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530 Rift Ferry, Victim Alliance

The first battle since entering the Star Wind Plains came to an end in such a scene, but the final situation was far less relaxed than what they had shown before.

Since we are single and weak, as long as we don't use any extraordinary means, escape will become the inevitable result. However, as a magician whose strength and agility values ​​are destined to be high, Yuemeng's running speed is not only four

The slowest among the individuals, and also seems to be the slowest among the large group of pursuers behind them, not to mention the countless long-range attacks and magic bombings falling from the sky that have been blocking their steps - not yet

When the four of them passed through the route paved with falling rocks, the gang players in other directions reacted to the previous magic momentum. Several fireballs and ice arrows used to block were also directed by several bosses.

Duan Qing and others emerged from all around and blew the horn urging others to pursue. Duan Qing and others rushed out of the wheat field, just like that, they rushed out of the angry shouts and fierce lights that surrounded themselves, and then they seemed to be being chased.

Like a duck, it fluttered towards the west direction of the plain.

In the end, they finally blocked the pursuers with a natural chasm that appeared in front of them.

"Where is this?"

"Starwind Rift Valley! A section near the Marom Stone Forest..."

"How to get there?"

"Of course I climbed down! Wait a minute, I remember there is a road near here..."

"No time to find the way."

Looking at the gang alliance army chasing after them, Yun Meng, panting heavily, interrupted Duan Qing and Feng Chui Mai Lang's questions and answers in a low voice: "Let's just jump over."

"What? Just jump over?" The wind-blown wheat waves stopped and widened their eyes: "This place is nearly a hundred meters wide! Do you think we are all gods?"

"We are not gods, but this is a free world." After looking around at the surrounding scene, the melon and vegetable chopper holding a long knife also showed a clear expression: "As long as the conditions are sufficient, it is not impossible to jump over.


"As long as you have enough speed." Duan Qing also nodded in agreement: "But... can you do it, brother Yunmeng? You were the slowest runner before, and..."

"Grandpa, I am a magician! A magician who is proficient in both earth and wind!" Yun Meng, holding up his staff, said disdainfully: "If I don't even have this ability, how could I survive being chased by those bastard guys?

Are you playing with them?"

"Don't worry, I can't run..."

As if to forcibly boost his spirit, he exhaled a deep breath, and then suddenly raised his staff while his companion jumped up.

"Grandpa, my research on magic is beyond what ordinary people like you can compare with!"


A crisp sound like whipping sounded in front of them, at the feet of a swordsman who fell downwards, and then in a way that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, an upward strong wind was brought up. The melon and vegetable choppers swept across the air.

He was sent back to the original height by this strong wind, and then continued to fly into the sky. Finally, with a muffled sound of falling to the ground, he landed on the opposite side of the rift valley in embarrassment: "Cough cough, cough cough... What do you want?"

Will you kill me?"

"Huh, huh... It would be nice if I could send you there." Yuemeng, who was breathing again, turned around and threw out a few stone thorns, knocking the nearest pursuers to the ground: "If it hadn't been for the previous

Excessive physical exertion..."

"The placement is very accurate, but... your so-called research doesn't mean you can only send one person there, right?"

"How is that possible! Of course..."

Yunmeng, who was holding the staff with both hands, suddenly raised his head, as if he was planning to forcibly copy the previous miracle. However, looking at the scrutinizing look from Duan Qing beside him, his hands slowly dropped: "

Forget it, we don’t know each other anyway, so let’s die. There are too many accidents this time, and they may not remember your names. If you go back and hide in the city for a while, maybe you can get rid of this trouble like us..."

"We have some issues with them..."

Pointing to a certain sergeant hiding behind the pursuers in the distance, Duan Qing lightly interrupted Yun Meng's words, and then walked to the magician's side amid the increasingly approaching chasing figures: "And..."

"We still have unfinished tasks...I said this."

Under the gaze of everyone around him, Duan Qing suddenly picked up Yunmeng's body, and then with a strange flash of light in his eyes, he suddenly threw it towards the other side of the rift. The exclamation belonging to a magician carried his robe.

The sound of breaking wind brought by passing through the air began to get farther and farther away from him, and the shouts of killing from the pursuers from behind also began to get closer and closer. However, Duan Qing, whose eyes became dull, did not even look at his own throw.

The final result was that he strode to the side of Feng Chui Lang: "Wait a minute, I'm not ready yet! I still have a package on me...ahhhhhhhhhh!"

It seemed that they finally saw clearly what Duan Qing was doing. The eyes of the Sanqinghui members who were running at the front also showed a look of disbelief. However, Duan Qing, who had already completed two meat bomb throws, did not.

Giving them time to react, they turned back and ran towards the cliff: "This distance..."

"I hope it will succeed."

He jumped hard, his body soared high into the air, and then before several long-range attacks were about to fall on him, he suddenly twisted his body. The next moment, a green light ball appeared in front of him, and he clasped his hands.

They formed in mid-air, and then, under the inertia of Duan Qing's body, they fell together toward the bottom of the Star Wind Rift Valley.

Two seconds later, the green air emitted a burst of bright light, and then turned into a wave of air that exploded at the bottom of the rift valley under the joint gaze of both sides of the cliff.

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

Yuemeng, who had just fallen to the ground, coughed hard for a while, turned over to avoid a player who was about to hit him on the head, then reached into his arms and grabbed a scroll glowing with yellow light. The earthy yellow light followed closely.

It emitted from the crushed scroll and extended towards the side where the green light exploded. Then after a period of condensation, an earth wall growing on the cliff stretched out: "You are really... not afraid of falling to death.


"I'm also afraid that I'll be thrown to death." Duan Qing, who was thrown to this side by the air wave from the explosion, landed on the horizontal wall with a snap, and then got up in embarrassment: "Even the funeral arrangements are gone.


"Is there any way to come up?"

"Is there any way to send me up?"

"Your companion is still alive. There is only so much good news I can tell you."

The magician who poked his head said helplessly, and at the same time released another adjacent earth wall to Duan Qing's side: "My physical strength is too exhausted and I can't release more magic. You are so strong, you must have

You can find a way to come up on your own..."

"We are waiting for you in front." His voice disappeared over the cliff: "The pursuers haven't given up yet."

"whispering sound……"

Looking at the red-eyed players on the other side of the cliff who were looking for a route down the valley, Duan Qing sighed helplessly, then took out his black dagger and started climbing the cliff again: "I still want to


"It seems you guys will never understand the meaning of the word gap."


After all, the pursuers did not risk their lives to catch up because they wasted too much time climbing the rift valley, and when they came up, Duan Qing and the others had already disappeared. The bosses from the guild alliance army

Naturally, they would not easily give up on these opponents who had killed many brothers, and started a carpet search with a roar. However, even if they had the courage to really pull the search net into the Marom Stone Forest, they would not dare to do so at night.

Break in here.

So Duan Qing and the others who were camping here got a very precious moment of respite.

"A magician of earth and wind elements... he looks very powerful."

"Practice two factions of magic has been a popular trend since the new version was opened, so it's nothing at all, and you should be one of them, right? I saw that you also released magic from these two factions before..."

"Those are the skills that come with the equipment. They are not something I have learned on my own. I am a swordsman, an out-and-out melee professional..."

"Really? Then you must be a different swordsman..."

Amidst the rustling sounds of tents being set up and arranged nearby, the figures belonging to two players, Duan Qing and Yunmeng, were also sitting in front of the bright bonfire. However, the magician player among them looked at each other gradually.

He became sharper: "Looking back now... the sword technique you used at the beginning was probably Demon Breaking Slash, right?"


"Being able to cut through fireballs safely and achieve the effect of dispelling magic without causing an explosion... It seems that there is no such swordsmanship in the free world." Seeing that the other party did not seem to mean to explain, Yumeng held the staff.

He said calmly: "But you did it very easily."

"The free world is a place where miracles are created. Nothing is impossible." Duan Qing, who lowered his head, began to talk about him: "Just like you... isn't your magic also created?"

"My magic is the result of my research. Of course it is not something that ordinary people can do!" Speaking of his magic, the magician began to show a confident look on his face: "Don't talk about those players who have no talent.

Even if you are a professional player... you may not be able to achieve what my magic can achieve!"

"Don't boast too much." Duan Qing replied with a low smile: "In the previous League Cup, didn't that guy Luo Riguyan... also use tricks like compound magic?"


As if he mentioned a name that made him unhappy, Yun Meng's face began to turn gloomy: "That bastard... one day I will let him understand who is the real magician!"

"Uh...are you interested in telling me about your entanglement with the Sanqinghui?"

As if he sensed a deeper grudge and hatred, Duan Qing very wisely brought the topic to a slightly more relaxed place: "We have been fighting together since Ram Rock...how did you start fighting?


"This question...it's up to me to speak."

Yunmeng, who was holding the staff, snorted coldly, turned around and looked into the depths of the plain. The originally fierce-looking Zaiguaqiecai had packed up his tent and walked over with a pleasant look:

"Everyone who has been to Liberty City has been charged tolls several times. Even if you are a good player, you will always encounter some short-sighted guys who come up to provoke you. Yunmeng and I have also

They are all people who have received protection fees. I didn't want to cause too much trouble. Unfortunately, the style of some guilds is too arrogant. When they see the idle players they have bullied, they will go up and pinch them a few times.


"I'm a little bit better. After all, I'm alone." Having said this, he pointed in the direction of the magician: "He is different. He is a proud man by nature, and he can't help others riding on him.

On the head..."

"You are indeed not suitable to hang out near the City of Freedom." Duan Qing pressed his forehead and shook his head: "If you don't plan to rely on big forces to help you... then you should leave here early."

"We still have our own tasks, so there is no reason to leave like this." Chopping melons and vegetables sat cross-legged in front of the campfire: "If the task has been completed, I can consider not fussing with them too much...


"No, grandpa, I'm going to kill them." The magician holding the staff suddenly turned his head back: "You messed with my guys, what good consequences do you expect?"

"Although we are from the same group, it is not a problem to always be entangled with these young people..."

"If you want to go, just go, I won't stop you! Originally we just met by chance, you and those two guys don't need to worry about me..."

"If it weren't for the Sanqinghui, labor and management wouldn't bother to care about you!"

"Aren't you... together?" Duan Qing, who looked confused, raised his hand to interrupt the sudden quarrel between the two people, and at the same time twisted his eyebrows: "Aren't you friends?"

"We are all idle players, I should have said this before." Zhanguaqiecai glanced at Yumeng helplessly, then turned around and explained: "It's just because of the existence of the Sanqing Society, we bumped into each other occasionally.


"Is this like this?" Feng Chui Mai Lang walked out of the darkness and said in surprise: "The Sanqing Guild is also a relatively famous guild in the Free City. It has thousands of people under its command, and it often occupies this star.

The territory around Fengping Plain is very domineering..."

"We all know this."

He waved his hand lightly and took out his big knife while chopping melons and vegetables. While wiping the blade, he showed a reminiscence in his eyes: "I was also discovered by them when I came here to find the mission items, and then I was chased for a long time.

Finally, near Binlan District, I met this guy hiding in the shallows..."

"What?" Then Duan Qing looked at Yun Meng in surprise: "Ambush? Are you going to pester a guild alone?"

"What? Is there any problem?" Yuemeng glared and replied: "This kind of thing is nothing. In the past... Grandpa, I didn't even blink, okay?"

"Then who was the one who was chased so hard that he couldn't breathe?"

"Why don't I bring you all these burdens with me..."

"What did you say?"


Looking at the magician who was glaring at Duan Qing again, the swordsman on the side sighed secretly, then stretched out his hand towards the wryly smiling Feng Chui Mai Lang, and a fairly normal smile appeared on his ferocious face.

: "No matter what..."

"Welcome to join our big family." He said with a low smile: "The victim's big family."

This chapter has been completed!
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