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Chapter 18 Yang Lue is a rebel

Amidst the cheers, Bao Dong came over at some point and looked at him in surprise, "You were so free and easy just now!"

"Really?" Yang Xuan has never cared about this. If you still think about being free and easy in the mountains, Tiger Wolf will teach you how to behave.

"If you don't believe it, look, those women are smiling at you!"

Yang Xuan didn't look at it. He took the food and found a place to chew.

The food at the Imperial College is really good. You can eat all kinds of cooking cakes and Hu cakes. There are a lot of vegetables. The most important thing is that there is mutton.

Bao Dong sat opposite him, took out his handkerchief, coughed twice, wiped his mouth with the handkerchief, and asked tentatively: "Why don't you like women?"

Yang Xuan raised his head, swallowed the food and said, "You have to eat well before you can think about women."

Bao Dong coughed dryly, with a look of pain on his face. He was stunned for a long time, "What you said makes sense."

Yang Xuan asked curiously: "Do you have a bad voice?"

Bao Dong coughed dryly and said, "When you enter the Imperial College, you have to choose the direction of cultivation. What I chose is the bitterness school, and I have to understand the bitterness... The more you understand, the deeper your cultivation will be. Don't you know, Si Ye is us

The leader of the Kuqing faction. It’s just that it’s said that Si Ye’s cultivation has gone awry..."

Yang Xuan thought of Zhong Hui's elegant figure and his hands always behind his back, and asked in confusion: "What department is Professor Zhong in?"


Bao Dong watched in stunned silence as Yang Xuan went to fetch food twice while the others were talking in low voices.

"Have you never had such good food since you were born?"

"This is from the country."

Everyone nodded, sure. Even though Yang Xuan had successfully repelled the provocation directed at him, the class thing had erected an invisible railing between them and Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn't care. After eating, he walked around the Imperial Academy with satisfaction, digesting his food and getting familiar with the environment.

The Imperial College is very big, and you can see some balconies from time to time along the way, and people are arguing on the balconies... No, Yang Xuan feels that this is not an argument, but a simple conversation.

Each student held the tail and swung it with slight or heavy emotions. Yang Xuan felt stupid. He found the small forest and sat down under a tree.

His back was leaning against the rough tree trunk, feeling a slight pain. Yang Xuan closed his eyes and thought carefully about Zhao Sanfu.

Why did he approach me?

Want to kill me?

Yang Xuan shook his head, feeling that it was not necessary. If he really wanted to kill him, Jingtai would not need to use such methods. This is the keenness of a hunter.

So what does he want to do?

Yang Xuan thought for a long time.

Zhao Sanfu, who was on the stage, also thought about it for a long time.

He squatted by the small clay stove, reaching out to open the lid from time to time and smelling the smell. Xin Quan, who was guarding his pot of soup, cursed angrily: "Don't spoil my soup, get out!"

Zhao Sanfu leaned against the door, squinting and thinking about what would happen next.

Yang Xuan is not a fool, he knows this very well.

After learning that he was a member of the mirror, he would definitely stay away from him. Zhao Sanfu smiled bitterly, raised his eyes and said, "Sir, none of the people in the mirror have friends, right?"

Xin Quan thought about it carefully and shook his head seriously, "No."

Yang Xuan sat under the tree, thinking about Zhao Sanfu's experience of holding He's back for him, and how his own experience of being released from prison was very strange. He shouldn't have been released because of He's urine. Lieutenant General Han was even more inexplicable.

She was very affectionate towards him, but her attitude was fake and extremely embarrassing.

He was forced!

Who would force Vice General Han for me?

Wang family?

Yang Xuan shook his head, feeling that if Wang wanted to take action, he would not be secretive, but would be open and honest.


Yan Cheng has been the brightest star in Chang'an City recently. Once he takes action, it will definitely cause uproar in the city.


Yang Xuan was very distressed.

There were footsteps approaching from behind. Yang Xuan frowned and shrank his body, as if he were in the mountains, closing his eyes and listening.

"Does your family allow you to make friends outside?"

a young man asked.

After a moment of silence, the young woman replied: "Guess."

The man said happily: "Promise."

The woman said: "Guess again."

What an idiot!

Yang Xuan felt that the woman refused firmly from the beginning, but the man was at a loss. But he didn't know that there is a saying about being in this mountain.

The man was frustrated and left immediately.

Yang Xuan was thinking about something, and he thought of Yan Cheng. This skinny old man was admirably stubborn. For his own ideals, he dared to roar at the god-like family and cut their flesh.

What is my ideal?

Yang Xuan thought of his own experience. The officials in Yuanzhou were like gods, and the life and death of the people depended on their thoughts. Some people had their land annexed and went to the county to file a complaint for help, but they were beaten with sticks. Later, the whole family did not know.


When the villagers mentioned this matter, they just sighed and felt that it had nothing to do with them. But Yang Xuan felt that such a thing was not far away. If you don't speak at this moment, when those powerful people cast their greedy eyes on you, who will speak for you?

After arriving in Chang'an, Yang Xuan was deeply shocked by He's unscrupulousness. He did not expect that He could actually make the Jinwu guards bow their heads, and He's actions of besieging and killing Yancheng made him feel cold in his heart.

Is this what it means to be a powerful person?

Is this really the Tang Dynasty?

He vaguely felt that he should do something, but he didn't know how.

Faced with these injustices...what should I do?

Yang Xuan raised his hand...

The woman behind him snorted coldly, "You look like a dog, but you are not as manly as the new student today who dares to take action in the face of provocation. If you have 70% of the courage of the new student today, what if I date you?"



The tree trunk shook, and the woman leaning on the trunk came around, stunned.

Yang Xuan stood there in astonishment, still patting the tree trunk.

"I...I...", Yang Xuan was embarrassed, "I didn't mean it."

The compliment was heard by the person involved, and the girl ran away.

Yang Xuan scratched his head and smiled helplessly.

There was only one class in the afternoon, and it was taught by an old man. After coming in, the old man looked at everyone with cloudy eyes and said, "Come if you want, and leave if you don't want to."

Bao Dong was the first to get up. Seeing Yang Xuan in a daze, he winked, and then the students all got up and fled.


After leaving the school building, Bao Dong explained: "The afternoon class is just about bragging... no, it's about the seniors talking about metaphysics, eh, eh, you know."

It turns out to be a bragging conference!

Yang Xuan asked: "What can I do in the afternoon?"

Bao Dong looked weak and raised his eyebrows, "Whatever."

The next moment, the two of them appeared outside the Imperial College.

"It's fate that we met and became classmates today. I'll treat you." Bao Dong knew from Yang Xuan's lunch appetite that this classmate's financial situation was not optimistic, so he said boldly.

Yang Xuan said with a sad face: "Do you want to drink?"

Bao Dong nodded, "Yes."

Do you want to drink? Yang Xuan calculated it and found that he still had enough money to pay for the invitation. But when he arrived at Pingkangfang and entered the brothel, Yang Xuan felt that his money was far behind.

"The young man is so handsome."

"Come, come to me."

Yang Xuan was surrounded by several female prostitutes and looked at Bao Dong nervously asking for help.

Bao Dong laughed, coughed a few times, hugged a female prostitute and went upstairs, saying, "Just sleep."

A female prostitute squeezed over and kissed Yang Xuan hard on the face. Yang Xuan blushed and touched his face. Looking at the makeup on his hands, he suddenly panicked, pushed the female prostitutes away and ran away.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The unbridled laughter of the female prostitutes came from behind. Yang Xuan rushed out of the brothel, wiped the lip marks on his face vigorously, and ran away without looking back.

Yang Xuan arrived all the way outside the imperial city and stood hesitating.

"Who are you looking for?"

The sergeant guarding the gate was wearing a helmet and armor and looked extremely majestic. When he saw Yang Xuan wandering around outside, he seemed to have evil intentions.

Just as Yang Xuang was about to speak, he saw Zhao Sanfu and two men in black clothes coming out. He waved, but Zhao Sanfu turned a blind eye.

Does this mean that since I know your identity, it is of no use to you?

Yang Xuan felt relieved, but Zhao Sanfu was the first friend he made in this world. Thinking of this, Yang Xuan felt a little sad.


Someone hit him hard on the shoulder, but Yang Xuan didn't pay attention in advance this time. Before he could turn around, someone behind him said impatiently: "Jiu Niang is singing in Pingkangfang today. If you go late, there won't be anywhere to stand. Hurry!


Yang Xuan turned around and said, "I don't do whoring!"

Zhao Sanfu hooked his shoulder and said evilly: "If a man doesn't go to whoring, how can he be friends with two hands? Boy, today I will show you what beauty is."

The two walked away arm in arm.

Yang Xuan came to Pingkangfang for the second time today. When he entered a brothel, he saw a crowd of people inside, and someone was shouting: "Jiuniang, I have prepared 50,000 yuan today, just for one night's pleasure!"

Fifty thousand dollars just for one night of pleasure...

Poor Yang Xuan was a little confused.

"Dream!" Zhao Sanfu said contemptuously: "Jiu Niang is not that kind of person, otherwise she would have been taken over by the powerful."

Do you sell your art but not your body?

Yang Xuan knew that there was a type of people called female actors.

Prostitutes and tricks may seem similar, but they are worlds apart.

One makes money with his body, and the other makes money with his skills.

In the sound of silk and bamboo, Yang Xuan concealed his nervousness and asked: "The He family is so arrogant, and your Majesty doesn't take action?"

Zhao Sanfu shook his head, "That's the Yang family's watchdog. The Yang family is huge, and His Majesty cannot use force. Just like Jiuniang, I feel there is someone behind her, otherwise why can she be alone?"

Yang Xuan was waiting for this opportunity, "Last time you said you should respect the emperor, how come I haven't heard of this emperor?"

Zhao Sanfu smiled bitterly, "You didn't study well in Yuanzhou, so of course you don't know. Emperor Xiaojing was the prince when Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu were together. Emperor Xiaojing poisoned the empress at first, and then she was poisoned by the empress, but later the emperor and empress were all together.

Qi regretted it and gave it to the emperor as a posthumous gift... Alas! I can't figure out the royal affairs."

I see.

Yang Xuan vowed to work hard to make up for the history of the Tang Dynasty.

But what he needs to find out now is whether Yang Lue and Yang Lue are the same person. It is best not to. If not, he feels that he is an innocent person.

"What does Yang Lue look like?" Yang Xuan asked.

Zhao Sanfu felt that his little brother had a lot of problems, but thinking that he had just arrived in Chang'an and was full of problems, he said: "Yang Lue... When the filial emperor was murdered by poison, it was rumored that he escaped with his children.

The pursuit was unsuccessful. As for my appearance... I was a child more than ten years ago..."

Probably not.

Yang Xuan's eyelids were twitching because Zhao Sanfu mentioned it more than ten years ago.

"Have you ever caught this person?"

Yang Xuan thought of the three men, one of whom he killed with a poisonous needle.

Yes, those three people are wearing Xuanyi.

Zhao Sanfu turned sideways and saw Yang Xuan's face turned red and his breathing was rapid, so he smiled and said: "But you are impatient to see Jiuniang? Wait a moment."

He did not answer whether Yang Lue was caught, but Yang Xuan already got the answer.

The three men chasing Yang Lue were dressed similarly to Zhao Sanfu. Yang Xuan had only seen the people on the stage wearing clothes of this style and color in Chang'an City.

But why was Yang Lue hunted down?

Yang Xuan wanted to show filial piety to the emperor and was killed by poison, but didn't Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu who later proclaimed himself emperor regret it? They also gave posthumous gifts of filial piety to the emperor, which was obviously a misunderstanding. Since it was a misunderstanding, why did they continue to pursue Yang Lue?

Someone in front raised their hands and shouted.


"Jiu Niang is out!"

Zhao Sanfu also raised his hands and shouted, entranced.

As the music started, a woman in a white dress slowly walked out. Two maids around her held the tails of the mullet in their hands, blocking her face. A maid raised a drumstick and dropped it gently. With the sound of the drum,

Piaowei ducked away, revealing that beautiful face.


The cheers were deafening.

Zhao Sanfu turned sideways and saw that Yang Xuan was also shouting. He couldn't help but smile and shouted: "Then Yang Lue is a rebel!"

Zhao Sanfu then shouted wildly along with everyone. Amidst the cheers, Yang Xuan stubbornly said: "He is not!"

This chapter has been completed!
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