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Chapter 131 Bad taste

The catfish was the first monster he met, no, it should be said to be a group of monsters.

He was really scared at that time.

He still remembered the mountain wind blowing and the feeling of dampness on his back.

My heart was beating wildly and rapidly, my throat was dry, and it seemed even difficult to swallow.

Thinking about it now, the lingering fear at that time is still vivid in my mind.

"Coffee~" Feifei was warning a certain restless Taotie not to approach the fish tank.

Xiao Xiao suddenly laughed.

Who would have thought that there are monsters around him now.

There's more than one.

Things in the world are indeed ever-changing.

At that time, he thought that as long as he stayed away from Mengzi Mountain, everything would return to normal. However, he never thought that he had stepped into that bizarre world of monsters and monsters. He could not look back, and he did not want to look back.

Life spans only a few hundred years.

Such an opportunity is rare. Since it is his opportunity, why should he give up?


He doesn’t know what will happen to him in the future?

Seeking immortality, he would occasionally think about it.

Especially when you feel the spiritual power in your body more and more vividly.

But he didn't force it.

Perhaps because he grew up in a teahouse, Xiao Xiao's mood has always been quite light and peaceful due to the constant fragrance of tea.

He likes to spend his days lazily.

His plan for his future life was to inherit his family's teahouse, sip tea, chat with tea guests, play chess, and occasionally travel.

He has always yearned for a realm of life that is light yet savory and pure yet noble.

Now, with a few monsters by my side, it seems good to fight monsters and level up.


Ever since he could see monsters, his life had been like a calm pool with a pebble thrown into it, creating endless ripples and ups and downs.

My life was good before, and my life now is also very interesting.

Xiao Xiao accepted it happily.

"Is your cousin okay?" Zhao Luzheng asked with concern.

"It's okay." Zhang Bo shook his head.

"That girl has been bold since she was a child. She is as skinny as a monkey. She was a little scared at first, but then she became excited and wanted to catch ghosts."

After talking about it, Zhang Bo's expression became strange, a little funny and a little helpless.

"Pfft~ I have an idea." Zhuge Yun couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Then how did your cousin encounter a ghost?"

"During the May Day holiday, she went to visit Mengzi Mountain with her classmates and suddenly got lost."

"This is also very strange. This girl Meng Zishan has been there countless times since she was a child. How come she got lost?" Zhang Bo looked confused.

"You still have the nerve to talk about your cousin? Didn't you get lost last time?" Zhuge Yun suddenly remembered their previous trip to Mengzi Mountain, and didn't they almost get lost in the end?

"Hey, speaking of this, didn't we almost encounter a ghost last time?" Zhao Luzheng also remembered the weirdness last time.

"It's possible." Zhuge Yun slammed the table hard, "How come we didn't meet each other then?"

Zhuge Yun's tone was full of regret.

"What's behind?" Xiao Xiao saw that the conversation had gone awry again, so he had to speak out to pull it back.

"That's right, what about the back? What happened to your cousin?" Zhuge Yun shook his painful hand and asked with a grin.

"That girl and her classmates didn't pay much attention at first. After all, they were all born and raised in that area. It's not the first time that Mengzi Mountain has been here. It's also a scenic spot. How can there be any danger?"

"But then they walked for a long time, but still couldn't get out, and couldn't meet anyone, so the little girls started to panic."

"If they hadn't been holding their breath, they would have called for help."

"Finally, they found a lake."

“A very beautiful lake, but it’s so quiet that it’s a bit dead.”

"Then, at first, my cousin heard laughter coming from somewhere. It was the laughter of a child."

"My cousin said she almost jumped out of fright."

"That girl's classmates didn't hear the laughter at first, so they thought it was my cousin who heard it wrong."

"And asked my cousin not to scare them."

"But later, they also heard the children's laughter one by one."

"There is obviously laughter, but there are no laughing children."

"Several little girls were immediately frightened and ran away."

"Then I ran out without knowing what happened."

"Hey, this is really similar to what we experienced last time." Zhuge Yun looked shocked.

"We were also lost, and we also found a lake without fish, but why didn't we hear the child's laughter?" Zhao Luzheng listed the similarities between their last experience and Zhang Bo's cousin's trip to encounter a ghost one by one.

The previous scenes were almost the same, so why were the final encounters different?

In fact, he really wanted to experience a supernatural event.

There was a trace of regret and unwillingness on Zhao Luzheng's face.

"Yes, I also discovered it when that girl told me."

"Later, the girl discovered that they were not the only ones who had encountered ghosts. There were also other tourists who had encountered similar situations."

"However, because no one was injured and no one really noticed anything, the people I met basically thought they heard wrong or someone was playing a prank."

"Because people who have encountered ghosts often hear children's laughter near the lake, some people speculate that there is some special terrain or geographical structure in that area, which makes the sound of the wind sound like a child's laughter.


"Isn't there a place like this?"

"Well, indeed, it is possible." Zhao Luzheng nodded.

"I heard from that girl that many people put their experiences of encountering ghosts online, which aroused a lot of people's interest."

"Most people who go to Mengzi Mountain now go there for this strange laughter."

"Mengzishan became famous because of this."

Zhang Bo shrugged, a little amused by the development of the situation.

"What kind of ghost encounter is this?" Zhuge Yun was a little disdainful. It was not scary at all.

Hearing this, Zhang Bo rolled his eyes at Zhuge Yun.

"Oh, by the way, there is another strange thing."

"Later, someone tried to record this strange laughter, but they couldn't succeed."

"Obviously the recording function of the phone is normal."

"Some people also failed to record using a voice recorder."

"So many people say that the laughter is made by ghosts, and Yin and Yang are separated, so things in the Yang world cannot record the laughter of things in the underworld."

Xiao Xiao curled up the corners of his mouth slightly, no, it was the laughter of a monster.

But the general explanation still makes sense.

Monsters are not something ordinary people can see.

Monsters have their own world and their own laws.

However, powerful monsters can also let humans see themselves.


This must be a prank played by those catfish, right?

After hearing this, Xiao Xiao was basically sure that it was the group of catfish causing trouble.

Deliberately letting tourists get lost, leading them to the lake where they live, and making laughter to scare those people who are a little nervous because they are lost.

Seeing people's panic expressions, they should be smiling happily, right?

It's really bad fun.

However, it seems that many monsters have such evil hobbies.

He likes to tease people and takes pleasure in doing so.

However, such monsters are much cuter than those monsters that like to eat human flesh.

This chapter has been completed!
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