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070 Taking care of children is so tiring

"Why are you back so late? Uncle, where have you been?"

"There were too many people at the blacksmith, so we had to wait for a while."

The sky above the Free Continent is once again filled with stars. However, this is just the beginning of the night, so the streets of Fenghua Town are still crowded with people. This is a precious period for both players and aboriginals.

relaxing time.

When Duan Qing returned to the Adventurers Association, only Mengzhu was waiting here. Maybe it was because he came back too late, maybe because he was dissatisfied with being left alone to wait here. The girl's eyebrows were drooped, as if

Not too happy.

"Uncle Smiling and the second-year middle school boy have come back, and then went to the tavern. I stayed here to wait for you!" The girl wrinkled her nose and yelled: "There are not many good new-age girls like me anymore.

Thank me quickly..."

"Isn't it because you don't like going to places like pubs...Okay, okay, thank you, let's go."

"Hey, there is no sincerity at all."

The two of them immediately started walking towards Hua Lan Street. Among the people passing by, the girl was still brooding over what happened that afternoon.

"In that battle in the afternoon, those people were so powerful... Who are they? Do you know them?"

"How can I possibly know each other? They are probably all close to level 40..."

"Well, why is it that no matter then or now, your expression is so calm and you don't feel envious at all..."

"Ha..." Duan Qing smiled: "Practice diligently, and you will reach that level."

"I don't believe it." The girl looked embarrassed and kicked a stone away from the roadside: "I guess I will never be able to achieve that level in my life."

"No confidence..." The man next to him sighed: "You don't believe it. In fact, the level of those people is almost the same as ours. They just have some skills and some practical experience.

, are all things that ordinary people can practice..."

"So..." He spread his hands: "As long as you are willing to practice, these are not problems."

"Really?" the girl asked doubtfully, "Why don't I believe it so much? If it were as easy as yours, wouldn't everyone be a professional player..."

"Everyone can do it." Duan Qing said with a smile: "Jian Beidong in the afternoon, even though he looks very strong, he was actually a rookie at the beginning..."

"Well, really... Hey, are you familiar with him, so you can do this behind his back..."

"After all, I am a former professional player, so of course I know these things, such as that uncle in red robe..."

"Stop, stop, stop, it's about to start again. I trust the head office."

"Humph, forget it if you don't want to hear it."

The two figures gradually moved away. Looking at the proud-looking girl, Duan Qing shook his head helplessly, thinking about what happened near the blacksmith shop in the evening.

Although there was almost no progress, Duan Qing still revealed Jian Beidong's intention of coming here.

Because of the title of "White Killing Chicken Sword Technique", the other party was inexplicably suspicious of Duan Qing's identity, but even so, a chance meeting between two "strangers" would naturally not result in too much communication.

.So even though Duan Qing tried his best to mess around, he still managed to come up with something more or less useful.

For example, Jian Beidong came here to do a mission.

According to the information Duan Qing guessed from between the lines, Jian Beidong came to Fenghua Town after hearing Wizard's dream about his life, so he wanted to come here to settle some kind of personal grudge with him. But at the same time,

He also had other tasks near Fenghua Town, and time was tight. He had been waiting here for several days to wait for the scholar in black, but he really didn't have much time to wait any longer.

So after tonight, he will leave the city.

"Let's put that account aside for now. He probably won't leave anyway."

These were the last words left by the swordsman before he left.

It has been a long time, and Duan Qing has no way of knowing what he has experienced during this period. Although this is what he wants to know most, under such circumstances, he has no time or position to ask. But look

From his appearance and the state of his previous battles, it seems that he has not let go of anything in the past three years. Listening to the things he explained before, it seems that this is not a grudge between Jian Beidong himself and that person, but something related to others.


When did you become so enthusiastic...

Under Mengzhu's confused gaze, Duan Qing exhaled, then stretched out a hand and pointed at the night sky.

"As expected, everyone has matured a lot."


The next day, as usual, the rhythm should still be to assign tasks and then go their separate ways. However, due to the invitation from Kidd, the members of the team were more inclined to participate in the group training. Especially Xiao Hongchen and Smiling Butcher,

He expressed great interest in this matter - even if he is actually doing sparring, it is always much more fun than looking at goods or finding people.

And the arena competition should start today.

Duan Qing made it clear yesterday that he was unwilling to go, so he didn't want to change his decision. So after the girl rushed out happily, the situation turned into a miserable situation where Duan Qing solved the task alone.


"Remember to help take care of Nina, she is so pitiful at home alone..." After Mengzhu said the last sentence, he closed the broken door of the Adventurers Association, and the wooden door creaked with the sound of breaking.

, the morning sun shines on the leisurely look of the unshaven Uncle Richard, and the lonely figure of Duan Qing.

"My uncle, don't you have the slightest idea..." Duan Qing looked up to the sky and sighed for a long time, then pointed to the stack of pages on the dilapidated counter that had never been reduced: "Go and solve it.

One or two of the commissions here?”

"Oh, this..." Uncle Richard held up what seemed to be a mirror and was trying hard to move his chin, apparently arranging his beard: "Of course...

.are also being done.”

"Really?" Duan Qing squinted his eyes suspiciously: "Why have I never seen..."

"Please believe in my character, how could I deceive you young flowers, hahahaha!" Richard nodded with satisfaction, then threw the mirror on the table: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't believe it.


He stood up, walked around the table, and patted Duan Qing on the shoulder: "I have seen your efforts in the past few days. You have done a good job and reduced a lot of my burden, so...

....I am very grateful to you."

"So you have to keep working hard, hahahaha!" The uncle who still looked sloppy after tidying up for a long time laughed for a while, and then opened the door and went out.

"Who are these people..." Duan Qing grinded his teeth bitterly, and immediately decided not to get along with these cunning NPCs. Anyway, he was the only one left, and it didn't matter what commission he chose, so

Duan Qing casually picked up the first few pages in the mountain of pages and slowly started to read them.

The contents of these commissions placed on the table looked no different from usual ones. They were still a lot of trivial things, which just looked overwhelming. Duan Qing randomly selected a few tasks that seemed valuable.

Then I planned the route a little bit so that I could do as many as possible within the limited time.

This is one of the basic skills that veteran players must have.

"I sent this letter first, and then went to help Uncle Mamba... Well, the blacksmith shop still needs new goods today, can't you just stop? Is it because of the recent war...

There is also a food delivery team, so let’s not go there, it feels like a bottomless pit... eh."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Duan Qing patted his forehead, and then looked at the adventure map in the system again: "I also want to see that Nina, well... her home is in the east of the city."

"Then after I deliver the letter, I'll go to the blacksmith shop and take a look at today's daily routine, and then I'll take a look on the way when I leave the city..."

Muttering his plan, Duan Qing slowly opened the wooden door and walked towards the town hall. He kept walking, still deducing today's planned route in his mind - the first step is to go to the town hall to pick up the delivery.

Sending letters is the simplest task and should not waste a lot of time.

Then, his whole day's plan was completely disrupted.

The letter was sent to the warehouse at the east gate of the city. It was said to be a plan for food distribution in the past two days. After Duan Qing delivered it, he felt that he was not far from the home of the girl Mengzhu had entrusted to take care of, so he planned to

This task has been prioritized.

The girl named Nina is alone at home. I heard from Mengzhu before that she is a taciturn person, and her mother died young and her father is not at home. But unlike the boy in Green Stone Village, she

My father is not a person who has been missing for several days, but a miner who seems to be working in a mine near Lanshan Village.

Since she is away mining all year round, her father is always away from home, which makes the uncared-for girl very withdrawn and rarely interacts with people. Until the mayor of Fenghua Town recently proposed a new policy, people in the town

When many people began to pay attention to these children who were alone at home, the girl's situation gradually became aware of it, and her name was put on the list of the town hall.

There are many children like Nina, so according to the original idea, the mayor wanted some people with leisure and love to take some time to take care of them and accompany them, so that these children can also feel

The warmth of Fenghua Town. But when it comes to the specifics, each child's personality, preferences, and family situation are different, and the wishes of those who want to take care of the child and the organization are also different, so the situation becomes a bit complicated again.

, the results went back and forth, and Nina was finally listed on the blackboard of the Adventurers Association and became a commission in the name of the town hall.

As a result, due to the decline of the Fenghua Town Adventurer Association, Nina's living situation has not improved much. It was not until Duan Qing joined the adventure group that other people began to appear in her family.

The girl's home was very old, and the floor was full of dust, which showed that it had been left unattended for a long time. When Duan Qing pushed the door open and entered, he almost choked on the dust kicked up by the fan.

It took him a long time to find where the girl was.

Nina's room is located at the back of the whole house, and that is the only place that is relatively clean. It seems that the girl herself thinks that there is no need to clean other places except her own room. Duan Qing also said before coming in

He called at the door for a long time, but no one answered. In desperation, he had no choice but to go in and check for a while. Finally, after searching every room, he found a girl sitting alone on the bed, holding a doll.

Perhaps she realized that the one who came today was not the elder sister from a few days ago. The girl's eyes were a little surprised. The two looked at each other for a long time. Finally, Duan Qing scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, well, I am the one who came today."

The person who came to take care of you, my name is...well, just call me Brother Qingshan, are you Nina?"

The girl didn't answer him, she just continued to stare at him with her big eyes.

Sure enough, it was just like the legend said, his character was a bit strange... Sweat was dripping from Duan Qing's forehead. Even the most experienced players would not have any experience in taking care of children.

He stood there and rubbed his hands, swaying a little helplessly for a while. He really didn't think of what to do, so he had to smile sheepishly: "Well, um... hello."

The girl still didn't answer him, but pointed to a cabinet next to her. On top of that cabinet, there was a clean plate, and there was a wooden cup next to it. There was nothing on the plate, but it was vaguely still.

Some food residues can be found.

After being stared at by Nina for a long time, Duan Qing finally realized that the girl opposite was probably hungry. He sighed, then thought about it, and took out the leftover food from yesterday.

He handed the "Shuo Xinghua" cake to the girl in front of him.

Seeing the girl holding the doll, holding her heart with both hands and biting it, Duan Qing felt a little warm in his heart for no reason. This may be because of the girl's appearance. Apart from the shabby clothes on her body, this girl

She is quite a beauty, and she looks quite cute.

But it didn't take long for Duan Qing to stop thinking she was cute.

In addition to eating, Nina has many requests. It seems that because no one has been playing with her, she really wants others to play with her, and because she is not talkative, it is difficult to understand her intentions.

This solved Duan Qing's biggest problem. Whenever Duan Qing guessed wrong, a pair of big tearful eyes would appear in front of him in time, staring at the embarrassed man, making him anxious for a long time. After coaxing him,

Just then, the girl let out a sigh of relief when she smiled again.

If I knew who her father was, I would definitely beat him to death... If I knew who planned such a plot, I would definitely beat him to death...

This was the only thought Duan Qing had in his heart later when he was mechanically reading a certain fairy tale book.

Nina's family is very poor, so there are not many things for the children to play with. Even the storybook in Duan Qing's hand is already in tatters. But the girl doesn't care about this and still pulls it with all her strength.

The hem of Duan Qing's clothes signaled him to read the content to her. She didn't know how many times she had heard it before.

However, seeing the bald doll she was holding in her arms, Duan Qing endured it and read the story seriously.

This book is very thin, and there are also some short stories similar to fables. When Duan Qing turned the pages, he found that almost every page had traces of being wet, so the entire page was a little yellow.

Halfway through reading, Duan Qing raised his head and found that the girl's earnest eyes were no longer on him, but staring straight ahead.

It was an open door leading to the outside. Duan Qing forgot to close it when he came in.

"You want... to go out to play?" After waiting for a long time and still no response, Duan Qing guessed with some uncertainty: "Have you never gone out to play?"

Nina shook her head slightly.

"Ah..." Duan Qing covered his head and looked up at the dilapidated ceiling. After a long time, he finally put down his arm: "Okay, I'll take you out to play..."

It seems that today's plans have all come to nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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