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Chapter 1371 Migration

When the news of the great victory came, Liu Qing came to see A Liang. Please come? Zhou Ning was startled.

Yi Niang smiled and said: "Your Highness is not here, isn't it the Dalang Jun who makes the decision?"

Yes, I just thought that A Liang was still so young... Zhou Ning smiled and said: Go and find A Liang. Later, A Liang changed his clothes and met Liu Qing in the front yard.

When the news of the great victory came, the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang jumped for joy. At this time, the soldiers and civilians were supposed to be rewarded with food and drinks, but His Highness was not there. Liu Qing looked up and saw A Liang kneeling calmly at the head. He couldn't help but secretly praise: It is indeed His Highness's seed.


Reward soldiers and civilians with food and drinks?

After A Liang's enlightenment, he taught a lot of historical knowledge. He knew that giving food and wine to soldiers and civilians basically meant one thing: a happy event! It meant that there was a big happy event for the country or the royal family, and the emperor gave food and wine to soldiers and civilians.

He opened his mouth and said: Aye defeated Shi Ni and regained Guanzhong, and the whole world cheered. This is the keynote.


Liu Qing was thinking about how His Highness teaches on weekdays, yet Dalangjun is so steady. Aye is not here, but his joy is inspiring.

This is also the tone. Yes.

Ah Liang said: We can reward the soldiers and civilians in the city with wine and food in the name of Ah Ye. In addition, we can reward old people over sixty with cloth. Yes!

Liu Qing returned to the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion and expressed his opinions on A Liang's treatment. It was indeed a gift from heaven! Song Zhen praised.

His Highness is a British master, and even more a wise master. The Dalang Lord is so wise, I see, this prosperous age is really not far away! Luo Cai said happily. The three of them laughed.

The officials outside were also laughing.

This festival brings great joy to the family.

That's what I said.

Ah Liang went back and told his wife how he would deal with it.

In the name of your Aye, what do you think? Zhou Ning asked.

Yi Niang frowned slightly, knowing that the princess wanted to take precautions and not let her child make the same mistake again, but she still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, what happened to the Emperor Xiao Jing back then was too tragic.

And the three generations of pseudo-emperors who have destroyed family ties and are as cruel as animals are even more intolerable. How will A Liang get along with His Highness in the future?

This is a problem.

Ah Liang didn't know this, so he said: "Aye said that each generation has its own responsibilities, and one should not overstep his authority in doing things."

What belongs to Aye belongs to Aye, and I will not overstep it.

Tsk! This kid!

Zhou Ning glanced at Yi Niang and saw a smile in her eyes, knowing that she was extremely satisfied. What about rewards for old people over sixty? Zhou Ning asked.

Aye said that I am old and people are old.

Zhou Ning said with satisfaction: Go play!

After A Liang left, she smiled at Yi Niang and said: This child is really kind.

A Liang went to his yard.

Wealthy in front, elegant swordsman in the back. He entered the study and knelt down.

A maid comes in. Would you like some tea? No, don't let anyone disturb me.

Yes. The maid resigned.

Theoretically speaking, after King Qin went south, it was A Liang who made the decision in northern Xinjiang. In the palace, the servants' attitude towards him became more and more respectful. Fugui walked to A Liang's left side and lay down.

The swordsman walked to his right side and lay down.

A Liang touched the backs of his two pets and said:

Mr. Liu, who could obviously ask for advice from my mother-in-law, said he came to see me. Mr. Liu often said that the authority of the superior should not be violated... Even in the homes of ordinary people, the majesty of the head of the family cannot be challenged.

He scratched Fugui's back, and Fugui turned over, exposing his belly. A Liang scratched Fugui's belly and talked to himself.

Aye won a great victory and regained Guanzhong. I looked at the map that day and Chang'an was in Guanzhong. Is Aye going to be an emperor? The swordsman. The swordsman lay motionless.

If Aye becomes the emperor, will I be the prince in the future? His hands stopped, and Fu Gui kicked his legs dissatisfied.

A Liang continues to scratch


Aweng was killed in his position as the crown prince, and the prince of the false emperor was also killed by him. Fugui, what do you think will happen between me and Aye in the future? Fugui tried his best to raise his upper body and licked the back of his hand.


A Liang sighed, the headmaster once said, don’t think too much when doing things, act with your heart, and the results are not important. I don’t know what is right or wrong, but Aye is really good to me!

Li Xuan is different from his father in the world. He is extremely tolerant to his children. He is more like a friend in many cases. He is willing to share some of his own things with his children, and is also willing to listen quietly to his children's concerns and then stand in his perspective.

to analyze.

Just don’t make decisions for your children. Alas! It’s all a sin of power!

A Liang scratched the swordsman, swordsman, what if I don’t become the prince?

The swordsman stuck out his tongue and licked his paws a few times. If I don't do it, I'm afraid something will happen!

The headmaster whispered to Si Ye in the duty room that if I don't become the prince in the future, it would be good to be the headmaster of metaphysics. At least, I can avoid the conflict between father and son.

Ning Yayun said she wanted to accept A Liang as her disciple, which was half a joke and half serious.

He was used to seeing the strife among the royal family, and he felt sorry for Ah Liang, so he wanted to find a way out for him.

If Li Xuan becomes such a power monster in the future, then A Liang will decisively withdraw and take charge of metaphysics. Erlang has a reckless temperament, and if he is allowed to become the prince, he will probably quarrel with Aye.

Hey! Ah Liang sighed, held his chin with one hand, and said with a headache: They all regard me as a child, but in fact, I know it all. Brother!

Hearing this shout, A Liang's expression changed drastically. Brother!

The short and sturdy Li Laoer rushed in like a cannonball, brother, take me out to play!

If you don't agree, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my temper... A-Liang rolled his eyes and asked A-niang. If A-niang agrees, I'll take you out! Okay!

Not long after, Zhou Ning's roar came.

Play, play, play! Just know how to play! If you are idle any longer, I will invite you to your husband later! Grandma, wow!

Li Laoer is crying.

A Liang sighed, it was very lively. In the afternoon, he continued his class.

When Mr. Shi Zhengran saw him, he cupped his hands and said, "I would like to congratulate you, Mr. Dalang. Congratulations to you all." A Liang returned the gift. Aye won a great victory and peace can be expected. This is a matter of celebration for the whole world.

Shi Zhengran nodded. Hearing that it was King Wei who dedicated Jiagu Pass, what did Dalang Jun think of this person? Everyone knows the relationship between King Wei and King Qin.

But the identity of the current King of Wei is a bit embarrassing. He is the prince canonized by the pseudo-emperor.

Shi Zhengran also deliberately wanted to test his own students.

Aye said that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and it will be straight when the boat reaches the bridge. Shi Zhengran was startled.


When the King of Qin went south, he still left some horned dragon guards in the palace to protect the mourning children.

The place where the falcon comes and goes has been moved to the Prince of Qin's palace, and there is a special Qiu Long Guard to guard it. In the early morning of this morning, the Qiu Long Guard who was responsible for guarding the falcon went to check.

As soon as we arrived, we saw a falcon standing on a pole eating.

A small bamboo tube is tied to the foot pole.

There is news!

The bamboo slips were immediately sent to the backyard.

Zhou Ning was about to have breakfast. After taking the bamboo tube, he checked the seal to make sure it had not been opened before opening it. After unsealing the wax seal, there was a piece of rolled paper inside.


The warm handwriting made Zhou Ning feel happy.

- Guanzhong has been conquered, and Northern Xinjiang ordered Song Zhen to stay behind, while Liu Qing and Luo Cai led most of the officials to Chang'an. Is this... the establishment of a bureaucratic structure in the court?

Zhou Ning didn't expect it to be so fast, so she looked down again.

—The princess and her children, her uncle’s family, Concubine Shu and Prince Wei’s wife and children are heading south together! Grandma, it’s time for breakfast.

A Liang had been waiting for his mother for a long time, so he came to check. As soon as he came, he saw his mother holding a crumpled paper in her hand in a daze. A Niang!?

Zhou Ning raised his head.

We are going to Chang'an.

So fast?

The note was sent to Liu Qing not too quickly. Only then did Luo know these secrets.

His Highness went south and regained the Northern Territory of the Tang Dynasty, and then defeated Shi Ni. This time, he even regained the Eastern Territory. Most of the territory of the Tang Dynasty is in the hands of His Highness, how can it be governed?

Luo Cai said: The current situation is chaotic. If we ignore it, the powerful people from all over the country will become the local emperors like mountain kings. The follow-up cleanup will be very troublesome. It is justifiable. His Highness took over Chang'an in the name of fighting against rebellion, and he should rule the world. Song Zhen

I regret that I couldn't go to Chang'an to witness that moment.

Northern Xinjiang is the land of His Highness's Longxing, and it is also the foundation. You have a big responsibility in Taoxian County. Liu Qing warned: "There is also the hometown of Northern Liao. I have heard that many places are about to move recently."

I haven’t killed anyone for a long time. Song Zhen said calmly.

After Your Highness regained the world, everything was in ruins and needed a lot of labor. Liu Qing frowned and said, "Don't kill them all, leave most of them to do coolies."

I know. Song Zhen looked as if he was ten years younger, and said with a rosy face: When you see His Highness, remember to remind His Highness to find someone to replace me as soon as possible.

You! Liu Qing shook his head, Chang'an is not a good place.

I heard that you have an old lover in Chang'an? Song Zhen exposed his old background, you don't dare to go, do you? You have this matter. Liu Qing said in his mouth, and hit his lower back with his backhand.

My waist! It’s getting worse and worse.

Luo Cai said: If he leaves suddenly, the soldiers and civilians in the North may feel uneasy.

Yes. Liu Qing feels that he has neglected this. So, he can start by saying that His Highness has missed his wife and children for a long time! Furthermore, His Highness needs help.

For Northern Xinjiang, the King of Qin was the pinnacle of peace and the support in the hearts of the soldiers and people of Northern Xinjiang. It was business for him to lead his army south, but he had his wife and children staying in Taoxian County. In the eyes of everyone, this meant that the King of Qin was still there.

When Zhou Ning took the children to Chang'an, the lost mentality of the soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang was difficult to appease. The news spread immediately.

Yue Er sighed at home, and his wife asked: What are you worried about?

I'm wondering if those mallets in Chang'an are as easy to deceive as they used to be.

An autumn rain caused the temperature in Taoxian County to drop a lot. The sky was still dark.

Ding, who was at the entrance of the alley, had already started setting up a stall. After setting up the stall, she started to light a fire.

Amid the curls of smoke, the smell of burning firewood added a lot of fireworks to this early morning. Just like what Ji Xuan and Zhao Sanfu saw when they stood at the top of Chang'an City.

Ding heard the sound of a carriage. It was very soft, but very familiar. It seemed to be the princess's carriage. Was the princess going on a trip?

She raised her head and rubbed her eyes that were sore from the smoke. She saw more than ten guards approaching, followed by carriages...many carriages!

This is······

Princess Qin's carriage came slowly, the curtains were opened, Zhou Ning said with a smile: Take care. Ding saluted, confused in her mind, Princess, take care.

She didn't chase the carriage until it was far away. Was she leaving?

The convoy moved slowly.

The few pedestrians on the street turned around when they heard the sound. It was the princess!

Soon, the people in the city were alarmed. There were many people on both sides of the street.

The officials of the Jiedushi Mansion met with the motorcade. The people looked at them in silence.

Take care! An old man salutes.

Liu Qing covered his face and tears fell.

He has been in Beifu for many years, and has spent the best years here. At this moment, he feels as if he is leaving his relatives.

A carriage stopped.

The guard opened the car curtain.

Ah Liang came down, looked at the people, and saluted. Take care!

Take care of yourself!

In October of the fifteenth year of the Qian Dynasty, the officials of the Northern Xinjiang Jiedushi Office migrated. The wife and children of the King of Qin also migrated.

Target. Chang'an!

This chapter has been completed!
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