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Chapter 851

Ma Sheng's stability comes from the art of divination, which he learned from the divine Han of the Xiaohe tribe. From play to seriousness, divination has witnessed his transformation from a sergeant to a general.

But today's two divination fortunes brought about Wang Laoer.

The enemy troops were caught off guard and suffered a massacre.


Ma Sheng screamed and ran towards the war horse in the chaotic camp.

But Wang Laoer rushed in first, staring at him all the way.

The enemy troops are very tenacious, and even if they are attacked by surprise, they will still resist spontaneously.

"Scatter them!" Wang Laoer shouted.

His subordinates were divided into several teams, constantly tearing apart the assembled enemy troops, and then driving them away and destroying them.

They used this tactics very smoothly.

Wang Laoer only has enemy generals in his eyes.

Ma Sheng ran wildly to the gathering place of the war horses. The groom led his horse and said, "Hurry!"

This is a loyal one, rewarded later... This thought flashed through Ma Sheng's mind, and he saw the groom's pupils shrinking, looking behind him in fear.

Ma Sheng stopped, and the sound of horse hooves behind him stopped.

"You run!"

Wang Laoer's voice was a little lazy.

Ma Sheng took a deep breath and said, "I have something unknown. Why do you know my whereabouts?"

Yi Niang told me...Wang Laoer thought for a while, "Those who cheat others will always be cheated by others!"

"Those who trick others will always be tricked by others!" Ma Sheng smiled bitterly, "Everyone says that Wang Laoer is stupid, but when I see you today, if you are stupid, I will be a fool...kill him!"

He turned around suddenly and swung his knife.

The long knife failed.

Wang Laoer was out of reach of him and asked curiously: "Since you are a fool, why don't you surrender?"

Ma Sheng trembled and raised his knife to commit suicide.


The long knife was hacked away.

Ma Sheng smiled miserably and said, "You want to capture me?"

"No." Wang Laoer raised his knife, "I still have one head left, so suicide is not counted. Come on, raise your head, I'll help you."

"Second brother, we want to take prisoners!"

The fat elder rode his horse and arrived in time.

He flew forward and knocked down Ma Sheng.

"The second one hasn't come back yet?"

Tu Shang stood outside the camp, pacing back and forth anxiously like a grandfather waiting for his grandson to come home for dinner.

"Don't worry."

The old thief was picking his teeth beside me.

"My second brother has a good temper, but he can't stand being teased. Hey! I should go with you today."

Tu Shang became more and more anxious.

The old thief said: "Don't underestimate me, we have encountered a lot of dangers in recent years. Except for the first night attack by Wahai, my brother was able to avoid danger at other times."


The sound of horse hooves came.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and someone outside shouted, "Stop!"

The camp went on alert.

"It's the second brother!"

The person who went to check it out came back.

"I'm hungry!"

The first words they met made Tu Shang's anxiety dissipate.

"I've left some food for you! Go quickly!"

When a group of prisoners were led behind him, the old thief was dumbfounded, "Where are you...where have you been?"

"I'm going to take advantage of women."

Yang Xuan came over after hearing the news. After hearing Wang Laoer's experience, he said: "Those who cheat others will always cheat them. It's wonderful!"

Tu Shang said happily: "The second child is becoming more and more mature."

All are ripe.

Ma Sheng was brought.

After some torture, Xiao Hongde's plan was revealed.

"Cruising to harass? It seems that Lin Ya's brother-in-law dare not go out of the city to fight with me." Yang Xuan felt a little regretful, "What a pity."

Han Ji smiled and said: "He Lianrong left the city and became a prisoner. Does Xiao Hongde dare to compare himself to He Lianrong?"

"I miss the days when even horse thieves dared to attack wildfires."

At that time, although there were many crises, it was also full of vitality.

A night of silence.

Yang Xuan was not worried at all about Brother Jianjian coming out of the city to attack. On the flank, Zhen Siwen was waiting with his army.

When he does things, he never leaves any loopholes, no, handles for his opponents.

Yi Niang!

What do you want to teach your second child to be like?

Yang Xuan had a headache, thinking that his second wife's future wife would be so stressful, and life would be too difficult.

The second day.

Early morning.

Yang Xuan had breakfast and began to patrol the camp.

“Morale is good!”

We are going to attack the city today, so the food is good.

For many, this will be the last meal.

Yang Xuan saw an acquaintance.

"Zhao Yong!"

Brigade commander Zhao Yong saluted, "I've seen the deputy envoy."

"Commander of the brigade, you must learn how to lead an army to fight."


Yang Xuan patrolled all the way outside the camp.

Behind him are all generals and counselors.

He pointed to Jianshui City in the morning light and said: "Back then, I sneaked into the city with Liao Zhongcheng and rescued several noble people in Chang'an. At that time, I was thinking about when this city would belong to my northern border. Today, let's go


He turned around, his eyes intense.

His subordinates salute.

"I am willing to die serving the deputy commander!"

Amidst the roar of the promise, the army was dispatched.

The army marched slowly, and every soldier's face was filled with confidence and calmness.

The servant army is behind, and they are also full of confidence.

"It is your duty to die for the deputy commander!"

The limping Suoyun shouted loudly.

His brother Lan Yun was in the front, raising his sword and shouting, "Those who retreat will be killed! Those who advance will be rewarded! The deputy envoy has clear rewards and punishments. Do you want to be a citizen of Northern Xinjiang?"


the servant army shouted.

According to Yang Xuan's policy, they are now vassals. They work on weekdays and go out to accumulate merit during wartime.

With a change of merit, you can break away from the identity of a coolie and become a manager.

With the second rank of merit, you can become a mini-boss.

After three rounds of merit, your kind boss will make you a respected Northern Xinjiang person.

Becoming a native of Northern Xinjiang is the ultimate dream of these servant soldiers.

"If you think so, then fight with all your strength!"

The army arrived at the city gate.

The cart came forward and began to assemble the trebuchet.

The crossbow array takes shape.

The servant army is resting.

"Yang Gou is here."

At the top of the city, Xiao Daqiu clenched his fists, "Let the people in the city prepare, and they will be mobilized if necessary."

"I'm afraid those people won't dare." Mo Yu visited the city yesterday and found that the people's morale was low. "I heard that Yang Gou was coming. Those people were huddled in their homes. I even heard some people say, it's a big deal..."

"What's the big deal?"

"The worst I can do is go to northern Xinjiang to build roads. I heard that Yang Gou treats those people well. He can eat meat once every five days, which is better than ours."

Xiao Daqiu's face turned livid, "Who dares to disobey under the sword? Let them attack when the time comes. Anyone who retreats will be killed!"

"I'm just afraid of a counter-attack."

"Just kill him!" Xiao Daqiu took a deep breath when he saw the trebuchet was assembled.

"Since Yang Dog took charge of northern Xinjiang, he has changed his stubborn style and frequently attacked Daliao. Whenever the city is breached, this dog will cause people to massacre the people in the city..."

The few people who helped carry the arrows were muttering.

"We said we were going to build roads, but where was the massacre?"

Xiao Daqiu's voice echoed at the top of the city, "Don't forget, back then Daliao had coerced the Tang Dynasty and made the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty sign an alliance under the city. Just a few years ago, my cavalry from Daliao threatened the people of Taoxian County and ordered the people of Northern Xinjiang to

Feeling discouraged..."

One sergeant muttered, "Isn't this a morale-destroyer?"

The enemy is right under the city. What's the use of pulling these things at this time? It will only make the soldiers think that the Tang army is fierce.

"Is it because the Tang army is so fierce? No!" Xiao Daqiu shouted: "It's because our Daliao generals are too selfish, and it's because Yang Gou's methods are too cruel. Jingguan and the erecting of poles have greatly damaged the morale of our army. Faced with such cruelty,

What should I do with the means?"


Xiao Daqiu drew his sword: "We should respond with more cruel methods. Warriors of Daliao, your ancestors went deep into the Central Plains, burned, killed and looted. Have their descendants lost their courage today? Tell me.

I’m here, where’s your courage?”

In the last years of the Chen Kingdom, there was a melee in the Central Plains, and the Northern Liao Dynasty took advantage of the situation and rushed in, burning, killing, and looting. Unfortunately, the warlords who were fighting suddenly stopped fighting, formed a coalition, and drove them out.

Then, let’s continue fighting!

Until, a Tang Dynasty was killed.

——Civil strife is civil strife, and the foreign claws will only get in.

Chop it off!

In the Central Plains at that time, even a small warlord dared to bare his teeth at Liao!

Xiao Daqiu's words successfully reminded the people of Northern Liao of the generosity of their ancestors.


Our ancestors used to beat people in the Central Plains!

For the same people, why can't they do it now?

Courage just surged up.


a sergeant roared.

"For Daliao!"

Countless people were raising their arms and shouting.

The morale is like a rainbow!


Below the city, the trebuchets broke out.

Stones flew up to the top of the city, creating puddles of blood.


The city walls are trembling!

Xiao Daqiu remained as still as a mountain, with a steady gaze, "Don't worry, the city wall has been reinforced. Even if it is broken, it will not collapse."


Before he finished speaking, a section of the city wall suffered a heavy blow and the battlements collapsed, but the overall situation was fine.

"It's really good."

Mo Yu praised.

"One trick, you can eat it all over the world? Yang Gou underestimated me!"

Xiao Daqiu sneered, "Now, let's see what he can do. Soldiers will stop him, water will cover him, rain or shine, I'll wait for him!"

Under the city, Yang Xuan had already seen this situation.

"The city wall has been reinforced." Someone risked his life to get closer to investigate, "There are stones inside."

"No wonder!"

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "It would cost a lot to repair the city wall like this. No wonder a large amount of money was spent on food."

Tu Shang said: "Mr. Lang, the guard wants to use this to defend."

"They are all afraid of my strategy. I am thinking, if the opponents I encounter in the future use such stupid methods... it will be very interesting!"

Thinking of future opponents using the turtle formation when they meet him, Yang Xuan couldn't help but wonder, "But what about the so-called majesty of Daliao?"

He turned around and said, "Suoyun!"

Suo Yun trotted over and knelt down, "I've met the master."

Yang Xuan looked at him, "The city is over there, tell them, there are no means in this battle, just crush them!"

Suo Yun raised his head, "Every prisoner camp is willing to die for the master!"

"I'll wait and see!"

Yang Xuan raised his hand, "Crossbow!"

The crossbowmen began to prepare.

Suoyun led the prisoner camp to the camp.

"For the deputy envoy!"

Suoyun shouted, "Kill!"

"For the deputy envoy!"

The prison camp attack began.

"Fire the arrow!"

A wave of crossbow arrows was fired, densely covering the city in front.

However, the two crossbows fired at the top of the city also caused some damage in the crossbow array.

The stairs were set up, and each of the prisoners held long knives and shields and rushed up with gritted teeth.

They are from Northern Liao, and the defenders at the top of the city are also from Northern Liao.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth and regarded the other party as a life and death enemy.

As soon as they made contact, the defenders were put to the test by the prisoner camp's bravery and fearlessness.

A prisoner camp, that is to say, work is done but no efforts are made... This is what everyone thinks.

Unexpectedly, the prisoner camp burst out with huge fighting power, instantly defeating the enemy in front of them.

"Bitch bitch slave!"

Xiao Daqiu smiled evilly, "Let the reserve team come in and kill all these rebellious people!"

The defender's reserve team came up, and the two sides strangled each other.

When the prisoner camp achieved a breakthrough, the defenders did not hesitate to mobilize their reserves and drive them back again.

The composition of the prison camp is very complicated. All the Northern Liao people who have been captured over the years are included in it, from all over the world, from Tanzhou, Neizhou, and prisoners from the original war.

Yang Xuan ordered his troops to disperse them and organize them into teams of coolies to work. This was also the case during the war.

In this way, they cannot form small groups according to the military establishment.

Moreover, the prisoner camp has a rule of sitting together. Anyone who dares to commit an offense will be punished by the same team.

Therefore, in the past few years, there have been no major incidents in the prison camp.

Now, they rush to the city and fight for their freedom.

The defenders fight for military orders.

The two sides broke out into brief attacks, and then dispersed. They gathered again, and broke out again...

Corpses piled up at the top of the city, so much so that after the subsequent prisoner camps reached the top of the city, they could not find a place to stay.

"Tragic!" Han Ji was stunned by this tragic scene.

"Prisoner camp, brave!"

Tu Shang said.

Yang Xuan also saw it, "Send my order, Suo Yun, Lan Jian has made great contributions in commanding the prisoner camp, and will be rewarded with 10,000 coins!"

Money is used everywhere in Northern Xinjiang, and ten thousand dollars is really not a small amount.

A guard rode up to Suoyun, who was approaching the commanding officer.

"Master's order."

Suo Yun and Lan Jian stood with bare hands.

The guard loudly said: "Suoyun, Lan Jian has made great contributions in commanding the prisoner camp, and he will be rewarded with 10,000 coins!"

Suo Yun raised his head, with tears in his eyes, turned around and knelt down, "Thank you, Master!"

He stood up and shouted sternly: "Shield!"

Lan Jian said: "Brother..."

Suo Yun stared at him and shouted: "Master is so kind and loving, I have to let people see it today. Master has not misjudged the person. Get out of the way!"

He limped and rushed to the bottom of the city, climbing up step by step.

"Lang Jun, Suo Yun is here." Lin Feibao reminded.

Yang Xuan saw the limping figure and said, "This man is talented!"

It’s good to be able to keep the prisoner camp in order and mobilize such blazing morale!

"Mr. Lang, this man is very loyal!" Jiang He'er said.

Han Ji smiled and said, "The so-called loyalty comes from Lang Jun's power. It's not true."

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Even if he died, he would not dare to betray me!"

Boss Yang still has this confidence.

The fighting at the top of the city was extremely fierce. The soldiers in the prisoner camp repeatedly charged and killed, and were repelled time and time again, and charged up again and again.

"No one flinched!" He Lianyan was moved.

This is the true nature of the Daliao warriors, but now this bravery has chosen its master.

The fight between the two sides was indistinguishable.

Yang Xuan saw that the enemy's reinforcements were slowing down.

Moreover, the prisoner camp suffered heavy casualties, and it was time to rest.

He raised his hand.

"Who can get Jianshui for me?"

One by one, the soldiers raised their heads.

"I am willing to serve the deputy commander!"

Yang Xuan drew his sword and pointed it at the top of the city.

His inner breath burst into flames and he roared:

"Go! Crush!"

(End of chapter)

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