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Chapter 591

How can master and apprentice work together at home?

Yang Xuan, who was having lunch in the state house, looked confused.

When they returned home, the master and apprentice were still eating.

The cook has made two meals and is picking his teeth. He said calmly: "It seems that my cooking skills are also well known."

"I've met Mr. Lang!"

Yang Xuan is back.

"This is……"

Yang Xuan looked at the three masters and apprentices who were fleeing, "Why don't you go to Tanzhou?"

Ru'an didn't say anything. Chen Hua looked up from the porcelain basin and said, "Master looks down on me."

"Then why do you think so highly of it now?"

Wang Laoer said: "It's probably because there is no one to take care of him in his old age. This person is afraid of death when he gets old. If he has no one to take care of him in old age, he will panic. Right, Tu Gong."

My lung tube... Tu Shang coughed dryly.

Yang Xuan came over and said, "Then go back to practice?"

The cook came over and whispered: "Lang Jun, these three people are so delicious, they are almost the same as Lao Huang and others."

Lin Feibao and others have strong Qi and blood, and they need a lot of food every day, especially meat to replenish their energy. But Master Ruan and his disciples don't look strong!

"Back in the mountains, my senior brother and I took turns cooking, just boiling the food. Sometimes there was no salt, so we ate it dry..."

"Your food is delicious."


After eating, Ru'an winked, and Fang Jue's face turned red, "Mr. Yang, why don't you tell the prisoner and let us go back!"

"Do you really want to go to jail?" Yang Xuan asked.

"I don't want to go to jail." Fang felt ashamed.

Chen Hua was thicker-skinned and said, "How about you give me a place to stay?"

Yang Xuan: "..."

I can’t even drive him away!

Later he returned to the backyard.

"Why did you come back early?"

Zhou Ning is holding the eldest young master while reading poetry.

"I won't leave with the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

"What two hundred and fifty thousand dollars?"

Yang Xuan talked about Ru'an's master and apprentice.

"Hahahaha!" Zhou Ning couldn't help laughing.

"Be careful A-Liang!" Yang Xuan quickly grabbed his son.

The eldest young master looked at him in his swaddling clothes and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hey! Ah Liang smiled at me!"

Boss Yang was in a good mood and said: "Four ladies, go to the front yard and ask them to find a place for those three people to live in the city."


The family took a nap. When they woke up, Yang Xuan found that A Liang had his eyes open.

"A Liang's eyes are so beautiful!"

"The innate Qi is still there and has not been polluted, so it has spirit." Zhou Ning stretched, "When looking at people, you must look at the eyes. If the eyes are bright, the energy and energy are sufficient. If the eyes are dim, the energy and energy are insufficient."

"Is this medical skill?"

"No, it's a matter of metaphysics."

"That is to say, how well you are practicing depends on your eyes?"

"Yeah! All the energy and energy are reflected in the eyes."

"You have learned a lesson, good wife."


The couple played a trick and were in a good mood.

"Mr. Lang!"

"What's the matter?"

Yang Xuan got up and went out.

"A messenger has come from Taoxian County."

Yang Xuan went to the front yard.

The person who came turned out to be Jiang Cunzhong.

"Lao Jiang?"

How did Jiang Cunzhong come to Lin'an?

Yang Xuan's eyes narrowed.

"Find somewhere to talk!"

Jiang Cunzhong smiled and looked around.

"Second child."

Yang Xuan shouted.


Wang Laoer got out of nowhere.

A pair of eyes looked particularly lively, reminding Yang Xuan of A Liang's eyes.

Innate energy...

When a baby comes out of the mother's womb, it carries innate energy, and then it is gradually polluted by the world.

The two entered the study room.

Jiang Cunzhong didn't sit down and said in a deep voice: "My husband vomited blood."

Yang Xuan, who was smiling, stood up suddenly and said in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Jiang Cunzhong said: "Five days ago, when the Prime Minister was discussing matters with us, he suddenly coughed..."

"Don't my husband cough often?"

Yang Xuan thought of many things. Every time he saw Huang Chunhui, he would either doze off or cough.

"But this time I vomited blood."

Yang Xuan suddenly felt flustered, "Maybe the throat is broken, yes, people who cough often are prone to it."

"The doctor came to see you."

"How to say?"

Jiang Cunzhong remained silent.


Yang Xuan slammed his fist on the table.


The case suddenly collapsed.

Wang Laoer peeked inside and saw that Lang Jun's face was ashen, so he quickly shrank his head. He shook his head to Zhang Xu in the distance, indicating that it was okay.

Inside, Yang Xuan slowly sat down.

"How much longer?"

Jiang Cunzhong said: "The doctor's words were very general. Deputy Liao originally wanted him to go out, but my husband asked him to say..."

"So, how long will it take?"

"The doctor said, maybe there are still two or three years."

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, "Wait."

He returned to the backyard.

"Two or three years?"

Zhou Ning held the baby and thought for a while, "The doctor's words are meant to be broad-minded. They are not just meant to comfort."

"I know that talents are their own masters."

Many times, when patients have no doubts about the recovery of their condition and are confident, the treatment effect will be much better. When patients have no confidence, no panacea can save them.

The function of many medicines is only to stimulate the body's recovery ability, rather than to cure the disease.

Zhou Ning didn't ask who it was, "I said two or three years, one year at most."


Yang Xuan stood up and went out. He stopped at the door. He wanted to look back several times, but held back.

"Who is it?" Zhou Ning asked.

"Huang Xianggong."

"Let me go take a look!"

"But where is A Liang!"

"Take it with you!"

"A Liang is too young."

"I have my own way." Zhou Ning stood up, full of confidence.


Yang Xuan left.

Aunt Guan said: "The young man is still young! His soul is not intact. Generally, children of this age cannot go out for fear of bumping into something."

In Chang'an, when young children go out, their parents and family members will hold a stick of incense.

"That's Huang Chunhui."

"Huang Chunhui will not live long. Even the beggars in Chang'an know this."

"You don't know that Zitai's methods may seem ruthless, but he is very affectionate. In Northern Xinjiang, there are two people he doesn't want to let go of. One is Liu Qing, and the other...is Huang Chunhui."

Yang Xuan arrived at the front yard.

"Arrange manpower and go to Tao County immediately."

Jiang Cunzhong said: "Deputy Ambassador Liao asked me to come here to tell you, be careful over there in Tanzhou."

At the moment when Huang Chunhui was vomiting blood, there could only be good news.

"Peace of mind."

Yang Xuan ordered: "Let me go to Zhouxia. Lu Qiang and Cao Ying will stay behind. I will take Lao Huang, Wu Da and others to set off."

Turning around, he asked: "Does the outside world know about my husband's condition?"

Jiang Cunzhong said: "There were many people in the lobby at that time, but Deputy Envoy Liao asked not to tell anyone."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "The best way to keep a secret is not to tell it. Once Beiliao knows the news, it will be very troublesome for the future."

Huang Chunhui is the mainstay of Northern Xinjiang. If something goes wrong with him, Northern Xinjiang will be in chaos for a while.

The Yang family came out with two carriages. Zhou Ning, Zheng Wuniang, A Liang and Wet Nurse took one, and Huahong and others took the other.

"Set off!"

More than a hundred cavalry, plus the two hundred cavalry brought by Jiang Cunzhong, set off.

"Your Majesty brought your family with you. Are you going on a spring outing?"

"Probably so!"

More than three hundred horsemen escorted two carriages out of Lin'an City.

Racing all the way!

Yang Xuan rode on the left side of the carriage, thinking about the situation in Taoxian County and paying attention to the carriage.

"How is Liang?"

"Peace of mind!"

The car curtain opened, Zhou Ning hugged A Liang and waved his right hand gently.

A Liang stared outside blankly and suddenly laughed.

There is a mother-in-law who practices medical skills. She is so special!

At this moment, Yang Xuan forgot about the acupuncture box that scared him.

It is still one day away from Taoxian.

Zhou Ning's daily practice apart from using the mystical skills on Ah Liang is to restore his inner breath.

The carriage is carefully crafted by the Taiping Workshop, and great efforts have been made in terms of shock absorption.

“So comfortable!”

Huahong and Yanxiao were sitting in the carriage, opening the curtain from time to time to look outside.

"Hey! What is that?"

Huahong asked, pointing to the left.

On the left side, a long black line is stretched forward parallel to this side.


Uda shouted loudly.

"Mr. Lang!"

Yang Xuan in front said: "Check!"

"Take orders!"

Uda waved his hand, and a group of guards rode out of the group and leaned to the left.

The carriages and horses were sparkling, being protected in the middle and galloping.

Zheng Wuniang held her child in her arms and glanced at Zhou Ning, who was practicing with her eyes closed, "Madam, something seems wrong."

Zhou Ning shook his head slightly without opening his eyes.

Yang Xuan's voice came from outside the car, "Don't worry."


Zheng Wuniang felt relaxed all over.

For her, Yang Xuan's words are heaven.

On the left, more than ten guards approached.

More than a hundred horse thieves were roaring and waving their swords.

"Yo ho!"

"Wild dog!"

The guards withdrew.

"Mr. Lang, there are more than a hundred horse thieves!"

Yang Xuan said: "More than a hundred horse thieves dare not step aside, but they dare to follow. There must be a large group waiting in front. Don't worry!"

"Take orders!"

The cart rolled over the grass, leaving a line of ruts.

Zhou Ning's breathing in the carriage was long and unnoticeable.

The horse thief on the left couldn't hold himself back, and more than ten riders suddenly leaned over to the right.

More than ten horse thieves rushed to the front and roared at Yang Xuan.

"Yang Gou, Huang Chunhui is going to die!"

Yang Xuan felt cold in his heart.

"How many people were in the lobby that day?"

Jiang Cunzhong knew that the news was leaked, "That day it was not just officials, but also some minor officials."

Yang Xuan said with a gloomy face, "I'll check it when I get back!"


After answering, Jiang Cunzhong realized something was wrong.

The horse thief in front was very proud.

Yang Xuan pointed at them, "Shoot them!"

"Take orders!"

Wu Da raised his hand, "Lang Jun ordered, shoot!"

The cavalry brought by Jiang Cunzhong were dumbfounded.

Riding and shooting is easy to say, but you won't know how difficult it is until you actually try it.

So the horse thieves laughed wildly.

At such a fast speed, riding and shooting...shooting hair!

"Fire the arrow!"

Locust-like arrows flew past with precision.

Only one of the dozen horse thieves remained.

The remaining horse thieves raised their hands in despair...,

"Spare my life!"

The leading guard drew his sword.

Swing the knife.

Heads were flying in the air, and carriages and horses were rushing past.

At noon, they chose a place to stop.

"How is Liang?"

Yang Xuan dismounted, opened the curtain and asked.

"It's okay!"

Zheng Wuniang smiled.

Zhou Ning said: "After having A Liang, I practiced intermittently, but I have picked it up again in the past few days."

"It's inappropriate to say anything." Yang Xuan opened the car curtain and helped her get out of the car with one hand.

Then he took A Liang.

"A Liang!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

The father and son smiled at each other.

Ouda and others quickly made a fire. For lunch, they just boiled water, boiled a pot of soup, and threw the pancakes in to cook.

The guard at the front station came back.

"Lang Jun, I found dense horse hoof marks."


Yang Xuan was very calm.

Jiang Heer asked: "How many people?"

The guard said: "About two thousand."

Jiang Heer said: "Is this intentional?"

"You've become a little smarter recently," Yang Xuan said.

"Master, don't underestimate me!" Jiang Heer was furious.


Yang Xuan smiled.

After a simple meal, we set off again.

Less than half an hour later, a group of horse thieves appeared in front of us.

"Mr. Lang!"

Zhang Xu turned around.


Yang Xuan drew his sword.

Ever since he learned that Huang Chunhui had vomited blood, the depression that he had been suppressing almost burst out.

The cavalry was swarming under the crowd. I don’t know if they were horse thieves or someone else’s men.

"Array up!"

The leader raised his hand, and the horse thieves behind him lined up in order.


The leader's indifference was replaced by a slightly flattering smile, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Huang, Yang Gou has good people around him, now it's up to you two gentlemen!"

Mr. Chen looked at Ao Ao, holding a spear in his hand, "That's easy to say!"

Mr. Huang half-smiled but did not say anything. His cynical contempt made people feel uncomfortable, "I am good at dealing with such powerful players! By the way, Yang Gou's head is worth half a million?"

"That's right!" said the leader: "Children are innocent!"

"Okay! Then, let's take this deal!"

The leader was overjoyed, "Get ready..."

He waved his hand down hard.

"Hold those big guys!"


The horse thieves were out in force.

Lin'an City needed experts to suppress it, so Yang Xuan left Lin Feibao behind.

Zhang Xu shouted: "Get ready guys!"

"Copy the iron stick!"

Dozens of iron rods met the long knife.

No one can stop a stick.

But the horse thieves surrounded the Horned Dragon Guard regardless of life or death.

Layers upon layers were like cabbage, allowing Zhang Xu and others to rush in and kill them, but they could not break out of the encirclement.

"Langjun, be careful!"

Yang Xuan came with people.

Two old men flew by.

"Yang Gou!"

In mid-air, Mr. Chen gave a sharp shout and waved his spear, trying to drag Tu Shang into it.


Tu Shang stood in front, with two spears criss-crossing each other, and the strong wind howled.

"Yang Gou, you belong to me!"

Mr. Huang couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw Tu Shang being entangled by Mr. Chen.


Mr. Chen shouted.


Mr. Huang made a volley.

The old thief and Wang Laoer joined forces, but were repulsed.

But they did not come back, but went to help Tu Shang strangle Mr. Chen.


Mr. Huang's heart was frightened, but with an arrow in his bow, he clenched his fist and rushed over.


Five hundred thousand dollars!

Even if you split it half, it would still be 250,000 yuan.

Yang Xuan raised his head, his eyes cold.


No one!

Mr. Huang is very happy!

The three points of inner breath that had just been collected were poured into the fist.

Yang Xuan's face was slightly deformed by the strong wind.

A follower beside him suddenly stretched out his hand.

One punch!

The white fist rushed forward to meet him!


With just one punch, Mr. Huang flew away!

The attendant pressed his horse's back and followed closely.

"not good!"

Mr. Chen, who was in danger under the siege of Tu Shang and the others, was stunned. Then he waved his spear vigorously and took advantage of the opportunity of the three men to retreat and ran back.

While flying by, he looked up.

The follower has already chased Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, "You shouldn't be a nobody, tell your name!"

The attendant smiled and put the bamboo hat on his back.

"I, Ning Yayun!"

This chapter has been completed!
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