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Chapter 1384 Demolition Team

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is coming."

Hongzhou guard Moro had an exaggerated beard. He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and said: "What the king means, as long as Qianzhou can hold on for ten days, the more troops behind it will gather."

Lieutenant General Zhang Xiao said: "The rainy season is not conducive to the attacking side. This can be regarded as God's help."

"Yes!" Moro, a foreigner, smiled proudly, "After the king's defeat, many people were a little depressed. But when it rained heavily, tsk tsk! Those people immediately changed their faces. They were not willing to let their tribe The warriors came to apply for the army, and when the heavy rain came, they all wished they could move their families to Qinghe." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"I'm not." Moro glanced at him. "I don't dare," Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"I am the king's man." Moro said calmly: "If the king falls, I will be no good." "Now many people are waiting for the outcome of this battle. Can Fang Xu be able to survive?"

"He can be unstable." Moro sneered: "The concubines he just takes will become camp prostitutes." Zhang Xiao's heart trembled, "It should be."

"We are all the king's people!" Moro looked at him with a warning in his eyes, "If anyone betrays the king, I will kill him with my own hands!" "Yes!" Zhang Xiao's heart trembled.

"I'll go back and have a rest." Moro said, "Let the scouts be careful and send the battle report in time." "Yes!"

Morrow returned home. "Here comes someone!" The entourage came in.

Moro sat down and asked, "Are you ready?" The attendant nodded, "Everything is ready."

"The king wants Qianzhou to hold on for ten days, but what happens after ten days?" Moro rubbed the wooden box on the desk and slowly opened it. A row of gold ingots sparkled in the wooden box.

"Who can kiss me these days?"

Moro picked up a gold ingot and asked. The entourage lowered his head.

Moro asked and answered: "Of course, dear Qian!"

"I'm not worried that I won't be able to hold on for ten days. I'm just worried that they will treat me as a dead person."

Fang Xu loved that concubine the most, and his heart ached when he thought that he was a weak woman alone in Qinghe, and he didn't know if those aliens would become more animalistic.


He patted the city head, looked at the Northern Xinjiang Army retreating away, and ordered: "Fifteenth day!" Liao Da was stunned: "What fifteenth day?"

"Hold on for fifteen days!" Fang Xu said.

Shi Zhongtang ordered him to stick to the time, so if he sticks to it for fifteen days, does Shi Zhongtang dare not to protect his woman? If so, who is willing to serve him?

After figuring this out, Fang Xu felt relieved. Back in the city, he started writing a letter.

-Qing'er, the troops from Northern Xinjiang were approaching the city, and I saw the King of Qin, who was very mighty.

-You live alone, be careful of those foreigners, go out less often, and ask your servants to deal with anything. -If I go, remember to offer sacrifices every year.

-The money I left behind is enough for your lifetime needs. You must not marry another man, otherwise...I will not let you go even if I turn into a ghost. Fang Xu raised his head, with some confusion in his eyes, and wrote again.

- Qing'er, before I left Qinghe, you asked me whether I regretted following Shi Zhongtang. I said, no regrets. - At this moment, I regret it!

"After seeing it, I can only attack the city with ants."

"Yes! But Qianzhou City is tall and has wooden ladders built, so it's difficult to fight!" "What do you say about the death camp?"

The generals discussed the war under the chairmanship of Pei Jian.

The scar on Suo Yun's face jumped, "As long as His Highness orders it, I will march forward bravely. Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed by me!" "Good man!"

Everyone praised.

As the death battalions continue to excel, the military accepts them more and more.

"But there will be many casualties!" Jiang Cunzhong frowned, "If the fight continues like this, how many people will we have?" "Where is Your Highness?" asked the old thief.

Fang Jian said: "Your Highness is cooking outside." Ugh!

The battle is ahead!

Everyone has thought about the difficulty of this battle, but you, boss, don’t take it seriously. In an instant, all the pressure has dissipated.


Boss Li didn't know how delicious he was, so Mo Xia relaxed his mind. He was stewing mutton.

The bonfire was licking the bottom of the jar, and the mutton in the jar was rolling in the soup. "Throw in the dried vegetables."


Helping the cook, Jiang Heer, grabbed a handful of dried vegetables and threw them in.

"We don't have the time to wait for it to rise, just throw it in and boil it." Li Xuan stirred the soup and smelled it, "Beautiful!" Jiang He'er followed up with a sniff, shook his head and praised: "Beautiful!"

"Do you have any objections to following an orphan on an expedition at home?" Li Xuan asked. Jiang He'er seemed cute, but he never complained during the journey.

"It's best if I don't go, Aye, I won't go..." Jiang He'er's little face suddenly turned red.

"What's wrong if you don't go?" Li Xuan stirred the soup and watched the dried vegetables tumbling in the soup. He felt very relaxed and happy. What a man!

Isn’t living in this world just about eating and drinking?

It's enough to have enough food and drink, and clothes that can keep you warm. Everything else is dispensable.

At this moment, Boss Li felt that he had understood the true meaning of life, but he didn't know that his little secretary's face turned red and she thought of her father's words - If you don't go, how can you seduce His Highness if you don't go?

—Wrong, wrong, I shouldn’t have said hooking up, but...how to make His Highness like Heer. Hooking up!

How could I know this? Jiang Heer was in a daze.

"Stir up the fire!" The cook looked at her, "Why are you so dazed?" "Seduce Your Highness!"

Jiang Heer blurted out, and then looked at Li Xuan blankly. Li Xuan: ""

"I...I...I was wrong, I said it wrong, I didn't say it wrong..."····

During dinner, He Lianyan looked at the blushing Jiang He'er curiously and came over with a bowl, "Is this... taken by His Highness?" "Don't talk nonsense!" Jiang He'er said with a straight face.

"Sooner or later." He Lianyan said with a smile. "No way." Jiang Heer felt a little confused.

My father's instructions came to mind.

- This man! There is no one who doesn’t like women. Follow His Highness and remember to show off the beauty of women... Ah! Do you understand? How charming! He'er!


The heartbroken look of his old father flashed through Jiang Heer's mind.

"If His Highness is not prepared to deal with you, how can he keep you by his side? Northern Xinjiang is so big, can't His Highness find a clerk?" He Lianyan patted her shoulder, "Don't worry!"

"Have a meal!"

Jiang Heer was full of worries, but Li Xuan was extremely relaxed.

After eating, he took advantage of the sunset and took Mo Wenwu close to Qianzhou City to observe. "It's very high!"

The old thief said, "It's huge!" Wang Laoer licked his lips.

The old thief asked: "What's so big?"

"Old thief, please don't be so wretched, okay?" Wang Laoer said contemptuously: "You can think of anything wrong." Two mallets!

Li Xuan pointed to the top of the city and said, "How confident are you that we can defeat the city in three days?" Three days?

Everyone looked at the tall city and felt worried.

Not to mention three days, it would be considered good to be able to break through within ten days. Of course, there is another method, which is to ignore casualties. But this is not the style of the Northern Xinjiang Army!

"Why, you're not sure?" Li Xuan smiled when he saw his subordinate's appearance. Jiang Cunzhong said: "Your Highness, don't talk about it for five or six days!"

"Just three days!"

Li Xuan turned his horse's head sideways and said, "I'm back." "Three days?"

The old thief smacked his lips and said, "Look, I! Your Highness is getting anxious."

"Nonsense, Your Highness has never been so anxious." Wang Laoer had almost blind confidence in Li Xuan, "I will definitely be able to do it in three days." "Look at Suo Yun." The old thief pointed forward, Suo Yun frowned, He looked full of bitterness and hatred.

This was mostly because they were worried that Qianzhou City would not be captured within three days.

"Poor man." Wang Laoer forgot about it in a flash, "Old thief, I have new dried meat here, do you want to eat it?" The army is out, and dried meat is a treasure, old thief.

He stretched out his hand and said, "Of course I want to eat."

The dried meat was very fragrant, but it didn't taste like beef or mutton. The old thief swallowed it and said, "What meat?" "Horse meat."

After returning to the camp, Li Xuan called for the craftsmen who accompanied the army.

"How many drilling rigs are there in Guling Taiping?"

The man in front of him was the King of Qin... The craftsman was excited and at a loss, "Duo, Duo." King Qin saw him excited and smiled and said: "I don't eat people, why are I so nervous?"

The craftsman blurted out, "I think your highness is a god!"


A little flamboyant! Calm! Calm!

Li Xuan said: "Get all those drilling machines." "Yes!"

The craftsman resigned. "Here comes someone!"

"Your Highness!" Uda came in.

"Gather a group of powerful sergeants." "Yes!"

Hundreds of broad-shouldered sergeants gathered.

Wu Da went to ask King Qin for instructions, "Your Highness, they are here." King Qin, who was reading under the candlelight, raised his head and said, "Okay."

He walked out, with the craftsmen on one side and the sergeants on the other. There was a line of carts behind him.

"Bring the drill."

The drill rig with a thick rod is not light and requires two people to operate it.

The King of Qin ordered a craftsman to cooperate. He held the handle of the drill himself, pointed the sharp top to the ground, and turned the handle. The pole rotated...

The drilling rig continues to penetrate deeper.

Jiang He'er opened his mouth and said, "God, Your Highness has made a treasure!" At night, King Qin, who was lying on the bed, pulled up the quilt and said:

"Rain is the treasure." On the second day, Fang Xu arrived at the top of the city early.

The defenders were taking turns to have breakfast.

Someone said: "General, there are some bumps under the city wall."

"There won't be any problems within a few years." Fang Xu had discovered this problem a long time ago. The craftsman said that this was caused by the city wall being soaked by years of rain and under heavy pressure. If it continues for another ten years, there is a risk of collapse.

Ten years! Too early!

Fang Xu only needs fifteen days!

"Is there any unusual movement in the Northern Xinjiang Army?" Fang Xu asked.

"Except for the cavalry who are monitoring us, there is no other movement." Liao Da said.

"It's strange." Fang Xu said: "The King of Qin is best at using surprise soldiers. Facing the strong city of Qianzhou, he has no means at all?" Liao Da was also curious, "I guess there is nothing he can do?"

"That's right." Fang Xu's confidence doubled, "If we can hold on for a longer time, when the Northern Xinjiang Army is exhausted, there will be a fighting opportunity. Your Majesty will not let go of this opportunity. So..."

"We can live!" No one wants to die!

Especially in the context of the defeat of the rebels in southern Xinjiang.

If the King of Qin hadn't killed the prisoners, I guess many people would have surrendered. "The general said we can survive!"

Fang Xu's words were passed on.

The defender was overjoyed, and his energy and spirit improved by more than one level. "I can't wait."

Fang Xu thought of his concubine and wished that the Northern Xinjiang Army would rush to attack the city so that he could test it out. Twenty days!

He put pressure on himself again. The motivation was his concubine. "The Northern Xinjiang Army is coming."

Groups of cavalry passed by the city, and soon the infantry arrived. "Your Highness, Chitose!"

King Qin rode his horse to the front amid cheers.

"What is he going to do?" Fang Xu was puzzled, "I have surveyed the city head... I have surveyed it several times. Are there any loopholes?" Liao Da said, "It's just because I'm not sure. We surveyed the city head many times."

Keep it!

Fang Xu felt relieved and yelled at the city, "Li Gou, how dare you come and try Ye Ye's horizontal sword!"

King Qin looked at the city wall calmly, "It's all wet."

The city wall was not only soaked, but also had some bulges underneath. "Yes!" Pei Jian didn't know what King Qin was talking about.

"It's easier to work if you get wet!"

King Qin pointed at Fang Xu on the top of the city, "This man has a bad mouth." Yang Lue said

: "I understand."

Oh haha!

The old thief gloated: "This man is going to be in trouble." Li Xuan went back and said calmly: "Let's get started!"

Three days!

The civil and military officials under his command were worried, but the boss ordered them to do their best. Suo Yun roared: "Three days, if not three days, I will die on the top of the city!"


The red-eyed members of the death camp carried the wooden ladder up. As soon as the battle started, the two sides were inextricably killed.

The death camp charged wildly under the pressure of destroying the city in three days, while the rebels fought back, inspired by the hope that if they held on for twenty days they would survive. "Chaos!"

The old thief said, "Guzheng wants him to cause chaos!"

King Qin waved his hand, "Demolition team!"

A craftsman took the lead, and hundreds of sergeants stepped forward. "Here!"

King Qin pointed at the city wall and said, "Tear it down!" "Take your orders!"

Your Highness is indeed a man of God! The craftsmen paid homage to the King of Qin and shouted: "Follow me." Hundreds of sergeants rushed forward carrying the drilling rig.

"What is that?" He Lianyan asked. "Mace?"

King Qin nodded, "Yes, mace!"

The battle at the top of the city was inextricable, and Fang Xu was overjoyed when he saw it, "The first victory is my fault!" After twenty days, if reinforcements do not arrive, Shi Zhongtang's ability to use troops will be questioned. So, a way out is here.

Just when Fang Xu was happy, the soldiers arrived at the city.

One person held the drill and the other turned the pole...the sharp top rotated and penetrated into the city wall.

King Qin looked at his worried subordinates and said calmly: "In Gu's opinion, it doesn't take three days!"

This chapter has been completed!
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