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Chapter 385

He Lianchun sat there on his knees, his eyes wide.

"Uncle Emperor!"

Sometimes Yang Xuan wished that his uncle would die early and be reborn, but more often, he needed a 'peace-loving' uncle to create conditions for Chenzhou's development.

With tears in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to help the emperor's uncle.

"Uncle Emperor!"

The emperor's uncle still stared.

"Uncle Emperor?"

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and tried it under the emperor's nose.

The breath is still there, but very weak.

The kind that is as thin as a hairspring.

It seemed that his life was hanging by a thread.

Yang Xuan looked at the corpses around him and made an inference about what happened to He Lianchun at this moment.

——The emperor's uncle left his subordinates halfway and came here alone.

He came to seek death.

In that case, how about... I give him a ride?

Just do it if you think of it.

Yang Xuangang wanted to take action.

The staring eyes suddenly closed.

Open it again.

"You want to kill me?"

"Uncle Emperor!"

Yang Xuan's face was not red, his heart was not beating and he said: "What a pity, I have been looking for the emperor's uncle for a long time, and I just saw someone trying to kill the emperor's uncle." He pointed to the horse thief beside him who fell down with an arrow, "Fortunately, my

His archery skills are good."

Please carry the life-saving grace firmly on your back!

The emperor's uncle smiled and said, "Give me a ride."


"I really want to, but... I can't do it.


"Then find someone else."

"That's fine."

Yang Xuan turned around, "He Lianyan!"

"Shout shit!"

He Lianyan dismounted and walked over. After seeing the miserable state of the emperor's uncle, his legs went weak and he said, "Uncle Huang!"

"Yan'er." The emperor's uncle said in a thin voice, "Why... didn't you leave?"

"I can't bear to leave my uncle." He Lianyan's eyes turned red.

"Haha!" The fat on the emperor's uncle's cheeks trembled as he smiled.


"Uncle Emperor."

"Give uncle a knife."

"Uncle Emperor..."

"Ning Xing uses all kinds of means, but only one thought...kill me. I wanted to kill myself, but victory is not possible, and failure is not possible either."

He forced the emperor's uncle to come and find the horse thief and fight to the death.

Well, this king died for the sake of his people.

What did the emperor say?

I can only cover my nose and praise the emperor's uncle for his bravery, and by the way, he can bestow honors on his children and grandchildren.


Isn’t the emperor’s uncle single?


Don’t you have any children or grandchildren?

Why does he go around seeking death?

For the sake of Tanzhou’s military and civilians?

Yang Xuan didn't believe it.

Or for the sake of one's own confidants.

After I die, I won't care about the floods.

Helianyan pulled out his long knife.


The emperor's uncle looked relieved.

The old thief asked in confusion: "Why didn't Mr. Lang take action just now?"

Tu Shang said: "Is there any benefit to killing him?"

The old thief shook his head, "There are only disadvantages."

Helianyan raised his sword.

Yang Xuan squatted on the side and watched, waiting to see his niece kill his uncle.

But he suddenly remembered something.

There seems to be a lot of benefits to having the emperor’s uncle here!

For example, if you can make Ning Xing's He Lianfeng suffer from diaphragm for a while... the emperor's uncle was so forced by you that he didn't even dare to commit suicide.

"Ahem, Yan!"

He Lianyan held up the knife without moving it. When he heard the sound, his hand loosened and he said, "Come here, Commander Yang."

Yang Xuangan smiled and said: "I can't do anything, otherwise, it's you!"

He Lianchun slowly lowered his head, fumbled for an arrow, and pulled it out with all his strength.

The deformed quiver jammed the arrow.

With this pull, a headless arrow came out.


The emperor's uncle smiled bitterly, "This is God's will!"

"God's will allows the emperor to live."

Taking advantage of the time spent just now, Yang Xuan had already thought of the best way to deal with this matter.

Uncle Huang must live!

"Uncle Emperor, this matter has been spread everywhere. Ning Xing will be shameless by then!"

"The horse thief escaped with more than a hundred people, and they will spread it everywhere. The emperor's heroism and helplessness will be known to the whole world."

"Besides..." Yang Xuan looked at the emperor's uncle and said in a deep voice: "When those horse thieves saw the appearance of Chen Zhoujun, would they spread rumors that the emperor's uncle had defected to the enemy?"

If the emperor's uncle was seeking death for someone, then he would burst out with strong vitality at this moment.

Emperor's uncle: "Yan'er!"

"Uncle Emperor."

"Show uncle the wound."

After some inspection, He Lianyan smiled and said: "Uncle Huang can't die."

"Why?" He Lianchun also felt incredible.

"Uncle Huang's... fat is too thick."

Most of those injuries were to the fat and not to the internal organs.

"So, fat people also have benefits?" Wang Laoer was moved.

The old thief warned: "It's hard for a fat man to find a wife!"

Wang Laoer pointed at the emperor's uncle and said confidently: "The emperor's uncle has many women."

"Those women are greedy for power."

Tu Shang nodded, feeling that the old thief's teachings were very timely.

Wang Laoer asked: "But who doesn't covet power?"

Not just women, but also men, who doesn’t covet power?

As long as they are human beings, most of them are greedy for power, regardless of gender.

Old thief: "..."

Tu Shang: "..."

The emperor's uncle briefly treated the wound and prepared to go to Ningxing.


Yang Xuan felt that the emperor's uncle was a little crazy.

"Only in this way can there be hope." He Lianchun sighed, "That is the emperor."

The emperor is ruthless!

Yang Xuan pointed to his leg injury, "How do you get there?"

"Let's go!"

The emperor's uncle just dragged his injured leg and carried a bag of dry food on his back, walking forward step by step.


He fell to the ground.

He climbed up using his hands and feet together.

Pat yourself, touch your face stained with grass juice, and keep walking.


He fell again, and this time, he couldn't get up.


Tu Shang sighed, "With such fame and fortune, what are you pursuing?"

The old thief also sighed a little, "Lang Jun, how about..."

"It's a good painting." Yang Xuan sighed, "Sell it to Helian Feng, it could be worth at least a million dollars."

Helianyan walked over.

"Uncle Emperor, I can't go back."

He Lianfeng was determined to kill him, even if he crawled back, he would still die.

"We'll talk about it later." He Lianchun struggled.

He Lianyan turned around, with a pleading look in her eyes.

Yang Xuan scratched his head, "How about... go to Chenzhou to live for a while?"

"Prisoner?" The emperor's uncle did not look back.

"Come on! I've been to Tanzhou too!"

The emperor's uncle asked: "Don't you want to take a royal prisoner?"

"I really want to, but I want face!"


After Yang Xuan left, Liang Jing began his journey to Lin'an.

Walk around the city, ask about prices, and what you think of Chenzhou's officialdom.

Finally I asked an old man.

"What do you think of Yang Shijun?"

"Good guy."

"How good?"


"What do you think of Chenzhou?"

“Great place.”

The old man bent down slightly and smiled flatteringly.

Liang Jing had two more copper coins in his hand.

Brother Kong Fang exuded a slight smell of copper. Liang Jing weighed the copper coins in his hands a few times.

He leaned forward and asked seriously: Gu Zhu

"I'm asking how Yang Shijun is doing as an official!"

The old man glanced at the two Kong Fang brothers greedily, "You are young, you like to joke, and you are good to the people..."

"What about the others?"

A copper coin was thrown over, and the old man caught it quickly, fumbled for the coin, put it into his sleeve, and touched it repeatedly.

"Your Majesty is a good person...just a good person."

Turns out he is a fool!

Liang Jing threw the copper coins to the old man, turned around and left.

Behind him, the old man said: "Hey!"

Liang Jing turned around.

The old man said: "Shijun seems to often go to a place in the north of the city."


"You go forward, turn left, and turn right at the second intersection until you reach the end. Just go in on the right side. But, this news..." The old man looked greedy.

Liang Jing pointed at the old man, and his entourage threw a bunch of copper coins over.

The old man took it and said happily: "Thank you, noble man."

Liang Jing turned left and walked forward, then turned right at the second intersection.

"It's a little remote." The attendant looked around.

There are poor people here.

When the poor are looking for work, there are often children at home at the door.

The children looked at them curiously.

Liang Jing forced out a smile.

A girl was playing with her runny-nosed 'best friend' throwing stones. Seeing Liang Jing's friendly smile, she stood up and said, "Meng Qiao ヌ hugged Mu Junjun"

Liang Jing nodded.

The girl pretended to sigh, "Have a good trip."

Liang Jing was startled and smiled.

Follow all the way to the end, and there is an old house on the right.

The house looks to be a bit old, very old, but not dilapidated.

"Some weird smell." The attendant muttered, then opened the door.


Liang Jing walked in and walked all the way into the lobby.

"I want to see what Yang Zitai, who is full of justice and awe-inspiring, has done here. Who is he looking back on?"

Liang Jing felt a gust of wind blowing from the side.

He turned sideways.

A corpse stood in front of him, with a livid face.

Smiling at him.


"Right in here!"

Amid the screams, a group of sergeants rushed in.

Liang Jing almost rolled out and escaped. When he saw the sergeant, he shouted: "There are corpses inside!"

The old man appeared from behind, "That's him!"

"It's Dr. Liang!" A sergeant recognized Liang Jing, "Why did Dr. Liang come to Yizhuang?"


"Yes! The corpses of Lin'an that have no relatives or friends, or the unknown corpses are all placed here."

A drunken middle-aged man came in outside the door. He was short, with a gray complexion and dull eyes.

Liang Jing noticed that he was not sluggish due to drinking too much. He had rich experience in this.

But a weird sluggishness.


The man walked outside the lobby and knocked on the door, "I'm back." No one responded, so he went straight in and looked sideways.

Liang Jing noticed this side, where the corpse was standing.

The man's dull eyes moved, "Are you tired? Do you want to sit down? I forgot that you can't sit down, so just lie down! Come, I'll hold you."

A chill ran up Liang Jing's spine.

The attendants around him didn't notice the change in his expression and asked the sergeant, "What's going on with this man?"

"This man's relatives and friends are all dead. He is a bit stupid. He used to eat in the village. Later, he built a free village and there was no one to guard it, but he took the initiative to help.

This man likes to drink. No one talks to him on weekdays, so he makes friends with corpses. When fresh corpses can still sit, he sits across from them and communicates with them. When his legs become stiff, he hangs the corpses by the door and enters.

Knock on the door first, just like family..."

Liang Jing fell down when he went back.

Having a fever and talking nonsense.

"The doctor is invited."

The first doctor looked at it and prescribed medicine, but he couldn't get it in.


The second doctor came and took a look, "Is he possessed by evil spirits?"

"Is it possible to cure it?" Wang Deng asked.

"A villain can't do such a thing. It is said that there is a miraculous doctor association in the city."


"Chen Huagu."

Chen Huagu took a look and said, "I'm possessed."

"Is it possible to cure it?"

"Invite someone with murderous intent."

Chen Huagu didn't ask for any reward, so he went out and met his colleagues.

"Did you recommend me?"


"It's a pity that I didn't let you see my joke."

"Didn't you say last time that you could cure evil spirits?"

"That's evil."

"Isn't this someone possessed by evil spirits?"

"Of course not."

"What is that?"


"Uncle Emperor?"

The emperor's uncle followed Yang Xuan back to Lin'an, lying on the carriage and smiling kindly at Cao Ying.

Cao Ying and others looked at Yang Xuan in shock.

"The emperor's uncle is visiting in Lin'an." Yang Xuan explained: "Find a reliable place to settle it, and invite a doctor to take a look at the emperor's uncle."

The emperor's uncle was taken away.

Cao Ying said with a sad face:

"Mr. Liang is possessed by evil spirits."


Yang Xuan couldn't believe it.

"It's absolutely true." Cao Ying looked gloating, "Someone tricked him into going to Yizhuang in the north of the city. When he went in, he happened to bump into the standing corpse, and he was frightened."

"Which group did it?"

"Yue Er."

"That's still troublesome." Yang Xuan had a good impression of Yue Er, but with Liang Jing in such a state, he didn't think Yue Er still had any chance of survival.

"Yue Er said that Liang Jing inquired about Lang Jun and admitted that he was lying."

"Go and have a look!"

Yang Xuan entered the mission's residence in a dusty manner.

Clang clang clang!

A group of outsiders are doing this.

Some people beat gongs and some people play drums.

"It's so noisy with gongs and drums!" Yang Xuan walked in.

Wang Deng came over and said, "Mr. Yang, Mr. Liang is still awake."

"Then do this..." Yang Xuan pointed at the incense candles.

"This is the most famous outsider in Chenzhou. He said he can exorcise demons. I spent a lot of money to hire him to do it. He will be cured immediately."

Wang Deng knew this and couldn't blame Yang Xuan... Liang Jing secretly inquired about Yang Xuan's situation, which was a big taboo. Even if he went to Chang'an to talk about it, Yang Xuan was not afraid.

——The common people couldn't get used to it, so they deceived him. He had nothing to do with Yang Xuan.

"Can it be good?" Yang Xuan pointed to the 'Uncle Guo' who was surrounded by incense and outsiders.

In my mind, the farewell ceremony of another world emerged.

Have a good trip.

Wang Deng waved to an outsider, "Is it almost done?"

Yang Xuan noticed that those outsiders had foam at the corners of their mouths, which was obviously excessive.

This means that they failed.

Foreigner Fang had a confused look on his face, "The evil spirit is so powerful that it will probably take another three days to do the magic!"

Wang Deng's cheeks twitched, "I'm all starved to death!"

"Then I will go back and pray for Dr. Liang before the gods."

You can advance, you can attack, you can retreat, you can defend, wonderful!

Wang Deng waved his hand and sighed: "Ten years ago, a fortune teller told me that you should never go north in your life. I have forgotten this for ten years, but today it has come true."

The accompanying officials looked ashen as if their own wives had gone.

Yang Xuan walked over.

Mr. Liang lay quietly among the incense candles, looking peaceful.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand to feel his breath.

Dr. Liang spoke.


Yang Xuan jumped back and was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat.

Liang Jing frowned and closed his eyes, "Amei? Amei, I'm watching, you're fine!"

Everyone present felt a chill rising from their backs and could not help but shudder.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will protect my sister for the rest of my life, eh! For the rest of my life!"

Liang Jing's body trembled.

Yang Xuan looked at Wang Deng, and Wang Deng said: "This is often the case these days. A miracle doctor from Chenzhou said that murderous intent can be used to drive away evil objects. However, we have searched all over for artifacts with murderous intent. There are more than ten butchers in the city.

People have come, but it’s useless. Strong generals and soldiers in the army have also come, but it’s useless…”

This is a troublesome thing.

Yang Xuan asked: "How to do it?"

Wang Deng glanced at him and said, uuReading www.uukanshu.com "I can't drive him away even with any tricks... Well, the man said, put your hand on Mr. Liang's forehead. If the murderous intention is strong, he will wake up naturally."

A clerk on the side said: "Dr. Liang's forehead has been touched so much that it shines brightly in the past two days. It's useless. It shows that he is a liar."

Yang Xuan walked over.

Sure enough, Liang Jing's forehead was shining.

He covered the oily light with one hand.

Everyone is looking at him.

Liang Jing didn't move.


With a sigh, Yang Xuan took his hand away.

Those eyes opened.


This chapter has been completed!
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