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1670 Eye of the Wind

Although there is a certain understanding of the beauty of Naxia herself, and although Duan Qing has been in various wealthy families and upper class society for a long time, and has seen countless people of the opposite sex who have both beauty and temperament, when he saw it again the next day

When he saw the woman whose soul had been replaced, the gray-robed magician still couldn't help but open his straight eyes - the cut pupils and long eyelashes like autumn water, the tip of a small and slender nose, and red

The full lips, and the skin that has not been decorated or modified but is as white as gelatin... It's like the banished immortal from the East has really fallen on the ground, been cleaned and sorted, and transformed itself.

Nasia, who had completely gotten rid of her original scars and embarrassment, now truly showed the thrilling charm that a peerless beauty should have. Even the smooth long black hair casually scattered around her shoulders, and these black

The ordinary white velvet clothes that complemented her flowing hair seemed to be surrounded by neon clothes and satin stained with fairy spirit.

However, for Duan Qing, who has a deep understanding of the soul inside, it is difficult for the gray-robed magician to distinguish the image of the same supple and strong woman he was once familiar with with the familiar Weir in his heart.

The image of Lite is connected.

"How's it going? Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes, yes, you are so beautiful. It would be great if the real you were as beautiful as you."

"You - forget it, this body is mine now anyway. Although it may not be as beautiful and plump as I used to be, at least it is better than being young and energetic..."

"Hey, can you be more conscious? No matter how rude you are, you should at least admit that the beauty you exude now is just because of someone else's youth - ouch."

Finally, her fist landed on Duan Qing's body. Violet, who couldn't bear it anymore, furrowed Nasia's curved eyebrows into waves: "Stop talking nonsense. If you don't thank me, I'll do it."

That’s all, you’re still criticizing my age. Is this still the attitude a magic apprentice should have towards his mentor?”

"So even the title of mentor was taken away by you without authorization, and Wiggins hasn't agreed yet - oh, oh, oh, I was wrong." Duan Qing hurriedly raised his hands covering his stomach as if surrendering, and Duan Qing looked towards him again.

Violet waved her pink fist and shouted: "Dear mentor, what method did you use to become so young and beautiful?"

"It's very simple. I just took care of this excellent body a little bit." Nodding with satisfaction, Violet, who controlled Nasia, naturally brushed her long shawl hair to the side of her neck like a swan:

"Don't rush to speak. I know what you want to ask, but for a senior magician, reasons such as 'lack of material conditions' are simply not applicable to us."

"I understand, I understand, so you still carry perfume and the like with you, right?" Smelling the mind-blowing feminine fragrance coming from the tip of his nose, Duan Qing distanced himself with a blush on his face.

: "I don't object to every woman's natural habit of dressing up, but with all due respect to this apprentice, this youthful girl's temperament really doesn't match the impression you once left on me -"

"What are you talking about?" Violet once again stopped the other party's remarks with a threatening gesture, and Violet said angrily: "And it's impossible for me to have any perfume or other things that I carry with me, okay? This is Na

Shia has it with her!"

"That's it." He nodded his head, and the expression on Duan Qing's face became more and more weird as the silence suddenly gathered around him: "Ah no, I don't mean to ridicule or compare.

It means - this Ms. Nasia is really talented, hahahahaha."

"I don't object to this." Taking back the angry expression that destroyed her oriental beauty, Violet raised Nasia's green jade hand in front of her: "The energy in this woman is very powerful, and her magic is adaptable.

My sexual and spiritual powers are also very strong, and I can use all the magic I want without much adaptation."

"That is to say, you have done similar possession experiments before?" Duan Qing raised his head expressionlessly: "What a surprise, who have you possessed?"

"Do you care?" Violet stretched out her finger towards the other party, and her eyes began to dodge: "Those are all things I tried to play when I had nothing to do. I don't have anything.

The idea of ​​​​escape from death by resurrecting a corpse... No, that's not right! This is not the point I want to say!"

"If I have to say it, I do seem to be possessing someone." As if she was diverting attention from a topic that was difficult to explain, she shifted her gaze to Duan Qing: "And it happened several times.

,Did you forget?"

"Uh, okay." Duan Qing shrank his neck in embarrassment, and blocked the images that had appeared in his mind several times at critical moments: "In comparison, is it my qualifications that are better?

Nasia’s qualifications are better?”

"Of course she has better qualifications." She bluntly said the answer that shocked Duan Qing. Violet once again put her hands on her waist in an unladylike manner: "I can even use her to

Use the power to complete space transfer and communicate with the virtual world, and reconstruct the violet magic circle I once set up. Can your body do it?"

"In this case, I can temporarily relax about your personal physical and mental safety." Scratching his cheek to divert this sad topic, Duan Qing's eyes involuntarily turned to one side: "Can we start?

Have you started to solve the situation at hand, dear Great Magician Naxia?"

"Where are your companions?" She put her hands on her hips and "Great Magician Nasia" tilted her head to the other side of the tent: "What time is it now? Why haven't they come back yet?"

"They are still running around separately for the time being. As for the time - it is already the early morning of the 30th, and the Moon of Fire is about to pass." Looking around, Duan Qing focused his attention again:

"Of course, I don't know now whether the monsoons on the grassland will change according to the seasons. Anyway, as you know, the storms here have long since disappeared because of the earth veins we destroyed."

"Perhaps I know more about this than you do." Pointing to her forehead, Violet gestured to the other party: "According to the knowledge Nasia inherited from the divine envoy, the monsoon and wind flowing through this place are

The earth veins they represent have been converging towards the Holy Mountain for thousands of years in the history of the Wind Continent. This is where the continent's magical energy is most prominent, and the concentration of wind elements can almost be said to be the highest point in the entire world.


"In the terminology of our magical world, this kind of place is called the spring of elements." She looked towards the distance where the wind channel had disappeared, and her eyes between the scattered hair seemed to be constantly searching for the memories inherited from her.

The scene: "You should know this title, right?"

"I know that the spring of elements on the Continent of Wind should be the spring of wind elements." Duan Qing nodded his head: "According to our investigation within the Hulun tribe, this person has settled here for a long time.

It seems that the tribe did not settle here in vain. If they want to activate such a powerful wind wheel cannon, the energy required is definitely impossible to collect with their own hands."

"They used ancient magic techniques and devices to continuously absorb the energy of the earth's veins in this wind channel."

After speaking something like a conclusion, Violet also slowly withdrew her gaze: "Perhaps the energy they absorb is only one thousandth of the total energy of the earth's veins, but if accumulated over a long period of time, the power they possess is still very considerable.


"This is probably one of the signs that Shenshan discovered their evil intentions." Duan Qing sighed deeply: "This kind of 'leakage' can be discovered as long as you pay a little attention."

"Considering that the Hulun tribe has been fighting against the beast tide, and has never used large-scale large-scale lethal weapons in the fight against the beast tide, Shenshan has no suitable reason and time to take action." Violet continued:

"But the envoy sent by the god can obviously detect more abnormalities in this tribe, so this envoy must also be hostile to the Hulun tribe."

"But before this hostility and opposition could be fully brought to the table, one of the parties suddenly disappeared." Understanding what Duan Qing wanted to ask next, Violet then explained: "Nashiya's

There was no reason why the divine envoy died or disappeared in her memory, and she probably didn't know what happened to the divine envoy. However, she took over everything about the current situation of the Hulun tribe and the mission of the sacred mountain.


"But she is also a member of the Hulun tribe, and she still has such a docile temperament, so——"

"She must have wanted to find a balance between the trade-offs and confrontations between the two sides when she took away the Wind-Calming Stone."

Interrupting Duan Qing's words, Violet continued: "In her understanding, the Hulun tribe who lost the wind-suppressing stone also lost the power of 'wind-suppressing'. Not only could they not fully control the wind wheel cannon,

, they definitely don’t dare to use it without authorization, because it will cause too heavy damage to themselves.”

"But they still used it without hesitation." Duan Qing, who lowered his head and sighed a few times, sighed: "I can understand the psychology of the Hulun people. Since we are facing the last line of defense that is about to fall,

In a situation where the whole army will be destroyed in the end, it is always a more appropriate choice to let go of the wind wheel cannon in a last-ditch effort. After all, there is still a one in ten thousand chance to survive a lot of people, or something like this will happen.

A 'savior' like Nasia..."

"Hmph, that's why I look down on these so-called 'strong men'." She let out a disdainful snort, and the originally supple and plain face of Nasia controlled by Violet began to turn cold.


"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we will have a chance to settle accounts with them soon."

She crossed her arms and said with her chin to the galloping cavalry who were gradually appearing and surrounding them in front of them: "Look."

"Those guys who can't bear it anymore are finally coming to meet their savior."


"Hoo, ho, ho, ho-ha!"

On the other hand, at the end of the wilderness in the north of the Hulun grassland, several players in an extremely embarrassed state had just crawled out from under the scorched earth, escaping from death, looking extremely tired and struggling.

Panting: "Da, everyone... are you okay? Has anyone... been sent back to the city?"

"Don't worry, no one here is weaker than you." He kicked away the man who was still on all fours and gasping loudly. He stretched out his body like a Valkyrie and patted away the dirt stained on his body with an indifferent expression.

: "At most, only your brother is weaker than you, but he has also been protected by you using the 'offline method'."

"Hey, do you have any sympathy?" Jian Beidong rolled down under the mound of soil he dug out. Jian Beidong, who climbed up from the scorched earth, raised his arms in annoyance: "I have become miserable.

With things like this, can't you show off your humanistic side a little bit?"

"Humanistic care? Sorry, I was offline just now to handle the meeting. I didn't notice what happened here." He clapped his hands and looked condescendingly at Jian Beidong's face: "I still want to ask you,

We promised to take good care of our hiding place, but how come we were almost buried alive in the end?"

"The thing is like this, Miss Yushang." A stereotyped smile then flashed behind Xuyu Liushang, accompanied by the spotless body belonging to Anyu Ninglan: "Because of the sudden appearance of those beasts, we

I had to use a more subtle way to hide myself to prevent attracting the attention of those enemies, but as time passed, the battle ahead became more and more intense——"

"That's why I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to rush in and take a look!" Jian Beidong, who raised his fist again and stood at the bottom of the slope and yelled, then explained: "I didn't expect it to be true.

When we were competing head-on with those steel battle formations, a high-intensity energy bombing suddenly fell in front of us, lifting up the entire grassland!"

"A whole grassland? Energy bombing?" He tilted his head in confusion, and involuntarily turned his gaze to the end settlement where the charred land gradually extended forward: "Did the Hulun people do it?

?How could they have such technology?"

"Not only do they have this kind of technology, they have even set up protective measures early." Pointing to the complete green grassland and the obvious dividing line of scorched earth in the direction of the settlement, Jian Beidong's movements of spreading his arms became more exaggerated.

He said: "You haven't seen that spectacular scene! The moment before the powerful energy was about to hit the settlement, huge energy light wings suddenly spread out to the left and right - Huh?"

"What seems to have happened again?"

As if he noticed the abnormality along with the narrowed eyes of Whispering Shang, the shirtless swordsman turned his head towards the torrent of steel that was converging towards the center of the scorched earth and asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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