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Chapter 473 The endless mystery of the Tower of Black Mystery

Hill raised his head and looked at the three tall main towers in the distance, frowning slightly.

The various preparations Root, Camanteta and Nicholson made some time ago clearly show that they feel they still have some time.

Although Root's attitude was still quite nervous, Hill estimated his preparations, which were obviously based on one year.

Hill also had a little understanding of the Archmage. According to his cautious and step-by-step style of doing things, he must have felt that the Tower of Black Mystery still had at least one year left, no more, no less.

Therefore, the Tower of Siya suddenly advanced inexplicably, which obviously caught him off guard.

However, although Root was also a little confused, compared to those Gilbert seniors who were really panicked, his confusion was more like... he had been expected to be hit.

It seemed like something he had always suspected was finally confirmed because of this incident... and this fact was a blow to him that was enough to shake him.

But Root quickly covered up his slight flaw with his irritable attitude of yelling at everyone to go back and pack.

If Hill hadn't been carefully observing his emotional changes, it would have been difficult to see his wavering that was covered up in less than 10 seconds.

Of course, this is also because Hill was not surprised by the news that Root suddenly said... Of course he had heard it a long time ago.

The soul inheritance book in Felice's hand helped him a little, allowing Hill to gain some authority by using that book's close connection with the Tower of Black Mystery.

Of course, because of the presence of Rommel, Hill also acted very cautiously and just took some signals.

It's like connecting someone else's radio signal to your own radio. Although you can't speak, you can hear it no problem.

Therefore, during this period, Hill's information became much better.

If he were like others...even if he wouldn't be confused by the news that was similar to a sudden attack, he would still be surprised...how could he catch such a small and short-lived emotional change in Root.

Root, this person, really makes Hill a little confused.

He obviously knows a lot of things, whether it's what's going on in the Tower of Sea, or the undercurrents hidden in the darkness of the Tower of Black Mystery.

It stands to reason that with the importance he shows to the Tower of Darkness, he should be more cautious about many things.

Just like the Nicholson next door.

Although the Archmage was always hesitant because of his desire for revenge, he really wanted the Tower of Dark Mystery to survive this chaos.

However, his character is indeed consistent with the name of his magic tower... I don't know if it is because the moon waxes and wanes, and the hazy moon is more unpredictable. Nicholson always repeats it.

Hill never understood the significance of bringing out that family.

Although to a certain extent, the fact that the Tower of Black Mystery has been able to have a large number of mage apprentices during the nearly hundred years of decline is really due to the growth of this family...Nicholson's descendants and his disciples and grandsons all like it very much.

Create one small family after another.

Although there are more children without qualifications, they can't bear it and continue... There are no newborns every year, all because they can find female apprentices in the Black Mystery Tower that they like and can get, and there are only so many.


But during this time, after his sense of touch was finally able to touch the three main towers, Hill somewhat understood...Nicholson is a bit like a chaos type.

He relies a little on intuition, but not entirely on intuition.

After making an impulsive decision, I want to regret it after my rationality returns.

However, he was unwilling to take back his decision... so he simply replaced the previous decision with other methods.

This approach leaves many people at a loss as to what he really thinks.

Hill couldn't help but think of Nunnally's lover who discovered the truth and chose to go to the Tower of Thea to investigate alone without Nicholson's approval, and then lost her life because of it.

How should I put it... Does the meaning of Hazy Moon mean the Tower of Prophecy?

Their style of doing things is really a bit like those prophecy mages who are obsessed with their own prophecies, and then use various methods to deny or confirm this prophecy... and then become a part of the prophecy.

Many of the weird and crazy things in Toril are caused by their self-inflicted behavior.

The name of this tower also fits the attributes of a prophetic mage.

Tsk, if this is really the case, it’s not impossible to understand: the ‘prophecy’ and ‘riddle’ under the control of the Soul Main Tower.

The dark mystery under the control of Kamante Tower should be the guard tower, right?

In the world of mages, protection is neither important nor that important... The important thing is that mages always need protection.

What is not important is that the guards that the mage is willing to trust are all within their control. No matter how powerful the guard appears, his real flaw must be in the hands of the mage.

Therefore, this tower was taken out and handed over to the Kamante Tower, which was obviously problematic but could not be stopped.

Hill also guessed part of the meaning of the three towers connected: in the dark night, the rising mist can protect the secrets in the heart for souls who pry into the mysteries of fate.

Therefore, the soul inheritance book in Felice's hand is probably the real source of power of this magic tower.

Well, this is interesting... Lute is obviously not a soul mage, but he inherited this main tower.

And it is an unquestionable inheritance.

Over the years, there has been an undercurrent lurking in the Tower of Black Mystery, but no matter what moves the other two made, Root remained unmoved.

He obviously couldn't control the soul inheritance book...how could he be so perfectly prepared?

Then, is the real leader of the Tower of Black Mystery Root himself?

No, we can’t say that. Root’s position of power cannot be doubted.

Then, does the Black Mystery Tower secretly have a soul-based shadow tower master?

As for why that person can only hide in the shadows... Since the Black Mystery Tower is mainly composed of soul-based mages, and there are even some prophecy mages, how come now, only half a sword like the Kamante Tower is left?


Nicholson should have known that he had the gift of prophecy, but he obviously did not learn the special magic of spying on fate, but only relied on a little bit of intuition to do things.

The same goes for Nunnally's lover: if it was really predicted, he would not do it himself.

The most helpless thing about prophecy mages is this. They will choose to find a small character in the prophecy, and then try every means to get the other person to start that prophecy... Even if they want to change the prophecy, they will just try to make this unlucky person

The guy being targeted changes his destiny.

For example, let a person who clearly intends to climb a mountain jump into the sea.

Therefore, the Misty Moon group may have similar attributes, but they have not learned their inherited spells: the so-called prophecy spells that are spread out are of no value at all.

A prophecy mage needs the assistance of many magical objects, and the control methods of these magical objects and the meditation methods that resonate with the magical objects are the reasons why every prophecy mage makes real 'prophecies'.

Therefore, without observing one by one, Hill could feel the truth from the silence of the Hazy Moon Magic Tower: even Nicholson did not really become one with the tower.

The same goes for the main tower controlled by Root, which is obviously not really activated.

If it was really the Tower of Souls, how could it be possible that it was unaware of the true appearance of the Soul Potion?

Felice can probably guess a little bit.

Root definitely doesn't know, otherwise he wouldn't be so overly curious about the soul potion... Of course Hill can see it.

How could he really be unable to control the rampant use of soul potions by Outer Circle mages?

Even some unscrupulous guys in his faction secretly bought two bottles, but he didn't react at all, and just classified those people as surveillance targets.

Hill could feel that he actually wanted a large range of test subjects.

If he didn't quite understand Root's true purpose before, now, Hill has some speculation: Could the reason why the soul mages of the Black Mystery Tower were almost wiped out have something to do with the soul potion?

And that soul mage who may be assisting Root in controlling the Tower of Black Mystery, does he really want to be a shadow, or does he have to be that shadow?

However, Hill was not even sure whether this shadow was his random imagination or a flash of inspiration.

He couldn't help but sigh, there were too many secrets in the Tower of Darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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