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Chapter 802 The undead on the right track

 Hill patted his forehead and reminded himself not to think too much, and that what he should do was to sit on the sidelines.

Curiosity is the biggest enemy... No matter what Corellon wants to do, it has nothing to do with him. The father of the elves has not said a word, and Hill has no need to fall into the trap.

After giving the gold coins to Martha and depositing them in the warehouse in the floating castle, Hill returned to the garden and waited to watch the excitement.

When the 'Perfect Bald Head' riding a tiger caught up with the large group of people surrounded by a group of people, Hill felt that 'Xueyunfeng''s eyes lit up... They had completely lost their way and couldn't even find the mine.


The mine occupied by the Dark Veil Monster is an abandoned copper mine... The one who dug the hole must be a dwarf.

Logically speaking, this proves that they are at least looking in the right direction. But the undead standing on the small mine, looking at the wilderness in all directions, are at a loss... Although they have caught clues, there are too many clues.

If they make another mistake this time, they may have to go in the opposite direction to the dwarf they want to find. No one wants to do that... However, the time and space artifact on the tablet is still pretending to be dead.

Although William issued this war mission with rich rewards to them, he tacitly accepted that they could choose to fail the mission and not earn the hard-earned money. The time and space artifact did not give them a map, but kept asking whether to give up the mission... Most of them

The rebellious psychology of the undead was aroused. They would rather sit around the small mine than go home.

So Xue Laogou had the rare opportunity to meet the bald lolita who was running all the way... Then when the bald head held out the ring, his expression changed, and he quickly grabbed it... not even the members of the command team who were following him.

A person can clearly see the ring.

‘Xue Yunfeng’ looked at ‘Perfect Bald Head’ with an indifferent expression: “Bald head, did you do this on purpose? What do you want to do? Lezi saw my head!”

"Didn't I tell you that they are enhanced versions of our Black Rose pendants?" 'Perfect Bald Head' said with a smile, "Enhanced in all aspects! Hill is always so good, and he didn't even plan to let us make one.

If it's an auction, just sell it to me at the lowest price."

'Xueyunfeng' looked at him for a few times and showed a sarcastic smile: "How come you and a group of little girls are competing for the prestige of jewelry? Why didn't you buy it yourself?

Oh, by the way, a man who only has 500 yuan of pocket money a month will definitely not be able to afford it.

Don’t deny it, I have first-hand information!”

"Who said I only have 500 yuan?" the 'Perfect Bald Head' was furious. Then he remembered something and suddenly turned his head and stared at where his family members were standing: "Where is Xiaolu? Come out! Who is her current boyfriend?


"Xiao Lu is not here..." an impatient voice answered him, "Your apprentice's latest love is from Black and White Road. But do you still need Xiao Lu to talk about your 500 yuan pocket money?

We all know each other so well, who doesn’t know when you spend money every month and how much you spend?”

"No!" 'Perfect Baldhead' replied word for word, "My pocket money is 800 yuan! I have much more pocket money than your husband!"

"Oh! I'm giving you some shame, right?" The 'Old Sanda King' stood up amidst the roar of laughter around him, "Do you think I don't know that 300 yuan is a fixed point card fee?

I pay for all this kind of expenditure in our family! And there is no limit!

What are you pretending to be! Just stay and go! Didn’t all the difference in price you earned after coming to Toril go to your head?

Be careful next month I will find an expenditure of 800 yuan for you, see if you have it!"

The roar of laughter is not enough to describe the situation at this moment... 'Xueyunfeng' happily held the prospecting ring and left... The people in the command team didn't care to see what he got now, they just watched the fun.

Everyone is still willing to watch the civil war between the Black Rose eldest sister and the clan leader.

Only the fact that the "perfect bald man" was beaten so hard made him forget to mention how beautiful that ring was, and he rolled up his sleeves and went to Sanda King Dingniu, who was about the same height.

Hill looked at this farce with a look of indifference on his face... He didn't want to admit that the bald man and he were in the same major now. How could he be diverted so easily... That guy definitely didn't study civil engineering, but

Architectural Engineering Technology.

On the edge of the giant screen, 'Snow Old Dog' looked at the ring carefully, then took out a roll of black silk thread from his pocket... and quickly started to wrap it around the ring.

When the bald man and his tiger were driven away by the wolverine... the 'Old Sanda King' was still very fair and didn't even let the white dragon out to beat them... Old Snow Dog had finished his work.

'Xue Yunfeng' waved his left hand, and the ring that concealed his innate beauty shone with colorful light on his hand... Although this attracted the attention of many people, at least most people heard about the 370,000 gold coins

Despite the price, I chose to give up.

In the world of the undead, special effects are of course important, but appearance is the basis for whether you are willing to spend money.

If a certain piece of equipment is powerful but ugly, even if some people are willing to use it, the price won't be high... Of course it won't be unsaleable, but there aren't that many people who pursue cost-effectiveness in the game.

The added value of this ring is not practical in the eyes of many people. The function of prospecting requires a living occupation, and they will not spend so much money.

Although you can recruit earth elemental elves...but you can't use it now...the undead don't like the reservation function.

Of course, all these considerations are based on the fact that the ring is just a smooth black iron sheet.

When the 'Perfect Bald Head' finally realized what had happened, he had already been silenced by 'Yu Luo Fanchen' who was assigned by 'Xue Lao Gou'.

As the representative of the Black Rose in the command group, this mage will not let the bald man destroy the current good situation just for the sake of temporary anger.

Old Snow Dog had already used his ring to check the nearby situation and found some traces of the dwarves.

Hill's prospecting ring can even tell them what type of minerals there are in the distance. Compared with those small mines with rare attributes, a large vein of mixed iron and copper that stretches for more than ten kilometers is more in line with the underground dwarf country they want to find.

'Xueyunfeng' silently marked the cold mineral vein on his map. Although they did not consider going there for the time being, this kind of place that the undead likes is probably their enemy... They can wait until they turn back.

, drop by and have a look.

Even if he wasn't an enemy, at least the ore could be sold for some money... He couldn't help but look at the ring on his hand... He almost wanted to spend money to buy it.

Unfortunately, for the sake of fairness, if you want to get something like this purchased in the name of the alliance, you can only auction it...otherwise the only chance is to buy it from Hill.

But looking at the performance of the bald guy, Hill either doesn't have much material on hand, or the wayward archmage doesn't like it... As long as it's something he doesn't like, Hill will basically only do one or two exercises.

, I never care whether I can sell it for money or not.

Considering the past friendship, it would be good to sell one to them.

'Xue Yunfeng' sighed silently. Although no one took care of his money, he had always been sensible... He found it a bit difficult to snatch things from a rich woman who had lost her sense.

He looked at the ring hanging on his left thumb again, then turned around and shouted: "Get ready to go! Each family will form its own team and set off in half an hour! I won't wait for anyone!"

"Are you leading the way?" Someone in the command group who returned behind him couldn't control his emotions, "You can't even walk in a straight line! Stop joking!"

'Xue Yunfeng' looked back at him ferociously: Not knowing the direction will be his eternal pain!

Even in a world where all kinds of auxiliary functions have been perfected... People with a poor sense of direction are not wanted in the military. No matter how talented they are in command, they can only attack the map in the game... After two years in the military academy, they were dismissed.

He has never been able to let go of the pain of being forced to transfer to another school!

But he actually knew in his heart that his shortcomings were a bit serious... Having studied military maps for two years, his route-finding skills were no different from those of those who had never been trained!

As for some people who can find the right direction just by relying on intuition... Xue Laogou really hates them from the bottom of his heart and tries to give them some obstacles.

Then he waved silently to the distance: "Yuluo! What are you doing over there? Let the bald man die. Isn't he used to the smell? Come over quickly and look at the map and lead the way!"

The undead finally got on the right track. Standing on the old dog carriage, 'Yuluo Fanchen' compared the map displayed on the tablet, drew a diagonal line on the wilderness and passed it to everyone: "This line is right

There is an underground swamp on the side. If you get lost, try to go to the left... There are some dim red dots there, which are low-level monsters. They basically cannot kill you, mainly because there are many poisonous creatures... If you find that you have lost blood, stop where you are.

Call the pastor, don't run around by yourself!

Of course, if you want to automatically return to the city, you can choose to run to the right... The smelly, fishy and swamp monsters will definitely make you understand what it means to be immortal and to die."

'Xueyunfeng' looked at the tablet in Yuluo's hand from behind, and really didn't understand how he found the way among the bunch of fancy symbols... But luckily he wasn't the one leading the way, why would there still be a way to the dwarves' territory?

Is there such a thing as a swamp?

‘Yuluo Fanchen’ glanced at the old dog lightly: “Are you envious? I majored in road, bridge and river crossing engineering, and reading pictures is a basic ability.”

Hill gently raised his eyes and looked at it. It seemed that in the future world, civil engineering had been divided into very fine parts... What a blessing! He could learn a lot less subjects... He would always remember seeing the class schedule when he entered school.

How broken are the seventeen professional courses inside and outside... Their civil engineering department is called a bachelor's college for granted... Students who take 23 courses in the final exam have no right to fall in love.

With difficulty controlling his envious mood, Hill turned his attention back to the dwarf settlement: Seeing the swamp as part of the protection, Hill felt that the undead might have found the right place... Only Slim and Light was good at spells.

The derro prefer to live near swamps.

This chapter has been completed!
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