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Chapter 1071: Providence

@@The country is picturesque, these words are majestic.

But how many people are qualified to say this?

Ning Yayun sighed in her heart, "Zitai, I think this world is going to be in chaos."


Yang Xuan guessed Ning Yayun's worries.

"Zitai, don't underestimate the refugees. The decline of Chen State started with the refugees."

An Ziyu said: "In the late Chen Kingdom, the powerful annexed land unscrupulously and unscrupulously failed to pay taxes. All the money in the world was squeezed from the people.

The number of refugees is increasing day by day, and the emperors, generals and ministers are still living in drunken dreams. Until someone climbs up and shouts, then there are beacon smoke everywhere. It is better to say that the Chen Kingdom is destroyed by the noble families, it is better to say that the mainstream refugees are destroyed."

"Bei Xinjiang has accommodated many northern refugees in recent years, which has slowed down this trend. Otherwise, last year and this year, the north may not have been able to stop. Zitai, you have done a great job."

It was from this point that Ning Yayun could not judge whether Yang Xuan had any thoughts of rebellion.

If you want to rebel, you naturally want to see the world in chaos.

But Yang Xuan took the initiative to accept the refugees from the North, which was wrong.

After all, Ning Yayun was not a strategist and could not see why Yang Xuan was not taking action at this moment.

Beiliao is here!


Yang Xuan thinks Lao Shuaiguo is a bit cute.

But then I felt a little stupid!

In the last years of the Chen Kingdom, those grass-headed kings would not care about this. They would take action when they saw an opportunity. As for attacking foreign enemies, they would put it aside for now!

That's why the foreign tribes spied on the Central Plains. Finally, when various grassroots saw that the situation was not good, they sent envoys to discuss and form a coalition to go out. After the first battle, the foreign tribes did not dare to peep south.

Foreign troubles are lifted.

How many brothers!

Let's keep walking.

So the civil war continues!

"Tang Jiao and Si Ye should know the signs before the dynasty falls." Yang Xuan glanced at Ning Yayun and An Ziyu, "Before the dynasty falls, it must first weaken. Who caused the decline? It's you!"

He pointed outside, "Since Li Yuan and his son came to the throne, they have allowed those people to annex fields and evade taxes. However, the world's expenses are increasing. Where does the insufficient money and food come from? The only way is to squeeze the people.

The people were already in a difficult situation, and this was the last straw that broke their backs. It was at this time that public dissatisfaction simmered.

Once the stagnation accumulates, unless you have the courage to heal the wounds, the dynasty will inevitably fall irreversibly. Do you have the courage today?"

Ning Yayun shook her head, "That person only knows power!"

"I once said that it will never be possible for foreign enemies to defeat the Central Plains. The only one who can defeat us is ourselves!"

Yang Xuan thought of what the pseudo-emperor and his son had done over the years, and anger surged in his heart.

"Chang'an is now filled with the idea of ​​destroying Northern Xinjiang...Tang Jiao, the current situation is actually more favorable to the Tang Dynasty than ever before. In the south, the Southern Zhou Dynasty is trapped in internal strife and cannot extricate itself. At this moment, the Southern Xinjiang army launches a massive attack

, we will definitely be able to defeat the Southern Zhou Dynasty in one battle. After the Southern Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, the Tang Dynasty gathered its army and went north, joined the Northern Xinjiang Army, and attacked the Northern Liao Dynasty with the Shegu people. In less than two years, the Northern Liao Dynasty will inevitably be destroyed. Then the Shegu people will be annihilated..."

Ning Yayun took a breath of cold air, "You really want to dominate the world!"

An Ziyu was also quite shocked, "None of the emperors of the Tang Dynasty dared to think of this idea."

"Why can't you think about it?" Yang Xuanxu clicked, "Send troops to Luo Luo again. Once Luo Luo is defeated, Datang's goal should turn to the sea..." "I'm tired."

Ning Yayun covered her forehead and waved her hands, "Zitai, let's take Ah Liang out for a walk!"

Yang Xuan stood up and said, "Master, have a good rest!"

He lowered his head and said, "A-Liang, let's go."

"Oh!" A Liang took two steps and turned back, "Headmaster, take medicine!"

Ning Yayun's eyes were gentle, "Okay!"

After Yang Xuan left, the room was silent for a long time.


Ning Yayun sighed, "Ziyu, did you understand the meaning of Zitai's words?"

() An Ziyu said indifferently: "Don't you just want to be a powerful minister?"

"He wants to conquer the world, but who can do this? The emperor!" Ning Yayun said with a bitter smile.

An Ziyu instinctively defended Yang Xuan, "How can someone be so easy to conquer? Maybe that's a lie!"

Ning Yayun shook her head, "When others say this, I can think it is a big lie, but Zitai said it... Think about it, when Zitai said that he would suppress Beiliao, I also thought it was a big lie. But what about now?


"Then go and conquer it!" An Ziyu raised her eyebrows, "The Central Plains has been suppressed for many years, and it's time to stretch out!"

"If he puts this ambition into practice..."

Ning Yayun fell into deep thought.

An Ziyu was a little impatient and asked, "What did the headmaster think of?"

Ning Yayun raised her right hand and turned it into a claw. "Dragon!"

Move the clouds and spread the rain, manipulate the wind and clouds into a dragon!

Yang Xuan took his son to play in metaphysics.

Seeing his son kneel down skillfully in front of the statue, Yang Xuan's head was filled with black lines.

Zhong Hui quietly appeared, "Look again!"

What to see?

After A Liang knelt down and bowed, he stood up and said, "Don't grab it, you'll come back later!"

What to grab?

Yang Xuan was puzzled and saw A Liang holding a few sticks of incense in his hand, breaking them off with great effort, and then placed a piece in front of a statue of a god.

Is this worshiping God?

Yang Xuan was speechless.

Zhong Hui said meaningfully: "What the gods see is sincerity."

"What's the meaning?"

"Zitai, look." Zhong Hui pointed outside.

Yang Xuan turned around and was surprised to find that at some point, there were several more birds outside.

Ah Liang went to get the offered cooking cakes, walked outside the door, and said seriously: "Don't grab it!"

Then, he broke open the cooking cakes and threw them over little by little. The birds were not afraid of him and lined up to eat together seriously.

Zhong Hui said softly: "I have seen such visions in metaphysics books. These children will either become great virtues in the future..."

"What else?"

Yang Xuan asked.

It would be a joke if his eldest son went to do something great.

Zhong Hui said: "In ancient times, there was a strange man who could control birds and beasts. When he grew up, he was elected as the leader of the tribe, led his tribe to expand continuously, and became the king!"

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "That's not bad."

Today's metaphysics is very weird, and everyone seems to be eager to force Yang Xuan to say that sentence.

--I want to rebel!

But Yang Xuan refused to say anything and was so angry that Ning Yayun was in a daze in the check-in room. Zhong Hui was helpless at this moment.

The general trend of the world is changing, so don’t be afraid of it!

This is not to say that Fang Wai is sharper than those big guys, but because they are detached from outsiders and can be a clear observer.

Only when the first batch of refugees arrived in Taoxian County despite the snow did Yang Xuan know the reason.

"Northland Flood!"

In the middle of winter, there were huge floods in the Northland.

"For so many years, the north has only heard of snow disasters and floods in winter... Damn, shouldn't that be in summer and autumn? How many years has it been since there was a flood in the north?

Yang Xuan ordered the officials to set up camps to accommodate the refugees.

He asked several old officials in the duty room.

"I've never heard of it!" "Yes, I've never heard of winter floods in Northern Xinjiang!"

"No, it's the whole Northland. My lord, there is little rain in winter! I have only heard of drought, but there is no heavy rain!"

Yang Xuan looked thoughtful.

Han Ji smiled as he watched the minor officials resign, went out to take a look, turned around and saluted, "Congratulations, lord!"

"Congratulations for what?" Yang Xuan said casually.

"The floods in the north are not as disastrous as those in northern Xinjiang. This shows that it is God's will."

"You mean a sign from the sky?"

"Exactly." Han Ji was in high spirits, "The emperor originally wanted to suppress the north, but this sudden flood made him helpless. My lord, this is God's will!"

() "God's will!"

Yang Xuan walked out of the duty room, took a deep breath of cold air, "Here comes someone!"

A clerk came forward and said, "My lord."

"Let Helian Yan come!"

He Lianyan came and found that Yang Xuan didn't look very happy.

"Immediately launch the Jin Yiwei to go to the Northland to inquire about the news. The focus is on the disaster situation and the condition of the victims, immediately!"

Yang Xuan looked unusually serious.


He Lianyan went out to explain.

Song Zhen came out of the duty room and said: "The Duke."

Yang Xuan walked over and saw Liu Qing and Luo Cai inside, so he smiled and said, "You are so elegant." Luo Cai said, "This is a flood that has not happened for many years. We are wondering what this means."

"God's will!" Liu Qing raised his cup and drank tea, as if he was drinking.

The three old ghosts were very happy.

Floods in the North, which are rare in a century, have too many connotations in this era where emperors and national destiny are closely linked with various celestial phenomena.

The earth dragon turned over. Unmentioned, it was caused by the emperor crawling into ashes!

The comet appeared, and unsaid, the emperor imprisoned the grandmother!

Drought, unsaid, the emperor imprisoned his biological father!

But since Li Mi and his son ascended the throne, there has really been no large-scale natural disaster in the Tang Dynasty.

In other words, God still approves of this son.

That's why the emperor dared to say that today is a prosperous time.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he was planning to deal with Northern Xinjiang, the floods in the Northern Territory were huge!

God looked down upon this son and slapped him!

"Son of Heaven, if God slaps him, it will be a natural disaster!" Song Zhen gloated.

The three of them noticed that Yang Xuan looked serious and gradually fell silent.

"If God wants to whip him, he will whip him hard. But why do the people deserve it?"

Yang Xuan went out and said, "Go and have a look outside the city."

In the check-in room, the three of them looked at each other.

Outside the city, hundreds of victims gathered together in the cold looked blankly into the void, as if there was fire and food there.

On the other side, the craftsmen were busy building a camp. "The Duke is here!"

Dozens of people rode out of Taoxian County, and the eyes of the victims became more lively.

Yang Xuan dismounted and walked over slowly.

A man stood up and saluted.

The victims stood up and saluted.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Yang Xuan asked: "Did you give me something to eat?"

The official in charge said: "They have just arrived and they don't dare to give them cold food at the moment. They are setting up a stove nearby to cook some batter and add some pickles to warm themselves up first."

"It's an urgent matter. There's no need to be so complicated. Let's get started and cook some batter for them to eat. Hurry up!"


When the officials went to make arrangements, Yang Xuan asked, "How about the flood?"

"Oh my god!" There was a look of fear in the man's eyes. "I was at home when I heard someone shouting outside... I'm getting water from the sky. I thought it was impossible, who was probably playing a prank. Who would have thought!"

That's how the flood came.

The villain and his family fled quickly. When they reached a high place and looked down, they saw that the villagers were floating and sinking with the debris in the water. At first, they could still call for help, but after a few moments they stopped making no sound."

It's cold and people can't stay in the water for long.

"How many people came along this way?" Yang Xuan saw that the man's face turned blue and knew that there might be something unspeakable along the way.

The man lowered his head, tears streaming down his face, "More than a thousand people died along the way... Oh my god! Every time I eat, I carry my back on my back. I thought I was eating! I can't wait for half a minute."

He was stunned, and just before he died, he pointed to his chest, and when he touched it...it was all pancakes! The villain...the villain's life was bought by Ye Niang with her own life. The villain...is unfilial!" "Wow!


The child's cry made Yang Xuan look up, and he saw a woman walking towards her tremblingly, "Please, Lord, give me something to stutter! The child...can't stand it any longer."

"Let me see ()!"

Yang Xuan reached out to take the child, looked at it carefully, and shouted: "Get hot water, hurry up!"

It's burning over there!

Yang Xuan used his inner breath to circulate inside the child's body for a few times. Seeing that the child's face was still pale, he felt anxious and said, "Where's the doctor?"

"I'm here!"

Chen Huagu came over panting, took a look, and said, "I have been hungry and cold all the way. I need to get food right away, and also to keep away the cold!"

"You take care of the food!" Yang Xuan knew that the most important thing at this moment was food. Only doctors could control when to make ginger soup and when to make some meaty soup.

The woman choked with sobs, "My husband held the child in his arms all the way. He froze to death when we approached Northern Xinjiang. I almost went there too. Fortunately, I met a group of Northern Xinjiang soldiers and gave them dry food, so I survived."

"This way!" The woman shook her head, "Many people died!"

Yang Xuan asked: "Where are the government offices along the way?"

The woman said: "There are too many victims, and the government can't control them, so they won't care anymore."

Luo Cai sighed behind Yang Xuan, "If the country is in chaos, the officials must be in chaos first! What a world!"

Yang Xuan's face turned livid, "Prepare three thousand cavalry!"


Song Zhen's heart trembled, "We can't use troops at this time of year!"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "I'm going to the North to have a look!" Liu Qing quickly dissuaded him, "Those people will do it!"

"Then I will kill him! Kill him all over the house!"

Yang Xuan's face turned livid, "What do they think they are doing to govern the people? They exploit the people by breaking their bones and sucking their marrow. But when there is a catastrophe, they just ignore them. They deserve to be killed! They all deserve to be killed!"

Wang Laoer shouted: "Assemble three thousand elites and follow the Duke to kill people!"

This is someone who is afraid of chaos in the world... Luo Cai smiled bitterly.

Han Ji whispered: "The Northland is in chaos at the moment, and the government is ignoring it. Can't you imagine what the Duke's arrival means?"

"Officials all over the world are abandoning the people, but the Duke is the only one who is bucking the trend!"

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Chapter 1071 God’s Will is free to read.

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