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Chapter 268 Revenge! The same trick is just to die!

 What appeared in front of Hill was a city on a mountain peak. In other words, it was a city on a tall volcano.

The edge of the crater is their defensive wall, and the steel outer wall shines with a cold light.

Hill could feel that the laws controlled by the dwarves were not only half of the gold system, but also part of the fire system.

This is probably the reason why no fire gods were born in this world.

William's royal ship finally stopped right in front of the dwarf royal city.

Although it was stopped in mid-air, the royal ship was almost touching the wall of the royal city.

Even a big knight can jump over the distance of about 100 meters in the middle.

Hill thought for a moment and raised the cloud ship above the clouds.

Just make sure that William's stern is still within the radiation range of the semi-artifact.

The dwarf city walls are covered with artillery.

Standing behind were heavily armed dwarves, all hiding behind bunkers.

At the foot of the mountain is an endless line of undead, and they climb the mountain very quickly.

They probably understood that going up the mountain was dangerous, so the undead didn't ride horses or bring their Warcraft friends.

Anyway, they don't feel tired, only the lower limit of physical exertion.

When your physical strength is at the end, you can continue climbing by eating two pieces of bread and drinking water.

As the vanguard troops reached tens of thousands of people, the dwarves on the city wall came out and roared: "Ready! Release!"

Most of the undead vanguard were knights, and they neatly raised their giant shields when the dwarves called for preparation.

The mages in the rear blocked the range of the artillery and took off directly to add a layer of protective shield to them.

And the priests have already started reading to increase blood.

There was no movement on William's royal ship, and he had no intention of protecting the undead below from artillery damage.

Hill also understood very well why William did not take action.

Not many undead were actually killed by these seemingly fierce gunfire.

The shield formation of the Sky Knights has a very strong defense. These brutal artillery fires did knock off half of their health bars, but the priest Dajia standing behind them arrived almost immediately after the artillery fire, and their health bars were filled up in an instant.

The undead will not be harmed by the loss of arms and legs at all, so there cannot be any non-death attrition.

Unless the dwarves can kill them directly, this kind of bombardment can at most exercise the undead's coordination and cooperation.

The dwarves' bombardment did not last for a few rounds, and the undead vanguard arrived directly under their city wall.

The artillery was completely ineffective.

The dwarf in heavy armor held up a square shield and stood behind the cannon.

Both sides knew very well that as long as the city wall was lost and the undead mages were allowed to fly directly into the sky, it would be impossible to defend the dwarf royal city.

The war broke out almost instantly.

The dwarves still don't understand that to the undead, what's really important is not the mage flying in the sky, but the cautious priest on the ground.

The moment their artillery fire rushed towards the mage who was following them, it represented the beginning of the fall of the city wall.

The undead Sky Knight suddenly jumped up, carrying a continuous recovery spell released by the priest.

Many mages did fall, but these dead undead were resurrected directly on William's royal ship, getting closer to the city wall.

When the undead heavenly knights rushed up to the city wall and held back all the dwarf warriors, large platforms parallel to the top of the city wall were raised by earth mages at the feet of the priest legion.

Hill gently waved his hand and summoned forest arrays on those platforms.

He smelled evil.

A black light instantly penetrated from the outside of the cloud ship. The defensive array that Hill had opened long ago was like a piece of white paper that could be torn apart in front of this black light.

Although the light flickers, it has no effect at all.

The defensive magic aura on Hill's body had no effect and simply shattered.

Is this a demon-breaking dagger?

Hill smiled nonchalantly, and the shield formed by the water law on his body directly blocked this terrible blow.

Got her!

The crystal fan he had been holding in his left hand grew in size, and twelve tornadoes accompanied by twelve black lights rushed directly to the left side of King William's ship.

The king's ship also lit up with silver light in an instant, and space cracks opened directly on the side of the ship, and hundreds of space-time dragons roared past.

The demon-breaking dagger did not return to its owner's hands. The clawed vines on the side of the cloud ship formed a net and trapped it.

Windmill jasmine and lily of the valley are indeed magic plants that Hill always carries with him, but that doesn't mean they are the only ones that exist in Hill's valley.

It's just that they like to come out and see the scenery outside.

This vine is the scariest kind.

It usually disguises itself and blends into the surrounding environment. When it encounters prey, it will instantly form a web to hunt it directly. The strength of its web exceeds the power of many legends.

Hill has to use a lot of force to tear it open.

When Hill went back this time, he found the demigod vine in his valley, took the branch, and hung it directly on the side of the ship.

The reason is to control this artifact.

He looked at the female dwarf who was forced out by him and William together, his fan shook slightly, and twelve thin swords rose into the air.

With twelve legendary gravity spells superimposed on her body, the female dwarf could no longer stand in the air and was pulled directly to the ground.

Hill showed a sneer and wanted to stab him through, but Hill responded with a piercing sword!

It seems that the will of the world has also received Hill's wish. Most of the spells attached to the twelve thin swords are light feather arrow spells, and each one directly summons one hundred and eighty long arrows carrying the fire of the sun.

The other half are various debuff spells, such as slowness and restraint.

"Damn it! You poisoned me!" the female dwarf shouted angrily, "You deserve to be in the good camp!"

Hill just sneered. Hill's wood spells were not good at attack power, but as he could control the laws of the wood, he could directly use the laws to fuse various plant toxins.

Who told her that naturalists would not use poison? Nature has never lacked animals and plants that use poison.

In the good camp, killing depends on who you kill, not how you kill.

Hill looked expressionlessly at the dwarf who was paralyzed by the poison and unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as he was pierced by thousands of arrows.

What can demigods do?

The legendary mage is only slightly deterred by gods who can control the laws, but he is not completely unable to fight desperately.

As for demigods, they are just a little more powerful than ordinary legends.

No legendary mage who can control multiple laws would be afraid of a demigod.

What Hill was afraid of was only the artifact in her hand, and what he worried about was just not being able to catch her.

Was she so complacent that she escaped unscathed from William's hands?

How dare you actually come!

A well-prepared legendary mage is not that easy to deal with.

In Hill's cloud ship room, the little wood elemental lord was constantly casting natural blessings to help the vines recover from the body injured by the artifact dagger.

No matter how hard the dagger struggled, it could not break through the net that trapped it.

Hill couldn't help but laugh. The female dwarf stopped breathing, but she was still struggling with the artifact dagger. Do you really think he is a fool who doesn't know anything?

Hill directly activated the semi-artifact oil painting, and the sun's power was directed towards the corpse without hesitation.

"Ah! Damn it!" A sharp female voice suddenly sounded, and a plume of black smoke rose from the small corpse.

Sure enough, it is the clone of the evil god.

The power of the sun suddenly amplified, and the black smoke that wanted to escape completely turned into nothingness under the light.

Hill looked back and saw that a guest seemed to have appeared in the room with the oil paintings upstairs.

But since the other party chose to appear silently, Hill simply did not show any thanks.

Is the trouble here among the dwarves too big for William to handle alone?

Hill wrapped his hands with vine leaves and picked up the artifact dagger that had fallen motionless on the ground.

First I found a ring and put it in, then I took out a shell and put the ring in it. Then I wrapped the shell with a layer of the hardest stone, and then wrapped it with a ring of steel gray chrome silver before placing it on it.

In a mithril box.

Although its owner seemed to be dead, Hill didn't know whether this artifact dagger was controlled by the split soul or by the gods in the starry sky.

However, Hill clearly felt that the soul in this female dwarf's body belonged to the evil god.

He looked up at the starry sky. Although the dwarf gods were all biased toward evil, they were still in the neutral camp.

Hill couldn't have read that line wrong.

While Hill was lost in thought, the battle for the city wall below had come to an end.

All the defending dwarves were destroyed.

The undead mages are already flying in the sky, demolishing the city wall.

The loud rumbling sound woke up Hill.

The result of millions of magicians casting spells at the same time is definitely not something that any defensive magic circle can withstand.

Hill looked at the undead flying in the sky, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What determines the strength of the wall demolition is not the number of mages, but the fact that the sky is too full. No matter how far away people are, the casting distance is not enough.

The wall was demolished very quickly, and in the smoke and dust of complete destruction came a shower of arrows.

The mages were well prepared, or in other words, when they demolished the wall, they were always wearing eggshell-shaped shields of various colors.

But the arrows used by the dwarves probably have the ability to destroy demons. Even though the priests on the stage had tried their best to increase their health, many mages were still shot to death.

Fortunately, when the mage demolished the wall, the knights had already gathered around the high platform where the priest was.

On the outside of the forest formation on the stage, the strongest shield knights stood in the three circles inside and outside.

Before the city wall was completely destroyed, they had already erected a shield wall.

Therefore, even if he encountered a rain of arrows no less than that of a mage, the priest's casualties would still be minimal.

To the undead, it actually doesn't matter how many knights, wizards, and warlocks die.

After all, there are always people below to fill the position.

As long as the pastor remains strong, they have nothing to fear.

After the rain of arrows, dwarves lined up to fight appeared on the opposite side of the undead.

This chapter has been completed!
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