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Chapter 1074 The fruits of pretentious wisdom

Chapter 2389 The Fruit of Pretentious Wisdom

Hill was puzzled.

The past performances of the Tower of Despair made him full of vigilance.

He didn't think that the people in the Tower of Despair even knew such basic alchemical principles.

This can only prove one thing, the Tower of Despair is well prepared.

What appears to be the main tower is not really the main tower... If this is the case, then it would be understandable that they would make the inner tower area so messy.

After all, the patterns of the magic circle on the surface are actually not important to them, so why do they act so carelessly?

Judging from Lute's performance back then, although the alchemy skills of mages in this world are not that outstanding, they are still within the normal range.

As long as there is a magic tower in the world, especially a world where there is such an innate magic tower, alchemy will not fall into pieces.

It's a bit rough at best. After all, the top-level inheritance may have been cut off by the devils, but the remaining part is enough to train a reasonably qualified alchemist master.

They should not even understand these, right?

Although Hill has tried his best to persuade himself, considering that both Vecna ​​and Igvirvo are very good at persuading others, they can not only make lies become true, but also convince the devil that they have feelings.

There is a bottom line... Hill once thought about how to deal with this kind of person. After all, although he is not soft-hearted, his brain certainly cannot move that fast.

Ever since Iggwilf became famous in the multiverse thanks to Graz'zt, many people have become extremely concerned when they are sure that the woman they are facing is her, no matter how beautiful or charming she is.

But that didn't stop Igwirv's amazing record.

There are also many lichs among them... so naturally it has little to do with things between men and women.

But this Witch Queen knows the art of speaking very well, and can quickly find loopholes in other people's hearts during conversations, especially the things and benefits that she wants to gain very much recently.

Of course, Hill didn't think there was anything he needed urgently enough to discuss with the Witch Queen, but what should I say...sometimes people who don't need anything may not be immune to the bait.

Even if I remind myself repeatedly in my heart not to be fooled, it is useless. The more I say it, the more wrong I become.

Therefore, Hill set a rule for himself from the beginning: not to communicate with these powerful evil spirits who are famous for their outstanding language skills.

The best way to deal with them is to speak less than three sentences.

As for the weak and flattering gestures that Igvirvo often used to make people want to communicate with her, Hill was quite confident that she would not fall for the bait.

Originally, the kind of beauty that is popular in the multiverse, Iggwirth, was not Hill's type. He didn't even think Sune was pretty at all.

In addition, he has watched so many movies and TV series since he was a child, and he has seen a lot of famous Western beauties...especially those stunning beauties whose eyes can talk.

Compared with those of others, Igwilf's methods are still quite inferior.

Therefore, even though Hill is a little worried in his heart, he is still confident when facing these evil gods... He can completely stop the conversation, so there is no need to worry about whether there will be loopholes in himself.

But it seems quite normal for the evil god who can make Hill so cautious, and the Tower of Despair to be deceived into having a lower IQ than Embry.

However, as a mage himself, Hill would really rather see that these mages from the Tower of Despair have a more secret back-up plan, rather than being fools who were deceived by a group of evil gods and even finished the magic tower.

This will shake Hill's belief that mages are the symbol of wisdom.

Among the high-level mages he has seen, there are indeed types who lose their reason due to greed, but lack of reason does not mean lack of IQ.

There are two different things between having a high opinion of one's own strength and being deceived into having a brain that is inferior to that of a paramecium...

Liszt glanced at Hill, who was obviously a little confused, and pointed out the key question straightforwardly: "What if they really fell into an undirected dimensional space?

Do we have to do a good job with the follow-up...ah, I guess not."

The tower spirit's words were stopped by the movement of a bomb goblin who climbed to the top of the tower.

He actually imagined many ways for that little loli to fight, but this one still did it a bit beyond his imagination... Ah, that's right, Ta Ling has no imagination, what he thought of was what his predecessors had done.

, it really shouldn’t be used on the undead.

Especially something like this that has never been normal.

The bomb goblin was humming a tune and demolishing the tiles with brute force.

Of course, no matter how crazy the Tower of Despair is, the Magic Tower itself must still be integrated with Hunyuan. The so-called tiles are just glazed tiles on the outdoor observation deck.

Observation deck, no, in fact, it should be called a star observation deck. Any magic tower with some strength will have this kind of thing... Of course, the Tower of Despair, which is good at observing the outer starry sky, cannot be less.

But this thing can be taken back to the magic tower when encountering a crisis, and it can also add a layer of protection to the top area of ​​the tower.

Although the Tower of Despair has always been at a disadvantage in the war with the undead, they really don't need to be so nervous until the outermost defense layer has been broken.

However, Hill estimated that the reason why they have not taken it back until now is still because of the Fruit of Wisdom.

Mrs. Fungi is a really wicked guy.

The Fruit of Wisdom is nothing but a combination of viciousness and hypocrisy.

Although it seems easy to nourish, as long as it provides enough energy and flesh and blood... but enough energy alone means that those who get on this train will inevitably sell their conscience and soul.

Moreover, at a certain level, the fruit on the main branch, which does not seem to have any serious sequelae, is actually the most serious problem.

Anyone who has eaten the main fruit... It doesn't matter if the main fruit is made of flesh and blood such as Warcraft. As long as it is a humanoid creature, especially a human being, it will inevitably bear the burden of the multiverse from beginning to end.

Altered, most severe trial: cannibalism.

This is a crime thousands of times more serious than parricide.

In other words, if people who kill each other like dual-core souls will become more and more cruel and cruel, and will never be able to return to the neutral camp, then those who eat the fruit of wisdom will enter the bottomless state.

Abyss will be judged as a top villain.

Once you enter the blood pool of hell, you will directly transform into a devil without going through the initial form of the soul worm.

But the devils are not very welcoming to such things. Even if they really need to send cannon fodder for bloody battles, they will choose to crush the souls of these guys and send them into the blood pool to be eaten by other worms.

It is conceivable how evil these things are... The devil will not be dissatisfied because they are too bad. They just do this to kill the powerful enemies that will appear in the future from the beginning.

Therefore, Hill completely ignores those mages in the Tower of Despair who rely on eating the main fruit to advance to the ninth level.

These guys have been Mrs. Fungi from the beginning, ah, no, it should be said that they are the things Talona is preparing to harvest.

Because they are real villains that even the Abyss would recognize.

Therefore, Talona will definitely gain a lot of benefits by sacrificing their flesh and blood souls to the bottomless abyss.

No matter what the purpose of the Plague Goddess was before, at this time, she has no other choice.

But after her former next-door neighbor Amberli had completely moved away, as an evil god in the Abyss evil god plane whose strength was not sufficient, Talona really needed some outside help.

Therefore, Hill believes that Talona will definitely kill all the old guys who have eaten the fruit of wisdom at the critical moment.

The seeds of the Fruit of Wisdom were provided by Talona to the Tower of Despair... Mrs. Fungi very kindly gave these seed spreaders a very useful power: whoever planted the Fruit of Wisdom can know it.

Who ate the fruit?

In other words, the moment they eat this fruit, the lives of these mages are within Talona's control.

Including those eighth-level mages who don't seem to have much problem.

Those scattered spores, as secondary fruits, indeed rely on popularity... Those who provide blood food to the Fruit of Wisdom and take its fruit have actually been judged by this thing as not being human at all... in order to grow.

When they come out, they are indeed not evil fruits.

But that doesn't mean they don't have problems.

Why do people who eat these small fruits directly reach the bottleneck and can no longer make any progress?

In fact, this is no different from Crystal Flower's methods of delivering fruits.

Of course, those who eat her crystal fruit will immediately become puppets, but those who are controlled by these people again will be much better.

Before Uniflora directly took control of those people, those water warlocks were indeed living their normal lives.

But once Uniflora needs it, then naturally...

Hill actually had a vague feeling that if Uniflora grew to the end, she would probably be the biggest enemy of Mrs. Fungi, who seemed to have no opponent.

He sighed softly... By the way, the hypocrisy of this fruit of wisdom is that it still needs sunshine, rain, dew and circulating air even though it smells bad under your feet.

It's a mushroom!


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