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Chapter 1413 Change of Heaven

The First Quarter Moon of Revolt against Chang'an Chapter 1413: Changes in Heaven After the army conquered Songzhou, Chang'an became busy.

Food and grass were continuously transported to the south, and from time to time, groups of new soldiers followed to familiarize themselves with the battlefield. News that the Northern Xinjiang Army had entered Huangzhou gradually spread throughout Guanzhong.

Ma's house, which is fifty miles away from Chang'an, can easily see the situation on the official road.

After Maxi had breakfast, he took a few servants to check out the situation and took a walk to eat.

Ma Hongzhong squinted at the rising sun outside his study and thought of the last time he sent someone to Shu to express his loyalty to the emperor. When his messenger left, the news came that King Wei had offered Jiagu Pass.

Ma Hongzhong was worried about the fact that the letter of allegiance could not be recovered for a while. But as the situation developed, he turned his attention to the south again. He was waiting for the outcome of that battle.

A steward came rushing over,

There was a coldness in Ma Hongzhong's eyes. He stretched out his hand and slowly pressed down.

Just as the steward was about to leave, Ma Xi stopped him and Ma Hongzhong asked.

Maxi said:

Ma Hongzhong frowned,

Maxi said:

Ma Hongzhong kept a straight face.

Maxi said:

Ma Xi blushed,

Ma Hongzhong got up and looked around for "weapons"

The old servant outside shouted:

Maxi walked out and said:

Ma Hongzhong grabbed the inkstone and threw it at it. Ma Xi avoided it lightly and ran away.

Ma Hongzhong said angrily:

The old servant advised:

Ma Hongzhong's face brightened slightly, and the old servant smiled.

Ma Hongzhong scratched his head, and the old servant smiled and went to inform the steward, but when he came back, he looked ugly.

Ma Hongzhong said angrily: The sound of hasty footsteps came.

The steward's frightened and pale face appeared outside the door.

Ma Hongzhong suddenly stood up again. He stood up violently and reached his waist. He covered his waist with one hand, hissed in his mouth, and pointed at the steward with one hand.

Ma Hongzhong's body trembled, then he relaxed and looked outside blankly.

Everyone knows what this news means.

The King of Qin was very dissatisfied with the aristocratic families. Some people even said that the King of Qin hated the aristocratic families deeply, calling them thieves and parasites.

Ma Hongzhong's cheeks were trembling,

There was a burst of cheers outside, but inside, it was gloomy.

Ma Hongzhong walked out of the study and looked up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly.

Yang Songcheng is far away in Sichuan, and the new head of the Yang family, Yang Xinxiang, has the final say in matters of the Yang family.

The main hall where Yang Songcheng handled affairs was sealed by Yang Xinxiang to show respect for his father and to show that he was not as humble as his father. He rebuilt a side hall not far away, which can be regarded as a new atmosphere for the newcomer.

The stewards took turns reporting family matters.

The Yang family in Yingchuan has inherited a great business for thousands of years, and there are countless household chores every day. Of course, Yang Xinxiang will not take care of all the big and small things.

But population is the foundation for the Yang family's thousands of years of existence.

·····When some slaves in the farm learned that King Qin had freed many slaves, they were tempted, and some even quietly went out to look for the government... Fortunately, the local officials were friendly with our family and detained the boy.


The steward glanced at Yang Xinxiang and saw that his expression was calm, so he continued:

The aide next to Yang Xinxiang asked.

The steward smiled and said,

Yang Xinxiang raised his eyes and the steward quickly retreated.

The staff next to him laughed and said: Yang Xinxiang has long and thin cheeks and looks a little expressionless.

Yang Xinxiang was silent for a moment. This matter was handled by his staff. He said:

Yang Xinxiang said:

The staff member smiled and said:

At this time someone came to report,

The staff looked at Yang Xinxiang.

Yang Xinxiang said: The staff know what they are doing.

The servant resigned.

Yang Xinxiang nodded with satisfaction, "Aye wrote a letter saying that the emperor is working hard in Shu and is preparing to recruit people.

He bought troops and horses, and promoted some officials and generals who had no backing. The land of Shu is rich and has a large population. If he can really change his past, it will be really hard to say in this world."

The staff pointed to the direction: "If this battle lasts for a long time, it will be an opportunity for the emperor. If Shi Zhongtang can win over


There was a hint of coldness on Yang Xinxiang's dull face. He picked up the tea cup, which was a hint to end the discussion.

The stewards bowed and bowed before leaving.

Yang Xinxiang watched the stewards go out, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Thousand years of Yang family, thousand years of Yang family, in these more than a thousand years, Yang family has been dormant five times, the longest time was more than thirty years. What about this time?

The King of Qin was in his prime, and he was not known to be fond of pleasure or lustful. If he could rule the world, he would probably be emperor for thirty years at least.

Thirty years!

Will Yang still have to hibernate for thirty years? Yang Xinxiang took a deep breath. He heard the sound of footsteps.

The staff came in, looking livid, followed by the stewards.

Everyone looked like a dead mother. Yang Xinxiang frowned.

The staff saluted.

Yang Xinxiang's eyelids twitched wildly.


Yang Xinxiang stood up slowly, and the jade pendant around his waist hit the table and shattered with a bang.

He pointed outside.

The staff and stewards stood with their hands tied.

The messenger reporting the victory rushed all the way to Chang'an City.

The common people avoided it one after another and spontaneously gathered on both sides of Zhuque Street. The common people in Chang'an had no ill feelings towards the King of Qin.

Unlike those powerful children who were born with golden keys, the King of Qin could be said to have built his fortune with his own hands. Therefore, the people had a sense of belonging. After the King of Qin reported his identity, the mentality of the people of Chang'an was quite complicated. On the one hand, they sympathized with the King of Qin.

On the one hand, he didn't want to see the scene of war and chaos.

But before King Qin could take action, Shi Zhongtang arrived.

After Chang'an was occupied by Shi Zhongtang, those foreigners were arrogant in the city and even went so far as to extort money. From time to time there were rumors that women were raped and some were robbed.

The people of Chang'an who originally wanted to accept the new ruler were angry. There was an undercurrent in Chang'an.

Immediately, King Qin's army arrived, and the people of Chang'an eagerly waited for it. At that moment, they were all from Northern Xinjiang. King Wei surrendered Jiagu Pass, and the Northern Xinjiang army entered the pass.

At first, the people of Chang'an were a little nervous, but according to King Qin's instructions, Cao Ying mainly monitored the wealthy families and treated the common people with kindness.

So everyone felt at ease.

The King of Qin led his army south to completely destroy Shi Ni. The people of Chang'an were a little flustered.

Everyone knows that this battle will determine the general trend of the world and the future of them and their children and grandchildren. King Qin!

These days, the most talked about person in Chang'an City is King Qin.

There was suddenly a lot more incense outside Fangwai. Many people who did not believe in these things in the past knelt devoutly in front of the statue and prayed for the King of Qin. Prayed for the world.

At this moment, good news is coming! How about it?


In the Imperial City of Chang'an, Cao Ying frowned as she watched an official salute. The official was in his forties, which was considered to be in his prime.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he was shocked.

The official's name was Sun Qiang, and he was a scholar. He coughed dryly and said,

If it were anyone else, Cao Ying would just nod her head without saying a word and say goodbye without saying goodbye!

But Sun Qiang is different. This person has a high reputation in the academic circle. If he resigns, it will affect many people.

In this era, the life span of ordinary people is very short, and over forty years is considered a long life. But for people with good conditions, over forty years is still early. This is determined!

Cao Ying thought of what King Qin once said: It's going to rain and my mother wants to get married, so let it go! Just as he was about to say yes, he heard a commotion outside.

Zhang Xu walked in quickly and said ecstatically,

Cao Ying stood up suddenly.

Zhang Xu handed over the good news, and Cao Ying took it and looked at it carefully, word for word.

He looked up.

There was a glimmer of water in his eyes.

Zhang Xu turned around and went out, and then his shouts came from outside,

Cao Ying's face lit up, and then she thought of Sun Qiang.

This chapter has been completed!
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