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Chapter 1511 Never Hire

One day in the midsummer of the first year of Yongde, King Wei and his family were preparing to set off.

After walking out of the station, Concubine Shu turned around and took a look, very seriously, as if this Nili home was her home where she had lived for many years.

The shopkeeper of Nilu came out with a smile to see him off. When he learned that King Wei and his entourage were going away and did not know when they would return, he said, "Please wait." What did this person mean?

Everyone was puzzled.

The shopkeeper ran in as fast as he could, and when he came back, he had a copper coin in his hand.

The copper coin looked old, its surface was rubbed smooth, the writing was blurry, and it was hung with a red rope.

"A small family has been running this business here for generations. Our ancestors watched the poor people go to sea to seek a living. After many years, only two or three out of ten survived. When the ancestors asked, they said that most of them were buried in the wind and waves. I pity those people.

For this reason, our ancestors went to Taoist temples to pray to the gods. The Taoist priest said that those who go to sea can ask for the protection of hundreds of money."

The shopkeeper held up the copper coin, "But we were poor at that time. Besides, who had the nerve to go to hundreds of families to ask for money? Our ancestors felt pity for those poor people, so they thought of a way to pass a copper coin through the hands of hundreds of families, and then

It is regarded as a piece of money from hundreds of families. From then on, whenever someone wanted to seek a living overseas, our ancestors would give them a piece of money from hundreds of families. It has been 372 years since then."

The shopkeeper handed over the copper coin, "Everyone who comes to the door, whether a businessman or a refugee, will be given a copper coin. Your Majesty, please don't dislike it. This is just a little person's wish."

There was a hint of softness in King Wei's cold eyes. He took the copper coin and hung it around his son's neck. He turned around and said, "Thank you very much."

"Bon voyage!" The shopkeeper saluted and everyone walked slowly.

Luocheng is not that big, with three streets. If you shout on the street in the middle of the night, you can hear it clearly at the end of the street.

While waiting for the monsoon, Prince Wei and his family had already visited this small town all over. Even with their eyes closed, they would not have gone wrong, but they were very familiar with it.

But today, except for the children, everyone looked at everything in front of them almost greedily.

Those cunning middlemen also became friendly in their eyes at this moment. "Leaving?"

"Yeah! Let's go."

In a word, it seems plain, but at this moment it is particularly nostalgic. Only the child is eager to go to sea and can't wait to get on the boat right away. No matter how long the road is, there is an end. On the dock, Mach is waiting.

The original county magistrate Zhan Ming secluded himself after that day and hid at home, waiting for the outcome of Mach's impeachment.

With all the charges of corruption and personal gain, Zhan Ming will most likely spend the rest of his life somewhere.

"I've seen you, Your Majesty. Your Majesty, the navy has finished resting." Ma He and Fang saluted.


King Wei turned around, Huang Damei and the child came over, but Concubine Shu squatted behind

"Mom, what are you doing?" King Wei strode over and saw his mother squatting there, using a dead branch to dig into the soil.

"Get a porcelain vase." Concubine Shu said.

King Wei was puzzled, but still sent people to find the porcelain vase.

Concubine Shu filled a porcelain vase of soil, stood up and handed the porcelain vase to Huang Damei, saying: "When we were at home, if a businessman from our place wanted to go on a long journey, Ye Niang would fill him with a small vase of soil. A place with water and soil can support a person. If

If you are not acclimatized to the soil outside, you don’t need to take medicine. Just take some soil and drink it with water. It is very effective. It’s a pity that I forgot about it in Chang’an.”

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Fang Suo was a little surprised that Concubine Shu knew this, "There is dirt on my navy ship."

"Get aboard!"

After boarding the navy ship, Concubine Shu stood at the bow and suddenly slowly knelt down.

"Ye Niang, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back if I leave. I originally wanted to go back to my hometown, but Erlang was going overseas, and I couldn't bear to leave him, so I went with him. But my soul cannot return home after death. Dearest daughter, Ye Niang.


Concubine Shu kowtowed solemnly, but King Wei watched silently.

He has little impression of his maternal grandfather's family. As for his grandfather and father, he has no feelings at all.

Come to think of it, their good days

Not much left!

Watching his wife and son kowtow in the direction of their hometown, King Wei quietly raised his hand, as if saying goodbye to something.

"I'm leaving!"

Jielong is now considered to be inferior to one person in Jinyiwei, and superior to a thousand people.

After the emperor ascended the throne, the focus of the Jin Yiwei was to keep an eye on the powerful powerful families in Guanzhong. Then the powerful powerful people were severely beaten by the emperor. The Jin Yiwei made great contributions in this battle, and Jie Long also received a commendation.

Jielong is still used to eating mutton for breakfast, preferably roasted.

Now that the emperor has taken the lead in banning slaves, the two slaves in Jielong's family have also become employed. At first, he was not used to it, and it felt like there were outsiders in the family. After he got used to it, Jielong didn't feel anything.

"My husband is kind." Chen Shi, the hired man, brought the roasted lamb and praised it sincerely. The roasted lamb was still sizzling and oily, so Jielong took a knife and said, "The people of Jinyiwei have nothing to do with kindness. I don't think it matters.

, that’s because I don’t need to look for the feeling of being a master at home. Being in Jinyiwei is enough!”

Chen Shi lowered his head, "Yes!"

Put a slice of the hot barbecue into your mouth, feel the aroma of the roast mutton, and the hotness, and immediately start to wake up this morning.

Jielong is a lover of heavy flavors, and the roasted lamb must be paired with sauce. After breakfast, he led the horse out of the house.

The weather was still cool at the moment, and Jielong was not in a hurry. He led the horse and walked slowly down the street, feeling the gradually warmer smoke on both sides. The east family's Hu cakes, the West family's cooking, and the Chen family's cold food.

Every shout made up the morning in Chang'an.

It reminded Jielong of the early morning in Tanzhou.

At that time, he followed He Lianyan and lived an ignoble existence under the emperor's uncle. Every morning, he would always feel grateful that he had lived another day.

"Jie Tongzhi!" An official from the superior government handed over his hand. Jie Long nodded, no need to return the gift.

Jin Yiwei is His Majesty's domestic slave. Naturally, a domestic slave is not allowed to communicate with officials from other dynasties. This is what Concubine Li said.

When they arrived at Jinyiwei, Jielong asked someone to make tea and scrape the oil in his stomach.

"You said Bianjing has more delicious food than Chang'an?" Jielong suddenly asked his entourage.

"Yes, we have many brothers in Bianjing, and there will be fast horses delivering news to Chang'an every few days. How about asking them to get some delicious food that can be preserved?"

Jielong hesitated for a moment, "That's all."

"What are you afraid of?" The entourage said with a smile: "Now that the commander is in the palace, he only comes out once a day. Aren't these royal guards the same as those who make the decision? Who dares to comment on some delicious food?"

Jielong waved his hand and followed him to leave.

He drank tea and read the news from all sides. He suddenly stood up and walked out with a piece of news, "I'm going to the palace."

When he entered the palace, the emperor was discussing with his ministers the conquest of Shu.

"The army is scattered everywhere to suppress the local powerful families. It needs to be brought back slowly. And it needs to rest after returning." Song Zhen has returned to Chang'an and is in charge of the Ministry of War.

"Not long after Song Qing returned from Northern Xinjiang, I ordered you to work non-stop.

When I took over the Ministry of War, some outsiders said that I serve my ministers like oxen and horses, and I think this is correct. After all, I am also an oxen and horses, but I am just working as an oxen and horses for the people of the world."

The words from the outside world are a bit sour, but in fact they are slandering the emperor for not reusing officials from outside the Northern Xinjiang system.

Song Zhen said with a smile: "To be honest, when you are my age, you don't sleep much. When you close your eyes, you can see countless past events. Black people wake up when the sky is still numb. If you do nothing, I feel that life is worse than death."

"No, if he has nothing to do, he will feel at a loss and not know what he is doing with his life." Luo Cai was obviously deeply touched.

"So, you have to take care of yourself, lest you still have the heart to serve me but your body cannot bear it anymore." The emperor smiled and said, "Go back and ask the medical officer to give you a diagnosis and treatment."

After finishing the topic of harmony, the emperor looked slightly cold and asked, "How is the Ministry of War?"

Song Zhen just figured out some of the situation, "It turns out that Zhang Huan didn't take care of things much when he was here, and the Ministry of War was very infiltrated."

"Your Majesty." This

The Department of Account Control had something to say, so Cao Ying went out to work. "I checked the account books and found that the puppet emperor intercepted all the money and food that should have been given to me in Northern Xinjiang and gave most of it to Southern Xinjiang. Among them, the soldiers made false reports."

"Lying about soldiers requires the cooperation of the Ministry of War!" This is a new situation. Song Zhen expressed his position, "I will investigate later."

"We must investigate strictly!" the emperor said calmly: "These people are poking holes in the Tang Dynasty, poking at my corners, and punish them severely!"


Murderous intent suddenly set in. Han Ze couldn't help but shudder. When he saw someone coming in from outside, he went over to ask.

"Comrade Jielong of the Imperial Guards asks to see Your Majesty!"

Jielong was brought in, and after saluting, he said: "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has received news. There are people in the hometown of the Southern Zhou Dynasty who are planning to stir up trouble for the Southern Zhou literati not to serve in official positions."

After the Southern Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, Nian Xu and his family were taken to Chang'an, and all the members of the royal family moved to Chang'an.

This is to draw fire from under the cauldron. Who wants to rebel? You have to find a big flag first, right?

The royal family is gone, who are you rebelling for? What is the reason for your rebellion?

Later, officials from the Tang Dynasty poured into their hometowns in the Southern Zhou Dynasty and took over the political power in various places together with the demoted officials in the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

In this process, many officials who originally opposed the New Deal were purged and rushed home to eat old rice according to the emperor's instructions.

The biggest problem of literati is that they think too highly of themselves, thinking that God is the boss and I am the second child. If you don’t use me, I will be your Sabi, and if you don’t use me seriously, you will be blind.

As time went by, this disdain turned into resentment. The literati in their hometown in the Southern Zhou Dynasty recited poems and lyrics, vaguely expressing their frustration. - Emperor, please use us!

But the emperor of Chang'an seemed to be missing. So the resentment turned into hatred.

"Your Majesty, if all officials from the Tang Dynasty are used to rule the Southern Zhou Dynasty, many problems will arise.

How troublesome." Luo Cai said: "Many times, we need help from local people."

"I know."

The emperor said: "Let me tell you, I am very happy to hear that those people are unwilling to serve in official positions!"

Isn’t this a harsh slap in the face? The ministers: ""

The emperor said calmly: "Without Wang Butcher, will I still have to eat hairy pigs? Officials."

"I'm here!" Luo Cai stood up.

"If locals serve as local officials, it won't take long for locals to become local tycoons and monopolize various local resources, which will be very harmful. The Ministry of Civil Affairs should use five to ten years to implement the idea of ​​serving officials in other places."

In this way, the regional concept in officialdom disappears. "Yes!"

"Jinyiwei will investigate this group of people and never hire them!"


This chapter has been completed!
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