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Chapter 322 The steps in the palace are a bit high (for Pang Huang

In spring, everything revives.

But Yang Xuan still didn't come back.

Zhou Ning couldn't sit still and asked someone to prepare gifts.

"My wife, are you going back to your parents' home?"

Yi Niang came in and asked.

"Go back and ask for news about Zitai." Zhou Ning held a wooden box with words written on the outside: Rejuvenating Pill Collector's Edition.

This is a gift-giving version created privately by Yang Xuan.

"Madam, please rest assured." Yi Niang said softly: "The old thief is alert, and the second brother's cultivation is getting more and more advanced... There is also Tu Chang here. Unless he is besieged by a large army or a group of good guys, Lang Jun will definitely

Can come back."

"But there is no news from Western Xinjiang." Zhou Ning said: "Aye always says that he is fine, but if it is good news, he should be impatient."

Zhou Ning returned to her parents' home with gifts.


Spring has come, but the weather is still a bit cold. Zhou Qin was strolling behind. When he saw his granddaughter coming, he waved and said, "The medicinal wine you made last time was good, is there any more?"

Zhou Ning shook his head, "Don't drink too much of this wine, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

Zhou Qin had a cold face, and Zhou Ning said: "Why don't you try another one?"

"Aning is still filial!"

Zhou Qin felt that his son could be thrown away.

When Zhou Ning brought out a jar of medicinal wine, he couldn't wait to open the stopper.

"Aweng, be careful!"

A poisonous snake suddenly popped its head out of the jar, opened its mouth and bit.

Zhou Qin's cultivation level naturally makes it impossible for him to be bitten with just a flick of his finger.

"Aweng, don't kill me."

Damn! There are so many things!

Zhou Qing simply let it go.

Zhou Ning lightly held the seven inches of the poisonous snake and threw it into the jar.

"Ah Weng, this wine will be ready to drink after another half a year of soaking."

"Want to poison me to death?"

"This medicinal wine is quite helpful for Aweng's condition."

"I can't handle this drink."

"Then give it to Aye!"

Zhou Ning teases his drunken grandfather.

Later, she asked: "Aweng, is there still no news about Zitai?"

Zhou Qin shook his head, "I guess there is something going on over there in Western Xinjiang."

"But something happened?"


Zhou Qin sighed and said, "It is said that we are competing with others and both sides will suffer. Zitai injured his meridians and is recovering from his injuries."

Let’s fool him first and then talk about it!

After having a meal at home, Zhou Ning went back with more gifts.

When I got home, Yi Niang came.

"Madam, is there any news about your husband?"

Zhou Ning sat down and said, "Aweng said that Zitai was competing with others in Western Xinjiang and both sides were injured. He injured his meridians and is recovering from his injuries."

Yi Niang said: "No."

Zhou Ning nodded, "Even if he is injured, he will send me a letter to make me feel at ease."

Zhou Qin and his son are such macho men, so naturally they would not think so carefully.

"There is only a first chance that the trouble Zitai encountered is more serious than the injury to his lifeline."

Zhou Ning made a decisive decision, "It's getting better and better to send people to Western Xinjiang to find out the news."

Han Shitou was also worried about Yang Xuan in the palace.

Spring has begun, and the singing and dancing career of the emperor and his concubines has also begun.

In the Ministry of Officials, Luo Cai is reading documents.

"A new crown prince Zhongyun was added to the East Palace? Why?" Luo Cai raised his head and asked.

"Shang Shu, he said he wanted to add another one."

"It's a rule for the prince to marry two people. Does the Tang Dynasty have too much money and food to use up?"

"Shang Shu, if you say so... then Yang Xuan is probably going to be demoted."

"Why?" Luo Cai subconsciously touched his waist. Since taking the grassland herbs given by Yang Xuan, his waist has become stronger and stronger.

The official said: "I just heard about it today. It seems that something happened."

"King Guangling!" Luo Cai subconsciously thought of this based on his many years of experience as an official.


"Who did you choose?" Luo Cai sighed in his heart.

Immediately, the candidates were sent up, and they were sent to the emperor without any problems.


The emperor said casually.

There was a hint of gloom in Han Shitou's eyes.

When the new official took office, the people in the East Palace were surprised and started talking about it.

Even a fool knows something is wrong.

"I'm afraid Yang Zhongyun is unlucky."


The news spread immediately.

The Zhou family finally sent people to the Yang family.

"King Guangling ran away. My uncle led his army to chase him, but he has not come back yet. But... his demotion is inevitable."

Zhou Ning said calmly: "Tell Aweng Aye that I will go wherever he goes."

Zhou Ning turned around and asked people to pack their things.

Staying in Chang'an is not called being relegated, so Yang Xuan will most likely go back to a quiet place to stay for a few years this time.

As for the emperor's anger, it was difficult for the emperor to express his anger even when Zhou was squatting there!

This is the benefit of eating soft rice.

So delicious!

"Hurry up!"

Yang Xuan was eager to return home, but King Guangling pretended to be dead on the way, so he simply got a carriage, changing horses instead of carriages along the way, and rushed to Chang'an in a hurry.

There was no problem entering the city, but the soldiers guarding the city looked at them with something wrong in their eyes, as if they were looking at...

"Why is it like coming back from hell?"

The old thief thought of his experience of robbing a tomb. "That year, I went to rob the tomb, and there was quicksand inside. I was trapped for half a day. The watchers outside felt that I had gone, so they burned incense and worshipped outside. When I climbed out,

, that look in his eyes was similar to that of those sergeants today."

Wang Laoer was a little curious, "If it's so dangerous, why do you still want to go down? You're short of money?"

"There was no shortage of money at that time."

"What's the difference?"

"Just restless." The old thief lamented: "At that time, I didn't even look for a wife, I just threw myself under the ground."

After entering the city, Yang Xuan sent people home to report the news, and he took King Guangling to the imperial city.

The emperor personally went into battle today and rehearsed a pas de deux with his concubine.

The music was lingering, and the two looked at each other affectionately.

The imperial concubine lowered her waist, and the emperor held her waist with one hand, just as she was about to turn around.

This is a difficult action.

"His Majesty!"

A waiter came in hastily.

"What's the matter?" The emperor still maintained his posture.

"The prince Zhongyang asked Yang Xuan to see him, and he also brought King Guangling with him."

The emperor subconsciously let go.

The imperial concubine sat down.

"Bring it here."

There was a coldness in the emperor's eyes, and the imperial concubine resigned in a sensible manner.

After a while, Yang Xuan took Prince Guangling outside the pear garden.

"I have met His Majesty!"

The emperor said calmly: "Say."

Yang Xuan said: "The trip went smoothly. Then I handed over King Guangling to the people coming from Western Xinjiang. I just turned back and walked for half a day when I received news that King Guangling had escaped."

The emperor said nothing, but looked at King Guangling who was kneeling beside him.

This kid has connections with foreign countries and deserves to die... Yang Xuan said: "Although this matter has nothing to do with me, I can't just sit back and watch. Then I led the accompanying sergeants to pursue me."

The emperor asked, "Where are you chasing?"

"Lolo Capital, Linton."

"Oh!" The emperor narrowed his eyes.

"I pretended to be a messenger and entered the city..."

Even the chamberlains were fascinated by the subsequent experiences.

"...Dambas found a minister in order to suppress Yas..."

Yang Xuan suppressed his role a little to prevent his strengths from being too prominent.

The emperor nodded, "Reward Yang Xuan with 30,000 yuan."

This is credit.

If King Guangling stayed in Luoluo, it would be a humiliation for the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor watched Yang Xuan leave and asked, "What does Luo Luo have?"

King Guangling raised his head and smiled miserably, "Luo Luo at least doesn't have to worry about being killed at any time. Ah Weng, my escape from Luo Luo cannot be hidden from others after all. If Ah Weng executes me, what will the world say? I know that Ah Weng wants to do it all.

Mingjun, leave a heroic name in the annals of history..."

The emperor stood up and everyone stood with their hands tied.

Han Shitou glanced at King Guangling and saw his calm expression, knowing that this man was sure that the emperor would not deal with him harshly.


The prince could live even if he conspired to assassinate the emperor, but he just escaped, which is nothing.

The emperor came over, and King Guangling raised his head with calm eyes.

The emperor stretched out his hand to touch the top of his head, turned around, and was surrounded by people, and his voice came slowly.

"The steps in the palace are a bit high."

Han Shitou bowed until the emperor's back could no longer be seen, then turned around.

"King Guangling slipped and fell to his death."

One emperor and one courtier, this is a common employment method at home and abroad in ancient and modern times.

Among the three things a new person needs to do when he comes to power, one of them must be personnel adjustments. The predecessors must be carefully selected and used, and then they can be promoted by themselves. In this way, the structure will be stable.

On the second day after the new crown prince Zhongyun Yechun took office, Gao Yue and Feng Shitang stepped aside and changed from the minor officials beside Yang Xuan to the handymen.

This change of status can be described as catastrophic.

I have to sweep early in the morning, and after I finish sweeping, I still have to move things.

"Old Feng, is it hard?" Gao Yue asked, holding a stack of documents.

Feng Shitang, who was behind him, was holding tea and said, "If we want to eat this bowl of rice, we have to do whatever others say."

"Old Feng, why didn't you go to Ye Zhongyun to say something nice?" Gao Yue asked.

"And you?"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

"This man is too arrogant, I don't like it!"

"It's useless." Feng Shitang said with a bitter smile: "I also went to serve him respectfully, but Ye Zhongyun didn't even raise his eyes and only asked about Yang Zhongyun."

"You didn't say?"

"Yang Zhongyun treats us well. No matter how greedy we are, we must have a bottom line. There is nothing else to say. I asked about Yang Zhongyun, but I didn't get a word."

"I thought you were soft." Gao Yue said in surprise: "I didn't expect you, Old Feng, to be able to resist."

Feng Shitang smiled bitterly and said: "I regretted it a little later, thinking that if I had lowered my head at that time, I might have become Ye Zhongyun's confidant. But then I thought about it, it was good to be his confidant, but it was not so good to have dreams at night, most of them were nightmares.


The two of them arrived outside the check-in room, and Gao Yue went in first.

"Ye Zhongyun, this is the document."

Ye Chun looked quite indifferent and said calmly: "Put the case on the table."

The documents were placed on the desk, but Feng Shitang was at a loss while holding the tea... Where to put them? Put them next to the documents?

Whose responsibility is it if it gets wet?

"Ye Zhongyun, where is this tea?" Feng Shitang asked honestly.

Ye Chun said calmly: "If you don't put it in front of me, why don't you put it in your hand? If you poke it and move it, what do I want you to do?"

Gao Yue's heart trembled. After summing up Ye Chuncong's words and deeds after arriving in the East Palace, he found that the newcomer had been cleaning up from the beginning.

Generally, this kind of cleaning requires backstage support. Apparently, Ye Chun's backstage was pretty good, and he successfully cleaned several officials.

The two of them were spared, but were marginalized. At first, they thought it was because of their insignificance. At this moment, Ye Chun took advantage of the situation and went crazy. Gao Yue thought about it and felt that he was wrong.

He and Feng Shitang are Yang Xuan's people. If Ye Chun touches them as soon as he comes, he will inevitably be criticized and criticized.

I hope I'm wrong.

Gao Yue raised his head and saw a sarcastic sneer hanging from the corner of Ye Chun's mouth, and his heart trembled.

They have all been marginalized and still want to be ruthless. There is only one possibility: this Ye Zhongyun is Yang Zhongyun's enemy.

This is to completely cleanse the people around Yang Xuan.

"Someone is coming!"

An official came in from outside and said, "Zhongyun."

This person is a confidant promoted by Ye Chunxin. He is loyal to Ye Chun and is known as the number one thug.

Feng Shitang felt cold in his heart and quickly apologized.

Ye Chun sneered, "It's useless, send it out and let them make their own arrangements."

This is no longer necessary!

The petty officials who were kicked out basically had no choice. They could either get out and go home to eat themselves, or be sent to some dirty and messy place to do hard labor.

Gao Yue raised his head and said desperately: "Ye Zhongyun, you are a diligent person who never makes mistakes!"

"Get out!" Ye Chun pointed to the door.

As soon as the two turned around, they heard Wang Xian's voice, coming towards this direction.

"You've been here for so long, everyone thought something was wrong. I'm still thinking, it's such a pity for such talents. Earlier, you suddenly entered my check-in room, and I was surprised. Hey! Who is this young man? What happened?

Does it look familiar? Hahahaha!"

"Xia Guan just went to the palace."

It was Yang Zhongyun's voice, and Gao Yue and Feng Shitang were shocked.


"This trip didn't go well, but the news should have spread, right? Doesn't Wang Zhan know about it?"

"Little fox. They say that King Guangling has run away. You lead the people to chase him."

"Yes! We caught up with Luo Luo in this pursuit."

"Is this how Luo Luo promises you to bring back King Guangling?"

"Luo Luo and his ministers didn't get along, so I took advantage of it, and then we had a fight..."


"The accompanying soldiers were very impressive and defeated Emperor Luoluo's imperial guards."

"Hiss! This is showing off to a foreign land! In this way, not only do you have no fault, but you have made merit."

"Why is Wang Zhan looking like this?"

"Hey! Zitai!"

"You said."

"After King Guangling escaped, the court was quite dissatisfied and thought..."

"You all think that when the official comes back, he will be driven to a place where birds don't poop?"

"Vulgar, but the meaning is appropriate. So the court appointed a new person..."

"So, now I can be regarded as having no official position and a light body."

"Looking at what you said, His Majesty will definitely be extremely happy that you are showing off in a foreign land this time. If you don't upgrade to three levels in a row, I will leave this difficult task to you."

"It's a joke that Wang Zhan is a subordinate!"

"Why are you laughing at me? You don't know that His Majesty likes nothing more than to perform meritorious service in foreign affairs and feel proud. You have had a hard time on this trip, so you just need to rest at home for a while. By the way, let's have a drink together later, and we won't come back until we're drunk!"

"Wang Zhan, you're welcome, I'm treating you!"

"Why do you look down on me?"

"Wang Zhanshi said this."

The two of them appeared outside the door.


Gao Yue said tremblingly, his eyes turning red.

"Zhongyun." Feng Shitang looked like a bullied child, with two lines of tears falling down his face.

Yang Xuan was stunned, "This is..."

Ye Chun came over with a smile and cupped his hands, "It's Yang Zhongyun, right? I'm Ye Chun."

The two old subordinates had tears in their eyes, looking like children who had been bullied by outsiders. After meeting the adults, Yang Xuan knew something.

"Gao Yue, where are you two working now?"

This was an obvious question, and Wang Xian smiled.

Gao Yue said: "The villain and Lao Feng have nothing to do."

This is a desperate situation... crying in front of the old Shangguan: Ye Chun wants to clean up the villain.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "These two people who have been dismissed from official positions do know a little bit about it. Old Dong Palace, not to mention being diligent in doing things, can do nothing wrong. Wang Zhan's matter, after this official position, most likely he will not return to the Eastern Palace. Just the two of them.

This is a worthless thing, please Wang Zhan, please make it easier for me to take it away and throw it somewhere else!"

Yang Xuan has made a comeback this time, and will definitely be promoted in the future. Moreover, he is also the son-in-law of the Zhou family, and there are people behind him. For such a promising new star in the officialdom, I am worried that I will not find an opportunity to show my goodwill... Wang Xian said calmly:

"Are you going to slap me in the face?" He nodded slightly at Gao Yue and Feng Shitang, "Follow me back!"

This chapter has been completed!
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