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Chapter 739 Everyone was frightened

Realizing that he could not hide it, Elminster simply spread his praise for Hill.

In his words, Hill's ability in making strange objects has surpassed him, and can even be compared with Azuth.

Elminster has always been proud of his magical creativity, and he has never praised his alchemy prowess.

But Azuth's reputation in alchemy is almost a household name in Toril.

Just like the success of the Ring of Winter, although the winter girl has contributed to it, without Azuth's careful production, it would not have had such a powerful effect.

The Archmage's Staff is the artifact that many mages most want to own.

However, when Elminster's words came out, many Toril mages felt aggrieved, and even went directly to the temple of the Mage God to specifically mention this matter... The Mage God silently admitted it.


Although he didn't say much, it was enough to make the Toril mage no longer dare to underestimate Lord Aglaia who had left Toril, and was even heartbroken over it.

Although Hill doesn't pay much attention to outsiders, and even doesn't interact with people who don't meet the camp's requirements, but... after all, he is in the human world, and he doesn't seem to have any discrimination against people and things. Even little goblins can smile at him.

There are always people who feel that they are welcome guests wherever they go... can they be worse than goblins?

However, these guys who can't even steal jewelry from the undead can only do that.

Lansendre completely ignored the fact that for so long, it was estimated that less than three people from Toril had successfully spent the 300,000 gold.

He just wanted to know how strong Master Fran was, who left Toril after only showing his face once. Even Hill's abilities were so amazing.

There are many stories about Master Fran from the undead, but Lansander is completely unable to imagine how powerful the other party is through these stories.

Therefore, we can only temporarily believe what they say, that there is still one Abel missing between Hill and Fran.

But, how strong does it have to be?

Lansander actually regrets that he didn't have any chance to communicate with the archmage when he was staying in Hill's floating castle... He has always admired this kind of strong man who has gone to the extreme distance in his profession.


However, Lansander also understood that the archmage's unusual success in alchemy did not mean that he was that strong.

Even gods have their limits. If there is more on one side, there will inevitably be less on the other.

Although not much is known about the undead, Fran's age can still be calculated.

Even Elminster, before he was three hundred years old, did not have the ability to stand in front of powerful divine power.

At that time, he still had Mistry's wholehearted trust!

Not to mention, besides him, there were Shar and Selune in the floating castle.

Hill would never let his family take such a big risk.

Even Lin, who has a god standing behind him, Hill is not willing to let him come forward!

If it was something related to other people, Lansander would never be so calm... He actually didn't like the attitude of those people who always avoided him.

As the Lord of the Dawn, can he be able to see everything?

But Hill was so defensive, but he accepted it very naturally.

Well...it's better for your friends to understand you.

Ransendall just felt a little regretful that he couldn't have a few words with such a talented person.

After all, Lansander really couldn't see the extremely complicated array in front of him, with nodes so densely packed that it was hard to see clearly. Why did Hill look down on it so much that he even looked like a fool?

An expression that can be destroyed.

Selûne does not have as many ideas as Lansander... Things like the magic circle are a mystery to her.

Her power of silver moon can complete any task...as long as she wants.

Therefore, she just stared at the gods of order around the magic circle, and asked very seriously: "Hill, what's wrong with this magic circle?

Was it intentional or was it intentional and careless?”

Although her question was convoluted, Hill still understood it.

Selune is really keen on matters related to war.

Although she didn't know the problem with the magic circle, she could immediately think of the key point: no matter how useless the Gods of Order were, they must have a certain degree of confidence if they dared to use this magic circle outside the life pool.

It is even possible that it has been used successfully before... When dealing with Miska, the Gods of Order came up with many similar things.

So, if this magic circle almost doesn't exist for Asmodeus, it's definitely not because of the power of the Lord of Hell, but because there are betrayers who have left backhands in the magic circle.

"All the lines are crooked." Hill stared at the giant screen twice, "The nodes are not that accurate either.

In some places, even the sizes are inconsistent.

At first I thought this magic circle would explode!

However, it seems that this is the crystallization of millions of years of the God of Order. Although it is shaky, it will not fall.

Then, there must be some lines that should be skewed at an angle of 15 degrees, but this time they have become more than 60 degrees, and they are still skewed at a relative angle."

Then Hill saw three confused faces... Even Shar didn't understand.

He could only calm down and add an explanation: "The larger the angle, the sooner that oblique line will collide with another line that is inclined in its direction."

Shar understood immediately.

Selune's eyes were still full of little stars.

Fortunately, Ransander directly used his claws to draw two relatively sloping lines... Although the magic circle is mainly based on the connection of stars, this kind of composite magic circle usually uses parallel lines in the middle when connecting.

On these parallel lines, there are various nodes that echo the external star lines.

The reason why parallel lines must be used is naturally because those nodes will influence and repel each other, causing the effect of the magic circle to mutate or even degrade.

Although diagonal lines with small angles will also have this effect, many formations are not so large that these diagonal lines will collide with each other.

Therefore, some mages with less solid foundations do not have high requirements for this technology.

However, for a god who can assist in completing such a complex magic circle to have such an obvious angle problem, something must be wrong.

Moreover, he didn't have problems with every line, but took shots at intervals... This allowed other slashes to hide his attacks.

A magic circle that can cover the entire life pool must be very huge.

If you still trust your companions, it will be really difficult to find anything wrong among those dense lines.

What Hill could notice was that he was looking at a giant screen that magnified the image.

The other one, who has an overly solid foundation, is really sensitive to these crooked lines.

An excellent obsessive-compulsive disorder person can always find the one of different colors among hundreds or thousands of dazzling grids.

That's the case with Hill.

To him, if these lines should be cut off, those with excessive angles are heretics who should be burned.

But he also knew that what he said was not very clear... He didn't know how to explain something so basic and easy to understand at a glance.

Isn’t this something you can tell at a glance?

"Hill." Shar became interested after understanding what Hill said, "Can you point out those lines with excessive angles?

Let me see if I can deduce who did it."

Hill thought for a moment, waved his hand, and summoned the dark red killing vines.

Killing Vine can make its tentacles as thin as silk, and the color is eye-catching. The most important thing is that it can connect with Hill and hit wherever it points.

Blood-red thin threads quickly laid out on the new giant screen, and then swayed left and right, almost weaving a net.

Even Hill couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

The person who can hide so many problematic lines in it is definitely not an auxiliary of the magic circle!

Rather, one of the major weavers.

He may even be the earliest creator of this magic circle.

Hill's mouth couldn't help but open slightly.

Although the Council of the God of Order is usually presided over in turn, there are always a few who usually preside over some daily affairs because they have gained the trust of most of their colleagues.

Major events such as the creation of this kind of magic circle are usually led by these few people.

To put it more clearly, those who created the Battle Angel thing back then must have been the ones who started it.

In other words, the God of Order who persuaded the Gods of Order to create the Battle Angel is now going to serve as Asmodeus's deputy!

What the hell is this all about?

Hill moved his fingers slightly, and a layer of mist quickly emerged in the magic tower... He somewhat doubted whether he was in an illusion now.

"Hill, although I think your suspicion is reasonable." Lansander said in a daze, "But I am certain that no one's fantasy can show me such a perfect person.

Look at my feathers, who do you think can imitate them?"

Before he finished speaking, the magic tower was filled with moonlight dew.

Selune performed the second sobriety test without ceremony.

Lansander could only flap his wings and add a layer of rose aura to the silver-blue magic tower hall: "Although I don't feel that I have entered an illusion, I can't just let Selune humiliate me!"

Hill helplessly turned his head to Shar... He needed someone calm enough to give him some confidence.

"William said that it was indeed Lansander and I who used the giant screen, and no other force intervened." Shar, who saw Hill's eyes, gave him a definite answer.

But it was obvious that she was also frightened.

But for Shar, a hundred words from the people next to her and a hundred sobriety spells were not as useful as a word from William.

"What the hell is this!" Hill could only mumble and pin his grievances on the God of Order in the giant screen.

What on earth have you done to make one of your bosses decide to become the lord of hell’s younger brother! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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