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Chapter 1449 There are many old ladies

King Qin left a lot of troops to guard Jinzhou, and sent Tu Chang to keep an eye on Yongzhou. At this moment, he only had more than 60,000 troops under his command. "Prime Minister Han, attack!" someone said.

Han Bi shook his head, "I have Yingshui at my back, and supplies are cheap. Why are you anxious?" He has an army of 100,000, which is almost twice as many as his opponent. Why are you anxious? Chen Guan praised, "Prime Minister Han is calm."

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is good at defending!" Han Bi said: "Once formed, it is almost impossible to break through. Not many of our soldiers have seen blood. If they cannot attack for a long time, they will definitely become impatient. King Qin's troops are veteran and he will take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

Defeat is not far away."

Everyone was shocked.

Han Bi smiled and said: "The King of Qin's supplies need to be transported from Guanzhong and even northern Xinjiang. This journey is extremely expensive and the distance is long, making transportation difficult. I am not in a hurry, he will naturally be in a hurry!"

"Prime Minister Han, the envoy from Bianjing is here." Han Bi frowned slightly. Chen Guan sighed.

What time has it been? Why is the envoy here? The envoy is still a chamberlain.

"Your Majesty has rewarded Prime Minister Han's house with two acres of fertile land and 3,000 acres of fertile land!" "I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Han Bi took a deep breath, he knew what the emperor wanted, "Please report back to Your Majesty, the war is about to begin..." He looked in the direction of Bianjing, "I, you must do your best!"

"Then let's..." The messenger glanced at the military formation opposite.

The morning light shone on the black military formation, and the armor reflected light, making it look like a heavenly soldier. The envoy shuddered and said, "We're going right now."

"Envoy is well on his way!" Han Bi sent the envoy off respectfully.

The person on the other side saw the movement here.

"Probably the envoy from Bianjing. I think Xu will be restless next year!"

The King of Qin smiled and said: "Han Bi is leading an army that will overwhelm the country. Nian Xu is probably a little worried. In addition, he is also quite uneasy about this battle... He is in a dilemma. It is really hard for him."

As soon as he finished speaking, King Qin pointed to the opposite side, "Han Bi has an army of 100,000 but dare not attack, which shows his cowardice. In this case, I will teach him how to fight. Send the order and attack!"

"Your Majesty orders us to attack!"

The flag waved, and the infantry in front began to attack.

The crossbow formation followed, the cavalry followed...

The banner of the Chinese army followed Ruo and moved forward. "Prime Minister Han, the Northern Xinjiang Army has launched an attack."

Even though he had gone through many battles, Chen Guan was still trembling slightly.

The huge military formation pressed over him, reminding him of the enemies he had seen... The array of random people looked messy, with weapons of all kinds. Everyone was looking around, trying their best to hide their uneasiness and fear.


On the other hand, the Northern Xinjiang troops on the opposite side looked resolute or silent, and the hands holding their weapons were extremely firm. Comparing the two armies...

One is in the sky and the other is underground. The crossbow array on the opposite side begins to prepare. "Beware of arrows!"

Amidst the shrill shouts, the Southern Zhou army in front raised their shields. Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Amidst the huge sound, a black cloud came over me. Duh, duh, duh!

The sound of the crossbow arrows hitting the shield was like heavy rain, followed by the screams of the unlucky ones. "The enemy is approaching... let go of the arrows!"

The Southern Zhou Army used a hail of arrows to plunder the infantry of the Northern Xinjiang Army who started trotting. Both sides were facing the other's arrow rain, staring, raising their weapons... "Kill!"

A spear pierced the opponent's chest, and then he rotated and retracted the gun. Just as the Southern Zhou Army sergeant wanted to cheer, he was stabbed in the neck by a spear and fell to the ground screaming.


The comrade behind him stepped forward with a spear and stepped on his body to fill the gap. "Kill!"

On the battle line, the spear became the sharpest weapon. Both sides stabbed each other. Countless people fell on the line at this moment, and then their comrades behind them followed and stabbed again...

As soon as they made contact, the Northern Xinjiang Army gave its opponent a lesson.

"There is a gap." Han Bi shook his head slightly. He was not worried about a breakthrough, but he was a little dissatisfied with his subordinates.

This was the first time that Chen Guan had witnessed such a large-scale killing. He was dumbfounded and felt that he had never experienced anything in the battlefield before.

Testing is of no use here at all.

have a look······

Looking from the left, one can see an endless front line of fighting; the same can be seen from the right.

Countless people are being strangled, someone falls every moment, and lives are thrown in every moment.

"God!" Chen Guan was shocked

"The Southern Xinjiang Army is nothing more than that." Han Ji smiled and said, "We had the upper hand as soon as the war started."

"Don't underestimate the enemy." He Lianrong said: "Many times, a small mistake can lead to a big defeat." "The enemy on the left is counterattacking." Pei Jian pointed to the left and said.

On the left wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army, more than a thousand infantry of the Southern Zhou Army were attacking.

Leading with more than a hundred heavily armored infantry, they successfully opened an opening and immediately tried to rush in. "Victory!" Those Southern Zhou troops cheered.

Immediately, the Northern Xinjiang Army launched a counterattack with hundreds of reserve troops, and the two sides fought together. The Northern Xinjiang Army's counterattack was particularly fierce. Even if the Southern Zhou Army fought hard for their lives, they were still pushed back.

"Counterattack!" the Southern Zhou general roared.

No one expects to completely open the opponent's defense at this time, but this is a battle for morale. The opponent must be shocked at the beginning of the war, and then the fight will begin.

"Kick them out!"

The general of the Northern Xinjiang Army scolded: "Do you want Yeye to come in person?" "No need!"

The general who led the team personally led the team to charge and shouted for a fierce battle.

This gap was quickly filled, and they even launched a counterattack, breaking into the opponent's array. "Block them!"

This assault caused some confusion for the opponent. With the counterattack of the opponent's reserve team, the two sides regained balance again.

Such assaults and counter-assaults abound across the entire front. At such times, the perseverance of the soldiers on both sides and the commanding abilities of the generals are tested.

"Prime Minister Han, we... are in trouble." Chen Guan saw it. "Every time we invest more troops than our opponents, we can maintain the balance of power."

This shows that the Southern Zhou Army is generally inferior to the Northern Xinjiang Army. "But there are many old ladies!" Han Bi said lightly. "Yes! We have many people!"

Chen Guan felt confident again.

The battle continued, with the Northern Xinjiang Army advancing more than thirty steps as a whole. "The Northern Xinjiang Army's offensive has become somewhat stagnant," said a veteran.

Han Bi nodded, "Don't underestimate the enemy, this is just a piece of cake."

On the opposite side, King Qin said: "Gu has been waiting for Han Bi's trump card, but he has not moved, he is very patient! So, Tu Chang." "I am here!"

The Spear King of the Southland salutes.

"You lead five thousand cavalry to attack." "Take the order!"

Five thousand cavalry went straight towards the enemy array along the passage. The shadows of their guns danced, and a breakthrough was opened in an instant. "Prime Minister Han, it's Tu Chang!"

Someone said: "This man is a descendant of our founding general of the Zhou Dynasty, who later joined the King of Qin!"

"I know." Han Bi had collected a lot of information about the Northern Xinjiang Army a long time ago. He even sent people to investigate Ju Chang's hometown to see if Tu Chang could be developed into an insider.

But unfortunately, the person who inquired about the news came back and reported: "The whole family was burned to death, and the local officials were incompetent and could not appease... Even if my husband is replaced by a villain, he will definitely not look back."

Only then did Han Bi give up.

At this moment, watching the descendants of the famous generals of the Great Zhou leading the Northern Xinjiang army into the battle, invincible, Han Bi's eyes were complicated, "After this battle, I will advise you to treat the warriors kindly, otherwise, no one will serve the Great Zhou anymore!"

He waved his hand, and a strong general led the army to stop Tu Shang.

With two good hands sandwiched between them, a horizontal sword, a long sword, and a strong warrior, the three of them were able to block Tu Chang's attack. Tu Chang roared and danced his spear even more eagerly.

His eyes turned red, and the spear suddenly exerted force, violently flying the opponent's sword, and pierced the opponent's throat with the spear. At the same time, the sword flashed past, and even though Tu Chang tried his best to twist his body to dodge, he was still hit by the knife.

In the bloody light, Tu Chang exerted his strength, and with one thrust of his spear, his opponent

It flew up. As everyone screamed, Tu Shang jumped on his horse and rushed over.

He blocked a knife, but the warrior's spear swept across but he didn't avoid it. Poof!

Tu Chang opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, but took the opportunity to shoot away the opponent who wielded the long sword. The remaining warriors looked at him in fear.

"Kill!" The third person flew up.

Tu Shang's beard was twitching, "Guan Guan, Tu's Tu Shang is here!" Immediately, enemy cavalry swarmed in.

The fighting here was particularly fierce, and Yongzhou City could see it clearly. This battle was fought on the right side of Yongzhou City.

Zhao Shen stood on the top of the city, looking at the turbulent battle situation, and nervously pounded the battlements with his fists.

"Prime Minister Han is still not moving!" the deputy general beside him said impatiently: "It's time to fight back, otherwise, if things go on like this, I'm worried that I will collapse." "Yes!" Zhao Shen was also worried, "The opposite side is a warrior who has fought hundreds of battles.

, but here we have mostly new recruits who have never fought before, so they won’t last long!”

The deputy general pointed to the city, "How about testing it out?"

Zhao Shen took a look and said, "Xiang Han ordered that no attack be allowed without authorization unless those Northern Xinjiang troops join the battle group." The old thief was very leisurely in the city. He touched a handful of dried meat and chewed it carefully.

Tu Shang's assault lasted for half an hour, and finally he returned in blood. "Well done!"

King Qin witnessed Tu Shang's continuous assault and admired him very much.

This assault made the opponent panic, and King Qin ordered: "Infantry armor." Rows of infantry wearing heavy armor came up.

"Xiang Han, these are the heavy armored infantry of the Northern Xinjiang Army!"

Chen Guan looked at the tribes covered in heavy armor and said with some fear, "Isn't there a big Zhou?"

Following Han Bi's order, rows of infantry also wearing heavy armor rushed forward.

If these heavily armored infantrymen wanted to kill him, they would have to knock him down or stab him with a spear.

The two sides strangled each other wildly. Some of the heavily armored infantrymen were knocked down, but despite their efforts, they could not stand up by their own strength. They looked as embarrassed as a tortoise that had been turned over.

Immediately, the spear stabbed down hard and penetrated through the eye. The general of the Southern Zhou Army roared, urging him to move forward.

"Move forward!"

It has been almost two hours since the war began, and the Northern Xinjiang Army has continued to advance, squeezing the opponent's space. The Chinese Army cannot move, otherwise the morale of the army will be chaotic. Therefore, the formation of the entire Southern Zhou Army looks a bit flat. "Press down!"

King Qin said coldly: "Gu, I want to see what other bezoars Han Bi has yet to bring out!".

This chapter has been completed!
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