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Chapter 625 Create a supernova explosion through an artificial sun

Finally got a start)

In the planetary age, war is the continuation of collective politics!

In the interstellar age, war is the continuation of civilized politics!

When Chen Mu and other strange fleets arrived in the 0459 Shield World and publicly stated that the words of the new prophet of truth were dangerous behavior, they directly touched the backbone of the prophet family.

This reverse scale is the sacred right to speak!

The San'Shyuum (prophet) said that no race or force can order them. They have the absolute right to interpret the ruins of the Forerunner civilization.

When a strange force came here, they publicly said that what they were doing was very dangerous and directly came into contact with the G position of the prophet family.

"Heretics, blasphemers, destroy them, destroy them all!"

This was the beginning of the first super large-scale war between humans and the Covenant.

Chen Mu's side has long been prepared for war, and their previous words were just to gain the initiative in future negotiations to disband the Star Alliance.

They are not here for peace.

The Covenant maintains its rule by theocratic authority, and a group that believes in the Forerunners is naturally antagonistic to humans who have acquired the Forerunner legacy.

Both parties can only give up if one party disintegrates.

After Chen Mu arrived here, he gave a speech and then began to prepare for the attack.

When the Covenant fleet released ultra-powerful high-energy plasma weapons, the human side counterattacked without hesitation.

For a moment, blazing light emerged in the starry sky, and all kinds of science fiction weapons rushed toward each other.

Antimatter weapons, high-energy weapons, concussion weapons, and strong electronic interference weapons are frequently released.

Various deflectors and stance shields are activated at full power to block incoming weapons.

Inside the battleship, both the Covenant and the humans tried their best, using artificial intelligence to crazily activate various weapons in the battleship, trying to kill the enemy as quickly as possible so as to create a chance for themselves to survive.

War is extremely cruel, and entering interstellar combat beyond visual range is like an electronic confrontation game!

What everyone competes for is the controllability of the battleship, the ability to control various weapons, and the power of their respective weapons.

The Covenant's battleships are very powerful, but their weapons reserves are obviously insufficient due to the development of the Shield World. This caused them to fall into a dilemma of insufficient ammunition when they subsequently fought against humans.

In the cold and silent universe, sparks occasionally shine, which is the feedback of the death of the Covenant warship after it was blown up!

With Chen Mu's mature scientific and technological support, and the experience of absorbing a large amount of Forerunner technology, humans will no longer use the miserable wolf pack tactics when facing the Covenant fleet.

The battle loss ratio between humans and Covenant warships this time has also changed from five to one in the original book to one to three.

The only pity is that the number of modified warships on the human side is very small, only 3% have accepted the modification. At this moment, the human fleet is very different from the Covenant warships.

Otherwise, humans could completely overwhelm all the military power of the Covenant in one fell swoop.

In the first hour of the war, the casualty ratio between humans and Covenant warships was only one to two.

In the third hour of the war, the Covenant's weapons, ammunition and energy reserves fell into a state of shortage, and the casualties between humans and Covenant warships soared to one to seven.

After the new Prophet of Truth discovered that his warships were outmatched by the enemy, he immediately ordered a fleet to fly outwards, sending news of the unfavorable battle situation back to the Covenant headquarters to look for reinforcements.

And he directly led the remaining six warships and landed directly inside the shield world.

He wants to try to gain command of the Forerunner super battleship inside the Shield World to make a comeback.

The actions of the new prophet of truth were naturally monitored by Chen Mu.

Situ Jinjun, who directed this battle, immediately ordered a clearing operation against the Covenant soldiers and brought a large number of explosive weapons to destroy the infected Covenant soldiers.

The humans on one side went to deal with the Covenant, and the soldiers on the other side went to the Forerunner control room.

Everything went smoothly, and humans found the backup of the think tank chief here. After some friendly and close communication, the other party agreed to hand over some Forerunner warships to humans for control.

"It's not a waste of effort!"

Since then, mankind has successfully obtained 11 large Forerunner battleships.

These killing weapons, which are dozens of kilometers long, weigh tens of billions of tons, and have countless forerunner weapon systems, will be another trump card of mankind.

However, considering that these huge battleships may be equipped with some Forerunner items, Chen Mu will also carry out a new "upgrade" and "purity" cleaning of these items to ensure that the core programs of these battleships are controlled by humans.

But these are all things to consider after clearing out the Covenant landing shield world fleet.

In the human combat conference room, everyone looked grave!

After landing in the Shield World, humans discovered that the Zerg in the Shield World had grown to a large scale, and it was impossible to wipe them out in a short time.

What is even more troublesome is that the Covenant soldiers, led by the Prophet of Truth, dispersed to difficult-to-defend areas in the Shield World.

They made it clear that they wanted to stall for time and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"After interrogation and investigation, it is basically confirmed that the new Prophet of Truth of the Covenant is guilty. He used the lives of millions of Covenant soldiers as tools, causing the Zerg to overrun. Now we have driven them to some core areas, which has also made it difficult for them to escape."

"Please tell me how to operate it. We can't expose too much power here."

Their original plan was to annihilate the Covenant resistance and then rely on 0459's defense system to fight a positional offensive and defensive battle with the Covenant.

But now the Zerg have evolved into a threat and have spread to all parts of the Shield World. And some Zerg have mastered the weapons of the Covenant soldiers.

If they delay here, countless variables will arise.

"Let's delay the power of the Star Alliance according to the original plan. We have the strength!"

"But this will turn the Shield World into scorched earth."

"Then we will act on both sides! One side will take away the Forerunner legacy from the Shield World, and the other side will fight with the Covenant. We need the Forerunner legacy from the Shield World to increase our strength, and humanity needs them!"

"But we don't have that many warships to protect these precious supplies. Once the Covenant breaks through, the situation of mankind will be very dangerous."

The two parties who wanted to protect the Shield World and those who wanted to destroy the Shield World fought fiercely and tried to convince each other. However, the reason did not become clearer with each passing day, but instead became more confusing.


After the sound of a table being knocked, Chen Mu said directly: "Okay, I know what everyone's contradiction is. This shield world does have countless forerunner legacies that can help mankind accelerate higher-tech industrial capabilities, but we must also consider following the

Covenant combat losses."

Not many battleships have been modified by humans. Although the battle damage ratio just now reached one to two, and the battle damage ratio was even higher in the later stages of the battle, the war potential of humans cannot keep up with the Covenant.

Compared to the battleships that humans have just modified, the Covenant's battleships are more advanced and more deadly than the weapons currently installed by humans.

Humans need time.

"Then we can only take away the most useful things, and destroy those that cannot be taken away! This shield world must not be left to the Star Alliance!" Situ Jinjun said with a look of pain on his face.

"It must be so."

After the upper management decided on the purpose of the operation, the human fleet began to take action.

On the human side, with the assistance of Najie from the Dongfeng Brigade, large quantities of valuable materials can be loaded into the dimensional space, which saves countless precious spaces.

While fighting the Covenant and the evolved armed Zerg, the human fleet collected a large number of useful industrial production equipment from clues provided by the think tank chief.

Amidst the powerful artillery fire and the sky filled with gunpowder smoke, humans methodically collected the precious materials of the Shield World.

Fifteen hours later, most of the valuable supplies in 0459 Shield World had been transported away.

At this point, mankind has basically completed the set combat goals!

"The troops continue to carry out devastating attacks on the Zerg, other troops must evacuate immediately!"

This is the last order given by mankind.

The new Prophet of Truth, who was hiding inside Shield World 0459 and eagerly awaiting the arrival of Covenant reinforcements, learned of the news of human evacuation.

"They left?"

"Yes, great prophet, those enemies have evacuated in an orderly manner! Their high-temperature weapons destroyed a large number of infected warriors, and then left here in a spaceship."

The Prophet of Truth felt quite uneasy.

More than ten hours ago, he led his troops to build a security line, expecting that the strange enemies would launch a devastating attack on them.

Who would have known that humans just besieged but did not attack, and then quickly evacuated after carrying a large amount of equipment from the Land of Gods.

The Prophet of Truth was angry in his heart, and while he angrily scolded humans for disturbing the gods' dormancy, he was also secretly thinking about what those enemies were going to do.

His inner doubts were quickly answered!

About 20 minutes later, a fleet of three rather small but seemingly dilapidated human and Covenant warships flew towards the core engine area of ​​0459, the artificial sun area of ​​the shield world.

Subsequently, the super-light engines of these battleships were started, and the artificial sun directly entered the supernova stage.

In the endless light and heat, in the radiation pulse that can easily destroy living things, in the curses of the prophet of truth and the Covenant soldiers, the 0459 Shield World directly became the most brilliant fire in the starry sky...

When other Covenant forces arrived here, what they saw was that the universe was filled with countless broken fragments.

Those are the garbage remnants that were melted after the supernova explosion~

This chapter has been completed!
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