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Chapter 510

"I've met Mr. Lang!"

Mr. Han, the most casual and free-spirited man, saw the Lord Envoy outside Zhouli early in the morning and bowed respectfully.

The officials couldn't help but tremble when they saw it.

Immediately, his attitude towards Yang Xuan became more respectful.

Today, Yang Xuan's identity is constantly changing. It is natural to be close to the people, but the dignity that should be exercised must also be maintained.

Otherwise, over time, others will look down upon you.

"Who is going to do that in Taiping County?" Lu Qiang asked.

"Ore is the lifeblood of my Chenzhou. Wang suddenly sent a lot less, and many subsequent things cannot be arranged." Cao Ying glanced at Yang Xuan, "Lang Jun, Wang has changed his mind like this, is there anything wrong with this?

What will happen?"

"I'll go take a look."

Yang Xuan stood up and said, "Speaking of which, maybe I haven't visited Taiping in a long time, and I miss it a lot."

That's where he started, and there are many concerns.

Taiping is now an important commercial and taxation center in Chenzhou, which makes many officials covetous and want to work here.

But Zhen Siwen sat in the position of county magistrate and did not move.

He's just a minor official, why does your Majesty value this person so much?

Many people don't understand.

In the early morning, when it was still dark, lights were lit in the county hall.

Zhen Siwen was sitting behind the desk, reading a volume of documents in his hand, recording and calculating from time to time.

"This year's taxes must be higher than last year."

"Businessmen are cunning, and more and more people are evading taxes. We have to find a way."

"I don't know what happened to you!"

Zhen Siwen looked up and looked outside.

The sky was still numb and dark, and the morning star appeared shyly on the horizon.

"If I am not a small official, how can I manage Taiping if I am not valued by you? I don't know how to repay you for your great kindness... Only by managing Taiping well, return every grain to the warehouse, and save every penny and every grain of grain.

They were all gathered up and sent to Lin'an."

He picked up the water glass and took a sip of strong tea, then picked up a piece of cake from the plate and chewed it carefully.

"Hey! If you chew this dry pancake carefully, your mouth will be filled with the aroma of wheat. How can the big fish and meat taste like this?"

After eating a piece of cake, Zhen Siwen got up and walked in the hall.

"Your Majesty, I have been running around all over the world in the past few years, but I don't know if I have ever lost weight. Hey! I remember last time someone gave me a bezoar, saying it was a good thing that could help in emergencies. It's a pity that he was scolded by me... Otherwise, go back and gather some things at home.

I bought the bezoar with my money and presented it to the envoy."

He suddenly stopped, "I won't accept my gift, but I think you can accept my gift, right? If you don't accept it, I won't be able to kneel down... Yes, that's it!"

He sat down happily and started to work.

But then he thought about the iron ore, and he couldn't help but feel upset, and he could no longer read the documents in front of him.

"The Wang family is such a big deal! If they refuse to give it, how can we still fall out with each other?"

Zhen Siwen sighed.

It was getting brighter and the officials entered the county mansion one after another.

Seeing the lights in the lobby, everyone knew that Mingfu had arrived early again.

When it comes to diligence in political affairs, Chen Zhou ranks Zhen Siwen first.


Everyone comes in.

Zhen Siwen said: "Wang's steward is still in the city, so I invited him here."

Later, Zuo Bin, the steward who delivered the iron ore, came.

"Zhen Ming Mansion, I'm going back now."

"Boss Zuo, please take a seat." Zhen Siwen pointed to his side table.

Zuo Bin sat down.

"Serve tea!"

Zhen Siwen was very polite.

Zuo Bin also accepted it lightly, very reserved, even a little proud.

The Wang family had contact with many officials, not to mention county magistrates, even governors were just ordinary.

"The ore delivered in the past has a certain amount, but this time it is 30% less, which makes me a little surprised!"

"The Wang family is also short of ore, let's put it that way! Nowadays, the entire Tang Dynasty is short of ore."

Wang has been smelting on his own for several years, and his business has become increasingly prosperous, with demand for iron ore exceeding supply.

"It's agreed..."

We have to keep our word when we do things, right?

Zuo Bin said calmly: "The quantity of ore originally agreed upon has been several years old, and the price is almost free. Although the Wang family in Zhenming Mansion is big, the family fortune has been saved bit by bit. People should not be too greedy.


I’ve given you iron ore for a few years, almost for free, and you’re still not satisfied?

Now it's just a reduction in the number, so just jump on it. Isn't that enough?

Zhen Siwen looked ugly, "Can't we discuss this matter?"

Zuo Bin smiled and said: "It was Yang Shijun who showed up in the first place, but Yang Shijun was not here..."

How can you, a county magistrate, discuss such matters with the Wang family?

"Your Majesty!"

Someone rushed in from outside.

He said ecstatically: "Mingfu, the envoy is here!"

Yang Xuan is here.

When he saw Taiping City, he heard cheers from the top of the city.

The soldiers raised their swords and guns and shouted: "The envoy is coming!"

Han Ji smiled and said: "Lang Jun has a high prestige among the Taiping Army!"

The old thief said: "Where did the Taiping Army come from in the first place? It was a death camp composed of criminals. It was trained by Lang Jun himself. If it weren't for Lang Jun, those criminals would have been dead long ago."

Han Ji nodded, "The prisoners are almost dead, which is a good thing for the Ministry of Husbandry, the Ministry of Punishment, Beijiang, and Chenzhou."

"Save food." Tu Chang thought of the days when he was imprisoned in the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

About to enter the city.

Han Ji smiled and said: "I have been here before in this Taiping."

He came and went to Lin'an immediately.

At that time, he was a prisoner, but now he is an aide to the governor of Chenzhou.

I really can’t explain the fate of life!

As soon as he entered the city, Han Ji was frightened.

The last time he came, although the entire Taiping City was prosperous, it was in order.

But the city in front of me... was filled with people.

People are crowded together, and women don’t worry about being taken advantage of by men, the elderly don’t worry about having their legs broken due to crowding, and the children don’t worry about being abducted...

What did I see?

Several petty officials were also among the crowd.

Everyone has the same look.


"Your Majesty!"

Amid huge cheers, Yang Xuan dismounted and slowly stepped forward.

He looked at these slowly.

Familiar streets, familiar shops, familiar signs...

Those unfamiliar faces suddenly became familiar.

It seems like we get along day and night.

Talking and laughing.

When he came to Chang'an from Yuanzhou, he experienced a lot.

Chang'an was prosperous and the center of the Tang Dynasty, but Yang Xuan never found a sense of belonging in that city.

He felt like a prodigal, wandering around.

Lin'an today, Taoxian tomorrow, Southern Xinjiang the next day...

Just wandering like this.

I can't see where my home is.

I can't find my roots.

It was time to reach peace, he felt.


"Your Majesty!"

An old man stretched out his hand.

Yang Xuan held his hand and said with a smile: "Slower, slower!"

The old man said: "Do you still remember the villain?"

Yang Xuan thought for a moment, "You are... Maoqu's Mr. Li, right? I remember that time we fought with someone and howled in front of me."

Everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The old man's face turned red, "Your Majesty told me to let the villains have a good life and do their jobs. Don't even think about cheating. The villains will listen!"

"Then what are you doing now?"

"The villain has a slow temper, so he learned how to make boots from others. Now he has money and food in his account every day. He can support himself and still have a surplus."


Yang Xuan patted the back of his hand.

"Your Majesty!"

A woman squeezed over desperately, "Your Majesty, do you still remember me?"

Yang Xuan looked at her, "Zheng Wuniang?"

That woman who killed her husband!

"Are you still making fufu today?"

Zheng Wuniang vowed to make Fufu the best in Taiping County.

"The buns made by me are now known to everyone in Taiping. I also hired five people to help me..."

"This business is not small." Yang Xuan was very pleased.

However, Zheng Wuniang held his hand tightly and said, "Shi Jun, Nu said at the beginning that he would take care of children for Shi Jun, and I have been studying in the past few years! Shi Jun, Nu is willing to go to Lin'an and become a slave!"


How did you say this?

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "You are living a good life now, why do you need to be like this?"

But he likes to eat steamed buns, so he can't help but feel a little moved.

Zheng Wuniang's body slipped and she knelt down.

"If it weren't for the envoy, the slave would have been killed long ago. The envoy is the benefactor of the slave. The slave set up a memorial tablet for the envoy at home and prayed to God to bless the envoy every day. If the envoy did not agree, the slave would Close the fufu shop and go to the state house to guard it."

This thing!

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Get up."

Although he smiled, Zheng Wuniang felt a chill in her heart and quickly stood up.

But as soon as she stood up, the crowd behind her surged forward, bumped her, and threw herself into Yang Xuan's arms.

"Hey!" It's not okay for Yang Xuan to reach out, and it's okay not to reach out.

Zheng Wuniang stood up with a blushing face.

"We'll talk about it later!"

Yang Xuan glanced at the old thief.

The old thief said with understanding: "You go back, someone will look for you later!"

Yi Niang said that she could take care of the child, but Yang Xuan didn't want her to work too hard. Yang Xuan, who was using the Zhou family, was also a little unhappy. He was thinking of finding a way to solve the problem, and Zheng Wuniang appeared at the right time. .

What Zheng Wuniang committed seemed cruel, but it was excusable... Her husband was full of evil, and it was all thanks to her hard work to support the family. That was all, the man often got drunk and came back to beat her severely. She also tolerated it.

But the man was cruel to the child. Zheng Wuniang lost her mind and stabbed her man to death with scissors.

If it weren't for Yang Xuan, Zheng Wuniang wouldn't have been able to gain a foothold in Taiping. She was quite pretty, and without a backer, she would have become the plaything of those men. In a few years, the men who got tired of playing with her would send her to a brothel to pick up clients. From then on, this person It's ruined.

Therefore, unless this woman is crazy, she is a good candidate.

Han Ji praised: "Lang Jun has such prestige in Taiping, which is rare in the world."

He had met many local officials in the past, even if they were outstanding, at most they would be greeted by some common people and gentry when they left office.

But when Yang Xuan arrived today, Taiping was greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm.

This lord's ability to govern is extremely good.

Yang Xuan walked hard all the way, and Zhen Siwen heard the news and came to greet him halfway.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhen Siwen was extremely excited.


Yang Xuan was also quite happy to see Zhen Siwen and patted him on the shoulder. He felt unhappy when he saw a man standing outside the county house, quite reserved.

"Your Majesty, this is the Wang family's steward, Zuo Bin."

"What did he say?"

"It is said that the ore has been given to us for free for several years. It has already exhausted its kindness and righteousness. We still want to get more..."


"I didn't say that, but that's what I meant."


Yang Xuan walked over.

"I've met the envoy." Zuo Bin saluted.

"Where did it come from?"


"I heard that the Wang family has reduced the ore supply to Taiping?"

Yang Xuan asked as he entered.

Zuo Bin followed, "It's not a reduction. But you don't know, now the Chunyu family has also opened a mine and competes with the Wang family to sell ironware. If you want a low price, you have to have a large quantity. Therefore, the Wang family is in urgent need of a large amount of ore."

"Where's Taiping?"

"Taiping, sir, do you want to tell me about the original agreement?"

"What do you think it is?"

"Forgive me, my family has been pressing for the ore a while ago, so I can only give this place to my family first."

"There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first before others."

"Thank you for your tolerance."

The relationship between the person in front of me and his family is somewhat complicated. It is said that Erlangjun picked him up on the road a few years ago and later recommended him to the Imperial College.

I just didn't expect that this country boy would have extraordinary circumstances and become the governor of a state.

Zhen Siwen looked at Zuo Bin, thinking about how reserved and arrogant he was towards her before, but now he was slightly bent over with a smile on his face, and he couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

Sure enough, you still need to be able to intimidate such villains!

Entered the lobby.

Yang Xuan sat on his seat and said, "Sit politely."

"In front of you, the subordinate officials dare not sit down."

Zhen Siwen's attitude is that of loyalty.

"Sit down!"


Yang Xuan said: "I haven't been to Taiping for a long time, and I miss it a lot. There happened to be some movement after a while, so I came to take a look."

It is not easy to eliminate the fundamental part in three months.

At this moment, Chen Zhou's scouts and even Yang Xuan's guards were exploring the direction of the Jibo Department.

Yang Xuan needs an opportunity to take action.

Once it takes action, how will the Tiger Control Department respond?

If Zhang Zhuo wants to sit back and watch the end of the Jibo Department, the best way is to attack Chenzhou.

In this way, you can not only do business for Tanzhou, but also take advantage.

"In recent months, more scouts have been sent out and the city defense has been more cautious. In addition, you should go to less busy places."

Zhen Siwen's heart froze, then warmed up, thinking that you still remember my safety at this time, which shows that you care about me.


After Yang Xuan explained the whole matter, he picked up the water glass and took a sip of tea.

"At the beginning, I discussed with the Wang family and decided on the amount and price of iron ore to be given to Taiping every year. This matter was not formed in a written contract, but I don't think Wang will break the promise."

This tone is not good.

Zuo Bin smiled and said: "I will make up for it next month."

Yang Xuan said: "What is the number one priority in life? Credibility!"

Zuo Bin felt that Yang Xuan's attitude was wrong.

According to his cousin Zuo Sheng, who is the new manager of the mine at the moment, Yang Xuan married the daughter of the Zhou family and was actually somewhat alienated from the Wang family. In this case, it is right to have less iron ore.

The reason for giving less iron ore was not only because the Wang family was in urgent need, but also because the Wang family did not want to cause trouble for themselves after breaking away from the big circle of one family and five surnames.

In the past, Yang Xuan was just a county magistrate, or even a governor.

But after the southern expedition, Yang Xuan became a famous general of the Tang Dynasty.

However, this famous general was at odds with Yang Songcheng and others. The Wang family was alienated from the Yang family, but they would not be enemies with the Yang family.

Yang Xuan and the Yang family were enemies, so it didn't matter if the Wang family gave them some iron ore.

The Wang family also has connections in Northern Xinjiang, and they received news a while ago that Huang Chunhui actually gave the emperor a favor, and Yang Xuan was the vanguard.

Offend the Yang family, offend the emperor...

Zuo Sheng's ability to observe words and emotions was very strong, so this time was a test to see Yang Xuan's reaction.

Yang Xuan should be angry!

What conditions will be imposed subsequently?

He pretended to smile bitterly, "I will try my best to mediate this matter..."

Yang Xuan spoke.


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