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Chapter 1404 Departure

Chapter 1404: The First Quarter Moon Against Chang'an Chapter 1404: The road to Shu is difficult, business travel is inconvenient, and the connection with the outside world is not that close. It feels a bit like a paradise.

But fortunately, there was a lot of arable land and the products were relatively rich. Everyone lived behind closed doors. Although not as good as the Southern Zhou Dynasty, they were still wealthy in the Tang Dynasty.

The days in Shu were quite peaceful earlier, but since the emperor came, the tranquility has been broken.

Tongcheng, the administrative seat of Yizhou, was the center of Shu. After receiving the news that the emperor had entered Shu, the governor Xiao Zhen and Wu Ying, the commander-in-chief, looked at each other and felt that a great master had arrived.

No, it’s a group of uncles!

But unless they want to rebel, they have to receive these gentlemen respectfully.

The emperor had too many people accompanying him, so he could only provide food and grass. After entering the Shu region, those uncles felt that they were safe, so they showed off the luxury they had in Chang'an and bossed around, causing local officials to complain.

But you can’t afford to offend me!

Any one of the people accompanying him would be dragged out, and he would be someone Shu could not afford to offend.

If a brick falls down, it will hit a prince.

They are all a bunch of guys!

Moreover, after entering the Shu region, the emperor and his entourage slowed down. They traveled all the way, looking here and playing there. The daily consumption was quite large, and they had to mobilize local people to continuously transfer grain and grass supplies, so that

The place is in constant distress.

What's more, those carnivores fled in a hurry without taking any maids with them. When they fled, they only cared about saving their lives. Once they felt safe, they suddenly felt full and warm and thought about something, and their eyes glowed green. What's the point of teasing a woman here?

Qian hangs out with several women.

News has spread from the place. People are saying that these people are like locusts. Wherever they go, chickens and dogs are restless.

Outside Tongcheng, a group of officials were waiting for the emperor's arrival. A certain official couldn't help but cursed behind him.

No one said anything, some even pouted, thinking that this was right.

Wu Ying said softly:

The governor Xiao Zhen had a straight face.

Wu Ying lowered her head slightly to express her apology.


Wu Ying glanced at Xiao Zhen.

Xiao Zhen had a straight face,

Ahead, dozens of riders were galloping.

This is the scout sent out by Xiao Zhen.

Their arrival means that the emperor is not far away.

Wu Ying turned around.

Everyone quickly stood up with their hands tied.

Not long after, groups of cavalry arrived, looking majestic.

Wu Ying whispered:

These majestic cavalry did not know that in the eyes of Shu officials, they were a group of rioters and something to be wary of.

Then came the emperor and his entourage.

Someone exclaimed.

Some people couldn't believe it.

Wu Ying said sarcastically:

"Every powerful person must be pampered, rich, and wealthy... But where do these come from? From the hands of the common people.

If they have more in their hands, the people will naturally have less in their hands. The more powerful there are, the poorer the people will be, and the decline of the Tang Dynasty."

Xiao Zhen's eyes clearly showed approval, but he looked loyal.

Wu Ying praised.

With this shout, the emperor rode out and was surrounded.

The emperor then made a speech outside the city that he came to Shu to eat hard work and prepare for counterattacks.

speech in.

Then he praised the diligence of Shu officials.

Finally, the chiefs of several local big families came out to greet him. The emperor was greatly comforted and immediately granted several titles to the sons and grandsons of the chiefs.

First appease the officials, and then show favor to the local big families. Once these two are settled, the place will be safe.

As for the people......

What is that?

When the emperor entered Tongcheng, Xiao Zhen had already given a banquet, and the emperor and his ministers gathered together. Thinking of the hardships along the way, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The emperor vowed to do so.

The Supreme Emperor sat on the edge, his glass of wine was dry, watching the emperor's performance with cold eyes.

Later, when the two of them came together, everyone quickly got up to see them off.

The residence of the Emperor and the Supreme Emperor was not in Zhoulou... Behind Zhoulou was Xiao Zhen's residence. He had already vacated it, but the Emperor did not like it.

There were too many people accompanying him and they couldn't accommodate him.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhen was prepared in advance. There were wealthy people in the city who voluntarily donated their mansions, just in time to accommodate the emperor.

The emperor and the emperor arrived at the courtyard where they were stationed. They should have gone to rest separately, but the emperor did not leave, and neither did the emperor.

The Supreme Emperor asked.

The moonlight in Shu seemed to be more gentle, and the emperor was fascinated by it, thinking of the moonlight in Chang'an.

The emperor cheered up,

The Supreme Emperor uncovered the Emperor's scars,

The emperor said calmly:

"The land of Shu seems to be unbreakable, but how did Guanzhong be broken? First, you were stupid and alienated the officials. Then you played political tricks and made the officialdom full of chaos. As a result, those wealthy people discovered your background..."

The emperor ignored the emperor's anger and

The Supreme Emperor sighed,

The emperor sneered and returned to his residence later, asking someone to find Zhao Sanfu.

The emperor waved his hand and Zhao Sanfu resigned.

The maids came in and helped the emperor lie down.

The door closed, and the emperor coughed dryly,

How dare that woman ignore me?

The emperor was furious and sat up suddenly.

There was no one in the room, except for a candle burning quietly on the candlestick in the corner.

The candlelight was slightly swayed by the wind brought about by him sitting up suddenly, and gradually died down.

The emperor covered his face with his hands,

He lay down with difficulty and gradually fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but someone knocked on the door outside.

The emperor suddenly woke up,

Outside the door is Han Shitou,

The emperor sat up,

When the door opened, Han Shitou came in first, followed by the maids.

Zhao Sanfu is outside, waiting to be summoned.

The emperor put on his clothes and Han Shitou brought him tea. He took a sip and frowned:

"Yes, all the medicinal materials brought by this slave have been exhausted. No, this slave has been searching for a long time. Fortunately, although Shu is closed, there is no shortage of medicinal materials. However, the geography is different, and the medicinal properties are also different.

, the slave went to consult the medical officer again, and decided on the weight, and then boiled it."

The emperor said emotionally.

Han Shitou wiped the corners of his eyes.

Sun Laoer outside curled his lips, thinking that Lao Han was getting better and better at dressing up.

After drinking the medicinal tea, the emperor felt refreshed.

Zhao Sanfu came in.

The emperor patted the bed, his face glowing red.

Zhao Sanfu lowered his head, looking like something was wrong.

The emperor's laughter stopped suddenly,

The emperor cursed harshly.

After Zhao Sanfu finished his report, he lowered his head and waited for the emperor's instructions.

But there was no response for a long time, so he couldn't help but quietly raised his head and glanced quickly.

The emperor sat on the bed, gnashing his teeth and looking ferocious.

His face was swollen red, as if he was holding his breath.

Han Shitou waved his hand, and Zhao Sanfu quietly resigned.

As soon as he walked out, he heard the emperor roaring behind him:

That night, the emperor had no sleep.

At dawn, the ministers were summoned to discuss the situation of the war.

Zhang Huan pretended to be dead, but Zheng Yuandong finally came out to analyze.

Zheng Qi coughed dryly,

Zheng Yuandong changed his mind, "After the Southern Xinjiang Army retreated from Guanzhong, its morale was low and its morale was unstable. The defeat of this battle has a big impact. In the follow-up... I think it will be difficult for the Southern Xinjiang Army. "

the emperor asked.

Who the hell knows this?

But when the emperor inquires, he must give an answer.

Zheng Yuandong thought carefully,

The emperor looked disappointed.

At the top of Songzhou City, King Qin said to his subordinate Wen Wu:

The spring rain was continuous and silky. Han Ji stretched out his hand and felt it was very moist.

Pei Jian expressed his views on behalf of the military.

King Qin paid great attention to details during his expedition, such as the weather, and he would ask people to inquire about it in advance.

But even in another world with advanced technology, weather forecasts are often inaccurate.

Therefore, the King of Qin set a deadline of two months.

The ministers took the order.

King Qin pointed to the rain and fog outside the city and said:

King Qin took his subordinate Wen Wu out of the city and went to the fields to check.

Spring plowing has not yet started, but there are already farmers wearing bamboo hats and raincoats checking the fields.

When the peasants saw King Qin, they quickly saluted.

Li Xuan asked:

An old farmer said:

"Your Highness, the fertility of this land can pass through

You can tell by looking at the land's temperament. If it's too thin, then let the land lie fallow this year."


Isn’t this just local technology?

Citizen scientists!

King Qin praised a few words, and then asked some questions about the people's feelings.

Several horses came from afar.

King Qin smiled and said:


On the school field.

The army assembles.

On the high platform, Shi Zhongtang stood alone.

The big flag didn't move at all in the drizzle.

Like a dead snake.

Shi Zhongtang asked.

The alien warriors shouted.

Those soldiers who had entered Guanzhong often talked about Chang'an, its wealth and prosperity, like a fairyland, which made the new soldiers excited.

Shi Zhongtang asked.

What to do?

Burning, killing and looting!

Go and enjoy!

Go to slavery!

Shi Zhongtang said:

He Zun stood under the high platform, looking at the red faces of the soldiers, their eyes filled with brilliance, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It is good to stimulate the morale of your subordinates by burning, killing and looting, but it cannot last long!

Once the decisive battle goes unfavorable, the morale generated by interests will inevitably dissipate quickly.

This is a double-edged sword!

Two secret spies from Northern Xinjiang were brought up.

They were gagged, one of them had his leg broken and was dragged away.

But they all held their heads high.

Swinging the sword horizontally.

In the bloody light, Shi Zhongtang pointed to the north.

This chapter has been completed!
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