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Chapter 125 Will be out (because I want to live for decades: 5)

Vashe Department.

You can still see snow on the grassland from time to time, and the cattle and sheep are bleating, as if they smell the breath of spring and want to go out and run wild.

After breakfast, Hua Zhuo led people on a tour.

"Khan, this is Nayin."

Nayin was right in front, talking quietly to a few people.

The two looked at each other almost at the same time.

Hua Zhuo looked calm, and Nayin forced out a smile and came over.

"Meet Khan."

Hua Zhuo hated the man in front of him very much, but he knew not to move arbitrarily, otherwise the Waxie tribe would become a piece of loose sand.

"Spring is about to begin, and the food supply is low. What can you do?"

Leaving troublesome matters to your opponents is the privilege of a superior person.

This old dog!

Nayin cursed secretly and said: "Save some money, and in addition, you can go plundering. Liang Chao's side has rested for the winter, and it's time to go out."

Hua Zhuo nodded, "I understand."

Seeing him riding away, Nayin's confidants cursed: "This old dog!"

Hua Zhuo led his people back to the big tent. After sitting down, someone said: "Khan, Nayin came back from a big defeat last time. He said he met the main force of the Tang army. I think this is probably a lie."

"It's just a lie." Hua Zhuo sneered: "But my people are missing and there is no news. Sooner or later, that wild dog, I will let him die without a burial place."

Immediately, his confidants condemned Ichiban Nayin's shamelessness and wolfish ambition.

Someone said: "Khan, where can we get the food for spring?"

"Go to Beiliao and buy some." Hua Zhuo pondered. He knew that buying food from Beiliao was only a drop in the bucket. To solve the food problem in the Vaxie Department, the best way is...

"Tell Liang Chao to grab it!"

He laughed, "People in the Tang Dynasty like farming, building everything by themselves, and being self-sufficient. But they don't know that the greatest wealth in the world is not farming or building, but... swords and guns."

"Using swords and guns to seize everything we need is our foundation."

Khan's voice echoed in the big tent, and everyone showed a matter-of-fact expression.

Several of Hua Zhuo's sons bowed down and listened to his teachings.

"We don't know how to build, we don't know how to farm, but we can kill!" Hua Zhuo said with piercing eyes: "You have to remember, we are wolves, and the people of the Tang Dynasty are sheep. It is natural for wolves to eat sheep, it is God's will

A gift!”

The sons nodded and accepted the instruction.

Hua Zhuo was satisfied to see the bloodthirsty and eagerness in his sons' eyes, and couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Liang Chao was a good eater. Every morning when he got up, he had to eat three kilograms of meat, and then he had to drink half a bag of milk wine.

Liang Chao didn't like anyone to disturb him when he was eating. If there was no good reason, a whipping would be indispensable.

Horse thieves are different from tribes. Tribes need to graze, so there are flocks of cattle and sheep, and there are countless herdsmen, just like moving cities. Horse thieves, on the other hand, are not engaged in production and just lie flat when they are not robbing.

So they will choose a comfortable place as their base camp.

This is a flat place, and Liang Chao's tent is in the middle.

There are tents all around, and horse thieves are either catching lice in the tents or racing horses outside.

Several horses came galloping.

"It's the Khan's people."

Liang Chao's son Liang He came to greet him.

Liang He was in his early twenties, when he was full of energy. Even if the weather was cold, he still opened his mind and exposed his chest to the cold wind.

"Follow me."

Liang He pressed the handle of the knife and turned around, his eyes filled with dissatisfaction.


Standing outside the tent, Liang He said softly.

His grandfather, Liang Chao's father, was from the Tang Dynasty, so the family still retained many Tang Dynasty habits.

"Come in."

Liang He entered the tent with a messenger.

There was a large plate on the table with many mutton bones piled on it. There was also a small bowl of milk wine in a large bowl.

Liang Chao, with his wide face and big eyes, made people feel very good, "What's the matter?"

The envoy said: "The Khan has issued an order. There is a lot of food shortage this year. I order your troops to attack and plunder as soon as spring begins, with food first."

Liang Chao looked at the envoy, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp aura enveloped him, "There has just been civil strife in Beiliao. Beijiang has won a victory, and morale is strong. Life will not be easy this year. You

Go back and tell the Khan that I will do this, but I can’t guarantee how much you can plunder.”

The messenger raised his head and said dissatisfied: "Do you dare to disobey the Khan's order?"

"What did you say?" Liang He was furious and pulled out half of his long knife and forced him over.

"Da Lang." Liang Chao stopped his son, stared at the messenger, and said coldly: "If the Khan feels that I am disrespectful, you can replace him with someone else, and go!"

The messenger left in disgust.

Liang He sneered, "Aye, these people are just wild dogs. They won't feel comfortable unless they are beaten."

Liang Chao picked up a cloth and wiped his mouth, and said calmly: "I was still young when my father followed you Aweng to Vashe. Your Aweng became the confidant of the previous generation of Khans by killing Tang people, but people are separated from each other.

When we arrived at Huazhuo, we became suspicious. Your grandfather died in depression, and I was regarded by Hua Zhuo as a marauding wild dog. Hey! Wild dog!"

Liang He's eyes became ruthless, "Aye, if it doesn't work, let's take action."

There was more melancholy in Liang Chao's eyes, "The best way is to return to the Tang Dynasty. But you and I have killed too many people from the Tang Dynasty in the past few years. Unless the emperor pardons us, we will die without a burial place."

Liang He smiled and said: "Ah Ye, we have more than three thousand cavalry under our command, where can we go?"

"Yes!" There was a hint of ridicule in Liang Chao's eyes, "Most of these more than three thousand riders are frustrated and have been gathered by me long ago. Hua Zhuo still wants to boss around and dream!"

"Aye, what about this year's plunder?" Liang He said ambitiously: "Let's go farther away."

Liang Chao smiled and waved, "Come here."

Liang He walked up to him, and Liang Chao stood up and tucked up his clothes, "When I was a father, I was just like you. I only wore single clothes in winter, but I will suffer as I get older. Wear more, eh!"

Liang He made a face, "It's so satisfying to kill the enemy like this."

Liang Chao patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "My son has grown up, from a young eagle to an eagle. My father's greatest wish in this life is to watch you fly high."

Liang He scratched his head, "Aye is still brave! I will help Aye. When Aye gets old, I will lead people to rob and provide for Aye in his old age."

Liang Chao's eyes were warm, "Okay."


Someone outside shouted: "Chenzhou has sent troops."

The warmth in Liang Chao's eyes dissipated and he sneered: "Chenzhou can only gather more than 5,000 people. Such a mixed army dares to send out to cause trouble for me. Just in time, if we defeat them, we will go to Chenzhou to plunder. Come on!"

The little leaders who came after hearing the news outside the tent came in.

Liang Chao and his son stood side by side and said solemnly: "Tell brothers, the opportunity has come, gather together and prepare to fight!"

"Take orders!"

Everyone agreed with a roar.

Immediately, various shouts came from outside, and war horses were neighing, as if they were eager to see the grassland in early spring.

Liang Chao took his son out of the tent, took a deep breath of the still cold air, and praised: "Spring! It is really full of life!"

A thousand people were marching slowly on the grassland. In the distance, scouts continued to penetrate deeper, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"Ask where the Chinese army is." Yang Xuan ordered on horseback.

"Take orders."

A thousand people were dispatched this time, which was quite a large scale. Zhen Siwen also came with him and was regarded as a civil servant.

He arranged for someone to go to the back to inquire about the information. When he came back, he saw Lao Gui and Wang Lao Er riding side by side. From time to time, sounds similar to evil laughter could be heard, so he curiously went over to take a look.

The old ghost was holding a scroll in his hand and was pointing to an interesting place for Wang Lao Er to read.

"Spring Night?" Zhen Siwen felt that the protagonist's name looked familiar.

The old thief raised his eyebrows, "Have you seen it too?"

Zhen Siwen glanced at him and said, "It's a pity that she is a female ghost and cannot sleep."

"Wonderful! This is also what makes me so sad." The old thief seemed to be as happy as having found a confidant, "The female ghost is deeply in love with Brother Qiao, but she can only hang around and wait for Brother Qiao to sleep, then lie on his bed.

Around you, but your soul is ultimately nothing, alas!"

Yang Xuan's face turned dark in front of him, and he really wanted to carry out an anti-pornography operation.

"I'm afraid he doesn't know Ning Caichen." Zhuque laughed loudly.

"Ning Caichen?" Yang Xuan has never read this book.

"I'll read it to you." Suzaku began to chant.

Later, Yang Xuan looked admiring and said, "He is indeed a hero, he can actually sleep with a female ghost."


The scouts are back.

"The enemy camp is empty."

"Stop, call the Chinese military to be on alert."

Yang Xuan issued a series of orders.

Not long after, the Chinese army arrived.

"The enemy troops are harassing the Chinese army. Your Majesty asks your troops to move closer to the Chinese army."

Yang Xuan frowned, "If our troops return to the central army, the central army seems to be secure, but most of our army is infantry, and all the horse thieves are cavalry. What is the use of us hedgehogs gathering together? We can only defend."

The messenger said: "Yang Ming Mansion, please follow the envoy's instructions."

Yang Xuan shook his head and said, "Tell the envoy that once our army is all gathered together, this battle will definitely be in vain. The enemy can cruise around our army with ease and launch attacks at any time... How long can our army last far away from the city?"

Tell the envoy that our troops are roaming in the periphery, waiting to go into battle."

The messenger said angrily: "Your Majesty is worried that your army will be surrounded, and you don't know good people's hearts!"

Naturally, Yang Xuan would not compete with the messenger, but would remain silent.

After the messenger left, Nan He said: "Hedgehogs are like sheep when they gather together. Surrounded by wolves, the fate is unknown. The best way is to fight hastily, kill some horse thieves, and then retreat."

"The biggest problem in this battle is the failure to make a surprise attack." Yang Xuan shook his head, "The horse thieves come and go like the wind. Liu Shijun's idea is good, but according to my idea, this battle should be as fast as the wind, using a small group of cavalry to make a surprise attack.

The enemy's lair is the enemy's lair, and the army will follow closely to respond. Regardless of success or failure, they can retreat calmly."

Liu Qing's methods were too upright, but the biggest problem could not be solved.

"There are fewer cavalry."

The Chinese army has only 800 cavalry, how can it contend with the horse thieves?

The Chinese army has stopped.

Liu Qing is listening to reports from all parties.

"Your Majesty, more than 2,000 people from Liang Chao's army are coming towards the Chinese army." The scout brought the latest news.

"Where are the Taiping Army?" Liu Qing asked.

"The messenger has not returned yet."

Liu Qing's eyes showed worry, "I am only worried about Yang Xuan. He is alone outside. What if he is besieged."


The Chinese army began to form a formation, preparing to meet the enemy.

"The messenger has arrived."

Someone praised: "The messenger ran so fast!"

Ahead, the messenger was galloping on his horse at an astonishing speed, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him.

Yes ha!

Even Liu Qing felt that the messenger's equestrian skills were not inferior to his.

Then smoke appeared in the distance.

"Enemy attack!"

The messenger waved desperately.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

The messenger rushed over from the middle passage, and Liu Qing asked: "Is the Taiping Army ready to set off?"

The envoy gasped: "Your Majesty, Yang Mingfu said that the Taiping Army is roaming outside, waiting to attack."

"This is disobedience!" Lu Jiao, the magistrate of Wangu County who was accompanying the army, turned red with anger.

Liu Qing's eyelids twitched, "Get ready to meet the enemy."

It's too late to say anything now.

Du Hui watched with cold eyes and whispered to Xie Ru, the county magistrate next to him: "You are so confident that you will attack and take us with you. If there is a big defeat, Chenzhou will be doomed."

The governor and several county magistrates were all captured in one fell swoop. Lu Qiang, who was left behind, was probably going crazy.

"Four thousand against two thousand, if we fight normally, our army will not be defeated." Xie Ru shook his head, "I will let you know your thoughts. The six counties of Chenzhou have been separated from each other in recent years. Through this,

This opportunity to go on an expedition brings everyone together and is also a good opportunity to eliminate barriers."

"Estrangement?" Du Hui sneered, "Yang Xuan disobeyed, let's see how the envoy punishes him."

The enemy is coming.

Liang Chao looked at the more than 4,000 Tang troops and couldn't help but smile, "Our army is all cavalry and can come and go freely. Does the Tang army want to be a turtle? Attack!"

Without any hesitation, Liang Chao ordered his men to attack.

"Array up!"

The generals of the Tang army kept scolding him.

Ahead, there are many spears.

The archers are ready.

Liang Chao sneered, "Spread out, cruise around from all sides, and act according to the opportunity."

More than two thousand riders dispersed and came from all directions.

How to face it?

Everyone is looking at Liu Qing.

"Stand ready." Liu Qing ordered the spearmen to spread out and stand by on all sides.

"This is drinking poison to quench thirst!"

Liang Chao waved his hand, and the horse thieves began to attack from the left wing.

This is the advantage of having more cavalry, they are flexible and maneuverable.

"Fire the arrow!"

The damage caused by this wave of arrows made Liang Chao's eyes twitch wildly.

But it was only a wave, and then the two sides collided.

Stab with spear, chop with sword.

Blood splattered in front, and the screams sounded like they were coming from hell, making people's souls tremble.

The Tang army's array was very resilient and seemed to be in danger for several times, but then returned to its normal defensive state.

"Leader, we're afraid we won't be able to defeat them completely." Someone said, "How about... leaving with one strike?"

Liang Chao shook his head, "No, Hua Zhuo ordered us to plunder quickly this year. If we fail... he will cut off our supply."

The little leader said: "We can go grab it."

We don’t have food or clothes, so we just go and grab them.

"Where are the weapons?" Liang Chao said coldly: "Where can we plunder weapons? Once we lose the source of weapons, we will become lonely ghosts."

He pointed to the front where the fierce fighting was going on and said: "Chenzhou's sending troops is exactly what I want. If this battle can severely damage Chenzhou's army, and then our troops take advantage of the situation to plunder in the spring, it will be so easy that you and I can't imagine."

"Then...the young leader is leading the troops around, do you want to call him?"

"Wait a minute." Liang Chao said calmly: "Let him be on the flank. This is to guard against Liu Qing's back-up plan."

On the flank, Liang He waited anxiously with a thousand riders.

"If I lead the army and attack from the other side, the Tang army will definitely not be able to hold on. What are you waiting for?"

The horse thieves under his command were watching the battle and were happy to see that their side was attacking with ease.

"This year looks to be a good one!"

On the other side, Yang Xuan led several people in a circle and trapped more than ten horse thief scouts.

"There are few of them!" The horse thieves rushed over excitedly.

"That's General Tang!" A scout pointed at Yang Xuan and said ecstatically: "Kill him!"

As the two sides continued to approach, Yang Xuan drew his horizontal sword...

"Fire the arrow!"

More than ten scouts fired arrows together.

The horizontal sword was swung easily, and the arrows were constantly being bounced away.

This is a master!

The expressions of the dozen or so scouts changed drastically.

Yang Xuan said with a ferocious smile: "Kill them all!"

The horizontal knife easily cut open the skin, bringing out a shower of blood. Then the horse thief fell off the horse and the war horse neighed.

The scouts immediately turned around and rushed towards Wang Laoer who looked stupid.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Laoer slashed with his sword, his left hand was not idle, and he slapped one by one.

Now his slaps are getting stronger and stronger, with ease.

Later, some scouts saw that their comrade was just slapped and rushed over. They couldn't help being ecstatic and ran away.


He got a slap.

Then he saw what was behind him.

Isn't that General Tang? Why did I see him?

The last person fought hard and finally broke out of the small circle.

He cursed: "You want to sneak attack my army... just dream!"

He saw that the few people were not moving, but the Tang general was drawing his bow and setting an arrow.

call out!

Yang Xuan put away his long bow and nodded, "Bring it here."

A thousand soldiers came quietly.

Everyone was squatting, and Yang Xuan and others were standing.

"They are still fighting." Nan He took a look and said, "Our army is a little passive."

"There are many enemy cavalry, so there is nothing we can do." Yang Xuan wished he could get a telescope like in the movie, but he didn't have the ability at the moment.

"Look, it's been breached." Nan He pointed forward.

The left wing was breached.

A fierce band of horse thieves rushed in.

"Your Majesty!"

Du Hui said: "I ask you to go and seal the hole."

His eyes were bright, and Liu Qing shook his head, "Don't panic. Someone's gone."

More than a hundred reserve troops rushed over, slashing and killing, and drove out the invading enemy troops.

But this is a signal.

"The Tang army is weakened." Liang Chao sneered, "Let the brothers work harder. If we can defeat the Tang army, I will not take anything captured and let the brothers divide it."

When the order was given, the horse thieves cheered and launched an even more violent attack.

A crisis began to appear in the defense line.

"Your Majesty, please retreat." Du Hui felt that this battle would not achieve great results. "Our army opened the way with spears and bows and arrows and retreated slowly. The horse thieves will certainly not dare to pursue us."

Liu Qing pressed the handle of the knife and said coldly: "What we are fighting now is willpower. The enemy's army is only more than 2,000, and our army is more than 4,000. It has doubled. Tell me how many men and horses we need next time."


Chenzhou's army was twice as large as the horse thieves, but they had no choice but to retreat. The next time the horse thieves came to the city, who would dare to attack?

Once they retreat at this moment, it will be a heavy blow to Chenzhou's people's morale.

There was anger in Du Hui's eyes, "Why don't the Taiping troops return? If they had those thousand people, why would they do this!"

Everyone was quite unhappy.

Liu Qing said calmly: "I asked him to lead the army independently, and he will be outside..."

This short-term protection is boundless!

Lu Jiao was so angry that his stomach hurt.

The corner of Du Hui's mouth twitched, thinking that Liu Qing was crazy.

Liu Qing looked at the fighting ahead and sighed in his heart. Yang Xuan's disobedience was undoubtedly a big mistake, but what could he do?

Young people are always passionate and impulsive, and love to show off their abilities. But talent is rare, so I’ll beat him alone later.

Liang Chao has discovered the fighter plane.

"The right wing of the Tang army mobilized a lot of people to support the left wing. When the opportunity comes, send a signal."

Woo woo woo...

The trumpet sounds.

Liu Qing's body was shaken.

Someone exclaimed, "Look to the right!"

Everyone slowly turned around.

A black line appears in the distance.

The sound of horse hooves came faintly like muffled thunder.

"It's the enemy's backup!"

Amidst the screams, Liu Qing's expression changed.

Du Hui's eyes narrowed, "Shijun, this is Liang Chao's reserve team. He is waiting to give us a blow right now."

"No need to say anything."

Liu Qing drew his sword and shouted: "We will fight to the death with the enemy today. If we don't win... we won't return!"

That black line is accelerating, getting closer and closer.

The horse thieves on horseback were cheering.

This chapter has been completed!
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