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Chapter 1237

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry rushed over from the east like a torrent. [Read the novel with the correct chapter,]

"Mr. Deji, let's leave quickly!" The attendant reminded Deji that this place would soon turn into a battlefield.

But Deji turned a deaf ear.

He stared intently at the big flag.

"I have figured it out. Withdrawing troops from Linluo City is because Yang Xuan wants to make the enemy proud." Deji swore that this is definitely Yang Xuan's move to make the enemy proud.

But why did the defenders evacuate with the people in the city?

Invite to buy people's hearts?


If you really want to win people's hearts, it would be better to use your methods in Ningxing City.

"Is he trying to win people's hearts and give our army's forward a heavy blow?" Deji took a deep breath, "What a Yang Xuan, what a Yang Zitai!"

Gu Wan was shouting, "Array! Array!"

"Withdraw!" someone shouted.

The light of the sword flashed, and the man's head fell to the ground. Gu Wan roared, "One warrior from Shegu is worth a hundred! Anyone who dares to escape will be killed, and his woman will become a camp prostitute!"

The real Shegu people roared, and became excited when facing the enemy who had an absolute advantage.

But those soldiers who surrendered from Northern Liao were trembling.

"Go up!" Gu Wan galloped in front of the array, hitting the pale-faced people with the back of his knife.

"We will win!"

He raised his long sword high and said, "Shegu!"

More than 10,000 forwards shouted "We must win!"

On the flank, Feng He's eyes filled with tears, "I said how could the Duke abandon the people, and here he is indeed. The Duke is mighty!"

Han Ji followed, the scene of that day flashing through his mind.

"I know that the Duke is dissatisfied with foreigners, but this is the world!" Han Ji bowed.

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and looked at him, "That's a foreign race!"

"But that's the world!'" Han Ji boldly refuted, while Jiang He'er outside shook his head and stretched out his hand to press down his disheveled hair.

"The world belongs to the Tang Dynasty!" Yang Xuan's anger rose.

Han Ji said: "But is the Tang Dynasty limited to the northern Xinjiang? The prince's ambition is for the world, are those foreigners who surrendered not the people of the Tang Dynasty?"

Yang Xuan was silent.

"It would be fine to say that the Luoluo people are a foreign race, but the Northern Liao people are different." Han Ji was delighted, "They looked like their skin color was the same as the people of the Tang Dynasty. They were thrown into the Central Plains and no one could recognize their identities.

.If that’s the case, why separate them out of thin air?”

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes, thoughtfully.

"I heard that a king must have a broad mind." Han Ji bowed and said, "Please think again, Lord!"

Yang Xuan's attitude towards foreigners is obvious to all. This withdrawal did not consider the life and death of the people of Linluo City at all. According to the cruel urine of the Shegu people, 50% of the people in the city can survive. Even if the Shegu people eat too much,

Can't let go.

Jiang He'er felt that the Guo Guang Guo was angry, so he waved his hands at the two palace maids who were approaching, signaling to stay away.

The morning light rose from the horizon. Inside the room, Yang Xuan said:

“The sea is open to all rivers and it is great when it is tolerant.”

Thousands of horses galloped, and the earth trembled under the beating of the horses' hooves, making a thunderous sound.

Countless soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army raised their spears high and stared at their opponents.

"Array up!"

Gu Wanling's men completed the formation, then raised their swords: "Attack!"

As an arrow, his target is the Chinese military flag.

This is the best way of fighting for the Shegu people, to capture thieves and capture kings.

More than ten thousand Shegu cavalry began to activate.

The two sides keep getting closer.

Deji's ears were filled with the sound of horse hooves, and his entourage got closer and closer, shouting in his ear: "Mr. Deji, let's go!"

Deji does not move.

He needs to see the comparison of strengths between the two sides.

Only in this way can Asibao be reminded.

Thirty thousand Northern Xinjiang cavalry swarmed forward.

The cavalrymen on both sides slowly lowered their spears while galloping and pointed them forward.

The metal gun tip shone in the dim skylight, and the two sides got closer and closer.

"Wan Sheng!"

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry shouted.


"Must win!"

The Shegu people on the opposite side shouted.

Immediately, the two sides collided.

At the moment of contact, the Northern Xinjiang Army spread out to both wings. This was an outflanking situation.

The Shegu people on both sides galvanized their horses and turned around.

They are fearless.

But those northern Xinjiang cavalrymen picked up crossbows on horseback.

Taiping craftsmen received the drawings from Yang Xuan three years ago and ordered them to build the crossbow according to the drawings.

The crossbow on the drawing is not big and is very delicate. But it is not easy to make. Especially the material, because it is small, the material must be tougher or more elastic.

After many experiments and spending a lot of money, food and materials, the first batch of crossbows were delivered to the Northern Xinjiang Army for testing at the beginning of last year.

After many practical tests and improvements, Yang Xuan finally nodded and agreed to mass production.

This is where we have our current advantage.

Seeing those northern Xinjiang cavalrymen holding small crossbows, some Shegu people were actually laughing.

"This is a child's toy!"

"Fire the arrow!"

Crossbow arrows flew over like locusts, and the Shegu people who were still laughing maniacally fell off their horses one after another. The faces of those arrogant people were filled with shock, and then despair.

Groups of Northern Xinjiang cavalry galloped past the flanks, and crossbow arrows hit the Shegu people on both sides in waves. They fell layer by layer like peeling cabbage.

The war horse fell down with a long neigh, or jumped wildly with the cavalry on the horse, until the cavalry was knocked off the horse, and then ran rampant, causing chaos in the array in a small area.

"Raise your shield!"

A general shouted.

But the crossbow bow was raised at a higher angle, and the crossbow arrows were tilted down from above.

Those Shegu people subconsciously put their shields on their heads, and they couldn't help but raise their heads.

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry on both wings put away their small crossbows and took off their long spears from the rings.

Rushing over with a roar.

"Array! Array!"

General Shegu roared.

But the formations on both wings had long been disrupted by multiple waves of crossbow arrows. At this moment, the Shegu people hurriedly put away their shields, and their spears were already approaching.


One spear after another pierced the opponent's body, and then moved forward like a broken bamboo until it penetrated. The bloody spear tip flashed red and penetrated the second person's body.

The two wings were in chaos.

Gu Wan, who was in front, led his troops to successfully fight against the Northern Xinjiang Army despite the rain of arrows, but the changes on both wings caught him off guard.

"It is indeed Yang Xuan!"

Deji sighed, "Gu Wan is reckless, he should be a guerrilla!"

Yang Xuan was able to frighten the people of Northern Liao. First, he was rumored to be brutal. He piled enemy corpses into mountains to demonstrate his martial arts skills. He also used wooden poles to penetrate his opponents from the valley path to their throats, which reminded people of roasting a whole sheep.

There are all kinds of things, and Yang Xuan never shows mercy to the enemy. If he can kill him, he will not capture him, and if he can capture him, he will not let him go. It is not easy to be a prisoner. You have to go to build roads and water conservancy projects in northern Xinjiang to atone for your sins.

How many people fell in this process made Yang Xuan's name famous everywhere.

The second is that he uses soldiers like a god.

I don’t know since when, stories about Yang Xuan’s military exploits began to spread in the north.

When he was still weak, horse thieves could bully him.

He relied on the sinful town of Taiping to rise step by step from the ruins.

In the process of his rise, he fell countless opponents bigger than himself.

Horse Thief, Three Major Divisions, Northern Liao Dynasty.

He defeated more with less time and again, defeated his opponents in adversity time and time again, and made his opponents frightened.

All the generals are studying his encirclement and reinforcement orders.

His ambush tactics have been effective many times. Whenever his opponents face him, they are always on tenterhooks, worried that a group of troops will suddenly appear from the flanks or rear.

He was flexible in his tactics and never rigid. He even dared to open the city gate and talk and laugh calmly at the top of the city. With hundreds of people, he scared away more than 10,000 enemy troops.

When he uses troops, you can never figure out the rules.

The only thing you can do is to be cautious, and be more cautious!

When Gu Wan met Yang Xuan, he chose to hedge without hesitation, and the results appeared immediately.

Waves of crossbow arrows came from behind, as if the arrows were free of charge.

No, it’s because Northern Xinjiang is so rich.

It is said that Yang Gou built a golden bed at home and slept on it every night, which would replenish the yang energy for the next seven or forty-nine days.

Gu Wan roared, "Charge forward!"

A Northern Xinjiang army appeared in front, led by big men wearing heavy armor and holding big and thick iron sticks. They had no tricks, so they just hit their opponents in the head when they saw them.

You can survive if you can block it.

But from the beginning to now, no one can stop them even for a moment.

Amidst the sounds of weapons being smashed, those big men stared at Gu Wan.

"Idiot, withdraw!" Deji couldn't help but worry about Gu Wan.

The two wings are already in danger. At this time, you should gather your subordinates and lead them in a circle!


Gu Wan shouted.

"Must win!"

The crowd raised their weapons and shouted.

But many people looked pale.

Looking at the approaching flag, some people were even trembling.

"Yang Gou is here."

The Northern Xinjiang Army on both wings continued to attack, trying to open a passage and then cut off the opponent.

The real Shegu people rushed to the front following Gu Wan, and most of the people behind were soldiers from the Northern Liao Dynasty.

Those Shegu people met those big men.

A Shegu man who wielded an iron rod hit him with a stick. He was a famous warrior in the tribe and had great strength.

This stick should smash the opponent's head.

The big man lifted up the iron rod and carried it hard.

"Okay!" Gu Wan was waiting behind him, expecting the big man's head to be smashed and the morale of his subordinates to be boosted.


An iron rod was smashed away, whizzing past Gu Wan's head. There was a pop behind him, and something hot splashed on the back of Shegu's head and crest.

The warrior's head had disappeared. The big man stared at Gu Wan and rode over.

Gu Wan roared: "Kill him!"

He regretted a little, thinking that he should have taken a roundabout way earlier instead of going head-on.

The long-term victory made him and his subordinates feel dizzy, thinking that they could fight Yang Xuan.

Then, seek benevolence and gain benevolence.


Gu Wan shouted, he wanted to rally his men to fight a bloody path.

As Asibao said before he set off, "I can accept the failure of the forward, but I cannot accept the annihilation of the entire forward force."

The annihilation of the entire army was a huge blow to morale.

"Gu Wan, I'll stop you!"

A Shegu general shouted to Gu Wan, his face full of determination.

"For She Gu!" Gu Wan raised his hand, water flashing in his eyes.

This was his fault, but it was someone else who had to bear the consequences. He was not a death-phobe, nor was he afraid of taking responsibility.

But he needed to go back and tell King Shegu how he felt about this battle, so that Asibao could have a more objective understanding of the Northern Xinjiang Army and Yang Xuan before the battle.

The warrior rushed forward with more than a thousand cavalry.

The formation of the Shegu people was thus scattered. Most of them followed Gu Wan to break through to the right, and the warriors led their men to intercept the main force of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

Ahead, the Northern Xinjiang Army also took this opportunity to regroup.

Rows of cavalry lined up and charged forward. They put their spears at their sides and stretched out their spears. They were densely packed like a forest.

"Wan Sheng!"

The spears penetrated the enemy's array intensively.

Immediately, the cavalry of the Northern Xinjiang Army pulled out their horizontal swords and slashed with all their strength.

While pursuing, the Northern Xinjiang Army on the right took advantage of the situation and gave this group of Shegu people a blow.

The Shegu people, who were attacked from both sides, lost their mentality and immediately began to flee.

The cavalry from Northern Xinjiang formed formations to pursue and kill them, sweeping through them row after row, leaving corpses behind them.

Gu Wan turned around and saw that the cavalry that had been left to block them collapsed. Each of the cavalrymen ran away like rabbits, regardless of who they were. As long as there was something blocking the front, they didn't care who it was. They would kill them with one knife and escape.


"Warrior Shegu, how has this ever happened!" Gu Wan gritted his teeth.

If he escapes back, he will tell Asibao all this and ask him to be careful.

The Northern Xinjiang Army is stronger than we imagined.

While escaping, he saw Deji, who was smiling wryly.

No one cares about them, but they dare not act rashly.

Otherwise, it will become the military exploits of the Northern Xinjiang Army in the next moment.

The Shegu people fought desperately to break through a passage from the right wing and fled.

"I swear, I will come back!"

Gu Wan gritted his teeth and looked back at the big flag.

Suddenly there was a scream from ahead.


Gu Wan's heartbeat suddenly seemed to stop.

He slowly looked back.

Just ahead, a black line emerged.

Above the black line is a forest.

Puff puff puff!

Puff puff puff!

Groups of armored Northern Xinjiang infantrymen came in formation, holding spears like a forest.



Deji smiled bitterly, "From the beginning to the end of this battle, Gu Wan was manipulated by Yang Xuan."

The cavalry from Northern Xinjiang attacked from three sides, and the infantry in front were encircling them.

Gu Wan said desperately: "There are no captured Shegu warriors!"

He bravely rushed over first.

From the other side, a cold voice came.

"Crossbow array!"

The crossbow array takes shape.

"Fire the arrow!"

A wave of black clouds rose into the sky.

After the war, the people of Linluo City spontaneously helped the Northern Xinjiang Army clean up the battlefield, looking at the sky with trust on a war horse.

At this moment, the Northern Xinjiang army encircled successfully, Yang Xuan broke away from the large group of troops and waved to Deji.

Deji rode over, dismounted and saluted, very respectfully.

This battle destroyed all his pride.

Yang Xuan looked into the distance, "Go back and tell Asibao that if he wants to fight, I will fight!"


Deji bowed his head, saluted again, and left immediately.

He glanced at the surrounded Gu Wanbu and felt desolate in his heart.

"Yang Yangxuan, it's really scary!"

The attendant lowered his voice, but Deji still heard him.

He looked back at his entourage, who was worried about being punished and was about to plead guilty, but found that Deji was looking beyond him and looking further away.

The followers couldn't help but follow and watch.

I saw a big flag fluttering in the wind. Under the big flag, Yang Xuan galloped on his horse.

In the distance, the Northern Liao people from Linluo City spread out through a passage.

Yang Xuan rode his horse and rushed in.

"Long live!"

"Long live the Duke!"

Countless Northern Liao people raised their hands and shouted.

The man on horseback reined in the horse and turned it around.

Take a look here.

Contemptuous eyes!

Then he raised his arms.

It triggered even bigger cheers.

"Long live the Duke!"

This chapter has been completed!
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