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Chapter 1378 Fist in Troubled Times

The weather is getting colder and colder.

"There's something evil about this year!" Han Ji rubbed his hands and looked outside the city.

Outside Yuezhou City, mist curled up. A group of business travelers came slowly. When the businessmen saw Yuezhou City, they couldn't help cheering.

"Where did it come from?" He Lianrong asked.

The aftertaste of the war was still there, and this was the first caravan to come to Yuezhou. Someone went down to ask, and came back and reported: "They are from the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

Han Ji said with some humor: "The world is in chaos, but the merchants of the Southern Zhou Dynasty are not affected at all. It is said that they are making more."

"Money or a horizontal knife, which one do you choose?"

"Of course it's a horizontal sword." Han Ji said, "Money is valuable only under a horizontal sword."

"That's the truth. It's a pity that the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou didn't understand." He Lianrong rubbed his cold bald head and said, "Cao Ying is in Chang'an."

"I know." Han Ji smiled.

"He is His Highness's veteran minister, and you are His Highness's meritorious official. I know that many people have been muttering recently about who is His Highness's number one counselor between you and Cao Ying."

He Lianrong looked at Han Ji, "What do you think?"

"In terms of qualifications, Cao Ying is an old man who respects the emperor and leaves it to His Highness, and is loyal. But I don't like to compare qualifications with others."

Han Ji rubbed his face, "If everything is judged by seniority, then why do you need to do anything?" "Tell the truth!"

He Lianrong patted the city wall.

"To be honest, His Highness has regained Guanzhong, and some people are already trying to persuade him to do so. However, His Highness has not commented. But one day, once His Highness ascends the throne, what will happen to the situation in the DPRK?"

Han Ji said with a smile on his face, "The false emperor came to the court, and the forces in the court were complicated. The powerful families of the major families divided the power, but it also gave the false emperor an opportunity to check and balance."

"Your Highness is not a false emperor." He Lianrong said.

"I know. But what is the emperor most afraid of?" Han Ji clenched his fingers tightly, "It's harmony!"

"That's what I said. But the emperor will naturally have his own considerations on how to do it."

"Pull one faction together, fight another faction, turn a harmonious atmosphere into a clear distinction, and then divide and conquer." Han Ji said with a smile: "But once this happens, the relationship between the emperor and his ministers will inevitably become a little stiffer."

"You have disrupted the harmony among the officials in Northern Xinjiang several times. If you are still in conflict with Cao Ying," He Lianrong said curiously: "The poor monk is a little curious. You are so desperate that you don't worry about being fooled one day."


"I know the bottom line." Han Ji was very confident.

"The poor monk has seen too many confident officials. Money is like dirt to me. How can I be corrupt? Why do I disdain to engage in business? Why can I walk calmly in the officialdom? But in the end, I am jailed for corruption.

The blue clouds are rising straight up, and I am calm and exhausted."

He Lianrong sighed: "Be careful, don't go too far."

"I'm not worried about this." Han Ji said with a smile: "As the overall situation gradually becomes clearer, the future structure of the court is also slowly taking shape. His Highness is also observing. Look, Liu Qing and the other three will not talk about it, Pei

Jian is neither a group nor a party, but Jiang Cunzhong and others are secretly clinging to the group."

"Liu Qing and the others have too much prestige and power!" "Yes! So"

"So someone has to contain them. And you, Han Ji, just want to be the one who stands out?" He Lianrong shook his head, "You may have good intentions, but be careful and you will end up badly. After all, the emperor is ruthless."

"The emperor is ruthless, but His Highness is different." Han Ji said: "Look at Cao Ying, after all the hard work, a different lord would have dealt with him long ago, at least, he should never be used. But His Highness just left him in

He was appointed as a local official, and then he was asked to take charge of Chang'an. Master, think about it, there are three people in Taoxian County and one person in Chang'an, who is bigger?"

He Lianrong touched his bald head and said, "Your Highness is the greatest!

"That's right, hahahaha!" Han Ji laughed and said later: "Northern Xinjiang used to be everything to His Highness, but now it is just a corner of the world. His Highness has never used Cao Ying, and many people think that this person is finished after this. But who?

I can imagine that His Highness actually retained such a hand. As soon as Cao Ying came out, the pattern of checks and balances became established. I bet that how many people in Tao County would do this to His Highness?

I’m full of praise, but also frustrated.”

"How many people are waiting to go to Chang'an, and how many people are guessing who under His Highness is qualified to take charge of Chang'an. Only Liu Qing is one of the three. Once Cao Ying comes out, based on his qualifications and background, who can question it?"

The two looked at each other.

"Your Highness is acting more and more unpredictably."

"I was confused for a moment in the land north of Shi Zhong Tang Xu"

In the duty room of the governor of Yuezhou Prefecture, Li Xuan was drinking tea, and beside him was Jiang He'er who was sorting out documents.

Standing in front is Shi Gongming.

Because of his last-minute awakening, Shi Gongming was regarded as a voluntary surrender and received much better treatment. For example, he was allowed to live alone, at least on the surface, with no one following him.

He had always wanted to see the King of Qin for no other reason than the future of his son Shi Jian.

But as soon as the army rested, Li Xuan had more things to do, and it was only today that he had time to see him.

"Confused?" Li Xuan put down the water glass, "If Chen loses his deer, the whole world will chase him away. As the governor of Yandong, your heart is moved."

After being exposed, Shi Gongming blushed and said, "Yes, but it's mainly because of Shi Zhongtang's temptation."

"I am very happy that you can surrender."

Li Xuan's words made Shi Gongming feel happy.

But when he looked up, he found some regret in Li Xuan's eyes. What did this mean?

"I just want to be a rich man, but I don't dare to say that Quanzi is loyal to His Highness, but he has a somewhat reckless temperament."

Reckless people can be controlled and used easily.

Shi Gongming felt that his words were impeccable. Moreover, he also thought about it for King Qin.

The Northern Xinjiang Army is recuperating in Yuezhou, and the next step is probably to go south to attack Shi Zhongtang. To attack one side, you must use both civil and military skills.

Shi Gongming's son, the King of Qin, could reuse the so-called soldiers who conquered the enemy without fighting. Why don't those officials and generals in southern Xinjiang surrender and wait to be buried with Shi Zhongtang?

Everyone, come down quickly!

Li Xuan took a look and said, "I got it."

Han Ji came in outside the door and said, "Master Shi, please." King Qin was very busy and immediately started reviewing documents again. "I'm going to leave."

Shi Gongming didn't know what the King of Qin meant. When he went out, he saw Han Ji smiling and elegant. He thought that this man was a confidant of the King of Qin, so he asked tentatively: "The dog is quite stupid. I thought that I could lead the horse for His Highness at night."

"Your Highness, your son, will naturally use his talents according to his talents." Han Ji looked at him with a half-smile, knowing that Shi Gongming was a little resentful in his heart. He felt that he had taken the initiative to surrender and only wanted his son's future. It should not be considered greedy.


"After defeating Shi Zhongtang, we have some disputes about what to do next. One is to strike while the iron is hot and go south to attack the rebels in southern Xinjiang. The other is to go east to attack you, Shi Gongming. At that time, most people agreed to go south."

This was a secret at the time, but it has lost its meaning now. "Later, we asked His Highness for instructions, and His Highness said

Shi Gongming's heart moved slightly, knowing that King Qin's statement must contain his attitude towards him.

"His Royal Highness said that Shi Zhongtang rebelled and the country was in ruins. If Wu Gu was not there, how many people in the world would be kings? How many people would be emperors?"

Shi Gongming only felt a fever on his spine. He was one of them.

"His Highness said that if you want to clean up the old mountains and rivers, you must rely on conquest, but when the army passes by, so many people's homes are destroyed, and how many fields are desolate and lonely. It is unbearable."

Shi Gongming sighed: "Your Highness is kind, but you will eventually come together."

"Yes! I think so too." Han Ji nodded, and while Shi Gongming was secretly happy, he said:

"Your Highness said, there is only one way."

"Your Highness's method must be extremely clever." Shi Gongming flattered King Qin.

"That's right." Han Ji said:

"Your Highness said that when people's hearts are wandering and ambitious, they should kill the chicken to scare the monkeys." Shi Gongming's cheeks trembled, "Your Highness"

"His Highness said that we should break through the Eastern Frontier, kill Shi Gongming, and spread the news everywhere to frighten the rebels."

After Shi Gongming returned to his residence, he stayed in the room until night. "Aye!"

Shi Jian came to invite him to dinner and opened the door. Shi Gongming's face was pale and he was shivering. "Aye, are you sick?" Shi Jian asked. Shi Gongming shook his head and held his son's hand.

"You and I, father and son, almost became the chicken that fell under King Qin's sword!"

For Li Xuan, Shi Gongming's surrender made him somewhat troubled.

Without the chicken, he targeted Shi Zhongtang.

The army is resting, and the intensity of training is gradually increased every day.

"Where are the reinforcements?"

Li Xuan asked.

"Almost there." Jiang Heer turned over a document and handed it to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan took a look and saw that it was sent by a fast horse from Northern Xinjiang. The details of the reinforcements were written on it.

"Your Highness, someone has suggested that the people are still in panic after the war. We can reward the people with money and food to appease people's hearts."

Jiang Heer handed over another document.


The King of Qin didn't even look at it and said, "No money or food can pacify people's hearts. This person is pedantic."

"What should we do?" Jiang He'er said: "The people are ignorant and don't know much information. They are making speculations behind closed doors.

The world was in chaos, and the false emperor went to Shu. Many people still thought he was Zhengshuo. Some people were worried that they would fight again and again, repeating the mistakes of Chen Guowei. "

The room is empty.

In the last years of the Chen Kingdom, war broke out all over the world, and the grass-head kings from all walks of life fought against each other.

Words passed down from generation to generation... In troubled times, people are worse than dogs.

"If we are alone, the world will not be in chaos!"

King Qin tapped the table with his fingers.


"In troubled times, the army can make people feel at ease. Let the reinforcements show the strength of our northern Xinjiang athletes

The news reached reinforcements less than fifty miles away from Yuezhou. The reinforcements numbered fifty thousand.

Under the current general trend, it seems not much, no, it is too little.

According to many people, the King of Qin should have launched a large army to attack everywhere.

For example... How about we start with an army of 200,000?

If we recruit troops according to the method of drawing strong men, then it is not a problem to form 200,000 reinforcements in Northern Xinjiang.

However, the Northern Xinjiang Army was well-equipped and its officers and soldiers were well treated. The most important thing was that the King of Qin had rules and regulations, and no soldiers were allowed to go into battle without well-drilled soldiers.

Therefore, the size of the Northern Xinjiang Army cannot be expanded at once.

The marching army was huge, fifty miles away from Yuezhou in front, and still more than ten miles behind.

The entire army was deployed in strict accordance with various elements of wartime marching, including scouts, vanguards, center troops...

Not messy at all.

According to the rules of the Northern Xinjiang Army, new soldiers must be led by old soldiers. In other words, this army has old soldiers as the core, supplemented by a large number of new soldiers.

The scout received the envoy and immediately took him to the central army.

"Your Majesty orders."

Several generals saluted.

"Let the reinforcements show off the style of our northern Xinjiang athletes!"

"Take your orders!"

Unlike northern Xinjiang, the military and civilians in the south had more complicated views on the puppet emperor.

Li Yuan and his son had been targeting Northern Xinjiang since they came to the throne, and became more and more ruthless the further they went. Therefore, when Li Xuan, who had destroyed Bei Liao, the Tang Dynasty's old enemy, revealed his identity, he had almost overwhelming support in Northern Xinjiang.

New and old grudges!

We will pay for everything!

This is the thinking of the military and civilians in northern Xinjiang.

In the eyes of the southern soldiers and civilians, the puppet emperor Li Bi, who had ruled the Tang Dynasty for fifteen years, still had the orthodox inertia and fear of authority, which made them look at the northern Xinjiang army with complicated eyes.

"The King of Qin is good, but the world is in chaos. We still have to rely on Your Majesty! After Yuezhou was recaptured, it quickly returned to normal.

The farmers came to the fields to look at the fields and think about next year's farming. More than ten farmers squatted on the field ridges and muttered.

"If Your Majesty is here, who in the south will

Not convinced?" "Hey!"

Everyone sighed. Ta-ta-ta-ta! The sound of intensive horse hooves came.

The farmers looked up at the official road on the left. Rows of cavalry were galloping in order.

Under the bright armor, there are determined faces. The cavalry are mighty and endless.

More than ten farmers were dumbfounded. "It's reinforcements!"

"So many!" The cavalry was followed by the infantry. Puff puff puff!

The sound of neat footsteps shook the earth.

The farmers couldn't help but stand up and stand with their hands tied.

The neat array and majestic soldiers made people feel fearful. Some people were trembling.

Someone trembled: "Master Tian, ​​this is King Qin's tiger and wolf division!"

A farmer blinked his eyes: "But we are under the rule of King Qin!" In a chaotic situation, what can make the people feel at ease?

It’s not money! It’s not Zhengshuo. It’s! An army!

When the army left, someone asked the farmer who had previously said that Li Mi was Zhengshuo, "Zhang Laowu, who is Zhengshuo?"

Zhang Laowu blushed, "Of course it is, of course, Your Highness!" "In troubled times, there is no reason, only fists!"

At the top of the city, Li Xuan saw the reinforcements.

The sound of footsteps shook the earth. The people in the city heard the sound and went out. "The army is coming!"

Someone shouted. Puff puff puff!

The sound of neat footsteps got closer and closer, finally stopping outside the city.

Fifty thousand troops knelt down on one knee outside the city. "I have seen His Highness!"

This chapter has been completed!
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