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Chapter 85 The King Who Lives in the Tree

 Hill didn't know how the Silver Moon Goddess would treat this family after she fully awakened.

He was really not sure whether the goddess could forgive the moon elf.

After all, the goddess of hunting first did so many stupid things, and then asked Hill, a natural warlock, to raise the moon tree.

When the Silver Moon Goddess's consciousness blessed Hill, the seed had already entered the oak tree. Maybe that's why she didn't notice it?

Hill really doesn't understand why the goddess of hunting has absolutely no faith in the moon god?

Looking at the loyalty of the wolves, Silver Moon would give up on the moon elves, but this is nothing but normal.

Hill didn't plan to ask for any help. The moon elf could only wait for his fate!

Hill had a lot of thoughts, but he was so nervous during this period that he finally lay down on a familiar bed. Even though he still wanted to think about something, he slowly fell asleep.

He slept soundly and deeply, and when he opened his eyes, it was already the rising sun the next day.

Hill sat by the window, basking in the warm sunshine, eating his breakfast.

Ever since it was determined that the three gods were definitely not dead, but were just sleeping, not completely unresponsive, Hill knew that many things caused by the will of the world were probably related to the complete awakening of the three gods.

The fact that the earth did not collapse means that these three gods are still alive and well.

This sentence is very simple, but the meaning contained is very deep.

If this earth exists based on the power of the three gods, then the dwarves and elves who peek at the power of those two systems are definitely not for the purpose of surviving in this world.

The world will accept fugitives, but it will never tolerate invaders.

Although the moment Rose gave William revealed that she had been looking at the world, her gaze from the abyss never left.

But it also shows that the ones who really covet this world are probably foreign gods.

For example, the Elf God King Corellon.

In the dwarf pantheon, there are even more neutral evil camps.

Corellon might just do it casually and find a world for his illegitimate son to occupy, the dwarf pantheon, but that's not necessarily the case.

Hill couldn't figure out whose handiwork it was.

But what is at least certain is that when they came to this world, they entered in an attitude of fleeing for their lives.

And at that time, the three gods were already asleep.

She is the only moon elf left in the world and generously accepts these outsiders.

At that time, the human race might have just been born and was still in the stage of ignorant primitive tribes.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of years later, the pure moon elves became extinct.

Humans are also the weakest of the three races. If the God of Time and Space hadn't summoned the undead, humans would have become the devil's rations with the help of that noble god.

Even if he could survive, he would only be surviving under the protection of the gods.

Under the rule of demons, human beings who are struggling to survive can only kneel down and pray for mercy from the gods. What will become of human nature?

In the end, all human gods may become demon kings.

Elves and dwarves don't care what the world becomes.

After they obtained the priesthood, did they wait for the world to be shattered before leaving and returning to their own world?

When Hill thought of this, he felt a little chill even under the sun.

Did the will of the world see this terrible future and regard the undead summoned by the God of Time and Space as a life-saving straw?

Did those legendary mages also feel that the world was ending, so they left one after another?

Even those who had not left, the reclusive legendary archmages of the Mage Association, did not show any objection to the appearance of the undead.

Hill shook his head, throwing away his troubled thoughts.

In the Mage Association, there are probably legendary beings who want to take refuge with the elves so they can survive, right? But they don't dare to show it openly, so they have such a special envoy.

William probably knew the truth of the matter very early and did not need to guess slowly like Hill, so he was so rude to the hunting goddess.

Otherwise, with William's character, he shouldn't have said such rude words to a lady. He really doesn't like the goddess of hunting.

So when he apologized, he just said that what he said was too much, not that he shouldn't have said that.

There was also the Mage Association, the special envoy who was madly in love with the little elf princess. William always just ignored his rudeness or kicked him out. He had no complaints against the entire Mage Association.

They probably also know that there are some problems within the Mages Association.

William neither paid attention to the dwarves nor was he interested in communicating with the elves. As a qualified king, he should not adopt such an attitude of not even talking.

Hill doesn't know what the future holds for humanity.

He thought about it for a long time during this period, and finally understood why the God of Time and Space never attacked the God of Nobles. Why the Silver Wolf was released at this time, and Time and Space also acquiesced.

As a human god, although the noble god's methods are evil, his purpose is very clear.

How could such a powerful Kingdom of Warcraft appear near humans?

If He is willing to let the wolf god ascend to the starry sky, then there will be ghosts!

The dwarves and elves may be trying to prevent the Earth Goddess and Silver Moon Goddess from waking up, but the Noble God just wants to kill the Wolf God.

With so many demigods in World of Warcraft, it must have been very difficult for the noble god to cope with them.

It is impossible for Him not to know that the God of Craftsmen has problems. Therefore, he can only deal with many things by himself.

Therefore, even if His throne slides towards evil, it will not be hidden behind the curtain with those few. They are not accomplices, but they just cooperated for a common purpose.

The kingdom of the God of Nobles was already on the verge of collapse, so it was scrapped along with it by the will of the world. He has never been the main target of attacks by the will of the world. And for the God of Nobles, who had entered the mainland a long time ago, it was actually two years earlier.

The matter of years of slumber.

Just like the goddess of love who is involved in many things, in fact, except for the shrinking of the Kingdom of God, nothing has happened.

The Hunting Goddess is a fool! She actually believes that the God of Nobles really likes the Lord of the Moon Elves!

The Lord of the Moon Elf himself probably didn’t even believe it!

Why was it so easy for the Silver Moon Wolf God to ascend to the starry sky? No gods took action, and all the human gods watched helplessly. Hill also understood something: there is no harm in having more beast gods. But it cannot be the only beast god.


Just like Merkel's ancestors, aren't they also dissatisfied with the wolf god of the Moon God series? But if that one becomes the only god king, they will definitely obey his orders.

Hill didn't know whether the Noble God knew that Quan Shui's method of hostility was to summon demons, but as Quan Shui's accomplice, he was dragged into the water and there was nothing he could do about it.

He probably didn't know, but he could only accept the result. He slowly let himself slide towards evil, and in the end his mind became confused and there was no logic in doing things.

Hill could only figure out many things after the fact. If he were asked to judge, there would definitely be many mistakes. Hill is now glad that he handed all kinds of information directly to William at that time.

At that time, William indeed placed more responsibility on Quan Shui.

The God of Nobility has responsibilities, but He is just an instigator. Others can only accuse Him of being evil.

Hill sighed softly. He couldn't think so much about the matters between the gods. The time and space master squatted in the air and must have thought more thoughtfully than him.

For him, the most critical thing now is to be promoted to legend. Hill plans to use a year to construct another wind spell. Hill still hopes that his spell ring can be more balanced.

He only hopes that the world can spend this year in peace.

No matter how ups and downs Hill's life was, it actually had little impact on the country of Salar.

Perhaps it was because his fused soul back then was a bit strange, so the troubles he experienced in his life were always beyond Hill's ability.

Those are Salar citizens, a class that can never be touched.

So no matter how depressed Hill was, no one would pay attention to him except Fran and Adrian.

People should pay more attention to the things in front of them. Gods are not in the attention of ordinary people.

For the whole of Salar, Hill's existence is actually not important. What is important is the man sitting on the throne and getting angry.

If Hill saw it, he would probably know a little more about William.

After all, this is a real king who lives in a tree.

William did not choose to live in the Temple of Time and Space. When he was still King of Salar, he was not willing to put his government affairs center in the temple.

After the ginkgo tree becomes a tree man, it can be moved around the palace at will.

William took a fancy to this, and after using several alchemy cabins to throw various government departments into them, he placed a small cabin on the tall ginkgo tree and fixed the ginkgo firmly on its branches.

William, who lived in this hut, also placed a throne on a lower branch, and let Ginkgo take him around every day, rushing to various departments.

Adrian stood in the corner of the courtyard and shed tears of sympathy for these officials.

It's one thing to know that your king knows everything and can see everything.

It's another thing for your own king to take a walk when he has nothing to do, to run outside your own window and look in.

You can relax at least, and as long as you don't do anything you shouldn't do, no one thinks that the king will see you yawn and fart.

But now, if you happen to be doing these things and the king passes by, you really want to completely seclude yourself from the world.

The feeling of social death, no one wants it.

Adrian felt that when he went to discuss the prices of alchemy materials with the officials in the Finance Department, their faces looked a little more sad than disappointed.

Moreover, in the past, when the king was angry, the only people who faced him were high-ranking officials, princes and ministers.

This is the first time that everyone can directly see the angry king sitting on the throne.

Adrian had already seen someone fainting in the hut next to him.

A person who can be regarded as a demigod, his angry flames and terrifying pressure are enough to scare these low-level professionals.

This chapter has been completed!
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