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Chapter 144 The concept of marriage of the undead and the nobles of Salar

Salar's air fleet is composed of six giant ships.

They formed a triangle formation in the air.

On the leading ship, which was built by Fran himself, William was also watching the live broadcast of the Dead, smiling happily.

He was sitting in a place similar to the King's Hall, where the painting was not hung.

After all, there were dozens of high-level professionals and nobles sitting around him.

William didn't want to listen to these guys' monologues yet. Anyway, if these big nobles could stay after he cleaned them up several times, there would basically be no problems.

Even those like Obastian are just idiots or bad guys, and they don't want to commit treason.

"Will the undead expose this matter? What should those spies do if they are on guard?" Spencer sat aside and asked.

William's current captain of the guard also looked at his king. He really wanted to arrest people now. Those who dare not enter the hall must have a problem!

"No problem. Those guys will die miserably if they think it's spiritual magic." William smiled.

"I didn't expect that His Majesty would tell the undead about this so early." Spencer couldn't help but say.

He thought William would want to watch the fun.

William smiled and said: "I want to too! But it doesn't work.

The undead care about privacy very much. If something happens if they don't know anything, I will be responsible in their world.

The God of Time and Space also always tells me to be careful in my work and consider the differences between the two worlds.

But I have informed you, and if there are still people who don’t read it or do stupid things, it has nothing to do with me!

Hehe~ Truth or Dare, you can still play it like this~ The undead really have some ideas."

Spencer looked at William who was gloating about his misfortune and shook his head helplessly.

The undead who still take risks even if they know something will happen will refresh Spencer's knowledge every time.


William remembered that this Duke, although he also wanted his descendants to be the heirs to William's throne, he took a more upright approach, that is, while working hard to make progress, he also allowed his children to work hard in life.

He is a rare member of the lawful neutral camp among the Salal royal family, so William is willing to give him a chance and is willing to take him with him if anything happens.

The Spencer family is good at military affairs, but forget about politics!

The Salar family is always a bit more politically astute than the average person. Whether it is the idiot Edward or the reckless Charles, they will completely admit defeat when they fail, and no one joins Salar's enemy camp.

However, as a member of the Salar royal family, even if he tried hard to move closer to William's style, the Duke could not be a clean slate in terms of his life style.

At this moment, he was a little worried. Among William's requirements for heirs were requirements such as marital fidelity, which he might not be able to do, and he didn't believe that his children could do it.

For thousands of years, members of the Salar family have been either crazy cultivators like Charles or vagabonds.

But generally speaking, the IQ will not drop to Edward's level.

A serious person like William is indeed not Salar's son.



Several nobles immediately agreed: they all agreed with this concept.

When their statuses are equal, they can either agree that both husband and wife are playmates, and except for the heir, who must have the blood of both parties, both parties will recognize the other children.

Or if both parties want to live a happy life, they will ask for a faithful marriage before marriage.

As long as they agree, no matter what level of noble they are, they will abide by it, unless one party suddenly falls and their status is no longer the same.

They now understood why this guy was beaten. He clearly wanted to have a good time, but he still dared to date four ladies who wanted a faithful marriage!

Their status is the same!

The reason why you don't get beaten to death is probably because of your immortality, right?

William felt his teeth hurt when he saw the expressions of deep understanding on these people's faces.

Just treat it as the same destination through different paths!

He can't say that the undead just like to be loyal. After all, among the people who come here, there are also many casual people, regardless of gender.

William shook his head and changed the topic: "We are about to reach the territory of the Hundred Cities Alliance."

The border area shared by the Dwarf Kingdom and the Elf Forest covers a very large area, almost equal to half of the kingdom.

As a buffer zone, it is full of human beings.

Half is controlled by elves and half is controlled by dwarves.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, elves and dwarves have also had conflicts.

But I will only fight here.

Most of those who died were humans.

Back then, when the God of Nobles came out of the wilderness and brought mankind to establish a country, the ancestors of these people took refuge with the elves and dwarves.

Dionisio's construction was very difficult, which further highlighted how wise these people who took refuge with the foreigners were.

When Dionisio was established and the human kingdom began to advance into the northern wilderness one by one, these guys also wavered.

They cannot become a kingdom, they can only be independent small cities.

Even though he survived with the help of dwarves and elves, his strength was still too weak, and he was no longer as alive as the nobles in the human kingdom.

Dwarves and elves already feel that these humans are needed in the buffer zone at this time.

They took the simplest method, which was to let these cities cooperate with a certain group of elves or dwarves.

Let them resell things to the human world.

The human kingdom is still in great need of the herbs and fruits of the Elf Forest and the weapons and armor of the dwarf kingdom.

So they were quickly calmed down.

Anyway, only the slaves are miserable.

What does it have to do with the nobles of these cities? When the dwarves and elves choose people to go to war, they will not choose them!

Therefore, these cities purchase slaves from the human kingdom all year round.

Until the rise of Salar, William also needed people.

His alchemy products are cheap and high-quality, and everything you buy is guaranteed to be paid on delivery.

Slaves, as consumables for many great nobles, were sold to Salar.

If there is a place where humans don't care about the existence of the God of Time and Space, but still hate William and often curse, this is the place known as the Hundred Cities Alliance.

Spencer's mouth formed a cold line: "Other countries or temples only send spies to get information. Are the spies who want to destroy the ship all from here?"

William smiled and nodded: "Anyway, here, I don't need to be as restrained as I was in Salar. Once the undead go down, I will no longer stop them."

The nobles sat quietly, no one said a word. Everyone had seen how the undead swept away Salar.

Even if there were some small things, under William's strong request, the undead gave up.

But how those nobles who went too far were wiped out without a single copper coin is something all the nobles remember in their hearts.

But at least he saved his life.

Unless it was treason, William never killed any nobles.

There is no one loyal to Salar in the Hundred Cities Alliance.

King William has no obligation to save the lives of those stupid nobles.

"Are those people from the Mage Association okay?" Karl asked suddenly, "They have been in the room and refused to come out. They have never been to the hall. It's not like those in the Warlock Tower who don't like to see outsiders!"

Miller shook his head: "Several Silver Moon Warlocks from the Warlock Tower will live in that hall. Everyone else has also been there. Only those from the Mage Association are far away."

William looked at the two legendary mages who had opened their mouths and smiled softly: "It doesn't matter. They are only on board as witnesses. Those legal legends have their own ships and will not come to me."

He looked at his feet indifferently, as if across several decks, he saw the people from the Mage Association below: "With me around, they can't play any tricks. And the people from the Mage Association have not betrayed the entire human race.


"But what about Bolaño? It caused such a big trouble, even the Warlock Tower fell out!" Karl frowned.

He and Miller were disgusted with the condescending tone of the Mage Association in the past, so they joined Salar with others.

But in the Mage Association thousands of years ago, no one stood on the side of the elves to help deal with a new legend!

Even those half-elves would never be so arrogant.

Can the intrigue between one's own people and going to trouble one's own people for the elves be the same thing?

Where is the face of the Mages Association?

Will the Mage Association be able to stand upright in front of human countries in the future?

Although they knew that someone was going to cause trouble for Bolaño, the two of them really didn't expect that the people in the Mages Association really thought that with the elves behind them, they could ignore Fran's opposition and Salar's hatred.

What on earth were they thinking? Half-elves also joined the Mage Association as humans back then!

The Mage Association has been aloof for hundreds of thousands of years, but now it puts itself in a position lower than the Forest of Elves?

So what if Bolaño is a warlock? Warlocks have been part of the Mage Guild for hundreds of thousands of years!

The Warlock Tower is a kingdom of sorceresses, not a kingdom of warlocks. However, the legendary mage in the past worked so hard to achieve it, but he did not expect that all his efforts would be wasted for such a thing.

But the person sent to follow William on the ship this time was so sneaky in what he did!

Even though he was only an honorary elder, Karl felt that the Mage Association was in danger this time.

Miller glanced at Karl, who was worrying about others, and turned his face away.

Miller just felt that the Mage Association might also be in trouble in the future. The internal intrigues were so fierce that it was unlikely to break up.

But this has little to do with himself, the legendary mage of Salal. Although it is a bit sad, Miller has no intention of worrying about the Mage Association.

But Karl has in-laws all over the world, so no wonder he is worried about the demise of the Mages Association.

If those people were really useless, wouldn't it be a waste if Karl married so many daughters and his granddaughters went out?

Are you stupid enough to bring up Bolaño again? Do you think Fran is too talkative?

Update on time~

This chapter has been completed!
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