Heinalson family.

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Hill felt that there was nothing wrong with what he was thinking, and it could even solve some of the doubts in his mind... It was the words of the mage from the Tower of Despair who had competed with Gilbert.

A person who can be ranked at the forefront of apprentices according to his natural ability, and a person who can only rely on overly exciting, even evil means to advance. A normal magic tower will actually find a way to make the former become a disciple.


Just secretly give the child a little help, and you don't even need to provide any resources.

Apprentices always have various flaws. How many people can really learn well on their own?

There is always something that can make him instantly surpass Gilbert who is on par with him as long as he corrects him.

However, the Tower of Despair behaved very fairly and did not even show its dissatisfaction with Gilbert's approach.

When Hill thought about this incident, he carefully checked Gilbert's memory. It was true that a mage from the Tower of Despair had approached Gilbert, but they only reminded him of how much harm this incident would cause him.

When it was confirmed that Gilbert wanted to do that from the bottom of his heart, the attitude shown by the Tower of Despair was really tolerant.

In the world of mages, there is really very little tolerance like this.

Regardless of whether they are gifted people or struggling people, they don't really like the extreme people... Such people are really easy to go astray, and it is not uncommon for them and the magic tower to die together.

The mages in this world seem to be a little different from what Hill thought at first.

They weren't really completely brainwashed, they just couldn't resist.

Even the defense tower may directly send itself to the real altar after discovering that certain things cannot be changed.

Otherwise, Hill would not be able to understand the goodwill of other magic towers towards the Heinalson family.

There must be a tacit understanding between these magic towers that although they have no contact with each other, they are connected to each other.

Then... it's not too sudden that all the towers of the dead were suddenly controlled by the guy pretending to be an iron dragon... The red dragon's command of the necromancers was too precise, which made those who knew the dragon better

Hill was a little confused.

Styx is definitely not able to give such precise command, only the red dragon himself...but the red dragon's mental power?

Just smile and forget it.

If this red dragon really had that ability, he wouldn't have been tricked into becoming a dragon by Tiamat back then.

So although it was a bit unexpected, Hill still welcomed this surprising guest... a student of Camante Tower, who was also a seventh-ring student.

This chapter has been completed!
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