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Chapter 458 Confrontation with Words

 Hilbert sneered and said in a cold tone: "The girls from our Heinelson family are quite valuable."

Everyone can hear the implication of his words... It's best for Aisling to stay away from such a precious girl.

However, Hilbert did not end his verbal attacks there: "In my heart, Russell is a good kid who can be trusted.

I don't need anyone else to test him for me.


He looked at Aislin with a cold and mocking look.

Although he quickly turned away and looked towards the front of the hall indifferently... But Aisling certainly understood what the other person was warning: Gilbert knew her purpose this time and was very dissatisfied with her suspicion.

But in this matter, Aislin still felt that she was on the right side... It was impossible that Teacher Root didn't know about her temptation.

If Root hadn't also had this concern, he would have stopped her from doing this long ago.

Being able to solve these things for the teacher that were difficult to do with his usual style is one of the reasons why Aislin has always been entrusted with important tasks.

Gilbert must have understood this, so he chose not to speak clearly.

The most he can do is make this guy hate himself... Is it possible that he can put this resentment on his teacher?

No matter how talented Gilbert is, at least within a hundred years, he will not be able to defeat Aisling. In this regard, she is quite confident.

Before the seventh ring, you could indeed rely on your talent to make rapid progress, but when you reach the eighth ring... there is not enough time to get used to the rules and understand it, and it is impossible to cross this level.

Just like Rommel, that incredibly outstanding student of Camante Towers.

Even if Gilbert can be as good as Rommel... Aisling feels that she has raised Gilbert too high... It will take a hundred years for him to reach her.

Of course Aisling understood that if Gilbert really wanted to fight her, she wouldn't have it so easy.

But Aisling didn't think Gilbert would make such a big deal out of this small provocation with Root's acquiescence.

It's just sarcasm, is she still afraid of this?

Among all the archmages in the Tower of Black Mystery, Aisling is the one who is least afraid of embarrassment...after all, she has already lost everything she could.

However, she still replied softly: "I'm just helping you test the student's reaction ability.

In the future, when you arrive in a new place, if you still like to ignore everything as you did in the past, you must have a smart person under you.

How to deal with emergency matters independently, for him..."

"I will teach my students." Hilbert quickly interrupted her, "I have the final say on my territory.

From now on, please do not enter my secret underground passage again, I will change the entrance and defense passwords."

"Huh?" Aislin didn't quite understand, "You are also dissatisfied with that Felice?

He is not your Heinalson..."

"His surname is Heinalson." Hilbert said in a warning tone, "And he has no intention of leaving the family.

Then he is Heinelson.

Moreover, his talent is not bad and he is already an official mage.

Who would give up on such a family member?"

"Huh?" Oliva suddenly intervened in the dispute... When Aisling and Gilbert started to argue, everyone else in the hall remained silent.

Neither of these are good things...the most important thing is that they are both good at expressing anger.

No one is interested in letting themselves be targeted by two annoying guys at the same time... The more annoyed they are, the more anxious they will become because they can't really take action.

At that time, whoever made a move was really unlucky.

Even if they won't be beaten, why should they be scolded?

Only Oliva, relying on Gilbert still having some respect for him, dared to intervene in the conversation between these two notoriously vicious guys.

He asked with a smile: "Didn't you say that Felice became a high-level apprentice after the age of 20 because he took the soul potion?

If his talent wasn't good enough, your Ulrich wouldn't have given up so simply.

I don't believe that if it was so good, he would really not dare to compete with Rolando.

If he was really afraid, he wouldn’t even keep Felice’s name.”

"Rolando's mental power is very consistent with the traditional meditation method of the Tower of Black Mystery." Hilbert squinted his eyes and gave an angled smile, "The reason why he was able to struggle out of that soul potion was because

It's because his soul power is really strong.

Apprentice-level soul potion cannot penetrate his mage-level soul power."

Rolando, who also took the soul potion, had of course been under the observation of these archmages for a long time.

So they knew exactly what Gilbert was talking about.

The stronger the soul of a mage, the stronger the resistance to soul potion... Therefore, the level of the soul potion itself is also very important.

It's not like they haven't fed apprentice-level potions to a certain mage... There was a shock in the magic tower some time ago, and part of the outer ring mage disappeared.

As for this part, no one knows whether he died at the hands of his companions, or whether he was directly exploited when he was causing trouble, and even himself became a test subject.

As long as they go outside the defensive formation range of the Black Mystery Tower, their lives will depend on it... The people on Root's side still have a bottom line when taking action, specifically targeting those who dare to do evil things.

The people on Nicholson's side prefer to choose those with richer pockets... But those outer-ring mages who dare to run outside the control area of ​​the magic tower have a rich family fortune, which is actually the same as not doing any good things.

Those who rely on their own special abilities to gain a foothold will basically never take a step outside.

There really aren't many good people among Nicholson and Camanteta's students, but they are quite lethal.

If an outer-ring mage is really capable and talented, he won't be unable to become a serious teacher.

Therefore, Hill didn't need to explain the matter clearly, and they could understand the true meaning of his words.

Of course, we can also better understand why Gilbert brought this matter up.

Aisling was really deceived in this matter... Even a fool like Pruitt could play tricks on her... What qualifications does she have to continue to interfere in Gilbert's own family affairs?

Forget it, they didn't need to put it in a nice way, Gilbert was just scolding Aisling for being hopelessly stupid.

This is not just talking about Pruitt's side...after all, most people made mistakes in judgment because of Carmenteta's consistent style.

Aisling's biggest weakness is also the only shortcoming that Root always brings out to show his dissatisfaction, and the main reason why she gives up part of her real power to Oliva: there will always be major consequences because of her indifference to her apprentices.

the lack of.

It's not like she hasn't been in contact with Felice, but she obviously didn't notice the reason why Felice was able to stay awake under the erosion of the soul potion.

However, this feature is something that Root will definitely pay attention to.

"Huh? Gilbert, what are you talking about?" Root, who quietly appeared on the small platform in front of the hall, asked as expected.

Although he was asking 'what is he talking about', his tone was very clear, he wanted Gilbert to make his words clearer, rather than really asking why.

Although Archmage Lute will directly point out Aislin's mistakes and give the harshest criticism, this is usually done in private, at most with a few direct students, like all high-level mages.

When he was in power, he would basically show some mercy to his powerful disciples.

Oliva and Aislin looked at Gilbert together... Did this guy deliberately choose to mention this matter at the moment Root appeared?

How did he determine that Root had appeared and was listening?

Hilbert smiled, squinted his eyes, and stared at the patterns on the wall of the hall, then narrowed his eyes at Aisling... and then turned to Root's eyes, leaving only a large area for the woman.

The whites of eyes.

Gilbert invented the method of how to roll your eyes in public, and it works quite well.

This chapter has been completed!
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