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835 Soul isolation, a given choice


A strong tremor echoed in the scene in the corner of the square. The body belonging to Duan Qing suddenly flew out diagonally along the revolving corridor in the corner of the square, and then after smashing several small decorative stone pillars, it fell to the ground.

The interior of the garden at the rear. Vertex 23S.

The fastest and fastest black figure then swept across the front of the garden, blocking another magical attack with a black aura from outside the scope of the garden. Bernard's fist

The wind then brought his figure closer to the center of the battle again, and collided with York, who had changed his appearance again.

It seems that due to his deep understanding of this imperial general who has been with him day and night for a long time, this guy who has lost his identity as an adjutant is not at the slightest disadvantage in the one-on-one battle with Bernard.

"Your movements seem to have slowed down, General! Is it because of my previous sword attack?"

"...I will make you pay for what you have done, York."

"No, you can't, you can't do it at all... As early as when you were hit by my sword, you couldn't do it!"


"Is that sword poisonous?"

Seeing Bernard rushing forward to fight with the opponent again without saying a word, Duan Qing climbed out of the garden and gasped and guessed: "Is Bernard poisoned?"

"I have done some research on toxins and the like, and he... doesn't seem to have similar symptoms." She appeared next to him quietly, and Maggie replied in a low voice: "But his strength is indeed not the same.

This should be the only thing. The adjutant you want to deal with... doesn't look as powerful as you think."

"Either that guy used a poison you didn't recognize, or that guy used a trick other than poison." Then Duan Qing once again showed his hard-thinking eyes: "Can you tell me in detail what happened after I fainted?

?Especially the part where Bernard’s shoulder was injured…”

"...After that adjutant slashed through you with his sword, the empire's general already wanted to intervene." Her vigilant eyes kept patrolling around the battlefield, and Maggie replied hesitantly: "But that guy should also

I had long expected that Bernard would take action, and had prepared myself well in advance..."

"That sword looks... very similar to the one you used." Her voice paused as she said this: "The blade turned transparent when it cut through the human body, and it passed through the middle in an instant.

The general seemed to know how powerful it was, so he slapped himself on the shoulder..."

"...He took the photo himself?"

"That's right."

In the scene where the chaotic airflow continued to spread out from the center of the battle between the two people in front, Maggie's eyes revealed a hint of admiration: "There was a sword wound on his shoulder, and a lot of black breath came from it.

When it came out, that guy just gritted his teeth and waited for the breath of void to pass, and then returned to normal under our gaze."

"That's right, just like you look like now...the soldiers at that time were stunned."

Seemingly noticing the shock in Duan Qing's eyes, she turned back and raised her lips: "Including Tristan and I who came to the rescue... none of us expected that the adjutant would suddenly come to him.

Bernard came to take action, so when his injuries broke out and the guards began to become confused, not many people could notice the whereabouts of the murderer."

"Then came our action and the siege of the 'resistance'." She pointed to the battle front that was still compressing around her: "We spent a lot of effort to break through the center of the melee, but the situation here is

It’s different from what we imagined…”

"Wait a minute, did you rush in together?" Duan Qing, who struggled to get up, suddenly realized a serious problem: "Where is Tristan?"

With another loud crash, the battle at the edge of the square not far in front of Duan Qing finally came to a conclusion. The imperial general who had been fighting the enemy leader alone staggered back.

Then it also appeared in the open space near the garden, and at the same time, there were scattered breaths flying backwards. It seemed that he finally felt a little tired, and the imperial general with his hands hanging by his side bowed slightly.

He got off his body, and after a long while, he was surrounded by several unknown people in the distance, and regained his previous calm expression: "...I see."

"You're not a warrior at all."

"...I found it too late, General."

Waving to the men who had followed him to continue their mission of fending off the empire's counterattack, York tore off the completely destroyed military uniform around him, and then removed the layer of gray-white soft armor attached to the surface of his body, along with the soft armor.

The magical aura attached to it was also revealed: "The most powerful magician can not only use powerful magic, but also use the energy of magic to strengthen himself. Although there is no substantial change in his muscles, the simulated

The effect is still very impressive.”

"The power of the wind element can make me faster, and the power of the fire element can make my explosive power stronger." He slapped his body vigorously, removing all kinds of colorful colors from the soft armor.

Photographed from the gap: "By analogy, magicians can do things that the most powerful warriors can do. They only need enough magic power and magic skills to support these energies..."

"You are actually a great magician who is proficient in all departments?" Then Bernard's eyes were a little surprised: "This is impossible, even for Wiggins who lives in Tania..."

"Don't think this is some high-end magic skill. This set of magic skills has been developed for a long time."

What answered him was York's still twisted and excited face, and raised his arms again: "It's easy to learn this knowledge..."

"As long as you bow down to the knees of the Magic Empire, those ancient precious materials... we can let you appreciate the day you die in battle!"

A harsh and sharp friction sound then appeared in the hands of the remnant of the Magic Empire in front of him. On the long sword that looked no different from an ordinary sword blade, a faint sword aura followed the slashing of the sword.

Gradually taking shape, it flew towards the direction of Bernard. There was no longer a surprised expression on his face. Bernard, who had regained his composure, then crossed his raised arms in front of his chest, and then used

After knocking off the sword energy with both fists, he took the layer of black energy trailing behind the sword energy into his eyes: "No...that's not right."

"You are not a magician." He put on a defensive posture and once again blocked the whirlwind that turned into black straight lines: "Are you a destiny weaver?"

"wrong answer."

Putting away his exaggerated smile, a solemn expression gradually appeared on York's face: "The Destiny Weaver can only peek into the future of this world, and I..."

"Will become the master of this world!"

The crackling thunder and lightning then gradually extended outward along the trajectory of the black aura, with tiny cracks torn apart by the lightning appearing in front of everyone, and the strange darkness unique to the other world also followed.

The number of those sizzling cracks increased like a spider web, and the nearby corner of the battlefield was dyed into a pitch black that was difficult to see through. He waved two silver fists vigorously, and Bernard, whose face became more solemn, then

The black energy that was about to affect him dissipated, and the footsteps that had been sticking to the spot began to gradually retreat in the direction of Duan Qing as the threat of these void cracks became closer: "Don't get close!

These void breaths will isolate the connection between body and soul!"

"Isolate the connection between body and soul?"

The screams of several imperial soldiers who were affected were heard in his ears. Duan Qing, who followed, hurriedly asked in a low voice: "What does that mean?"

"The power of the void does not belong to our world. If you are affected by it too much... people will start to become abnormal." Bernard's voice still issued a warning to the surrounding imperial soldiers who had not yet been affected to retreat.

He explained in a low voice: "Weakness of hands and feet, slow reaction, listlessness, and loss of emotional control. If you are under the influence of the void for a long time, these symptoms will become worse, and eventually you will lose control of your body, just like a person who has lost his soul.


"To put it simply, it means that the attributes are reduced, and the final deduction is zero, right... Hey, why does it sound almost like a curse?"

A wretched figure in the Devil's Paradise flashed through his mind, and Duan Qing said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "...Very good."

"If you dare to show the moves and problems described in words, there are none that we adventurers cannot solve."

The whistling wind suddenly dispersed towards the front of the black fog area with his sudden movement, and Duan Qing's figure was instantly submerged into the invisible space. Ignoring the warning from Bernard behind him, he then issued a warning

With a loud shout, he turned into a brilliant white light and crashed towards the direction where York was in his memory. Countless black auras with purple thunder and lightning then entangled Duan Qing with York still laughing.

, and then separated to both sides in the sudden burst of brilliant white light, like the adventurer player in the eye of a typhoon, then threw up the chains tied to his hands, and froze the adjutant's smile with a punch.

On the face: "Drink!"

"He, how did he..."

"That's a relic left by my teacher."

Amid the exclamations of Bernard holding his shoulders, Maggie, who was lurking nearby, explained in a low voice: "The thing he called the cross has the effect of dispelling all magical effects. Now it seems..."

"That thing was simply prepared for this moment."

The sound of breaking through the air burst forward along with the sight of the woman in black disappearing in place again, carrying the surrounding airflow and disappearing in front of Bernard's eyes. The black afterimage that was completely uncaptured then passed through countless

Imperial soldiers and rebels appeared beside the body of York, who had just been knocked off the ground. The black dagger then drew a dark arc in the air, and the adjutant Ji who forcibly twisted his body

The long swords coming out met together, but the same black aura extended forward through the injury caused by Duan Qing's fist mark just now, and finally touched York's right rib exposed by raising the sword.

"Shadow Strike!"

The same loud impact as when the fight started appeared in front of Duan Qing, who had just jumped out of the black mist. Maggie turned around and kicked York down with the counterattack of the dagger and sword.

The sound made when she was on the ground belonged to the supple body of the woman in black. Then she turned the last half circle in the air and landed lightly on the ground of the square far away from the black fog. A huge sound of tearing the floor followed.

They separated to both sides along the direction in which York slipped. At the same time, there was a dim light emitted when the magic shield took effect. Maggie, who was watching all this, did not give him a chance to breathe. The tip of his toes landed on the ground.

Then he brought up a cloud of soil and rubble again: "No one can escape the pursuit of the Queen of the Night..."

"Not even fate."

Like a cracked eggshell, the tip of the dagger that suddenly appeared on the surface of the magic shield instantly broke the colorful and thick shield into pieces. The black dagger surrounded by the thick magic light then melted into pieces.

A long shadow was created, and it was sucked into York's chest like light from a black hole. The gray-white hard soft armor did not seem to have any protective effect, and the dagger was inserted into the adjutant's heart upside down.

, and Duan Qing, who arrived later, also pushed away a broken stone that just flew past his face, and exhaled a long breath with some fear: "Damn, aren't you all level 100 NPCs?"


"Level 100...what?"

"It's nothing, just think I'm talking nonsense."

Looking at the approaching figure of Bernard, who was still fighting countless enemies with his injured fists, Duan Qing waved his hand: "I just didn't expect it to be solved so easily."

"He just didn't expect you to be able to break through the blockade that tore apart the space just now." Maggie raised her head: "If you let him have a little bit of defense..."

"I may not succeed."

Wide eyes appeared in Duan Qing and Maggie's faces as they looked at each other, because the last words came from the adjutant lying on the ground. With a dagger stuck in his heart, he then grabbed Maggie and returned it.

The right arm that was not released, a ferocious smile appeared on his face again: "What do you think the appearance of that pendant is? Is it an accident that is not part of the thread of fate?"

"Fate has revealed all this to me long ago!"

Thick black air spurted out from around the heart in his chest as he laughed wildly, completely surrounding Maggie's entire body in an instant: "And now..."

"It's time for me to explain why you appear here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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