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1426 System Projection, Element Ocean

"Speaking of which, we have never understood the secrets about Molnar."

The empty world seemed to be stagnant for a moment with the appearance of this strange sight. Along with it, everyone belonging to the Qingling Adventure Group stared at the empty robe falling.

The surprise showed in his eyes, and even Distea's laughing voice, who had made the fatal blow, suddenly stopped in mid-air as the large magic robe fell. For a while, there was only Duan Qing's low analysis voice.

A faint voice sounded: "Does Molnar really have the ability to teleport to the mainland? Does his ability contradict his words? Is he the person we have heard about in the history of the mainland? Is he deceiving?

Killed us?"

"The most important question: Why has he never shown us his true face?" Speaking of this, a glimmer of realization flashed in the eyes of the gray-robed magician: "Now everything seems to have the answer."

"It's not that he's afraid that we'll know the old Molnar, so he's worried that we'll expose his tricks." Staring straight at the black magic robe that gradually fell to the ground through the endless black thorns, Xue Ling Huan Bing's face

Mingwu's face also appeared: "But he has no true identity at all, so he can't show it to others at all."

"Is he - a projection in this tower?"

The exploding air continued to compress and spray out into the surrounding void space with the chaos of light. With Distea's crazy yell, everything around him was blown away, turning into thick black smoke.

Then the angry shouts gradually rose, as if they were constantly looking around in this unbelievable scene: "You! The ancient despicable person! You actually fooled us in this way!"

"Stop being secretive!" He waved the disembodied void smoke, and the continuously spouting mud slowly dripped downwards while waving frantically: "Come out! Use this trick.

It’s useless!”

"Oh? Are you sure you want to do this?" In the still unresponsive result, Duan Qing's voice was the first to sound in this empty space: "A clone and a virtual image of magic projection have suppressed you into this.

With his appearance, if his true form appears in front of you, you will probably have only one option left: run away, right?"

"Luo, run away? How is that possible?" The hesitant voice flashed through the center of the unformed black shadow, and the roar belonging to Distea then filled the ears of Duan Qing and others:

"We are the Lords of the Void! The spokesperson of destiny who will eventually come here! There has never been anyone who cannot surrender before us, and there has never been a creature that we fear!"

"Death for us first! You who dare to resist our humble lives!"

As if he could no longer bear the fact that several players were still alive in front of him and talking nonsense at the same time, the black figure floating in the void once again erupted into a sky full of evil aura and black fog, and a large amount of mud condensed into shape.

The black spikes then suddenly rained down in the direction of Duan Qing and others like drizzle all over the sky. I don’t know whether it was because there was no way to avoid it or because there was no need to avoid it. The players gathered in the central area below came here.

Shi Ye didn't make the slightest move to resist, and the light like day suddenly broke through the boundary of the void before the torrent of black spikes was about to arrive, floating from left to right in the line of sight above Duan Qing's head.

: "——Code name."

[Code name: ERROR00X023, the Duer body has been confirmed to have been illegally eliminated.]

[Using the defense command, a new body is being generated.]

[Query generation conditions...Generation elements are being confirmed...]

[Illegal energy accumulation discovered, energy code: VOID494884, number of individuals: 1.]

[The individual identity is confirmed to be illegal, and the exclusion process is enabled.]

The following series of sounds only sounded in Duan Qing's mind. He had not heard such system prompts for a long time. At this time, he turned his surprised gaze to the direction of Xue Ling Huan Bing, and then from

She received the same feeling of surprise in her eyes: "It's difficult, is that Molnar also -"

【Discovered player body.】

Just like the sun rising in the east at dawn, the dazzling white light instantly completely replaced the darkness of the void and the black rain of spikes that occupied the entire space. The same tall magic robe as the previous Molnar shrouded the

At this time, the humanoid shadow reappeared directly above Duan Qing and others amidst Distea's howling in the distance. The long arms stretched out against the background filled with white light were also looking down at this time.

The action paused for a moment: "The player's body was found, violating the eleventh agreement of the R series regulations, and started filtering all options...filtering completed."

"Enable elemental laws."

The endless white light suddenly turned into large colorful light spots in this mechanical sound, replacing the expanding light that was originally erasing the darkness of the surrounding void into a dazzling colorful scene, and the loud bells followed.

There was also a sudden sound in these colorful light spots that appeared out of thin air, like an announcement, squeezing the darkness that originally occupied Duan Qing into the invisible distance. Feeling the sudden appearance of elemental energy around him singing like an elf.

Atmosphere, Duan Qing opened his mouth wide for a while before closing his wide eyes that kept looking around like the players around him. The familiar feeling also gradually dissipated as the joyful fireworks of various elements rose into the sky at the same time.

As the entire elemental world descended here, he asked, "Is it that world?"

"I didn't see the chain, but it should be right." Also aware of this sense of familiarity, the voice of approval from Xue Ling Huan Bing, who had entered that world, also sounded in Duan Qing's ears: "This Molnar,

He actually replaced the entire other world here."

"Although I don't know what the relationship between the inner world and the elemental world is, but...who is this Molnar?" Duan Qing's eyes were filled with excitement as he stretched out his hand to wipe the brilliance of the elements surrounding him like water.

He kept looking back and forth in the shocking sight before him: "Isn't it the creator of the entire game world?"

"If it is really this identity, all the questions we tested before will lose their original meaning." Shaking his head, Xue Ling Huan Bing then set his sights on this

On the remaining darkness still visible in the center of the ocean of film elements: "We will study this issue later."

"What to do with this guy?"

She pointed at the vague silhouette of a figure curled up in the darkness, and the sound of reminder seemed to wake up other people present. The same calm words as Molnar before also fell into the ears of other players, and

The screams they just wanted to make were completely covered up: "Discover the remaining void energy and execute the clearing order."

"We... we..." The colorful light slowly sounded in Distya's final struggle, accompanied by his unbelievable howl that he still uttered at the end: "We...

...How is it possible... We are... of the void... of destiny..."

"Warning: The remaining void energy has the characteristics of life forms."

The tall magician image that was the same as the previous Molnar suddenly appeared in front of this black energy pile. The magic robe covering the magician also showed the same black color as the void energy: "Code name: ERROR00X234,

Unable to execute clear command."

"Inquiry alternatives - Inquiry completed." A pair of long arms under the magic robe slowly raised, and with the surrounding elemental energy, they slowly moved towards the center of the blurred figure: "Exile the living body back to the void.



Looking at the blurry figure suddenly disappearing into the white light, Duan Qing, who stretched out his arm, couldn't help but let out a pityful sigh: "Oops, let's let this BOSS go."

"Let him go, let him go. Anyway, he is not a guy we can deal with now." After putting away the weapon in his hand, Xue Ling Huan Bing's expression became relieved: "I guess some regulations must have been triggered.

The system and mechanism will not just watch us take advantage of this situation and get a big advantage."

"I think Molnar let him go for other reasons." Raising his eyebrows, Duan Qing shook his head involuntarily: "If my guess about his identity is not wrong, this virtual person in front of me is similar to

A guy like a world administrator might not be able to interfere too much with any living unit."

"Whether he is a system administrator or something else, what should we do now?" Gedman, who also shook his head helplessly and struggled out of surprise, then also put his

His eyes fell on Molnar, who was gradually descending and approaching: "This guy can't-"

"Querying reserved data."

The still calm voice resounded in everyone's ears as the tall magic robe landed, accompanied by the dim light that once again appeared from the depths of the invisible hood belonging to Molnar.

Guangming: "Query completed...recovering——"

"I've surprised you, adventurers who visited this place."

The colorful world suddenly lost its original white background as Morna's warm tone reappeared, and disappeared in front of Duan Qing and others as if the brilliance of the curtain had faded. Several players then hurriedly looked left and right.

, but what came into view was still the attic-like appearance of the tall lighthouse top that was swaying in the wind and rain: "There were some... accidents just now, but I have defeated the invading enemies, please don't worry."

"Uh, uh, this." Not knowing what kind of expression he should use to answer the words of the great magician in front of him, Duan Qing scratched his cheek for a long time before he stopped laughing: "Mr. Molnar is really

Amazing, I killed the enemy from the void in just a few clicks, hahahahaha!"

"Although the enemy has been repelled, the void energy here has not been completely cleared." Molnar seemed to have discovered something unpleasant. As if nothing happened, Molnar then raised his head and looked at the sky:

"The integration of the void world and the real world has not completely ended. I need to continue to repair the remaining laws."

"If possible, how about you please take a rest by yourself first?"


The battle of the largest scale and crisis caused by the invasion from the void came to an end with this result. The strange scene of space rupture above the haven was gradually restored under Molnar's cleaning.

In its original state, the blue that originally belonged to the sky reappeared to everyone's eyes. It seemed that the power of clearing the void had an unexpected effect. The sunny weather that originally lasted in this sea area also changed with the rain after the battle.

It was extended for a period of time as a result of the weather clearing. Even the pirates of the Steel who had originally returned to the safe haven because they discovered an anomaly and used magic artillery to support Duan Qing and others, now pointed at the east of the safe haven and also showed a vast and unstoppable situation.

Yun Tiantian was amazed: "Our immortal old pirates once said that the sky after a heavy rain will be wider than the sea, and it seems true."

"Although it may be just an illusion, but...boss, should we take a look into the deeper sea?"

"Look at it, aren't we busy enough with the casualties just now? Get to the shore quickly! By the way...hey, let's go and see what's going on in the safe haven."

"Yes Yes!"

The sails were swaying up and down in the endless waves, gradually getting closer to the location of the broken bridge that restored the normal world. Duan Qing and others who were cleaning up the attic of the tower naturally discovered the arrival of these sails. They were originally in the tower

The busy movements inside have also become a bit sluggish: "What should I do? How should I explain to them next?"

"Explain? Why do we need to explain? Just say what you see and let Molnar explain the rest."

"This is not okay. What happened just now is obviously beyond the scope of the normal game world. If we tell everything, it will definitely cause unnecessary confusion."

"It's not necessarily chaos or anything like that. After all, you should have seen Molnar's reaction just now. The rules between NPPC naturally have systematic means of restriction. I'm more worried about ourselves now -"


As if to fulfill Duan Qing's words at this time, Molnar, who had returned here at some point, also appeared in front of the people who were cleaning up the remaining battlefield, still wearing a large magic robe.

He then nodded towards the members of the Qingling Adventure Group who were cleaning their own spaces, and when he turned to Duan Qing, an inexplicable dim light flashed in his hood: "I have something urgent that I want to explain to you.


"I wonder if you have time now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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