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Chapter 46 The Giant Pit

The Prince's inspection trip to the Imperial College ended quickly.

When the emperor in the palace learned about the situation, he just smiled and said, "His so-called great scholars are not as good as an Imperial College student. Are they just showing off? Or..."

Han Shitou lowered his head, and four words floated over his head: ulterior motives.

On the mirror, Wang Shou said coldly: "Then student... give me some benefits."

So Yang Xuan got a few bolts of silk out of nowhere.

"This is a good item in the palace."

Cao Ying's eyes lit up, and Yi Niang sneered, "It's a reward from that dog emperor, bah!"

Looking back, Yi Niang threw all these silks and satins into the stove.

Until the afternoon, there was still a smell of burning silk in the kitchen, which was very exciting.

Yang Xuan felt that Yi Niang was quite as bold as the head of a wealthy family, but he was a little worried about her managing money.

"Didn't the Imperial College provide any benefits?" Yi Niang was a little dissatisfied, out of character and stingy.

"Don't underestimate the Imperial College." Gentleman Cao said solemnly; "How many students have left the Imperial College over the years? They say they don't form factions, but when the time comes, they will give a shout..."

"But they swore not to form cliques." Yi Niang thought this was a bad idea.

Cao Ying smiled like a gentleman, "Lang Jun is like a fish in water in the Imperial College. If you can make good friends with the people in the Imperial College, why form a clique... Helping your own people is also called forming a clique?"

"Mr. Sir, we have a guest."

The old thief lives a leisurely life alone in the front yard, and works part-time as a disciple.

Yang Xuan went out and asked: "Who is it?" The old thief followed him and whispered: "That man is bald."


Yang Xuan arrived at the front yard and smiled when he saw it was Tang Xiaonian, "Tang Lang is rare."

"Call Old Tang." Tang Xiaonian glanced at the old thief. The old thief looked at Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan nodded before avoiding him.

Tang Xiaonian whispered: "Someone in the county came up with a bad idea, saying that there are thieves outside the city and their whereabouts are hard to find. Let the bad guys investigate."

"Thieves outside the city?"

Yang Xuan was surprised, "Where is the Jinwu Guard?"

Tang Xiaonian smiled bitterly and scratched his head, a few long hair falling down, "You just slapped Deputy General Zhou of Jinwu Guard, do you think it's appropriate?"

"Those thieves have made several attacks recently. They are so ruthless and ruthless that they have never been able to catch you. You have been so popular recently, and some people can't stand it." Tang Xiaonian looked at the old thief not far away, and secretly said that Xu maintained a good distance and could take action at any time.

It also ensures that you can’t hear what’s being said here clearly.

"Sooner or later." Yang Xuan said, "Thank you very much."

On the second day, as soon as Yang Xuan arrived at the county house, he was summoned by the county captain Qiu Sheng.

Qiu Sheng's expression was calm, with the standard attitude of a superior officer towards his subordinates, reserved and looking down.

"There are thieves outside the city who often rob passing merchants. Yesterday, someone was robbed and killed again. This matter is important. You can take the bad guys to hunt them down."

"Yes." Yang Xuan said happily.

When Shangguan hits a brick, you can only continue.

Of course, if you have the ability to connect the bricks and throw them back smoothly, then you are a genius.

There was a hint of ridicule in Qiu Sheng's eyes, "The matter is urgent. The Ming Palace was furious and gave you five days. I persuaded the Ming Palace to give you two more days."

Is it not that Huang Wenzun said it would take ten days, but you tried to change it to seven days? Yang Xuan was silent.

He had just taken over the matter, and he had to investigate and find out before he could pursue him... On the seventh day, Tang Xiaonian said yesterday that the gang of thieves had been at large for a long time, and no one was in a hurry.

This is a pit.

Seeing Yang Xuan walk out of the check-in room, Qiu Sheng seemed to see his body suddenly fall into the pit.

A soft sound came from his mouth, "Bang!"

"Seven days? Isn't this a trap?" Wen Xinshu was angry, "Yang Shuai, that group of thieves are slippery and ruthless. The bad guys from Chang'an County have been there, but no one can do anything to them. There are only three of us...


"I will bring a few people to help." Yang Xuan comforted.

Zhao Guolin stroked Ma Shu, "This is a pit, but Yang Shuai has to jump."

The next day, outside the city.

Zhao Guolin and Wen Xinshu looked at the two men and one woman behind Yang Xuan, wondering.

"My cousin was bored at home and came out for a walk." Yang Xuan explained forcefully.

Wen Xinshu said: "That man looked gentle and elegant."

Cao Ying looked like a gentleman and nodded slightly, "I am your husband. I have been studying for many years, and I have a lot of beauty in my heart."

"What do you mean?" Wen Xinshu was confused.

Zhao Guolin carried Ma Shan, "He can come up with ideas."

The remaining old thieves were ignored by them.

All the way out of the city, on a road more than ten miles outside the city, there was already a local village waiting for us.

Muramasa pointed to the forest nearby and introduced the situation, "Yesterday, a traveler passed by here, and the gang of thieves rushed out and killed two people..."

Yang Xuan asked: "Who are those two people?"

Later, Cao Ying sighed: "I'm afraid it's a noble person, so this trap will be huge."

"No." Yi Niang shook her head.

Muramasa smiled bitterly, "A lot of officials came at that time. I heard... one of them is Sadao's brother-in-law."

Later, Cao Ying explained, "He is the brother-in-law of King Zhen."

"Shut up!" There was a hint of sadness in Yi Niang's eyes.

Yang Xuan did not expect that he and his half-brother Zhen Wang Li Xin would contact each other through the air in this way.

As soon as Muramasa left, Yang Xuan ordered: "Old Zhao took Wen Xinshu to check the woods on both sides. The thieves must have left some traces."

The two of them went.

Cao Ying analyzed: "Lang Jun, your Majesty attaches great importance to King Zhen and King Yong."

He emphasized the word "valued" and said, "If we can't find it within seven days, thunder is coming."

In order to show his love for his two cousins, the emperor could bring bad luck to Yang Xuan and others who were in charge of the matter.

"What should I do?" Yi Niang broke the silence.

Yang Xuan touched his chin, "This group of thieves has been around recently and robbed passing business travelers, which means they have a stronghold nearby."

Cao Ying nodded, "But there are many villages around, how to determine where they are?"

The old thief Jia Ren raised his hand - this was taught by Yang Xuan.

"Say." Yang Xuan nodded.

Jia Ren said: "Lang Jun, ordinary thieves will not focus on one place to attack."

You can't point at a sheep and pull out its wool.

"Get a gun and change places." Yang Xuan nodded, "Continue talking."

As a leader, he must concentrate the wisdom of his subordinates for his own use.

"But this group of people are all starting on this road, in front and behind, looking for random areas and staring at the passing business travelers..." The old thief said firmly: "Judging from my experience, they are either too confident, or

Just as stupid as a pig."

Yi Niang asked: "What is your experience?"

For the first time, a confident air appeared in the old thief's empty eyes, "The experience of being a thief."

Cao Ying squatted there and said, "Mr. Lang, the thieves who are as stupid as pigs deserve the credit. Let alone the Jin Wu Guards and the bad guys. The local village chiefs will use their talents to perform meritorious services. How can it be our turn."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Just now Muramasa said that the bad guys in Chang'an County have been checked in the surrounding villages, but nothing was found. They are all good people, there are no thieves, and they are completely honest."

"Outside thieves can't." Cao Ying hoped to show her side as a think tank. "Thieves from out of town are very likely to be discovered on the road if they go back and forth to commit crimes. Since they are smart, they will naturally not do such stupid things."

"Yang Shuai." Zhao Guolin and Wen Xinshu are back.

"Have you found anything?" Yang Xuan stood up from his squatting position and asked.

Zhao Guolin carried the horse and pointed at Wen Xinshu, "It's just some shit."

Yiniang turned her back, Cao Ying was smiling, but her lips were trembling.

Wen Xinshu is holding leaves in his hands, and on the leaves...

"It's been a while." Zhao Guolin said seriously.

These dried and caked feces come in different sizes and shapes.

Yang Xuan took a look and said, "Since we have ruled out that the thief is traveling to commit crimes..."

"Committing crimes on the run...very incisive." The think tank gave him loyal flattery.

Will this wise man become a sycophant in the future?

Then you flatter me all day long?

Yang Xuan thought of the sycophants in the TV series, then shook his head, put aside those inexplicable characters, and said: "In this case, our only way out is still in the surrounding areas."

Even Yi Niang understood, "That means the murderer is in a nearby village."

"Yes." Yang Xuan decided to go home and watch more TV series. "Our only way is to investigate."

In the afternoon, under the setting sun, Yang Xuan entered Chang'an City.

"How?" Tang Xiaonian was waiting for him.

"It's a bad day, I didn't find anything." Wen Xinshu answered on behalf of Yang Xuan, habitually glancing at the top of Tang Xiaonian's head.

"Hey! Old Tang actually has a lot more hair?" Wen Xinshu said with a smile, "Congratulations."

"Ahem!" Tang Xiaonian said reservedly: "My health has been good recently."

"I'm so hungry and exhausted, go home quickly." Everyone dispersed in a hurry.

Tang Xiaonian got on his horse and sighed: "It's not easy to live."

The wind blew gently, and the long hair on Tang Xiaonian's head spread out in all directions.

He quickly stretched out his hand to gather the messy hair to the top of his head again and covered it with a scarf. Immediately, his confidence returned again.

Yang Xuan caught a glimpse and asked, "Suzaku."

"I am here."

"This Mediterranean hairstyle is worse than shaving your head. I bet no one in this world can pull off this hairstyle."



"Jason Da."

On the first day, everyone found nothing.

Set off again the next day.

When we arrived at a village, the villagers came out to welcome us.

"Who goes out a lot lately?"

Yang Xuan changed the question.

The village leader has been asked this question countless times, and he said familiarly: "There are many people who go out to farm, but the land in the village is all in one place, you can see it when you look up, and no one can run away to be a thief."

Even Cao Ying looked disappointed.

Jia Ren interrupted, "What about others? Except those who farm."

Cao Ying felt that this person's interruption was rude, so she frowned and became slightly angry. Yi Niang whispered: "He is a much better thief than you are as a think tank."

Muramasa said: "Yes, there are. There are old people in the village who like to go out, and their children and grandchildren take turns to accompany them, driving the bullock cart, bringing wine and food, until they come back happily in the afternoon. Alas! I am envious after seeing this, and I wonder if it will be like this in a few years.


Yang Xuan's heart moved slightly and asked: "Which one?"

The roster was in Cao Ying's hand, and the key points were marked. She lowered her head and said, "Liao family."

The Liao family is located at the west end of the village, so it is very convenient to get in and out.

According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, parents should not separate families or divide their property. Liao Hu was in his early sixties, and his family lived together in a large and lively manner.

A pair of young eyes looked out through the crack in the door. Their eyes were dull, then they looked away and turned around.

Behind him, more than twenty men, women and children stood.

Liao Baoer said surreptitiously: "How many times has it happened, and no one can find it, please calm down!"

On the third day, it was still the same.

The fourth day.

The fifth day.

The sixth day...

Travelers appeared on the official road.

A blind man with blank eyes and a bamboo pole in his hand.

A seemingly frail middle-aged man.

The blind man was riding a horse and was being held by a middle-aged man, both of whom were well-dressed.

In the woods on the side.

Liao Baoer turned around and said to his grandfather Liao Hutou: "That old guy with a righteous face will definitely help. Remember to be ruthless and kill him in one go. As for the blind man, leave him aside for now."

Liao Hutou was sixty years old and slightly fat. He nodded vigorously, with a stern look in his eyes, "Let's do it."

Then the two of them went out.


Liao Hu fell on his head under the scorching sun.


The shrill cry was like a cuckoo weeping blood.

"Aweng, what's wrong with you? Someone's here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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