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266 Private meeting, prospect, bottomless debt

"... Considering the current situation of Fars Fortress, we cannot just sit back and wait for death. We must strengthen the defense of Taron County... now."

In Tania City, in another large circular hall in the north of the parliament hall, many members are sitting around a large circular table, slapping the table and shouting at each other. This scene of mutual criticism and quarrels is actually already

It was a meeting pattern they were very used to, but this time the situation became more heated, because this meeting was just a non-routine work meeting they held in private, and the person who proposed the meeting was not the principality who was no longer in the city.

Speaker Pamir, but the parliamentarians who belong to various factions in the principality.

What was being spoken at this time was none other than the owner of Cabin Castle, the bearded Congressman Connelly, who had turned a blind eye to the quarrels and still kept his words in mind.

"Here, here, and here... Once the empire really invades, we must do something in these places to block the enemy's attack, otherwise... the empire's troops will really feel like they are in no one's land.

You can reach our city without any effort."

"Do you have any objections?"

Sitting opposite him was Senator Fortes, who was confronting him in the parliament. At this time, his eyes were slightly closed, and he looked as if he was about to fall asleep. It seemed that his exhausted spirit did not want to hear what the other party had said before.

What? But after the fat middle-aged man asked this question, he still opened his eyes slightly, looked at the old rival across the table, slowly straightened up and sat down on the bench.

The upper body: "We... naturally have no objections."

"……very good."

Staring at the opponent's unchanged face, Connelly nodded slowly, then withdrew his hand from the map in the middle of the table, and picked up a report next to him: "As for the strength of the troops...because of your

The problem is that we currently don’t have many troops at our disposal. The city guards in the capital cannot be moved. If there are not enough troops like the turmoil happening today, it is likely to turn into..."

"Okay, Senator Connelly."

Fortes, who seemed to have fallen asleep, waved his hand weakly again: "What do you want...just tell me."

"We... want to invite enough adventurers to participate in the principality's defense in Taron County."

Looking at the other party with a strange look, the fat middle-aged man stroked his beard, and then slowly said what he had been thinking about for a long time: "President Freestone has agreed, as long as we promise enough

As a reward, it is not difficult to get these adventurers to agree to help us, but... we need to pay for the expenses ourselves."

"These are all things." Fortus opened his eyes again: "You... want to recruit adventurers?"


"Erwin Town, Akiye Town, and Tallag Village...are all places like this?"

"According to our advance plan... yes."

"Do you know...that's all."

As if he wanted something, the slightly tired old man raised his hand, but lowered it again: "We... have no objection."


Connelly glanced secretly at the person sitting next to him, and put down the paper in his hand again. He seemed very surprised that the other person would agree to the result of his proposal. He was silent for a while, as if he was hesitating what to do next.

It should be the content, but before he could speak again, a secretly handed note was delivered to his hand.


He did not open it to read, but directly held the note in his hand, raised his head and thought for a while as if nothing had happened, and then slowly said: "In that case, let's... let's discuss some specific details.


"I should have said it before, these are all things." Fords on the other side said again: "There is no need to tell me at this time and in this place..."

"No, that's not the case."

The bearded middle-aged man was silent for a while, and then said again: "We need to decide... the commander of the adventurers."

"Based on what we have observed during this period and what we have actually experienced, those adventurers are very independent. They don't seem to care much about our rule. Instead, they care about their own group leaders and guild leaders.

We think this is also a good way. Since they are not very willing to obey our orders, then let them do it on their own..."

"What do you think?"

"You mean..." Fortus whispered: "You want those adventurers to act on their own?"

"Yes." Connelly nodded: "We think...this is the best way."

"we agree."

Without any hesitation, Fortes gave his answer simply and neatly, which made the surprise in the other party's eyes even more intense: "You... just agreed like this?"

"You must have thought about the candidate, right?" A smile appeared on the old man's face: "There is no point in my objection, so..."

"Just do what you want." He closed his eyes again and lowered his head slightly: "We nobles... don't have any objections."

The quiet night sky gradually enveloped Tania as usual, and the quarrels below the lobby seemed to have gradually subsided due to the unfolding of this atmosphere, leaving only the old man sitting above as if sleeping, and Connelly and Connelly.

The congressmen next to him looked at each other in surprise.


"Hey, aren't these brothers Liangchen?"


"What's wrong? I heard you weren't in retreat. Why did you suddenly come out? Has the retreat ended?"

"Yeah, it's over."

"Oh? It's really over? How about it? Do you have any new findings? Can you win the championship this time?"

"...You don't have to worry about it, just watch it."

"Hahahaha, okay! I just like your awesome spirit. Our brothers... are just waiting for the news of your triumph. It's best to bring back the trophy and the beauty together, hahahaha!"

"whispering sound……"

After watching several colleagues leaving happily, Liangchen Meiyu spat bitterly, then straightened her clothes and continued to walk outside the station. However, when a meeting like this had just been held,

It was almost impossible not to run into someone he knew, so it didn't take long before his footsteps stopped again.

"Brother Liangchen."

He still had the same spikey head, carrying a two-handed sword and half a box of cigarettes, quietly leaning against the wall of the corridor, and stopped him with a voice: "This meeting... you are here too.


"It turns out to be Brother Tippan."

Liangchen Meiyu showed her standard smile again, but this time he took the initiative: "Of course I have to come for such a big thing. Anyway, I'm almost done with practicing in seclusion..."


The man with the big sword straightened up: "It seems I still want to congratulate you first."

"No, let's leave it until after the game is over." Liangchen Meiyu said, "It's okay to come together then."

"Haha." Half a box of cigarettes smiled again, and then his face darkened: "This plan... you have planned it a long time ago, right?"

"How is it possible? I have been in retreat these days and don't know anything..."

"Except for the competition these days, you really haven't shown up much." The man interrupted the other party: "But looking back on what you did some time ago, even I can see the problem.


"Are you...really planning to do this?"

"Why, now that things have come to this...why do you still have any hesitation?"

Liangchen Meiyu laughed: "This is... the best opportunity accumulated by countless people."

"It's time to take revenge on our former enemies."

"Hey..." Tie Ban sneered: "But if you do this, you will sacrifice more."

"Are you worried?" Liangchen Meiyu exclaimed in a pretentious manner: "Did I hear you correctly? The legendary Berserker, the warrior of the empire, would actually be worried about this kind of thing?"

"If there is a war, I naturally agree." The man lowered his head and looked at the stone at his feet: "But... for such a big thing, I have to consider the future development. After all, the Wings of Freedom has been very far up to now.

It’s not easy, everyone is very emotional, and I don’t want to let everything here collapse in the end.”

"Don't worry, the situation you imagined won't happen."

For some reason, Liangchen Meiyu suddenly laughed. He walked forward slowly and patted the other party on the shoulder: "Even if this plan fails, Wings of Freedom will be fine."


"This is the guarantee I make as one of the people in charge of the company." Liangchen Meiyu nodded: "As long as I am still there, the Wings of Freedom will not fall... If you can't even fly freely, how can you


"But what if we..."

"I am also thinking about the future of our guild." Liangchen Meiyu interrupted the other party again: "You should believe this, right?"

"How is it possible? The risks of this plan are so high, you..."

"So, you people always think about failure."

In the shadow of the corridor, Liangchen Meiyu's words were like the whisper of the soul: "I have made a promise, but you still only think about the consequences. Don't you think about it...if it succeeds, what will the future of Wings of Freedom be like?"


"We may complete our revenge and teach the gangsters a lesson. We may dominate the free world and take all the resources in this world into our hands. We may...take this opportunity to defeat all opponents and become

The largest guild in the alliance.”

"Such a reward...isn't it worth taking such a big risk?"

The tall man stared at Liangchen Meiyu closely, as if he was thinking about the meaning of his words, but before he could speak again, the man who patted his shoulder took a step back, then turned and left: "You are like this

People probably won't understand all the gains and losses involved, and even that woman probably won't... But it doesn't matter, we are enough."

He shook his head and walked out of the place.

"How about you cooperate well once and then wait to receive the reward?"


"I finally understand why you like to perform everywhere."

In the Walia Tavern, Duan Qing looked at the embarrassed Rex with an inexplicable smile on his face: "So you spent all your money here?"

"Uh, this, this..."

Looking at Duan Qing and the girl behind him, the man with his head scattered and even covering his face scratched his head in embarrassment: "You... how did you get here?"

"Hey! Rex! Do you still want to place a bet?"

"Xiaxiaxia...of course! This time it will definitely be big!"

The disheveled man turned his head quickly, slapped something in his hand on the table, then turned back again and said with a smile: "Uh, um... do you want anything to drink? I'll treat you."

"Are you sure you still have money for a treat?"

Mengzhu said a little funny: "It's better to keep the money and get back the capital first."

"Ah hahaha, it's okay, it's okay. For a master like me, winning money is like..."

"...! Don't move, collect the bill, collect the bill!"


Seeing the man's face turning green again, Duan Qing couldn't help but laugh: "Sir, it seems your dream has failed."


The man suddenly turned his head and wanted to take out something on the table again, but after holding it in for a long time, he made no move: "Uh..."

"That...this adventurer."

He suddenly turned around, grabbed Duan Qing's arm and said, "You...hehe, can you lend me a hundred gold coins first?"

"Ah?" Duan Qing opened his mouth in surprise: "Now? Lend me money to gamble..."


Quickly covering Duan Qing's mouth, Rex looked at the scene around him and whispered carefully: "Don't make any noise, especially don't mention my name!"

Looking at the other party's head, he slowly let go of his hand, and then quietly whispered into Duan Qing's ear: "Believe me, I will definitely win next time. Not only will I be able to get my money back, but the money I earned will also be there."

How about giving you half?"

"Only one hundred gold coins, how much can you earn..."


The girl behind suddenly jumped out and stopped in front of Duan Qing: "You go first, how much can you earn?"

"At least this amount." Like a merchant trading in the black market, Rex made a gesture: "How about it?"

Even veteran players like Duan Qing couldn't understand the strange gestures, but Mengzhu seemed to understand: "Really? Give us half?"

"Yes, yes, this lady is very knowledgeable..."

"Hey! Rex! Do you want to place a bet?"

"Right now!"

The man turned around and yelled, then put on a charming smile: "You can make your family rich with just one hundred gold coins. There is no better way to make money than this business..."

"Okay! I will believe you just once!"

"Hey, hey, wait a minute...oh."

Seeing the girl's waving hands and excited expression, Duan Qing helplessly covered his forehead. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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