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Chapter 575

Chen Zhoujun left the city.

"Where's Yang Gou?"

Yelujue asked.

Eagle Guard said: "Yang Gou is still in the state."

"How many people came out?"

"Tens of thousands!"

"This is about to attack!"

"Damn it!" Yelujue's eyes were gloomy, "Go back immediately. First, go to the Tiger Control Department to deliver the news and ask Zhang Zhuo to prepare. Then go to Tanzhou to inform He Lianrong."

More than ten Eagle Guards looked at Yelujue, "What about you?"

"That traitor He Lianyan is still there." Yelujue said, "Letting her live would be a shame to me, Daliao!"

The Eagle Guards dispersed towards several city gates.

"You can't leave the city today!"

The defenders at the city gate used all their horses.

"Can't leave the city?"


The Eagle Guards turn around.

"He wants to block the news!" Yelujue said, "Wait!"

He took the people to the opposite side of Zhouli.

"After I set out, I put guards on various places in Chenzhou, mainly in the southern part of the town."

Yang Xuan explained some things in the check-in room.

Once the Tiger Taming Department is eliminated, the role of the southern part of the town will be subtle.

After leaving Zhouli, many people gathered on both sides.

"Destroy the Tiger Control Department!"

Someone shouted!

"Capture Zhang Zhuo alive!"

Yang Xuan nodded slightly.

He Lianyan followed him, and she will follow him this time.

Further behind is Jiang Heer.

The army needs people to handle documents and handle some clerical affairs. Jiang He'er has made great progress recently, and Yang Xuan is ready to sharpen her.

He Lianyan whispered to Yang Xuan: "He Lianrong will be worried about those tribes making trouble, so it is impossible for Tanzhou's army to dispatch in full force..."

Yang Xuan nodded.

"Dog thief!"

There was a sharp shout, and then someone flew over.

He Lianyan looked up and saw a man in the crowd staring at him with a grin.

Eagle Guard!

She thought of this almost subconsciously.

Then a black light flew over.

Yang Xuan looked at the man curiously, "Is he stupid?"

The Qiu Long Guards are all in front at this moment, and it seems that the opportunity for assassination has come.


There is another person here!

A big man wearing a bamboo hat next to Yang Xuan stretched out his hand.

The flying knife fell into his hand, and he flicked it with one finger.


Yelujue in the crowd wanted to dodge, but he just had this idea.

The flying knife is coming.

Inserted into his throat.

I'm pretty good at it too!

Unable to avoid this knife!

The crowd was in panic.

"Stand still!"

someone shouted.


Jiang Heer flew up and waved his hands in mid-air.

An Eagle Guard who was sneaking around in the crowd was hit by a hidden weapon and was immediately held down by the people around him.


The army appeared and blocked the place from both ends.

"Look at the people around you. If anyone takes the opportunity to abandon their weapons, shout immediately. This is considered a great achievement!"

Cao Ying came out.

"This man threw a throwing knife!" someone shouted.

"Get out of the way!"

Archers appeared on the walls on both sides, led by Uda.

"Fire the arrow!"

The running Eagle Guard was shot down.

The remaining Eagle Guards did not run away, but rushed towards Helianyan.

"Kill this traitor!"

Helianyan looked at them calmly.

Jiang He'er came back and consoled him: "Following Mr. Lang is the right way, they are the traitors!"

"That's good!" Han Ji nodded in approval.

The big man next to Yang Xuan said: "Do you want me to take action?"

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "The people on the mirror are probably around, so you'd better bear it!"

The big man nodded.

The people of the Horned Dragon Guard did not move. The guards first killed several Eagle Guards with arrows, and then formed a formation to charge.

After two attacks, only one person broke through the defense and rushed to Yang Xuan's right side.

He stumbled up and shouted: "Kill Yang Gou!"

"What I dislike the most is this title!" Yang Xuan shook his head.

An arrow came from the side and penetrated the Eagle Guard's forehead.

Nan He put away his bow and arrows.

"Let's go!" Yang Xuan said.

Helianyan's expression remained calm.

Yang Xuan asked: "Are you sad?"

He Lianyan nodded, "Somewhat. But the Eagle Guard took action and I completely stopped feeling melancholy."

"Eagle Guard's action must have come from He Lianhong's instruction. And her desire to kill you probably came from the Emperor's uncle's wish."

Yang Xuan found the feud between the uncle and nephew very interesting.

"The more stable his power is, the more he wants to kill me!" He Lianyan said: "I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to recognize the emperor's uncle at this moment even if we meet him."

Not the appearance.

It's a change in thinking.

After leaving the city, Yang Xuan asked the army to go ahead.

He fell behind and dismounted with the two big men.

The big man opened his bamboo hat and it was Yang Lue.

"Huang Chunhui can't stand it for long." Yang Xuan said: "As soon as he leaves and Liao Jin takes over, I will definitely go to Taoxian County. Yang Lue's great cause is about to begin."

"Yes." Yang Lue said happily: "I have seen Langjun's hard work over the years. From a Yuanzhou boy to today, step by step. I think that such achievements, even His Majesty, could never have imagined.

But don’t be anxious. It’s a big thing, so don’t rush it.”

"I know. However, Liao Jin can't hold on for long." Yang Xuan thought of Liao Jin's changes, "His back gradually bent."

"The battlefield makes people grow old. Liao Jin is a good man, but it's a pity." Yang Lue looked at Yang Xuan, "Be careful of the false emperor, that person is cunning and ruthless!"

"I know." Yang Xuan said, "Be careful on your way here."

"I am alone. Unless the Mirror Stage sends out experts to encircle and suppress me, ordinary people cannot stop me."

"So...bon voyage."

Yang Xuan solemnly handed over his hand.

Yang Lue wanted to kneel down, but was supported by Yang Xuan.

"Don't kneel." Yang Xuan said, "We still have a long time to live! From now on, stand and talk."


Yang Lue watched him carefully, mounted his horse, and turned around.

"Does Mr. Lang have anything else to say?"

Yang Xuan looked at the cloudless sky and said with a smile: "There will be times when you can ride the wind and break the waves and hang your sails directly across the sea!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yang Lue smiled long and gradually walked away.

On the third day, the army met the first tribe.

The tribal leader knelt down tremblingly, "I have seen the envoy."

"Why don't you resist?" Nan He asked.

The leader said: "Mr. Tian is so powerful that I don't want to be a corpse in the capital."

Jiang He'er said: "This man is afraid of death."

He Lianyan said: "He is not afraid of death."

"Why is that?"

"He is just afraid of Mr. Lang."

Yang Xuan dismounted and came over. The leader held his boots and kissed them devoutly.

This habit is really bad... Yang Xuan held back his discomfort and asked, "Is there any news from the royal court?"

The leader raised his head and said, "Two days ago, an envoy came from the royal court, asking me to be alert to the south. If I find the envoy's army, I will rush to report it."

Yang Xuan asked: "Didn't I ask you to resist?"

The leader nodded, "The envoy asked the villain to resist desperately, and the Khan will reward him heavily. The villain asked him if he dared to resist the envoy's army? He was speechless."

Camp that night.

Jiang Heer found He Lianyan.

"Eagle Guard assassinated you to silence you?"


The two stood at the edge of the camp, watching the sun set in the west.

"It's so beautiful!" Jiang He'er praised sincerely, and then said: "After the assassination, I found that Uda's attitude towards you has been much better."

"So, I must thank the Emperor's uncle!" He Lianyan smiled contemptuously, "He didn't know how powerful the experts around Lang Jun were. The assassination failed this time, but instead made many people around Lang Jun regard me as one of their own.


"However, there still seems to be some distance between us and them."

"That's not estrangement, but clique." He Lianyan felt that using the word clique seemed a bit exaggerated, "There are several groups of people around Lang Jun. Cao Ying, the old thief, is one group, and Nan He is another group.

, Han Ji and several civil servants are in the same group..."

"What about us?"

Jiang He'er looked at her.

"You are so cunning!" He Lianyan stretched out her hand and pinched Jiang He'er's cheek, "You can break even with a blow, I feel pity for you. We are in the same party."

"But I don't form any clique." Jiang He'er said.

"Haha!" He Lianyan said: "You and I are both from outside the Tang Dynasty."

"Do you want to say that we and my wife are enemies?" Jiang He'er asked.

"Don't hurt me!" He Lianyan suddenly hugged her waist, "My wife is from the Zhou family and has a noble status.

Don't think that she doesn't care about anything in the backyard just to be coaxed.

If you don’t talk about her, let’s talk about the lady in charge. This person is the most protective person. If you offend my lady, be careful that she will deal with you in the future.”

"Why not mention Yi Niang?"

"I dare not mention it."


"Yiniang always stands under the eaves, looking calmly at the backyard. But I always feel like she is staring at me...

I know this is an illusion, but as long as she is present, I always feel like there is a knife hanging above my head."

"Is it that mysterious?" Jiang He'er smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of Yi Niang."

"That's because you want nothing."

"Do you want anything?"


"What is it?"

Helianyan looked north.

"Go back!"

Jiang He'er felt her lack of interest, "Okay! Hey! Let go!"

He Lianyan's hand slipped smoothly, and Jiang He'er screamed, jumped up, and said with a red face: "You...are you ashamed?"

He Lianyan smiled and said: "Next time you dare to offend me, I will sleep with you."

"Bah!" Jiang He'er said angrily: "Don't even think about it! I would rather go with..."

"With whom?" He Lianyan smiled charmingly, "With Mr. Lang?"

"I won't tell you anymore!"

Jiang Heer ran away.

“So beautiful!”

Jiang He'er in the distance stopped and pointed at the sunset and shouted.

Helianyan turned around and looked.

The setting sun dyed the horizon blood red, and the clouds looked like pools of blood.

"It was the same back then."

He Lianyan was just a toddler when her family was killed. The only impression left on her that day was the sunset.

The same blood-red sunset as now.

Afterwards, the Helian family shed a river of blood.


Yang Xuan happened to come out for a walk.

"Mr. Lang."

"It's beautiful!" Yang Xuan looked at the sunset and felt it was extremely magnificent.

"Does Mr. Lang have any poems?"

Yang Xuan stood with his hands behind his hands. In his ear, Zhuque said: "For your sister, do you want to be sentimental or tragic?"

I want a shit!

Yang Xuan already had it.

"The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it's almost dusk."

This man's talent is really unbelievable... He Lianyan was silent for a long time. "Lang Jun's poetic talent is unprecedented."

"This girl is tempted!" Zhuque shouted, "Come on! Xiao Xuanzi!"

Yang Xuan felt that something was wrong with He Lianyan's mood, "But is there something wrong?"

"Does Mr. Lang still care about me?"

Could it be that a relative is here... Yang Xuan said bravely: "You are the person I need, so naturally you should care about me."

Helianyan laughed, like a flower blooming under the sunset.

"I just thought of some things from back then."

"Why bother thinking about those things." Yang Xuan said: "The past is in the past."

"Yes! I just think about the destruction of the family and feel a little emotional." He Lianyan sighed.

"Isn't it a rebellion?"

"No." He Lianyan shook her head, her hair shining golden in the setting sun, "Later, when I arrived in Tanzhou, I looked for an opportunity to find out the news. The reason why my family died was not because of rebellion, but because of standing.

Wrong team."

If you are on the wrong team, it will not be unjust if you die!

Think about the battle for the throne of the Tang Dynasty. There were many people who stood on the wrong team and the whole family suffered misfortune. It was just rare that the whole family died.

"The late emperor endured for many years. My grandfather thought that the late emperor was magnanimous, so he shed tears of gratitude and swore allegiance to him.

Many years later, something happened to a clan member, and the late emperor suddenly took action and took advantage of the opportunity of taking down my grandfather to cleanse the clan. And the reason was my grandfather... He said that my grandfather was unwilling to fail and tempted the clan to rebel."

"This method is somewhat familiar." Yang Xuan thought of the pseudo-emperor, who used the same tactics, but the pseudo-emperor was not as tolerant as the former emperor of Northern Liao.

"Emperors are all the same." He Lianyan said contemptuously: "They are all hypocrites!"

"Ahem! Emperors are never gentlemen!"

If a gentleman becomes an emperor, it will be a disaster for the country.

When a good man becomes an emperor, it is a tragedy for the country.

"That's true."

He Lianyan suddenly smiled charmingly, "Mr. Sir, do you want someone to sleep with you tonight? I might be He'er."

"This is the military, it's nonsense!"

Yang Xuan had a straight face.

He Lianyan smiled and said, "What if you weren't in the army?"

Boss Yang left angrily.

Helianyan couldn't help laughing.

It was night, Jiang Heer and He Lianyan slept together.

Yang Xuan was alone.

In the early morning, he heard footsteps approaching.

"Lang Jun, the scout met a businessman from the Tiger Control Division."

"Disposed of."

As soon as Yang Xuan said the words, he was stunned.

I actually regard human life as nothing!

The thoughts were immediately dispelled.

After leaving the tent, Tu Shang was outside.

"Why is Tu Gong on duty at night?" Yang Xuan was stunned.

Tu Shang said: "The Qiu Long Guards have to protect Mr. Lang during the day. They are tired. I have nothing to do. I am old and have little sleep. I replaced them last night. Huang Linxiong agreed to this."

"Didn't the commander quietly tell Lang Jun last night?" Some Qiu Longwei were puzzled, "Lang Jun's memory is actually so bad?"

This is a sad discovery.

Lin Feibao said calmly: "This is the master's way of controlling people, so don't worry about it."

"Tu Gong, hurry in and take a nap." Yang Xuan gave up his tent, "Come out after breakfast is ready."

I'm being hypocritical.

Yang Xuan felt that he was going further and further down the road of hypocrisy, and there was nothing he could do to stop him.

"It's time for breakfast!"

Wang Laoer's shouts resounded throughout the camp.

"It's time for breakfast!"

In the royal court, there is a row of tents behind the king's tent, where Zhang Zhuo's sons and daughters live.

Someone is driving a carriage.

"Here we come!" A group of men and women, big and small, poured out of the tent.

Zhang Zhuo had dozens of children, but he could not remember many of them.

The eldest son Zhang De has the highest status, so naturally he will not eat from such a big pot. However, he needs to manage these younger brothers and sisters.

"Stand still!"

"Shishiro, why did you bring two basins?" Zhang De pointed at a skinny young man and asked.

The boy was Zhang Zhuo's fifteenth son. He raised two large bowls and said with a smile: "Brother, there is another one for Yue'er."

"Yue'er doesn't pay attention to you, what are you doing for her?"

"It's always my sister who ignores me."

"Shameless person!" someone said sarcastically.

"His mother-in-law was tortured to death by Aye, but she relies on flattery to promote Aye's rise to power. It's extremely shameless!"

"That time Aye was constipated. He used oil to dig it out. He also said that it would work for Aye and he would wake up from his dreams with a smile."

These people lined up one by one to get food.

Zhang Hao ran back carrying two large bowls.

When he arrived outside a tent, he shouted: "Yue'er! Yue'er!"

He entered the tent.

In the tent, a thin girl was sitting there, reading a book in her hand.

Zhang Yue looked up at him.

"Auntie is from the Tang Dynasty and has taught us to read since childhood. Have you read that sentence?"

"Which sentence?"

Zhang Yue said word by word: "Rites, justice, integrity!"

The chapter number still smiled and said: "Read after eating."

"The food you brought is good for feeding pigs or dogs!" Zhang Yue pushed hard and the big bowl fell down.

Because it was a mud floor, the big bowl was not broken, but the food was scattered all over the floor.

Zhang Hao squatted down, picked up the unsoiled food, stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "I'll go right away."

After he left, Zhang Yue looked at the big bowl and burst into tears.

"Aniang, you definitely want to kill that beast Zhang Zhuo, but my brother regards that beast as a god."


This chapter has been completed!
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